Dear Usopp,

It's been exactly one week after your departure. The village is as peaceful as usual, the villagers are doing what they do daily, and the sun still rises every morning. Still, here and there, people are still asking why someone is not telling lies to wake them up.

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

I read a lot of books for my preparation to become a doctor. Books are amazing, aren't they? Merry is also helping me to study and he is really strict!

Love, Kaya.

Dear usopp,

Today is the festival days. It's very lively here, villagers are dancing, singing, and partying. I can't help but wondering if you're here, will the noise raise up tenfold?

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

Soge King is really cool. I can't wait to hear all of your stories. I pray for your safety every night.

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

By now, you should have a lot of stories waiting to be told. I wonder how many days will it take to re-tell me your adventure.

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

I took a glance at the window hoping it's you, not the birds.

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

Are you seeing the same blue sky as me?

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

It's been more than two years since your departure. Have you become the brave warrior of the sea?

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

Lately there are a lot of men visiting me. They bring me a lot of presents and flower, but the only thing I want is to hear your voice.

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

Today is just an ordinary day like everyday, but why can't I stop thinking about you?

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

I miss you.

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

Yesterday, I had a dream. You promised me to stay by my side.

Love, Kaya.

Dear Usopp,

I'm still imagining the day when you come back. I will give you my best smile and say "I love you."

Love, Kaya.

One Piece (c) Oda Eiichiro.

Inspired by cover story of Chapter 623.