Reviews for The Trouble With Napoleon
katbybee chapter 1 . 6/14/2016
Two things I especially loved in this story: The awesome "Christmas Tree," and the line "Things were under control until they weren't." You so TOTALLY nailed Napoleon with that line I about fell over laughing! Great job all around!
SupernaturalGeek chapter 1 . 4/5/2016
That was absolutely perfect :)

Everything felt utterly in character from the start and I had no trouble picturing (and hearing) them both in my head as we got to listen to their customary banter. You did a particularly good job of capturing the way Napoleon just can't resist needling Illya, but always with underlying affection.

Meanwhile the humour woven throughout had me chuckling to myself, just as it did onscreen.

What also really leapt off the page were the layers to their partnership, from the way Illya had planted dummy trackers to make sure Napoleon didn't discover the real one, to Napoleon being genuinely - and endearingly sheepishly - sorry that Illya ended up injured and stuck in a bad motel at Christmas because of something he'd inadvertently done. The friendship which has grown and solidified between them was clear in every line yet without ever being over the top or out of character, and I really appreciated that it was 'shown' rather than having it explicitly referred to out loud (by that I mean you got the old writing adage of 'show, don't tell' spot on).

The icing on the cake was the image of the unique gun-tree and the fact that both of them considered it not to be their worst Christmas given they were sharing it together in relatively one piece.

Bravo :)
Pickwick Scribbles chapter 1 . 3/28/2016
I previously commented on your Miss Pettigrew one-shot, 'Bloody Fool,' not too long ago (as ). Since then, I've been going through your work and was so pleased to find The Man From UNCLE, another underrated film. I'm in love with Illya and Napoleon and have to say that you did a great job writing them, even their relationship. Possibly going to try some of your Supernatural stories next
thewritingwanderer chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
Hey! (It's Hope, and I've *finally* made it to your ff account! :P)

This was fan-freaking-tastic! :D I LOVED every bit of it. (Please, can I have some more?)
I love how you wrote the mission. It flowed and was very very believable! :)
Also, you had me cracking up so many times.
Can't wait to read more from you! :D
Howling2themoon chapter 1 . 1/10/2016
This is cool!
Anne chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
Quite delightful. You've caught the personalities of our Spy Boys very nicely, and you weave words together very well. Your writing is tight and smooth. Hope you write more fanfic for Man From U.N.C.L.E. Would love to read more.
Westel chapter 1 . 1/3/2016
Thoroughly enjoyed this! Very well done!
Jelsemium chapter 1 . 1/3/2016
Cute story! Although I don't think it's fair to say that Napoleon's womanizing got them into trouble. I'm sure that his former girlfriend and her husband would have reacted just as violently towards a complete stranger who showed up at that moment.

I got a chuckle out of the makeshift Christmas tree. :-)
SPT chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
Really liked it; just the right amount of fluffiness and whump!