Reviews for Double Discovery
Luna Lillyth chapter 9 . 3/10
Very emotional time here, fun to read.
Mr. Meowington chapter 10 . 3/8
My heart is just really happy reading this uwu!
DPTTrocks chapter 10 . 11/9/2019
This was a nice twist on the usual 'Fenton and Phantom are different persons' theme. Maddie's reaction was realistic. Most fics either make her accept it without question, or portray her as a mad scientist hellbent on experimenting on every ghost she encounters. This was a nice middle ground.

There were a couple of grammatical and spelling errors (shifts in tense, using the singular form of a word instead of the plural, writing 'to' instead of 'the', etc.) but other than that, good work.
DWord0906 chapter 10 . 9/28/2019
Very cool story idea! Love the emotional turmoil Maddie has to go through as she figures things out a little at a time.
Gashicalmy chapter 10 . 9/21/2019
Ok. It was a so easy resolution of problems with the Ghost Catcher, i thought it wasn't going to work, and there will be more fic. but it's ok.
In the other hand. I really love this fic. The possibilities of split his human and ghost form apart, and to be connected at the same time. It's not the same as when he duplicates himself or when the Ghost Catcher itself. It's more personal. I REALLY LOVE IT!
DarkFoxKit chapter 10 . 9/14/2019
This was a nice story. I'm glad you were able to finish it. I pray that you'll find a good job soon.

I loved how accepting Maddie was about this. I also liked how you acknowledged the 'what ifs' scenarios of Maddie not accepting them as one in the same, or try to 'fix' Danny by getting rid of his ghost half. It was interesting to see how Maddie reacted and what her thought process was. It felt nice to see her accepting it in the end. I am curious to how this would affect the family dynamic, but I suppose that's a story for another time. Hope you have a nice life. :3
FiveRivers chapter 10 . 9/14/2019
Thank you for writing this story! I really liked the dynamic between Fenton, Phantom, and Maddie, and I liked how intelligently and calmly the Dannies handled the situation. I'll look forward to other works from you! :)
Jennex chapter 10 . 9/13/2019
I’m sad this is over but you ended the story off so perfectly! Maybe you could do a sequel to we’re they have to tell Jack. Anyway! Loved the chapter and the story!
Ashmaneena chapter 10 . 9/13/2019
Yay, everything is okay again! I can't thank you enough for not doing Pitch Pearl, which is practically 90% of Danny splitting stories.

This was a wonderful read! Thank you for making it all the way through, far too many good fanfics are left incomplete. But not Danny! He's back together. I hope you do well with your job search!
Kilikani chapter 10 . 9/13/2019
MiakaMayhem chapter 10 . 9/13/2019
You should definitely make a sequel! Not that this one didn’t end well. I loved this story, especially the banter with the two halves. I’d like to see how Danielle would fit in too and Jacks reaction. Or even if he’d believe his wife was sane right away. Half ghost is a stretch after all. Maddie was able to put it together slowly.
devilzxknight86 chapter 10 . 9/13/2019
Ahhh don’t end it like this lol want to see jack reaction and than Dani and Vlad.
KorrieChan chapter 9 . 9/11/2019
The miss assumption Maddie made was actually not a bad one tho. I read this story just and I love it so mich. It is going to be awkward when they eill try to explain all of it
ARainDragon chapter 9 . 9/8/2019
Omg. Even though I am peeved at this stopping point, thank you for an amazing story I could invest myself in. I was really in the mood for a story like this and I'm so glad I found it
DarkFoxKit chapter 9 . 9/8/2019
It was nice seeing Maddie realizing Phantom was indeed her son, maybe not in the right way exactly, but she is close. I was happy to see her hugging him, and how excited Phantom was when he thought she figured it out. It's kind of sad that the story is already coming to an end, but it's good to see it will be complete soon.

The next story idea you have is definitely intriguing, I do like the twist of the Danny adopted/kidnapped by Vlad Masters cliche where Danny actually suspects that Vlad isn't his actual parent. I also like the journal idea and that it indicates that it might be written in Danny's point of view, always a fan of that.

I look forward to more soon~ :3
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