What if?...
Disclaimer: Because if I owned Naruto you can be sure that it would be constant yaoi.
And I also know that some of it's technically incorrect, but take it up with someone who cares, but if you have something of actual interest to say, please comment!. Also in this fic, Sasuke never left, some new places exist, They all meet Sai at 13, Sakura is now kick-ass (IKR!) and I have messed up the Uchiha family tree, but that's the beauty of fanfiction.
As the sun burned in the sky, three figures walked amongst the lively street filled with villagers and shinobis coming and going from their missions.
"But Sakura-chaaaaaan!" groaned the tallest of the three, with hair that could rival the sun and eyes that replicated the bluest of water, The boy was called Uzumaki Naruto and was of the age of 16 just like the other two. Though he was muscular he was rather slim, he wore a (very) tight black short sleeve shirt with his signature orange trousers, but unlike before were tighter around his waist and puffed out everywhere else, well unless you were the kind to look in that general direction you would notice that wasn't always the case. He wore black combat boots that were mostly covered by his trousers, finishing off the look he had a long black piece of silk tied once around his left biceps.
The girl who had been addressed by the blonde haired boy, Haruno Sakura had long pink hair which over the years had been able to frame her face beautifully and with growing had developed more feminine curves, but still was a modest shape. She wore a light red sleeveless tank top that cover her neck with ¾ black army pants that suited her well with simple flat shoes.
"Look I know we just got off of a mission, but Lady Tsunade wants us for another mission so please try and not screw this up."She said irritably, sighing as she walked through the village.
"But that's not even-!"
"Dobe, just stop complaining." The third boy said whose name was Uchiha Sasuke, with hair black as the night with matching eyes and though the boy rarely held expression in his stoic face he had a rather feminine look to him as his body was thin, but held muscle, his face was pale yet flawless, he wore a sleeveless shirt that hugged his figure perfectly with slightly baggy trousers akin to Naruto's, but instead of orange had a dark green colour. Though he had the same shoes as Naruto's, black combat boots that were also cover by his trousers.
"Ehh?, What did you say teme?!" yelled the enraged boy who looked at the Sasuke with the same rivalry hate he had for years.
"I said stop complaining, your giving me a headache dobe" responded Sasuke with the same look in his eyes.
"Well, Whose complaining now, eh?" Naruto replied smugly folding his arms proudly.
"Yeah well you shutting up can be changed, us going to the Hokage can't be so like I said before, stop complaining" Sasuke said with obvious annoyance in his voice.
"TEME!" Naruto exclaimed ready to pounce on the annoyed boy who was equally ready to fight, but Sakura intervened before they could have a chance.
"Oh will you two stop, honestly fighting like your children! I mean I expect it from you Naruto, but seriously Sasuke I thought you were more mature than Naruto, but Naruto that still doesn't give you the excuse to act as if you're 10. Now grow up!" Sakura scolded. Now Sakura had changed over the years not just physically, but she was no longer the crying love-sick puppy she once was, she now was a force to be reckoned with and could deal with Naruto and Sasuke as if they were actual children.
As both boys looked shamefully at the ground mumbling about the other, they continued to the Hokage's office.
As they arrived at the door of the Hokage, Naruto stormed in with an angry Sakura tailing him and an annoyed Sasuke following.
"Naruto!, You can't just-" But before Sakura could finish Naruto began.
"Oi! Old hag you can't just send us on one mission to the other again and again! I need my ramen ya know and-!" But Naruto had already been slammed into the desk with a bone-cracking sound filling the room as Sasuke sighed watching the scene before him happen as it has so many times before.
"GRRR, YOU ANNOYING BRAT! I'M THE HOKAGE! I'LL DO WHATEVER I LIKE AND THAT INCLUDE PUMMELING YOU INTO THE GROUND TILL YOUR ASS STICKS UP IN THE AIR!" Screamed the Tsunade as papers that were once on her desk flew into the air, once again causing a mess that only happens when Naruto comes around.
"Uwaaa! But Baa-chan!" Naruto whined while rubbing his injured head, causing a sigh from Sakura and an eye roll from Sasuke.
"THE REASON!" Tsunade exclaimed narrowing her eyes, as to not be interrupted by a certain blonde haired nuisance, "Is because we are currently short on certain...necessities and so I'll be sending you four to the village Gecia to investigate a robbery and to catch the thieves, you'll have one month due to certain...unnecessary necessities" Tsunade explained which had called to the attention of Team 7 due to the interesting wording that the Hokage had used and by interesting I mean god damn suspicious.
"What do you mean by necessit-?" Sasuke began,but was instantly interrupted by Naruto who had questions of his own.
"Wait a minute, a robbery? Like the ones with crazy lasers, spys and sexy women in tight outfits? Or one with a super evil villain dude with like one eye and and and OH! Some kind of mega super ultra animal that can throw kunais with his nose OR!-" But once again Naruto's head was slammed into the desk.
"If you are going to ask stupid questions ask someone else!" Tsunade yelled her hand still firmly holding Naruto's head into the desk. Sighing, Tsunade looked towards Sasuke who had watched the entire event with not so much as a blink. "What was you saying Sasuke?" Tsunade asked almost tiredly.
"I was just curious about the certain necessities?" Sasuke said while raising an eyebrow at Tsunade as she made a nervous chuckle before turning her attention back to Naruto.
"So Naruto what was your stupid AH! I mean important question?" Tsunade said in a sweet voice which was laced with panic. Of course Sasuke and Sakura had picked up on the strange reaction and looked at each other with looks that said 'She's up to something', But of course Naruto being the lovable but naïve boy he is looked up innocently.
"You said the four of us will go, but there is only three of us?" Naruto replied confused, "Who else is going with us?" Tsunade opened her mouth to speak, but a figure that had been watching stepped out of the shadows and went "I think I can answer that".
All eyes had turned to the figure, who was masked but was clearly smiling as he held a bright book with three x's on it, which meant only one thing...
"KAKASHI SENSI!" Naruto exclaimed rushing over to the silver-haired man who had not changed from the team's genin days, "Your coming on this mission with us?!" Naruto cried out excitedly jumping on the spot as the silver-haired jounin smiled with his eye, happy to see Naruto hadn't changed from his childish demeanour that had always burst from the ball of energy that was Naruto.
"Heh heh, yes Naruto I'm going to be going on the mission with you guys" Kakashi answered cheerfully as he watched Naruto whoo-hooing around and jumping around Sakura who couldn't help but smile at the boy's happiness.
"Man it'll be just like old times! Well except I am even more awesome than before but that's a given and also we get to kick some evil dude's butt that has one eye and-!" as Naruto continued to ramble on, Kakashi chuckled at Sasuke's twitching eyebrow which clearly showed his lack of patience for Naruto's childlike behaviour.
"You'd think that after all these years that you wouldn't be so effected by Naruto, Sasuke" Kakashi remarked causally as he watched the usually expressionless Uchiha be caught off guard by the seemingly innocent comment.
"Don't say it like that" Sasuke mumbled crossing his arms in a irritated manor, though unintentionally looked as though he was a pouting child. Kakashi enjoyed teasing the boy as confusing the living hell about sexuality to a hormonal teenager who might as well be asexual was truly the highlight of his day.
"Oh ho ho, Sasuke I never knew when you thought about Naruto your mind goes there, I must say that's quite perverted" Kakashi replied evilly enjoying the light blush that dusted Sasuke's cheeks.
"You're the perverted one!" Sasuke responded clenching his fists anger already dwelling within him, but Kakashi who was searching for this reaction only pursued with his comments.
"Hmmm I don't know Sasuke, it would explain the 'sticky incident' that happened a few weeks ago..." Kakashi trailed off purposely knowing the effect of which his comment would convey because at this point Naruto had stopped his rambling to no one in particular and ran over as he and Sasuke yelled in unison.
"WE NEVER SPEAK OF THAT!" Both flushing red from anger and embarrassment as Kakashi simply chuckled and Sakura sighed, while Tsunade perked up in curiosity.
"I feel as if I'm being left out the loop here" Tsunade said gaining the attention of everyone as Naruto began interrupting himself as he tried to avoid explaining what Kakashi meant while Sasuke glared daggers at the silver-haired man who was by this point invincible to Sasuke's glares. Tsunade leaned closer to Sakura who was looking out of the window in a very Sasuke manor and whispered
"I get the feeling that I'm not going to get the information I want to know from these idiots, do you mind filling me in?" Sakura smiled forcefully due to her team mate's lack of maturity and calmly explained that a few weeks ago on a mission in an unexplored cave, they had split into two groups Sakura with Sai and Naruto with separated Naruto and Sasuke had managed to get stuck in a weird white goop of some kind and when they were found, one could say that they were in a compromising position with Sasuke and Naruto's hands binded together above them and Sasuke's goop covered figure spread over Naruto's body which was equally as goop covered. Now at the time they had been oblivious to the positions they were in, but it was gladly pointed out by Sai who had never ceased with the homo-erotic comments since he first met the boys at the age of 13 and would constantly, CONSTANTLY, regard the boy's relationship as "The most intense form of sexual tension he has ever witnessed" though he wasn't serious it never failed to fill the boys with rage.
"I see" Tsunade mumbled watching the guys continue to rampage on, while Sakura had explained. Tsunade had taken just about as much as she could take from this bundle of morons and had kicked them out of her office and ordered them to catch the next train to Gecia or she would throw them over there herself. After a few more glares and even more whines from Naruto, they set off for Gecia. Since Kakashi was known for his stinginess the tickets had been 4 seats, but had been separated into pairs and due to Sakura refusing to deal with the likes of the boys, she sat with Kakashi, so Naruto and Sasuke were stuck together for the hour long trip at the back of the train and even though they were in a empty carriage, Kakashi and Sakura were in an entirely other carriage.
Naruto grumpily sat in the booth-like seat across from Sasuke who was just as pissed off, since they had to sit here receiving inappropriate voice mails from Sai and unfortunately were forced to listen to them as they supposedly could contain important information, but not surprisingly they did not and it would show up if they had listened to them or not and ignoring them caused a large injury on Naruto's head and a scolding for Sasuke. Obviously that wasn't the only reason since their dislike for each other didn't help the situation.
"This is the worst!. I'd rather be stuck with Sai!" Naruto whined as he flailed his arms in the air in protest to sitting with Sasuke, while the raven-haired boy narrowed his eyes.
"That makes two of us..." Sasuke growled back, rethinking his entire life choices and what he did to deserve this. While the staring match between the two intensified with every passing second, suddenly the device which they would be contacted by had beeped. Both internally groaned knowing that Sai had probably sent over something that was wrong in so many ways.
"Hey, just checking in on you guys since your probably busy screaming in ecstasy and rocking the train off the rails, but remember to use lube! Sasuke still needs to walk!"
Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other with the same painful cringe in their eyes which made Sasuke say
"Actually I resign my earlier comment, your better company than Sai"
"Y-yeah, same here"
"Though your still terrible company due to your lack of IQ" Sasuke smirked enjoying the rage that filled the blonde's face.
"TEME! At least I can talk to people without planning their deaths!" Shouted Naruto hands slamming down on the table between them.
"Tch!" Sasuke responded, knowing that it was true, but he could never bring himself to think of Naruto that way...but Sasuke would never admit it and even if he did he would say none of it is horrid enough or Naruto wasn't worth thinking of.
"Ha! You can't even deny it because you know it's true!" Naruto grinned triumphantly knowing he had won the fight, almost.
"Or maybe your not worth responding to since you're a waste of time" Sasuke replied snidely
"WHY YOU!" Naruto exclaimed grabbing Sasuke's shirt and Sasuke grabbing Naruto's in return, drawing back their fists ready to attack when another beep from the device erupted.
"Hey, you guys should be there in about half an hour, so if you can keep your hands off of each other then maybe Sasuke won't get pregnant! OK bye! Hope you can walk Sasuke!"
Both boys stared at one another with complete lack of emotion as they slowly released each other uncomfortable with the idea of touching one another.
"Maybe we should just sit here in silence as we question why we haven't killed Sai yet." Sasuke said in a voice that showed that he had reached his limit.
"I think that would better, yeah" Naruto answered back in the same tone of voice, laying against the seat he began to think of when they first met Sai.
"They are both very aggressive so be warned, and they'll constantly fight and Sakura will probably never hear you since Sasuke's the only voice she'll listen to and oh yes I openly read porn in public so there's that." Kakashi explained as he walked with the silent boy who simply nodded as if it didn't even phase him. "Sasuke will probably ignore you, but don't take offence he's just like that, Sakura will be kind to you, but most of the time she'll be floating around Sasuke and Naruto well if you got the energy for it, I'm sure you two could be friends" Kakashi looked over to Sai who once again just nodded like a robot. Kakashi sighed quietly watching the boy look forward as they walked to Team 7's meeting place, "You don't talk much do you?" Kakashi asked, but all he got in return was Sai looking up and shrugging lightly. Both looking forward once again, Kakashi said "Keep that up, you'll be best friends with Sasuke...".
As they both approached the bridge they heard the sound of Temes and Dobes amongst other insults, while another cried to stop it. Finally arriving they watched as a raven-haired boy and a blonde boy were shouting and shoving each other, while the pink-haired girl watched helplessly.
"What did you call me?, stupid Sasuke!" Growled the orange covered boy as he poked Sasuke's chest, demanding an answer.
"I called you a dead last, you dead last!" Sasuke spat, poking Naruto a little harder then last time.
Kakashi had calmly walked over in between the two fighting boys and had calmed them down, but still gave each other hateful eyes.
"I like to introduce your new comrade, Sai?" Kakashi announced stepping aside to reveal a boy even paler than Sasuke in a pure black outfit, which consisted of some kind of crop top and normal trousers. All stared at the boy as he held no expression whatsoever and stayed completely silent.
"Now he won't be on every mission, but from time to time he will do missions with you guys, so treat him nicely" Kakashi stated looking at the blank faces of the other kids. "Well then, let's go ahead with the mission".
Now the actual mission was to find a lost pet, who could somehow change it's colour to camouflage itself. So everyone had split off into their own paths and Sai believed he had found footprints, matching the animal he was after, so after following the trail he had stumbled on to the two boys who were currently on a tree branch, silently staring at each other with as much hatred as they could muster.
But that wasn't so strange considering that he had been informed about them, but it was rather the position that they were in. Sasuke had his legs wrapped around Naruto's waist as Naruto stood holding Sasuke by his lower back. With their faces merely inches away from each other, it was obvious due to the expressions on their faces that it wasn't what it looked like, but Sai walked over and stopped. As he watched the boys he couldn't help but take out his paintbrush and pad, and started to draw them. Sai didn't usually paint people, but there was something about the way that their bodies seem to just fit together and regardless of their faces clearly displaying dislike for one another, Sai painted a more lewd face on Sasuke and a more lustful gaze on Naruto. It was clear who the dominating male was, but as he finished off his 'masterpiece'. He noticed that Sasuke had stopped looking at Naruto and had snapped his head over to where Sai was standing. Naruto in return did the same, both unaware that Sai had been there the entire time.
Sai looked up at both of the boys, putting his art away and simply stared with no expression. Sasuke who was currently unresponsive, suddenly snapped out of it as realization dawned upon his face and flustered red.
"T-this isn't what it looks like!" Sasuke cried out with panic all over his face. Now of course Sai knew that this was not what it seemed, but chose to stay quiet. Naruto looked at Sasuke strangely oblivious to what was going on, until his look at the position they were in and freaked.
"W-whoa! This is definitely not what it looks likes!" Naruto exclaimed putting Sasuke down, subconsciously gently.
Both boys jumped down from the tree and began to somewhat explain how they got into that situation.
"The t-teme said that I was weak, I was all like uh-uh and he was all like uh-huh a-and I told him I could lift somebody! Then he was like prove it so I picked him up and then we got into a staring match a-and-!" Naruto and Sasuke were both rambling the same thing, but Sasuke suddenly stopped and stared at Sai strangely.
"And I wasn't gonna lose a teme like him!"
"I really hate him, I do! He's a teme!"
"I'm not gay at all! I mean I don't know about Sasuke, it would kind of explain a lot but-"
This time Naruto really did shut up and looked towards Sasuke with a 'What?'. Sasuke turned his attention back to Sai.
"I...don't think he really cares..." Sasuke said carefully, eyeing the boy silently. Naruto looked at the boy equally as silent, Sai looked at each boy once more and continued on with the trail, while the two boys stood silently as Sai disappeared.
"WAIT! What do you mean that would explain a lot if I were gay?"
"Um...Never speak of this again?"
"Never speak of this again."
Both boys nodded in agreement as they parted ways to find the animal that they were meant to find in the first place.
Later Sai had found the pet and all were on their way back to the village as they walked along the forest. Naruto and Sasuke continued to fight along the way, when finally they stopped in their tracks and grabbed each other's shirt, fists ready to start flying when suddenly Sai smiled and tilted his head.
"You guys make a cute couple" Sai said for the first time, catching everyone's attention since the boy had been silent until now but after the shock of him speaking had calmed down, Naruto and Sasuke finally processed what Sai had actually said.
Both boy looked at each other in disgust and pulled away from one another, both running up to Sai they yelled in unison.
Yelling at Sai who had retained his smile through out, Kakashi never knew he could like a kid so much in such little time. Looking over Sai had continued to smile and pulled something from behind him.
"Not according to this" Sai said cheerfully as he held up the picture that he drew, causing Sakura to scream out and the boys to turn red and yell even more. Oh yes, he definitely likes this kid.
Ever since then he had always regarded Naruto and Sasuke as a couple referring to them as "Boyfriends" sometimes or when they were fighting would say stuff like "Have you guys not done it in a while?" and sometimes at random times he would pull up a random picture which usually consisted of Naruto doing something perverted to Sasuke, but there was once when Sasuke was in a maid's outfit covered by what can only be defined as a unknown white substance. Sai always tried to avoid Sasuke's punches from then on, since it was the first and last time Sasuke had ever hit him and boy did it hurt. Sai had also referred to Sasuke as the Uke and Naruto the Seme, while Sasuke argued that it was the other way around, Naruto claimed that if they were together that he would definitely be Seme. It took about 20 minutes before they realized what they were talking about and hated themselves for falling into Sai's trap.
Snapping out of his thoughts, Naruto looked over to Sasuke who had been in his own world until the train came to a halt and after a few glares and a few crude remarks, they grabbed their things and when they were about to leave the train another beep came from the device that Sasuke held in his hand. Raising the device Sai's voice rung through-out the carriage.
"Alright, you should be there by now, so if you guys could clean up the mess you made when you were having fun that be great, but Naruto you should do the cleaning up since Sasuke won't be able to bend over and pick up the mess without you screwing him senseless again, OK bye!"
Sasuke stared at the device with a facial expression resembling crumbling sanity, Naruto worried that Sasuke would destroy the device, sighed and took the piece of technology from his hand and stated
"You take a break, I'll deal with the messages for now, let's just try to find Sakura and Kakashi before it turns too dark and we can't find an inn. Since we'll have to find one that's convenient AKA close to the bank." Sasuke watched Naruto slightly shocked with the kind gesture, though Naruto was just concerned with the safety of the device he was also taken aback by the level of seriousness and maturity Naruto had portrayed. This wasn't the first time that Naruto acted like a grown-up, it wouldn't last very long and it was pretty rare and Sasuke was always caught off guard by it. He would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed, but there was something about Naruto taking control that just...
Sasuke shook his head, Naruto was right, they had to find a place to stay before it was too late and though Sasuke never liked showing any sort of submission, he was glad that he didn't have to deal with the dirty messages.
"U-um..thanks Naruto.." Sasuke stuttered, a light blush from embarrassment on his face. Naruto noticed the tone of voice and knew it was one of those times. Those time when he did something right and Sasuke was amazed by it, one of those time's when they would actually get along, one of those times when he saw a different side to Sasuke. Sasuke realising how girly he sounded, quickly composed himself and brought Naruto back out from his thoughts.
"We best be pushing on" Sasuke said as he walked out of the train followed by Naruto, who knew that one of those times were over, It's not like it's- "There's the other two, come on, you said yourself we shouldn't waste time" Sasuke said interrupting Naruto's train of thought. Naruto sighed and followed Sasuke to the others.
Later they had found a inn close to the bank, but with only three rooms left. So once again Naruto and Sasuke were stuck with each other once again.
This is going to be a long mission they all thought as they all fell asleep.