This is it, guys. This is the end. I love you all - thank you for reading.

It had been a difficult five years after the battle with Buu. The majority of the population of Earth had been restored, and the Supreme Kai had offered for all those who gave up their life forces a chance to go back home, alive, but they had all refused. They didn't want to leave Gohan, as he would be forced to stay in Otherworld. He had died a natural, normal death. He was not allowed to go home. Goten and Gohan, over the years had become quite close. Goten idolised Gohan like no other, and often followed his example in everything. Goten now studied more, loved learning, and no longer got into so much trouble with Trunks. Trunks was a lot more reserved, less troublesome.

Trunks still stayed close to his parents, while Goten roamed, as long as Gohan or his mom was with him. Bulma and Vegeta were happy to spend their afterlife lives together, forever. Vegeta was no longer as arrogant, and didn't even care about showing affection and love towards his family around others. He wasn't as proud, and would often sneak Bulma away to go on surprise dates across Otherworld, while Trunks stayed with Goten and Chi-Chi. Piccolo stayed the same, albeit more protective of Gohan. Goku was a lot more serious, but could still have fun, and did so often. He kept a close eye on his eldest son. Chi-Chi no longer forced her boys to do things they didn't want to, as she was grateful for just having them around.

Android 18 and Krillin were busy leading happy lives - they had wanted Marron to grow up, and the Supreme Kai had granted that request. When Marron was twenty, she would stop growing and remain forever at that stage in her life. She was happy, and loved playing with Trunks and Goten, who would also age until they were twenty. Vegeta had quite literally gotten on his hands and knees and pleaded with the Supreme Kai to allow Vegeta and Bulma to have another child (causing Goku to choke on his tea, Krillin drop his teacup and smash it, Chi-Chi to drop the cake, for Goten to trip and fall in the cake, Yamcha who tripped, Roshi who did a double take, Tien to choke on his grape, Trunks to tip his head back and start howling in laughter, while Gohan's jaw hit the floor.)

The Supreme Kai granted that request, and soon, baby Bra was born. She was already a daddy's girl, and Vegeta was not shy about showing his affection for her. Bra and Marron were best friends, and like the other children, Bra would age until she was twenty, and then she would stop. The adults were pretty sure that Marron and Trunks were crushing on each other, while Goten and Bra were almost dating. It was funny to watch. The same offer on aging until you're twenty had been extended to Gohan, but the half Saiyan had refused, saying he was used to being in his eleven year old body and didn't want to change it. All the children got along very all, and all four of them looked up to Gohan like the hero he was.

Gohan had changed the most out of everyone. He was quiet and withdrawn, and didn't enjoy socially interacting with people. He found the most amount of comfort in Piccolo, where he could sit in silence and not be asked if he was okay. The answer was always the same - Gohan said he was fine, but he lied every time. It hurt, it was a raging pain every time Gohan thought about his two best friends, which was all the time. He never stopped thinking about them, about their sacrifice. He would forever honour their request, and the inhabitants of Otherworld had allowed Gohan to tell stories of the twins during dinner every Friday. Gohan never stopped thinking about his best friends. He refused to.

Gohan was alive, but he was barely breathing. Just praying that perhaps, one day, the Supreme Kai would be able to find a shred of their souls, and bring them back. There were limits to the things even the Supreme Kai could do, and it seemed like Gohan's best friends were forever out of reach. Gohan was currently walking in a forest, refusing to go back and face his friends and family. He walked along a stream, following the worn path. It had been a long time. Every week, Gohan came down to this exact lake and released a lantern in memory of his friends. He carried one in his hands now - half of it was ebony black, which swirled into the milky white section. Almost like the yin yang symbol.

The black and white parts were the cloth covering the candle, and the candle itself was pink, and burned a black flame. The lantern rested on a small wooden platform that Gohan had carved himself. He walked up to the lake's edge, already feeling the tears course down his cheeks. He released the lantern, watching the current carry it away, away, far away... Gohan had promised himself seven lanterns. One for each year that he spent with Katrina and Kareene. This was his seventh lantern, the last lantern to remember the people who had erased their whole existence to save him. Gohan sat down, quiet, and watched the lantern float gently down the river. He closed his eyes and bowed his head, internally cursing himself for his weakness, for his inability to save them.

A soft sound, like bells, reached his ears, and he looked up. It was Katrina. But that wasn't possible! Gohan's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as Katrina reached out to him, smiling softly. Just like she had when she died. Kareene was behind her, grinning, with a certain wisdom that had not been there before.

"Come, Gohan," Katrina said, her voice reaching Gohan and only Gohan's ears. "You're safe." she smiled, touching Gohan's cheek with her soft hands, which felt like silk against his skin.

"We love you Gohan. Never forget that." Katrina leaned in, her lips brushing against Gohan's. Gohan's eyes widened at the soft pressure, unsure of how to respond. Katrina drew away and smiled at Gohan, love shining through her eyes. Katrina and Kareene's ghostly forms faded and Gohan was left by himself.

"Katrina." Gohan murmured, his eyes clouding over in sadness. "I'm not okay." he said, looking down as he bore his feelings for the world to see, hear, and judge as they might. "But I will be!" Gohan looked up, determination shining in his eyes. "I will be." he said, softer, as he looked down at his hands. There was a pink marking on his palm, a replica of one he would see on Katrina. Gohan smiled at it, then wiped his tears away, watching the sun set.

I will never forget. Never. Gohan promised. I love you too.


We are all done, people. Thank you for sticking around to read this!