![]() Author has written 15 stories for Sailor Moon, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Criminal Minds, Danny Phantom, Naruto, Harry Potter, Pokémon, and Supernatural. Username: ArtemisaDayz UserID: 5232602 Zodiac Sign: Pisces Former usernames: Rainbowdragonqueen, Dragon Queen Niji DeviantArt: NijiofDragonIsle Ao3: Akaitsuki97, ArtemisDayz Discord: ArtemisaDayz PokémonGO: Akaitsuki97, 1474 8939 9280(trainer code) Languages: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, American Sign, British Sign, French Sign Fandoms: Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Naruto, Danny Phantom, Criminal Minds, Doctor Who, Young Justice, Teen Titans, Batman, Dragon ball Z, Steven Universe, Rise of the Guardians, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, How to Train Your Dragon, Spiderman, Avengers, Darkest Powers, Harry Potter, Detective Conan/Magic Kaito Review & comment Rules 1. No derogatory/inappropriate language 2. No bashing characters that you strongly dislike 3. No insults towards the author nor to the other readers and reviewers 4. No self advertisement, chain comments, or baiting 5. Constructive Criticism is allowed 6. Pointing out misspelling and grammar mistakes in a helpful matter only 7. No mocking or demeaning behavior Stories: A Boy and his dogs (Criminal Minds) (hiatus) A Father's Sin (Pokemon) (ongoing) A new twist (Percy Jackson and Olympians) (discontinued [rewrite in process]) A Promise Never Forgotten (Naurto) (complete) I bet I can be a mother (Sailor Moon) (discontinued [rewrite in process]) Mama (Sailor Moon) (discontinued [rewrite in process]) Not by my choice! (Naruto) [rewrite in process] Once in a Blue Moon (Harry Potter) (ongoing) Phantom Trio (Danny Phantom) (ongoing) The Girl with the Blue Hair ([crossover] Harry Potter - Supernatural) (ongoing) Prompts for Harry Potter Universe: Harry Potter Prompt #1 Originally prompt #78 Sedate the Hunger Summary: Remus wasn't the only dark creature in the Marauders' year. Lily Evans had a secret not even Dumbledore knew, she was a rare breed of Vampire. Her kind can only feed off their mortal side of the family members or her mortal mate. What a surprise it was that Head Boy, James Potter, was her first mortal mate. How different is The-Boy-Who-Lived? Universe: Harry Potter Prompt #2 Originally Prompt #93 Summary: Lily was a natural seer but not only that, she can see possible outcomes of any scenario. She knew what would happen if she had a son and his destiny but that didn't happened because she had a daughter. Then another daughter fourteen months later so they, James and Lily, planned when got a new vision the day their youngest was born. If everything went as plan then no on will know "Harry James Potter" is nothing more than a golem while the real heir Potter wasn't even Britain anymore. Universe: Harry Potter Once in a Blue Moon Pronpt #3 Originally Prompt # 102 Summery: When Harry was 5, the Dursleys went to America for Vernon's business. One night of the second full moon of the month, they were attacked by a werewolf leaving only Harry and Dudley alive. Due to Harry being infected, Magical Congress of the USA decided to separate them for safety. Universe: Harry Potter / Thor or Avengers Prompt #4 Originally Prompt #199 Chance at Life Summery: Odin loves his sons dearly, he may not show it often but he does. It just there are a few traits he can't stand when comes to his two eldest. Hopefully being reborn as mortals would straighten them out, and out grow these faults. Key word being 'hopefully'. Universe: Harry Potter Prompt #5 Original Prompt #12 Mother knows best Summary: In 1976, every member of the Black family (by name) that were still at Hogwarts were pulled out. No one knew what happen, and no one got any answer even a year later when they returned. Sirius wouldn't even look at his best friends anymore and always looked ashamed. James did everything he could to help even if he had to lie to Remus about it. Especially since the cute baby girl with Remus' eyes started calling Sirius "Mummy". Universe: Harry Potter Prompt #6 Originally Prompt #300 Don't play with emotions! Summary: Harry was able to successfully get out of participate in the Triwizard Tournament, all thanks to a little loophole he and Hermione found while reading the rule book to the tournament. What better way to celebrate then to cause wide spread student panic, Marauder style of course? Lucky for him he found a century old journal with several spells clearly made for pranks. Universe: Harry Potter Prompt #7 Originally Prompt #301 My Time Warping Kitty Summary: While reading what pets allowed to be at school, Harry comments that he always wanted a cat. Hagrid took him to an old friend of his to look for one. Harry fell in love with Duchess on first sight, it wasn't until later that he learned what her species was. PLEASE READ UNTIL THE END!!! THANK YOU!! Hello everyone, this is Dragon Queen Niji ( whose name will soon change, to what not sure yet but will be keeping the theme of royal dragons), now calm yourselves. I know I've been absent from my stories for awhile now (understatement of the year, right there) and for that I apologize. I'M SORRY OKEY!!! *Clears throat* There are somethings I wish to address in this Note (yes, it's capitalized, this deserves to be capitalized) that might cuz an uproar. Welp, here goes nothing. I will no longer be posting any new chapters for: I BET I CAN BE A MOTHER; A NEW TWIST; A BOY AND HIS DOGS; NOT BY MY CHOICE!; THERAPY FOR THE BAU; OTHERS, WIZARDS, AND THE BEYOND; MAMA: REWITE! NOW just because I'm not making/posting any new content for these stories, doesn't mean I'm abandoning them to the nether realm. Listen (read) everyone, I had just finished the last chapter of my own original book and is having it being looked over by an old friend of mine who is a small time editor. She had been helping me the whole way through, and even told me that my writing style has improved and that she really enjoys my little stories I always gave her to look over for editing practice. While I was waiting on her feedback for the last chapter, I decided to read the stories mentioned above (i read all my stories but it was these ones that is pushing me to make these decisions). To be frank, I hate them now. Every last one of them. The stories I will be mainly focusing on are the most popular on that list. They're the ones getting the biggest changes. Those will be: I bet I can be a mother A NEW TWIST Not By my Choice! Mama: Rewrite! The others I'm not sure about, maybe when I get a good five chapters on the ones mentioned above but for now, my remodeling project will be these four.( If you're worried about the stories I haven't mentioned don't worry I will get to that eventually in this Note, just keep reading.) For now I will start with their new titles and full summary. I BET I CAN BE A MOTHER- Motherhood suits you: The future was a dangerous place at the time, Chibi-Usa had already escaped to the past but what about the rest of the Senshi's children, it wasn't safe for them either. With the Senshi focusing on keeping the barrier up, and everyone in some kind of stasis, Pluto devised a plan to send the rest of the chibis to past to be with their younger parents until it was safe to return. Though Chibi-usa should have told Usagi and Mamoru that she wasn't their first born, or that she wasn't an only child. MAMA: REWRITE!- Bedtime stories: Nightmares be gone!: Chibi-usa has been waking up from nightmares of the future since they returned from it, Usagi can't take it anymore. After getting advice from an elderly woman she randomly came across, Usagi, for once in her, listened and took it to heart. Now she's forcing everyone, including that lying no-good Mamoru-baka, to go along with it. A NEW TWIST- Time waits for Nobody: (yes I purposely made that pun, it's completely intentional) Whenever Percy meets certain people, he... changes, at first, he was far too young to understand why he remembers living a different life with these people he just met. It was when he first met Chiron that he finally knew, those memories were of his past life. The life of a son, of a brother, of a prince, a husband,... A father. ... Of a god. Selene has a lot of explaining. Crossover with Sailor Moon (minorly). NOT BY MY CHOICE! The importance of maintaing insanity: ( yes, you read that right ) He knew that Naruto wasn't the sanest of his people but he knew he could trust him when it came down to it. To complete his duty to his village... if only Naruto would stop talking about and to his imaginary friend, Author-sama. Then and only then that Hiruzen would even think about resting in peace. If anything NBMC! Will have the least amount of changes. :) NOW! Onto the the stories I haven't mentioned at all here: Once in a Blue Moon; The Girl with the Blue Hair; Phantom Trio They will remain untouched for now. TGWTBH has about ten more chapters or so before it's goes on to the main story. TGWTBH as a whole is a prologue, the true title of the story is called Wish Granted, part of the Finding Home series (it's the series name on Ao3). WG will start immediately after TGWTBH, like five in-story seconds after. TGWTBH ends with the season 1 episode 1, WG starts there. OinaBM is an ongoing story that I believe will have around 130 chapters, it recounts all of Harry's childhood as a werewolf living in America with Remus and (later) Sirius (Arc 1) but ultimately moves reluctantly back to England to attend Hogwarts (Arc 2). Arc 3 is 4th year and beyond. I've had chapter 6 for PT ready for about a year now. But the thing is, it's now over 10k words. I've been thinking of breaking it down, and I've even marked good places to ended it at and turn it to another chapter... but I just dont know. It's why I've been holding it off. This indecision has been preventing me from making more chapters for it as Well, and it's frustrating as hell. Whereas for the other two, I have chapter after chapter ready to be posted but PHANTOM TRIO, not so much. I'll eventually get around to it. I promise. For those who are following me under Follow Author and not the individual stories, I'm sorry for spamming you with the same thing over and over again. PLEASE ignore the rest of new "chapters" after reading this the first time. When I decide to update a new chapter for Once in a Blue Moon, The Girl with the Blue Hair, and Phantom Trio, this Notice will be deleted and replaced with the real chapter. This Notice will also be on my new/updated bio. (Yes im deleting my bio). All originals of the new versions will continue to be where they are only now marked complete. I'M sorry it has to be this way but its for the greater good. Signing off for the last time under this pen name, Dragon Queen Niji Ja-ne |