I am…amazed at the response that this thousand-word blip got. I don't really understand the fascination with it, but I can roll with it. Seriously, thirty-odd reviews requesting me to continue this, along with 100+ favorites and 50+ follows.
I'll be honest and say that I don't remember anything that I may or may not have had in mind when I wrote that "I'll probably have to come back to this later", but sitting and reading through this by itself, I could come up with three different story plots and another four bits and pieces that could resolve themselves into oneshots or drabbles.
I don't actually have any particular attachment to this (as cute as it is), so here are the things that I came up with in the thirty minutes I have to spare, and if any of YOU want to continue this, feel free.
Plot 1: Story begins with Harry running out of the arena. Dragon sulks over her eggs. Dragon handlers ask Harry to come back and talk with her some more. Dragon ends up refusing to leave Hogwarts. She ends up having an absolute fit when Harry goes into the water (water vs. fire, highly doubt that dragons like water). Then, during the end-of-the-year fiasco, she ends up rescuing Harry from Voldemort, frying the Death Eaters, and not letting Harry out of her sight for the next decade. Happily ever after, the end.
Plot 2: Story begins with Harry with his "ol' buddy, ol' pal" Voldie in the graveyard. Somehow (up to you), Mama Dragon knows that her "chick" is in danger and comes screeching in to save him, only to realize that Harry's handled himself (up to you as to how). They end up spending the summer together once she pries out of him how his relatives treat him (because you can't get much safer than under the wings of a protective dragon). Insert cutesy scenes filled with Harry getting accidentally toasted/squashed/scratched up by his "siblings". Fifth year comes around, Harry's talking with Mama Dragon and lets slip about the Blood Quill. Mama Dragon (Harry's "siblings" in tow) comes marching back to Hogwarts, pries off the roof of Hogwarts, and makes Umbridge piss her pants because she's got a protective Mama Dragon staring her down. Voldie happens to make his appearance in the Ministry shortly thereafter. Mama Dragon doesn't particularly like Sirius, but Harry does and so Harry's trying (and failing) to sneak her into the Ministry with him (because she won't let herself be left behind). Insert comical image of her getting stuck in the elevator shaft, and frying the Death Eaters that come to investigate all the roaring and banging. Voldemort happens to be in the mix. After getting her unstuck, happily ever after, the end.
Plot 3: Story begins after everything has well and truly gone to hell in a handbasket. Harry, Ron, and Hermione end up retreating to Romania (Ron's brother Charlie, for instance, invited them) for a break (or whatever suits your purpose). Mama Dragon instantly recognizes Harry again and Ron, Hermione, and the dragon handlers spend the next two or three days trying to convince her that letting him go was a good idea, really. Of course, during those two or three days, Harry is catching her up on all the trouble that he's gotten into and out of, and she's incensed by his treatment in his homeland. On the last day, she just cracks and flies out of the dragon sanctuary, west to Britain, dragging Harry along with her. She starts cleaning up Britain by virtue of prying off the Ministry of Magic's roof and stringing wizards up by their collars. Harry, of course, is alternately crying with laughter and pointing out people that he for sure knows aren't great people. She treats them humanely, if a little roughly, and plops them back in the middle of the dragon sanctuary, in a cave on the side of the mountain. She tells them, with Voldemort and Harry translating, that if they make a break for it, the nearest fence is fifty miles east and they will be stopped with extreme prejudice. Unsurprisingly, this prison holds until the last Death Eater dies. Voldemort died early on when he assumed that he was mighty enough to withstand dragonfire. Happily ever after, the end.
Oneshot/drabble 1: Mama Dragon communicating with the handlers via writing clumsily in the dirt that she wants Harry. He gets there just in time to watch his "siblings" hatch.
Oneshot/drabble 2: Mama Dragon gives dragon-esque tips on winning the Tournament.
Oneshot/drabble 3: Harry, shortly after the First Task, wanders down to where the handlers are herding the dragons back into their crates, and talks to Mama Dragon about his nightmare. He ends up falling asleep against her nice and warm flank, and wakes up in Romania. (Oops.)
Oneshot/drabble 4: Mama Dragon insists on watching her "chick" kick ass. When her actual chicks hatch, they join in on watching Harry, too, and the family freaks out the rest of the spectators. Probably because the stands are wooden…
(P.S.—why do you people like this so much? Was it the POV?)