Reviews for The moral is - don't do it yourself The perils of DIY
nowhere-dawn-death-phan chapter 1 . 4/23/2015
This is now ALSO confusing is it with you and Incredibly confusing stories?
Azucar chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
I was outright laughing! Awesome job!

10andRoseforever chapter 1 . 10/7/2014
Fantastic! :D
diana teo chapter 1 . 8/22/2014
Oh Lordy, this was a good laugh and a half. Excellent work!
binkeybella chapter 1 . 8/21/2014
lol, great plot, with all sorts of great fic elements that we love...and in the end, I still wasn't sure what was real and what was a dream within a dream...sort of like my own nightly hallucinations..and perhaps that was exactly what you intended! Either way, I wouldn't want Gibbs to even THINK I had burnt down his beloved living room, much less cause it to actually happen. I'm hoping that for Tony's sake, it was caffeine deprivation after all.
SherryGabs chapter 1 . 8/21/2014
Really, Really loved this! Very imaginative and funny. Thanks for the laughs. :D
ladyaloysius chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
I loved it! How fun!
angelscatie chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
Lol! That's all I've got to say
Ithoughtsheknew chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
Such a fun read. Tony's chain of misfortune immediately had me thinking of the childrens' books, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and "if You Give a Pig a Pancake." One action leads to another...and another...and another.
Okay, now we need to see if the team can rebuild Gibb's home. LOL!
LaiaJambalaya chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
VG LittleBear chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
Hi, this story had so many turns, I was getting dizzy ... in a good way. I loved the nicknames Tony gave Tim, and Ducky talking to Gibbs was ever so funny. Every one was perfectly in character, and I really enjoyed it.
Thanks and cheers!
KrisShannon chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
OK... this kind of reminded me of the children's book, 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie' :-) I love it! I still cannot figure out if this was all truly a dream, and if so, was it completely Gibbs' dream or partly Tony's dream and partly Gibbs' dream? Anyway you look at it, the story is hilarious and amazing! Great job!
barbaratakuyaho chapter 1 . 8/17/2014
Funny as hell especially when that is the way it goes when we try to fix something. I can understand Tony's feelings. Very creative.
earthdragon chapter 1 . 8/17/2014
What with all these dreams, and who was dreaming what, I was starting to wonder if I was the one on medication. Very confusing and very funny. Oh Tony, if only you'd left that scratched paint alone.

Brilliant story.
camcampgirl chapter 1 . 8/17/2014
That was HILARIOUS! I so hope there's a sequel or epilogue in which Gibbs gets revenge on them, after he, of course, finds out that his house did indeed burn down and that the team all lied to him about it. Now that would be totally awesome!
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