Author has written 35 stories for Sherlock, Harry Potter, Hobbit, Merlin, Radio Dramas, Chronicles of Narnia, How to Train Your Dragon, Supernatural, Avengers, Captive Prince Trilogy, Teen Wolf, Thor, NCIS, Eagle, 2011, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Twilight. I have an account on Archive of our own with the pen name Silence_Speaker and I have changed this accounts name to match sort of. The account on AO3 is my main one. My hobbies include reading, reading and more reading... did I all ready mention reading? Disclaimer- I own nothing, none of the characters are mine, I just like twisting them to suit me. Sex Is Evil, "Loneliness is not having no one to do things with but having no one to do absolutely nothing with." -Some woman from the radio I don't know the name of. I am currently (slowly) working on several stories that most probably will never be published-insert sheepish grin here-. Stories: A few oneshots... Harmonic Cacophony - Urgh, hate hate hate. Harmony - I can't believe how sickeningly sweet it is...Deliberating between leaving it (trying to ignore it's existence) or deleting it...decisions decisions... Finger Painting - Length Unknown, rewrite. BBC Sherlock. In Progress. The Tiny Things - Length Unknown. Harry Potter. In Progress. Not Published In Progress Stories: The sequel to Troublemaker is coming along but incredibly slowly...I feel like I'm tearing my hair out whenever I try to write more for it... I only favourite stories I'm going to read again, so there are lots of others I've read and liked just not favourited. |
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