A/N : I Own Nothing
Ao3 – Once_Upon_A_Potter
Not really for Snape lovers
Week 21-24 : Riddle Manor
Week 21
Lily slowly woke. Cracking her eyes open, she looked around the small gray cell. She lie on an old thin sheet on the floor, a bucket was in the corner of the cell, and a plate with a single slice of bread had been pushed under the cell door. She didn't know how long she lie staring at the bread, but she was snapped out of it when a smooth voice spoke to her. A voice belonging to someone she hadn't spoken to since end of fifth year at Hogwarts.
"I wouldn't poison you, you know."
"Do I? Know that, that is. After all, you did kidnap me, Snape." He flinched at the use of his surname, not that she could bring herself to care at the moment.
"I didn't kidnap you."
"Like working for the people who did it is so much better." Lily spat venomously.
"I had no part in it!" Snape exclaimed.
Lily didn't answer. She did this sometimes in stressful situations, just shut down, stopped functioning. She knew it wasn't a good coping mechanism, she tried to break the habit, but didn't have any luck with it. At least her thumb no longer made it's way into her mouth, as it had in her childhood and early teen years.
Snape grabbed the bars suddenly and shook them, making Lily jump. "I had no part in it, Dammit!"
"Okay!" Lily exclaimed slightly fearful. "Okay, I believe you."
Sirius lie in a large king size bed, with his best mates tear stained face resting on his chest. James had sobbed himself to sleep every night since Lily had been captured.
Dumbledore had moved James and Alice to a suite in Hogwarts. Alice wasn't fond of the idea of Sirius being there with them, but she couldn't really say anything as James wasn't fond the idea of Augusta being there either.
Sirius had been moved there as per James' request. Sirius could never replace Lily, wouldn't dream of it. But, at least he could offer a small amount of comfort and help out whenever and wherever he can.
Week 22
Lily worried. She worried a lot. Though mostly, it was about her husband and child. There's a war going on around them, her husband couldn't even use magic right now, and she obviously couldn't be there for them while she was in a cell. Her wedding ring had been taken, she was assuming when she first got there. Odd, yes, for a wedding ring of all things to be taken. Surely they wouldn't have known that it also functioned as a port key and tracker. James' was much the same way, they were a set, and on the inner band, if activated, the coordinates of the other's location would be shown. Only their closest friends and family knew.
She had been visited by several death eaters at least once a day. Luckily they haven't done anything to her. Yet. She was just waiting for the day they would.
There was a clanking as the door to the tiny cell opened. Two masked death eater stood in the door way.
"Come, our master wants to see you."
Agony. That's all she expected. And all she got.
"At least let me help in some way. This is my wife you're looking for. And friends of mine."
"My boy, I don't think it'd be a wise decision to involve you in this war anymore than you already are. Especially in your… condition…"
"I'm pregnant not dying!"
Week 23
In the end, James had gotten his way. Even if all Dumbledore felt safe letting him do was research, at least he was helping. Those who could be out fighting were in stead of being holed up reading large tomes about horcruxes and other soul magics. And looking up family estates, especially those of the Gaunt, LeStrange, and Malfoy families.
Alice occasionally pitched in, but with her being late second trimester, she was becoming more uncomfortable, and there wasirless and less her healer was comfortable with her doing. Especially since she was now considered a high risk pregnancy.
It was… odd. To say the least. If Lily was silent she could hear what was going on in the room above her. Surely, a place like this should have better security. She could hear the room above her, which just so happened to be their… meeting room, it seemed. She couldn't hear everything at first, it was as if there had originally been a ward up, that, obviously, was now down.
But, who, in this place, would've betrayed their… lord on that way. Especially, with what was spoken about in the meeting Lily had listened in on.
Week 24
Out of everything Lily had expected, the last thing was to be visited by Narcissa Malfoy. The visibly pregnant woman slowly and quietly came down the stairs. She had a black cloak on and her hands were in the pockets of her cloak.
She walked over to the cell Lily was in. Taking her hands out if her pockets and gripping the bars on the door.
"You're a mother." She said suddenly, Lily's eyes snapped up to meet hers. Just as Lily opened her mouth to speak, Narcissa continued. "You have the look of a mother. I don't know if you have a child at home, or if you're currently pregnant. But, you're a mother, and you're child's in danger right now." She paused, her left hand going to her stomach. "I've been there before. My daughter should've been almost 2 by now. Instead I lost her when I was hit with the cruciatus at 32 weeks pregnant. Her name was supposed to be Savanna."
Her hand found it's way back to her pocket, when she pulled it back out, she was holding a familiar gold and ruby ring and in her other hand a familiar wand, she held them out to Lily through the bars of the door. "Here, it has a tracker in it, right? The ring? Mines much the same. I-" she was cut off by the door to the dungeon swinging open with a loud creak. She crouch down and set wand and the ring on the floor of the cell and turned away to leave.
"Narcissa?" Lily called, as she bent to pick up the ring, causing the woman to look back at her. "Thank you."
It was midnight, and yes, Albus knew an old man like him should be in bed by now, but who could sleep in a time of war. When their former students were missing, who were all, though he'd never actually said it out loud and never planned to, like children to him.
He was nearly sent to an early, though he was nearly 100, grave when the floo suddenly roar to life.
The good news is. They finally had a solid lead in where the 3 former students were.
Lily stared down at her wedding ring for a moment after she activated it. She knew no one would get there just yet. If only. Though she knew they would be as quick as possible.
She slipped her ring back on her finger, its rightful place. Now there was only one thing left to do. Wait, and as soon as she was sure someone had come for her, she'd use her wand, and break out of this damn cell.
That's why it was given to her, after all.
A/N this is probably not what some of you were hoping for… but, hey, this is a pretty self indulgent fic. Having not been able to find stories of this nature.