The Two Boys who Lived.


A fanfiction story using

several characters from JKRowling's

Harry Potter series.

All recognizable characters are property of JKR

and belong to her and her associated corporations.

This is a writing exercise and no profit is made from


A/N This story is being rewritten and submitted for NANOWRIMO 2010

The Two boys who Lived

by twilliams1797

Chapter 1

The battle was over, everyone was dead, all the bad guys, all the good guys, all my friends. I have nothing left to live for, for I have never lived. I have fought, I have killed, I have loved, but I have never had the chance to live... and now she's gone, I don't want to live..Ginny was my life, my hope, my salvation.

I was the 'boy who lived', and now I am just another body on the battlefield.

My name was Neville Franklin Longbottom.

The fires have ceased, the weapons are silenced, the carnage was too cruel, but the victory is mine. , but at what cost?. my friends are all dead, and I am slowly dying. I do have the satisfaction of taking that lying bastard with me.. it's been a week since I killed Tom,, and wonder of wonders, The grand wizard Dumbledore comes back to life and takes all the credit. what a guy., Maybe in his next life, someone will offer HIM up as a sacrifice to the greater good. God, I hope so. I am at peace with my end, for my life has never been good, with the exception of one thing, no, not thing, one person.

Hermione, Jane Potter formerly Granger. she was my life, my hope, my salvation. and that useless excuse for a man took her from me.. and gave her to the fucking death eaters as appeasement. I hear she killed eighteen of them before they killed her. My love ,you shall see Valhalla.

I've killed Dumbledore, for real this time, and I've left the Ministry a glowing hole in the ground, along with the Manors and homes of as many purebloods as I can flattened, vaporized, scorched earth.

I was the 'Boy who Lived, Harry James Potter.

July 30, 1991

Neville awoke with a start, grabbing for his wand to fend off an attack, an attack that was not there, that was only a horrid dream. He looked around, not recognizing where he was, but it was somehow familiar..he felt around for his wand, but couldn't find it anywhere, when he realized his hands were small, childlike and soft. he touched his face, his forehead, and felt no scar there. He hesitantly swung his legs down to the floor and looked in the mirror.. and was shocked to see himself at 11 years old again, without the decade of battle scars, without the divots of flesh missing from his body, without the armor that he had taken to wearing at all times.. he sat staring for a few minutes when an elf popped in and nodded. "Young Master Neville should get dressed for the day, there is much to do, and Elder Mother is awaiting you with your birthday breakfast" She pulled out some fresh clothes and encouraged him to move..

"Gran?" he whispered..Then a look of determination crossed his face and he jumped into action. "Tell her I will be there in three minutes, please" and he bustled about getting himself together, as the elf popped away.

Two Minutes and forty-eight seconds later, he entered the dining room where Augusta Longbottom sat regally in her comfortable chair.. "Good Morning, Grandmother " he said as he came right up to her and hugged her tightly. "The older woman was slightly flustered at the enthusiastic greeting, and patted her grandson on the shoulder. "Good Morning, Neville, Happy Birthday." with that she did something out of character , at least for her, she hugged him closely.

Neville held her for a moment, and let go, and sat at his place at the table.

"Gran, I have a story to tell you that you might not believe"

July 31, 1991


Harry awoke with a jerk. he groaned, silently, so as not to raise the ire of his Uncle. Then he realize where he was, and quickly checked himself out,


/11 or so years old/

/no wand or magical books around, so, my birthday or before/



he closed his eyes and groaned again. and pushed open the door to the 'Cupboard under the stairs'

"Yes Uncle?" The fat man swiped at him, as if to hit him upside the head. He ducked under the swinging arm, and grabbed the wrist and put his Uncle in an elbow lock, forcing him to fall on his face. He stood on the fat man's arm and pulled back, causing pain, and getting the fat man's attention. He grabbed the top of his Uncle's head and pulled back, causing a gurgle of pain, and incoherent grunting. Petunia rushed out of the kitchen, and screamed at the sight. Harry spoke, looking her straight in the eyes, and she KNEW he wasn't joking. "take another step and I kill him now" The fat man tried to roll over, and Harry pulled back HARD and there was a popping sound as the shoulder dislocated . Vernon screamed in pain and fainted.,

"Here's what it's going to be.."

Vernon lay on the floor, up against the couch, sweat pouring of his brow, his arm and shoulder at an unusual angle Petunia sat next to him, shivering in fear, while Dudley cringed. They were all frozen in place by way of a compulsion charm.

He looked at Petunia. "Are any of my mother's belongings here, in the house?"

Petunia slowly nodded and spoke:"there is a small trunk in the basement of her things, I was supposed to give it to you,, but instead I hid it" Harry scowled at this. "Go get it, now, and I MIGHT let him live.." She jumped up and scurried over to the basement door and you could hear her crashing and throwing things around, then a thumpthumpthump and she dragged a trunk into the room. "Sit" she did, gathering her fat little boy in her arms. Harry looked at the trunk, it was locked. "I could never get it open, I tried to burn it, it wouldn't burn, I tried to throw it in the river and it came back., it's a cursed thing"

"Of course you couldn't get it open, you are not a Potter"

He laid his hand on the trunk, and it clicked, falling open. There were letters, a pair of wands, a photo album, a small pensieve, and a box full of memory vials.

"Well, this is a start"

'"I'm leaving, and not coming back, so you won't have to put up with me any more.."

"Oh, thank God"..Petunia cried out..

"But first, I have to make some adjustments... and a phone call."

Petunia looked scared..

Harry took Lily's wand and cast a few wards, hiding any magic after that under a shield, and since Lily's wand did not have any tracking charms on it, the ministry couldn't tell if it was an adult wizard or not.

He bound the three with a petrificus, and stunned them. He cast an obliviate on the events of the day thus far, and set some compulsions in place.

"Hello, Children's services? no, sorry I can't speak up, Sniff.. no, sorry, I have to be quiet or they'll come beat me again.. and Uncle will do...things to me ..again... no.. I am in my cupboard under the stairs.. he said he would kill me and dispose of the body.. I'm locked in, and the dog chain is hurting me..yes, Aunt Marge beats me and uses her dogs chain on me, makes me wear a collar and nothing else.. er..umm. privit drive, number four.. My name is, I don't know my real name, but teacher calls me Harry.." yes ma'am, I'll hide, thank you.."

He hung up and smirked.

he walked over to the bound Vernon. "You're about to be in for the ride of a lifetime Vernon..Enjoy" He picked up the trunk and went out to the back garden and waited under a disillusionment charm.

The Police screeched up to the front and back of the building, there was hammering on the door, and the neighbors were out in force, looking to see what was up. The police broke down the front door and found an unconscious Vernon Dursley being tended by his wife, who was snarling. If I catch that freak, I'll kill him!" Dudley sniffled and wet himself. Vernon groaned.

The police found the cupboard under the stairs with a lock on the door, and blood on the floor and walls inside. "No sign of a body, but blood everywhere." ewww, whats this?" the officer held up an object with a pencil. The other officers looked and took out his radio. "Get a forensics team , and a sexual assault investigator over here, now"

The first officer put the used,bloody condom in an evidence bag.

Arabella Figg looked on as the police took the three Dursley's out and put them in a van to the jail. she never felt the spell hit her from behind, as she was obliviated and instructed in what to say when asked.

Mr Tibbles looked on with interest.

Harry apparated away to an alcove off Knockturn Alley and composed himself.