DISCLAIMER: NO! I do not own Harry Potter or Yu Yu Hakusho (I wouldn't mind owning Kurama... wink-wink...)

Chapter 1: A New Mission and a New Partner

Kurama and Botan desperately restrained a growling Hiei from maiming an extremely frightened Koenma. Kuwabara and Yusuke, both wearing long, jaw-dropped face, were not in any way helping.

"Let go of me, you damned fox! I swear I'll kill that-"

"It's not like he's requesting you to actually become a human, so control yourself, Hiei!" the redhead interrupted. Then, lowering his voice so that only the fire demon could hear: "Besides, you wouldn't want Koenma to… inadvertently let a certain something slip, now would you?" The threat was as good as pure gold and Hiei (begrudgingly) settled down.

"Hn." The single syllable somehow sounded a bit strained.

"Would you please repeat that, Koenma, sir?" Botan asked.

"Oh, uh, yes. The five of you will be going on a mission to England. Botan, your mission is a bit separate from theirs, though it's the same basic objective, and I'll get to it later. But for Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei, your assignment is to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry-what, Yusuke?!"

"You're sending us to SCHOOL?!"

Sweat-drops all around.

"To continue. The central objective is to ensure that this boy-" here the 'toddler' clicked on his remote control to reveal a picture of a teenaged boy, pale and thin, with eyes almost as green as Kurama's, his raven black hair falling into them, though a lighting-shaped scar was just visible, "-is safe. His name is Harry Potter, aged 16. Ever since he was a year old, he has been sought out by this man-" another click revealed a disturbing-looking man, with red slits for eyes and a pallor that made this Harry boy look rosy, "-whose name is never said except by the strongest wizards: Lord Voldemort. Years ago, this wizard struck fear into the entire magical community-"

"He's so ugly, no wonder!"

"Look in the mirror, moron," was Hiei's retort to the carrot-haired boy.

"-by murdering a countless amount of wizards and humans. Harry was the only one who was attacked and managed to survive."


"So all we have to do is beat this puny guy's ass and then leave? Piece of cake!" Yusuke exclaimed.

"Not exactly," two voices said in unison. One was Koenma's; the other was that of a girl standing against the wall behind them that no one had noticed (or, well, paid attention to) come in. Heads turned to see a slender teen of about 5'8" (a.n.: I have no idea what this is in Metric!) whose black hair was swept up in a bun and whose green-brown eyes surveyed them from behind rimless glasses. She wore a black t-shirt with some band's name on it, battered sneakers, and her blue jeans were frayed a bit at the bottoms. Suddenly, she smiled a bright half smile.

"I'd like you to meet Thianadel Sherwood, who will be accompanying the four of you on this mission. Thianadel, I believe that you already know who these five are?"


Not 'Yes, Koenma, sir.' Not 'Yes, my lord.' Just 'Yup.' This wasn't one of Koenma's lackeys.

"Thianadel is from America. She's been studying with a friend of mine over there for some years in much the same way as you studied with Genkai, Yusuke. Speaking of Genkai, she's also going to be with you. She applied for the position of professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts and was accepted."

"To answer your comment, Yusuke, we don't just kill Voldemort and leave. It's just a security job. Keep Harry safe. Besides, according to a prophecy that was made, only Harry has the power to kill Voldemort and vice-versa. If you try to do it, the natural flow of events will be overturned," explained Thianadel, her voice even and emotionless.

"There are two other parts to your mission, as well. The first thing is that we've received intelligence that Voldemort is recruiting demons to help in his schemes. Unfortunately, wizards are no match for demons, and there could be some serious casualties if these demons make their way into Hogwarts. You must keep watch over the entire student body by infiltrating the four houses that the students are assigned to: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Hopefully, at least one of you will be appointed to each house, but if not then you're going to have to keep an even closer watch."

"Hey, Koenma? Could you explain about wizards? 'Cause I thought that they were, like, fake." Kuwabara had unknowingly voiced the exact same thought that Yusuke had been thinking at that very moment. A tic appeared on Koenma's forehead.

"Wizards are very much like psychics in a way. Their spirit awareness levels are higher than any normal human's, yet that's what they are: humans." Hiei grunted before the prince continued with, "They have a special kind of spirit energy that is manifested through the wands in much the same way that you, Kuwabara, created that special Spirit Sword during the Dark Tournament with the help of that Trial Sword that Suzuka gave you. Also, they rely more heavily on spells, charms, and the like than any of us do. Now, before I go any further, are there any more questions? I hate being interrupted."

No one had anything else to say.

"All right then. Botan, this is your mission- and I'm letting all of you know this because it affects you, too. You're going to be representing Spirit World at the Order of the Phoenix along, once more, with Genkai. It's a secret organization (though exactly how secret it is now, no one knows) set up by the enemies of Voldemort. Quite a few of the Hogwarts teachers are members, including the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. They're the ones who appealed to me for help, because although they want to protect Harry, with all of the attacks upon their members lately, it's impossible to keep one eye on him and one eye on Voldemort. Accordingly, this Voldemort fellow needs the attention of both eyes and it's impossible to have one eye on the boy and two on-" A glance at Hiei and Koenma revised that with, "Never mind."

But Hiei didn't seem to care about that. Instead, his comment to the toddler was: "Even though you have an obligation to look after those worthless humans, I do not. Tell me why I should bother to waste even a second of my time on this mission."

"Aside from a very obvious reason, you mean? I'm afraid I've received news that a certain person was seen brutally beating someone up in a dark alleyway. This is a crime that breaks a certain person's probation and that is punishable with time behind bars…"


"Who's this 'certain person' that you're all talking about?" Kuwabara cluelessly asked.

Sweat-drops for just about everyone.

"Well... Anyway. The term begins in two weeks, which should be sufficient time to come up with a cover story for your absences, as it'll span an entire school year. Here are your plane tickets for August 29. You'll meet Thianadel at the New York airport, (and yes, Kurama, I realize that this is probably a little longer this way) and then you'll head out to England. You'll stay in London until the 1st of September, which is when the term begins."

"As for what to bring, you only need to bring clothes for all seasons. I'll take care of the rest of the stuff. Keep in mind that human technology doesn't work inside Hogwarts walls. You can bring an owl, a frog, or a cat, but it's not really necessary. Owls are used to keep in contact with relatives back home." Thianadel shrugged. "It'll only make your things heavier."

"Hear that, Kuwabara? You can bring your precious kitty cat!" Yusuke cackled.

"Hey! Stop making fun of Eikichi!"

"Don't hit me!!!"

Everyone else sweat-dropped.

Author's Notes: Okay. So the first chapter of my first fanfic is DONE! I'm soooooo thankful for any of you who bothered to read this story! I'll admit it's pretty ambitious for a first-timer, but my imagination is currently on hyperspeed. The good stuff is yet to come, and I'd really appreciate it if you would spend a few minutes reviewing this... Thanks for everything!