Okay people, this is just something I scribbled during a meeting when I was bored. I broke it down into a couple of chapters and am interested in continuing if others are interested.

This is a Harry/Charlie story. It starts when Harry is 11 so there will be no prominent slash. More of the bond growing between them. Harry and Charlie are the two characters of this story. There will be occasional glimpses of others.

There will be mentions of spanking in this story. I currently don't actually have a spanking scene though one may come up. Be warned.

I can't claim any ownership of Harry, Charlie or anything related to the Potter Universe.

Happy reading.

The Soul Guardian

"Charlie Weasley." The voice boomed through the crowded street of Diagon Alley.

The stocky redhead turned, a grin lighting up his face at the sight of the half giant. "Hagrid, good to see you." He called out cheerfully. "What brings you to the Alley?"

The big man clamped a hand on the muscular shoulder of the dragon handler. "Just bringing little Harry here to get his school supplies. He'll be going to Hogwarts this year."

Charlie glanced down at the small dark haired boy hiding partially behind the bigger man. "Hullo there." He said smiling widely. He crouched down and held out a hand. "I'm Charlie."

"Harry, just Harry." The boy mumbled, flattening his fringe with one hand while he reached out to shake the offered hand. Charlie almost jerked back in surprise at the shock that went through him at the contact. A feeling of unease lingered in his gut as he stared at the small boy. From the shocked look in the wide emerald eyes he wasn't the only one who had felt the unusual sensation.

"Harry and I were about to head off for a bite to eat. Will you join us?" Hagrid asked eagerly, oblivious to anything happening between the two. "I'm wanting to know all about those dragons you get to play with."

"Dragons?" Harry piped up, eyes lighting up in excitement.

Charlie couldn't help smiling. "Sure, why not." He agreed, hiding his confusion.

Together the three stepped through the magical portal into the Leaky Cauldron. "That's a beautiful owl." The red head remarked as he admired the animal.

"Thanks." Harry mumbled with a blush. "Hagrid got her for me. She's my first ever birthday present."

'First ever?' Charlie mouthed with a distressed look at the bigger man. Hagrid wore an unusually grave expression. "Have you decided on a name?" He asked pasting a pleasant expression on his face.

Harry shook his head as he clambered into a booth. "I want something really special. Do you really work with dragons?"

"Course he does. Charlie's great with animals." Hagrid boomed. "Go on, tell us the types of dragons you work with."

For the next hour the burly redhead described his work, enjoying the appreciative and awed comments of his audience.

"Hagrid." He said finally. "Its getting late. Harry should probably be getting home." He didn't miss the way the green eyes filled with disappointment and dread. His stomach clenched in sudden worry and a feeling of intense protectiveness rose in him.

"Yeah and I best be getting back to Hogwarts. Gotta give Dumbledore his package." The big man replied, patting his breast pocket. "Come on Harry. I'll see that you get on the train home."

"Hagrid." Charlie blurted out in shock. "He's eleven and just barely. You can't put him on a train alone." He held up a hand to stave off the boy's protests. "And how do you expect him to get his trunk and owl home?"

"Well now didn't think about that." He admitted looking flummoxed. "I really should be getting back to Hogwarts. Er... you wouldn't mind would you Charlie, seeing little Harry here home for me would you?"

Charlie shook his head fondly at the gentle giant. "Well if it were anyone but Harry I'd say you owe me." He teased sending a wink at the wide eyed boy.

"You really don't have to you know." Harry mumbled as they watched Hagrid amble off.

"I don't mind. I like your company." He answered ruffling the tousled hair. He watched in amusement as the kid tried to smooth it back down. "Besides my mum would have my head if she found out I just left you."

"Would she lock you away and starve you?" Harry asked once they'd found seats on the busy commuter train.

Charlie was too busy thanking his stars he'd frequented the muggle world in Romania to catch the question. "Sorry what?"

Harry repeated his question anxiously. He didn't want to get his new friend in trouble.

Charlie felt the unease build up in his stomach. "Well no. But my ears would be ringing by the time she got through yelling. Is that what your family does when you get into trouble? Send you to your room without supper?"

Harry shrugged as he turned to look out the window. "I guess you can say that." They rode in silence the rest of the way as Charlie mulled over the words.

It wasn't until they were walking down the perfectly uniformed streets that he spoke up again. "Ugh how do you stand this?" he asked in disgust. Harry sent him a confused look. "It's all the same. Where's the fun in that? How do you even tell which one is your's?"

"By the numbers." Harry answered cheekily, his eyes dancing with mirth. He pointed to the large rod iron number on the side of the door. "This is number four, where I live."

"Well its a good thing you know how to count then isn't it?" The older teen shot back.

The door before them opened as Petunia had been drawn by their loud laughter. Her face was set in distasteful lines as she gazed upon the spectacle. "You boy, get on up to your room, and stay there." She sneered in Charlie's direction. "You can leave. I won't have one of your kind in my house.

Charlie gazed at her in shock before anger began to pulse. He hadn't missed the kid's despondent sigh. "I'll be taking Harry's things up to his room. The trunk is too heavy for him to drag up those steps. Unless you'd like to take it up?"

Her lips thinned but she stepped out of the way. He sneered as he followed Harry up the narrow staircase and down the hall to the far back room. His sharp eyes didn't miss the two shiny locks on the door or the almost spartan feel of the of the room. "Harry are you going to be okay here?" he asked as the spotted the ratty blanket covering the thin mattress.

Harry shrugged, a faint blush covering his cheeks. "It's more than I'm used to, honest." He said earnestly. "And I'll be going to Hogwarts soon."

"Aren't you done yet?" Petunia snapped appearing in the doorway.

Charlie nodded in resignation before winking at Harry. "Write to me okay? Give your owl something to do."