Yusuke: -reading my story script-
Me: -walks into my room- What are you doing!?
Yusuke: Reading.....
Me: Yea, but that's my script.
Yusuke: I have a question.... ...there's something about this I don't get.
Me: What is it?
Yusuke: Correct me if I'm wrong, but a trilogy is a story told in three parts, right?
Me: That's right.
Yusuke: Well then, if this is a trilogy, and it stars Kuwa-I mean Kazumi, then how came at the end of this story she ends up -covers his mouth-
Yusuke: My bad..... o.o;
Warning: Lime-I guess that's pretty much it. Oh yeah and a MEAN ciffhanger. Left it off at the best part.
Looking at her lover above her, Kazumi couldn't help but wonder if what they where doing was right. She was breaking her honor code in the worse way by being with Kurama. But still, if she had to choose between having Kurama or Hiei, she would have chosen Kurama.
Feeling Kurama push harder and faster into her she couldn't hold back calling his name out loud; Flicking her bandaged tail from side to side, Kazumi thought she saw something shining outside of Kurama's window. At first she just thought it was her eyes playing tricks in her in the moonlight, but then she saw the glair again, this time it was closer then before. Unsure, Kazumi looked out the window again to try and see if there was anything outside.
"What's wrong, tiger-chan?" Kurama asked panting.
"I think there's something out there." Kazumi said, trying to see if she could feel any other presents, other then their on.
"What do you mean?" Kurama asked, turning to look outside. Then he saw something silver heading right for Kazumi's head at unnatural speeds. At that moment, Kurama made the spilt second decision that saved Kazumi's life. Quickly jerking her to the right; the flying object landed right where her forehead had been just a second before.
They were both taken off guard for a couple of seconds, looking at what almost made Kazumi's head into a pincushion; they both looked at the object in horror. It was a sword.
It was Hiei's sword.......
"He must have gotten a replacement blade for the one I broke last week." Kazumi thought to herself.
"He's here, he knows what we were doing. Kurama, I don't have enough of me Rei to hold him back if he tries anything, I can't even make a simple force field yet." Kazumi said, letting Kurama hug her into his chest; she could feel the fear building back inside of her.
"I won't let him touch you." Kurama reassured her.
"All this time, I've been looking for you at home, but I guess I should have been looking here. I shouldn't be too surprised though; you never did know when to keep your hands to yourself, did you Kurama." Hiei's voice echoed through the bedroom.
"Hiei......" Kurama hissed, pulling Kazumi closer to him.
Jumping on the window seal, Hiei ignored the pieces of glass that was stabbing into his boots and into his skin. Looking around at the spider plants that almost seemed to hiss at him, he couldn't suppress the grin that came across his face knowing that it was Kurama's kei was the cause of it. Then his eyes focused of Kazumi, who was still hiding her face in Kurama's chest. Even though she was under the covers, Hiei could still tell she was shaking from fear of him.
Fear, it was something he love to make Kazumi feel. There was nothing greater then knowing that he had power over someone, to know that just by looking at her a certain way would bring her pride down and mentally shut everything else out. To break someone down, it's harder then what you think. It takes years to finally see what it can do to a person.
So why was he holding back, he could easy take her if he wanted. Why would he tone down his attack enough for her to just get out of the way? Simple, he was mentally fighting with himself. He could hear a voice inside of him, an evil voice, and a voice that that wanted Kazumi died.
Feeling himself losing his mental struggle with the voice, Hiei now started to become under its control once again. But still, half of him was trying to jump back out into the tree branches; while the other was trying to get inside. His eyes slowly started to turn from a crimson red into almost a dark purple. His insides started to hurt, but he wouldn't show it. Mentally stringed, he let the voice take him over once again; with an unspeakable evil that flowed thought out his entire being.
"You know you're paying for that window right." Kurama said.
"I could care less about your window, but you on the other hand have something that belongs to me." Hiei said jumping off the window seal and started towards Kazumi.
"Sorry, I didn't realize I was property now." Kazumi said, letting go of Kurama.
"I'll deal with you later; right now I'm here for Kurama." Hiei said, pulling a piece of glass out of his boot.
Pulling Kazumi off the bed, Kurama wrapped her body with some of the bed sheets that fallen off earlier. He knew he would have to deal with Hiei someplace else; a fight between them now would surely wake his neighbors- if they hadn't been waken from Hiei's sword shattering his window already.
'What I won't give to feed him to my plants.' Yoko said, trying to take control of Kurama's body.
"I understand, but we have to get Kazumi out of harms way before we do anything."
"Where are we going Kurama?" Kazumi asked holding on to his arm as they fled into the living room.
"I'm not really sure myself. Stay here ok, I'll be back in a little bit." Kurama answered, pick up a spare pair of pants in the laundry basket on the right side of the couch and headed back in to the bedroom; his Rose Whip hanging by his side.
"But Kurama, you can't-
"It'll be alright, Kazumi." Kurama said, kissing her on the forehead.
"Well isn't that just lovely, a fox and tiger in love with each other. We just might have to celebrate." Hiei hissed, kicking down the door with his sword in hand.
"Lets." Kurama answered back, spinning his Rose Whip above his head.
Looking at the stand-off, Kazumi couldn't help but be in amazement that this fight was about her. But her sixth sense told her that the outcome wasn't what she would want. She had vision about it when they were still in Kurama's room; Kurama was going to be poisoned fighting, but it was unclear how it would happen. She needed to stop this fight before Kurama or Hiei ended up killing each other; she frankly didn't really need to see them try to gut each other like fish. But she was to later in trying to stop them; by the time she had gotten up they were at each others throats-literally.
Using his whip to block Hiei's sword from beheading him, Kurama push him into kitchen. He really didn't want to fight here, at least in his apartment. He was already in enough trouble with his landlord as it was, after that rumor was started about him growing not so legal substances. He was so glad that cleared up, but now everyone was looking for some reason to kick him out and he was pretty sure this would do it. But at this point he did care what they did to him.
Getting back on his feet, Hiei used his sword to free himself from the mess he had fallen into. His sword was a very interesting one; for one thing it held its own power that was controlling him unknowingly. In reality he didn't want to fight, he didn't want to be here, he just wanted to be left alone. Something was controlling him, forcing him to be here to fight his friends, to kill.
Grabbing hold of a stake knife that had fallen on the ground, Hiei flung it at Kurama as a distraction for him to get closer. In any other situation this would be a failed attempt at trying to get a cheap shot- if it even could get close to Kurama before getting knocked out of the way by his Rose Whip or dodging it. But you have to remember that Hiei can throw things faster than a bullet, so it gave him an edge. Kurama may have great agility, but not even he can dodge a bullet speed knife and watch Hiei at the same time.
What happened next seemed like a bad dream to Kazuma........
Me: I wonder what happened......
Yusuke: Another cliffhanger, why do you keep doing this to the readers?
Me: Because I can.
Everyone: You're mean.....
Me: Anyway, I have something to ask Bit-Blackmage. Well I was looking through your bio and I saw something about a Kuwa/Kur- the No Titile story. And I was wondering if I could use the idea for my own story or write it for you here at FFN?
Kuwabara: I bet she isn't going to let you.
Me: Shut up.