Reviews for Loki's Daughter
iPod reader chapter 4 . 9/1
It's interesting that you would just leave it hanging like this and let the rest play out in both OCverse. Will jasmine become lady death? Please update.
Rhyn3 chapter 4 . 8/6
damn it Loki! No good father! at least find astrid first!
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 4 . 6/28
From this Chapter is the final straw you have condone wrongdoing the separation of a family allowed manipulation and blind loyalty without question. A little girl to be abused and neglected. A young true name to be forgotten. sycophantic hero-worship false stories to continue.

Yes, I like a good story but I do not tolerate wrongdoing and idol worship which is what hero-worship is. I do not condone warrior cultures. There is nothing glorious about war. I do not tolerate prejudice and bigotry. Odin needs to be taught a lesson along with Asgard Just as much as The Magical Community needs to be taught a lesson. Good strong Morals and ethics need to be taught. spelling out right and wrong along with good and evil as plain as day as given By the Creator of everyone and everything. Minus anything that was changed my corrupt humans and other races such as that rebellious fallen angel and their offspring. The first purge was done by water. But the next and final will be by fire. And Once done The entire universe will be restored to what it was meant to be once all the evil and corruption have been removed.
IWantABetterWebsite chapter 4 . 5/7
This story seems like it could be interesting, but so far, it's mostly disappointing. It's got that typical fanfic problem where changes are made, but the story still bends over backwards to ensure that everything important still happens the same way as in canon.

It seems ridiculous that Loki couldn't find Astrid in however many years have passed. He said he was planning for James to "come back to life," so why wait to get Astrid first? Why not just show up as James and demand his daughter? Even Sirius should have been able to get to her after Loki got him released. Clearly you're going for the "manipulative and probably evil Dumbledore" route, but this is Loki we're talking about. He should be able to easily outmaneuver Dumbledore and defeat whatever magic is keeping him away from Astrid.

I think the only way I could buy this is if it turns out that Dumbledore is also secretly a god, but from a different pantheon, since you did mention that those exist in this story. And that would be a pretty cool twist.
god of all chapter 4 . 5/5
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
SabannaLea chapter 4 . 4/27
Please update soon
Mar91 chapter 4 . 4/14
A very good chapter
musicluver246 chapter 4 . 4/11
Great story so far.
ThunderClaw03 chapter 4 . 4/6
Wow great job keep it up. I can't wait to see what happens next update soon
Roostertheking chapter 4 . 4/4
Sad four chapters... I cried so much... For loki's loss... Ur words cut deep in my heart... Very nice...
Hope Sirius got Astrid... After he came out of prison and didn't fall into manupation of Albus again...
Waiting for ur next update eagarly...
Jdickelman chapter 4 . 4/1
Looking forward to reading the next chapter
Chapel Lucie chapter 4 . 4/1
Si sad and so cool
LeapLoverForever chapter 4 . 4/1
Ahhhhhhhhhh. I want to cry now... why have you done this too meeeeeeee...
wolfgirl232323 chapter 4 . 4/1
Thank you for updating! I loved this chapter, I can't wait to read what happens next!
lilly-flower15 chapter 4 . 4/1
great chapter update soon
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