Reviews for Concealed Truth
Guest chapter 5 . 6/23
Poor Tsuna
Mia chapter 5 . 6/17
So happy when I saw this updated, can't wait for the next chapter.
Nur297 chapter 5 . 6/18
welcome back, i am really get you came back. just do own your pace, i will always wait for the new chapt.
Dman4869 chapter 5 . 6/17
OH MY GOD AN UPDATE! THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR CONTINUING! I think you have a very interesting premise and story so far. :) Your writing is very clear and brings a lot of characterization. It's amazing and off to a very good start. Again THANK YOU!
k1yo chapter 5 . 6/17
is it possible to have crome as the first guardian tsuna meets? and before the accident and have instant bond for being neglected by their parents and undertanding eachother in a fundamental level
Senoreck chapter 5 . 6/17
Love this story so much. Tsuna deserves all the cuddles!
ilovecartoonsgirl chapter 5 . 6/16
Your explanation made sense to me. I liked it, and it's nice to see you continue this story!
Sadistcutey chapter 4 . 4/5
this! is! so! cute! AAAAAA considerate and kind Reborn? Smiling and reassuring Reborn? BIG BROTHER DINO? YES TO ALL OF THIS! Aaa my heart breaks to Tsuna and I really want to drop kick Iemetsu and Nana, please Nono do it in my stead. Im in love with this story and I’m so excited and curious on how you’re slowly going to introduce Tsuna’s guardians, and of course, how they react to Tsuna’s scars. God I love Reborn so much hhhh I’m curious whether he’s going to harmonize with Tsuna... hMMM. ANYWAY THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS BEAUTIFUL STORY WITJ US AND LOOKING FORWARD TO MORE AAAAA much love to u!
Guest chapter 4 . 11/24/2019
Is Reborn going to inform Vongola Nono about Tsuna's circumstances? If so, I hope Nono tortures the egg and sperm donors until they die, while constantly telling them they are useless, worthless wastes of space.
Dman4869 chapter 4 . 10/16/2019
Damn this is awesome. Really interested in this bonding between reborn, dino, and Tsuna. Ty for ur hard work! Will you still continue?
Kuroe17 chapter 4 . 9/28/2019
Will there by a continuation please ? I like this story !
Guest chapter 4 . 10/24/2018
Please update this story!
RandomReviews chapter 4 . 10/24/2018
Please update! Please
Sunny-chan chapter 4 . 10/21/2018
I love this story, please update
CalmlySweet chapter 4 . 10/16/2018
Thanks for da Chapter!
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