Author has written 150 stories for NCIS, and Bull, 2016. For those of you who like to know which stories are linked Milsom Bay: Betrayal Return to Milsom Bay One man and his dog Halogen ice cubes - or Tony and Tim go to Milsom Bay Grin and bear it Pink House Blues Consequences What Comes Next Being CAFALO Dying To See You Facing the Future When It All Falls Down Friends Reunited in Milsom Bay Take a Breath Upsidedown MCRT - Upside Down MCRT - Even More Upside Down MCRT - Yet More Upside Down MCRT - Still Upside Down Tony and Celeste: May the force be with you - or the perils of shopping for McGee! Tony tells a story The continuing adventures of Tony and his librarian Letters: Letters from Tony Tony's letters to Gibbs Conversations: Conversation with Kate Conversation with Tim Conversation with Abby Conversation with Ducky Conversation with the NCIS Building Conversation with Jimmy Conversation with Director Morrow Two-Man-Team Two Man Team Day Two-Man-Team-Day Revisited Two-Man-Team Christmas Day Two-Man-Team-Away-Day Two-Man-Team-Boxing-Day Bus People Tony's Omnibus Odysseys On the Bus Missing the Bus I also have a few stories under the name Kunzle Showboat. |