Reviews for Consequences
Msdib chapter 7 . 8/9/2019
Another good story.
Ayjah chapter 7 . 2/7/2019
Yes! Trust broken is not instantly rebuilt and Vance has very one dimensional thinking and vision in regards to how the NCIS works. Any job needs a variety of skilled people. Not clones
Beawild chapter 7 . 5/23/2017
I don't blame Tony. He deserved better. I hope that Vance is removed from his post.
bleeb90 chapter 7 . 8/28/2016
Good story, I loved it. And you're absolutely right, there should be no way that Tony would still feel comfortable working for the NCIS like that.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/10/2016
Great story!
Meilea2010 chapter 7 . 5/21/2016
That was awesome. Glad to see Tony standing up to Vance like he did. It's a shame that he's left NCIS but I don't blame him. Especially after the way that Vance has treated Tony.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/10/2016
Go Tony! At the same time, wahhhh! I hope you continue to write about Tony in light of Weatherly's exit. Looking at the dates you published this... I can't help but wonder if you had some sort of prophetic feeling on a Weatherly leaving...
I know this is set 2 seasons back, but still...
Hmmm... And I wonder what sort of domino affect the agents in the bullpen saying Tony doesn't trust Vance will have on the rest of NCIS...
Hells Bells chapter 7 . 4/18/2016
BRILLIANT...sequel PLEASE.I always thought Tobias would be a good boss.
amaia chapter 7 . 2/8/2016
I love the Milsom Bay stories, & this one is one of my faves. You didnt know that MW would be leaving NCIS at the end of this season, but you made his exit very real. Leon is an ass, so I'm glad Tony resigned.
DodoBirdy chapter 7 . 2/1/2016
Absolutely loved this story. The mind boggles with all sorts of possible ramifications within NCIS following the last scene ... Dinozzo not trusting Vance. Thanks for writing.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/30/2016
Great story!
Maunzeli chapter 7 . 12/21/2015
Don't like the ending, but it was a very well-written story. I don't like Vance anyway...
Maunzeli chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
Been saving these up for Christmas break...well worth the wait!
Guest chapter 7 . 12/19/2015
Nice little story; I agree that there would be no other recourse for Tony than to move on. Vance would just continue to look for, and find, another reason to replace Tony. I'm not a Vance fan and never will be, and actually resent the fact that the writers have re-painted him to be some saint-like, put-upon director that's best buds with Gibbs, and turned Gibbs into an old burnt-out, cranky vigilante ala Mike Franks. I see no happy endings for Tony in stories that follow canon - he'll always be the cheerful little doormat taking one for his team.
Jesco0307 chapter 7 . 12/17/2015
This was not at all what I've expected, but then again I should know better. You always manage to surprise me with your twists and turns. Having said that - what a brilliant chapter. First the conversation (I'm tempted to call it monologue, but then again Tony does throw in his "Yes, sir"'s, so maybe not quite) between Vance and Tony. I love the fact that Vance gets annoyed/angry/irritated with Tony, although he's nothing but professional in his behavior. Seems whatever way Tony behaves, it's never the right way for Vance. As we can see later he's obviously expecting Tony to be grateful. Well, I don't see a reason why he should be, so I'm totally fine with this solution. And Tony resigning is a brilliant move - and I agree the only reasonable one if you want to see Tony as a competent and experienced agent. His words about trust going both ways and how he doesn't trust Vance anymore (I wouldn't either).

There's only one thing I might regret about this one - the loss of Milsom Bay. I do realize it doesn't have to be, but having Tony and Gibbs in different agencies isn't a good start for them to run into Chaos when in Milsom Bay.

Thank you so much for sharing, what an excellent story!
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