Hey guys! New story for the new year! I've been so incredibly busy this year! I got married to my best friend last month, November 22nd, and all this year I've been planning, trying to look for a job, and helping out with family. God has truly answered my prayers; I found a job that I absolutely LOVE! My family is better than ever and my life with my new husband is exactly how I imagined it to be.

NOTICE: I will be posting a new chapter every FRIDAY, I'm posting today so I can give you two chapters to read so you can look forward to the next.

This story is currently still in the writing process but I can happily say that I have 18 chapters successfully written and edited for me to post for you guys!

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you enjoy this new story!

The Tutor

Serena Tsukino miserably fails a test and her parents become concerned and decide to get her a tutor. They hire her old brother's best friend, offering him a price he cannot refuse. The two don't get along but when the tutoring is over they can't seem to stay away from each other.

Chapter One

Serena sat in her seat staring at the graded test paper that she had just received back, her shoulders slumped down as she sulked at her grade. Majority of the other students in the class were celebrating their good scores and high marks. This test would either help you in the class, or drag you down and it drug Serena down so far she knew she had to come up with a plan to keep her parents from finding out.

The bell rang for lunch and Serena quickly rushed out of her seat to find her friends. Mina and Amy quickly joined her, since they were in the same class, and they made their way to their lockers.

"How did you do on the test Sere? I got a 79, and of course, Amy got a perfect." Amy blushed and Mina rolled her eyes as they each opened their lockers to retrieve their lunches.

"Terrible, I think I might've gotten the lowest grade in that class or the history of this school, I really hate biology." Serena grunted as she got her lunch and slammed her locker.

"Bummer, maybe we shouldn't have gone to that concert the night of the test and stayed home to study." Mina said as she was starting to regret her own score.

"I don't regret it. It was a great concert and besides this is like the first time I've ever really failed a test and if I keep up my marks on the other assignments I'll still pass with a B or if I'm super lucky, a really low A." Serena reassured herself as she leaned against her locker waiting for her friends to get what they needed from theirs.

"That's the spirit, but not trying to bring you down anymore but the B might not be high enough for your parent's approval and same with that A." Amy replied with a grim expression.

"And they are so going to blow a gasket once they find out your grade. They may never let you leave the house! They'll take your phone and computer away, you won't have any access to the outside world. Oh Serena we can't lose you!" Mina dramatically expressed her concerns as she grabbed Serena by the shoulders and shook her.

"Don't worry Mina, if they don't find out about the test then we won't have anything to worry about." Serena stated proudly, then a thought hit her. "Amy you can't tell your mom about the test. Please, my parents work with your mom and your mom loves to brag about you to my parents. They'll find out and my life will be over." Serena begged her shy friend. Amy just squirmed.

"I don't know Serena, I hate lying to my mother and you all know I'm terrible at it."

"Just tell her that we didn't get them back yet. That Haruna hasn't finished grading everyone's papers." Mina chipped in.

"Okay I'll try," Amy agreed, and the girls closed their lockers and headed towards the court yard to sit in their usual spot under the big oak tree. While walking through the halls, the girls and another group of students weren't watching where they were going and Serena crashed into someone both of them dropping some of their books and papers, causing a little scene between the two groups.

"Oh my, gosh I am so sorry!" Serena said as she bent down to help pick up the papers that she had dropped and tried to separate the papers to what was hers and the other person's work.

"You really should pay a little more attention when walking Meatball Head, or maybe next time you'll run into an open locker and really hurt yourself." A voice said next to her with a harsh icy tone.

"Ugh you are such a jerk Darien!" Serena wailed as she looked up to the senior with heated eyes.

"At least I'm not the one failing tests. Seriously Meatball Head? A 30? I thought you were at least a little smarter than that," Darien said with a chuckle as Serena snatched the test paper out of his hand, got up and walked away with her friends chasing after her.

"Rena slow down!" Amy said as she and Mina rushed to catch up to their blonde haired friend.

"I can't believe he's still calling me that," Serena said with tear filled eyes, just waiting to be shed. "I haven't had that hair style since junior high. Ugh he's such a jerkwad!"

"Yeah, Darien is a jerk, but he's a hot sexy jerk. You're so lucky he even gives you the time of day Sere." Mina said as they sat down in their usual spot and started to pick at her salad.

"Mina, I don't think that's helping the situation right now." Amy pointed out as she pointed Mina's attention towards their friend who was completely ignoring her food and was hugging her knees to her chest with her head bowed down, breathing a little heavily.

"Serena, he's a jerk. There's no need to cry over him. Don't give him that satisfaction." Mina said as she tried to comfort her friend by rubbing her back.

"Guys you don't get it, yeah he's a jerk but I can't ignore him when I constantly see him everywhere. He's Andrew's best friend and practically lives at my house because they're always hanging out. And my parents adore him! My mother doesn't even believe one word I say about him being a jerk, since he always hides it whenever they're around." The tears started to fall and Serena was starting to feel a little helpless. She really didn't know what to do about Darien, she just couldn't wait for the school year to finally be over and have him graduate and leave for college. She hoped he would go somewhere very far away from her.

"Well graduation is a little over a year away since the school year just started, but you could always try to change schools. We are juniors and it's not like going to another school is going to affect your transcript." Amy said trying to calm Serena down.

"Yeah, you could go to that all-girls school with Raye! OMG their uniforms are so cute! So much cuter than our new uniforms. Ugh this blazer is so itchy! I can't wait for winter when I can wear long sleeve shirts under this itchy thing! What was our principal thinking when he ordered this? At least the skirts are cute and they're shorter than last years!" Mina ranted on and on about their new navy blue, gold, and white uniforms. The blazers were navy blue with gold and white lining, they wore white button down dress shirts, navy blue, gold and white ties, and the pleated skirts were navy blue and they were about half an inch longer than fingertip length. And Mina was in love.

"Mina the only reason why your skirt is so short is because you ordered the petite size instead of your regular size." Serena said with a giggle as her appetite was coming back to her and she started to snack on her ham and cheese sandwich.

"And I still got away with it," Mina said proudly as she ate a grape. Amy just giggled at her friends and turned her attention back to her psych book.

"Have you guys heard back from Lita yet? I haven't seen her since the day before she left for training with her Sensei," Serena asked.

"I haven't heard anything, but she should be back soon, I mean we are just in our first month back to school." Mina said with a shrug and played with her skirt, trying to make it just a little bit shorter. "I can't wait for her to come back though so she can help me make this thing a little shorter."

"Mina why do you like your clothes so short and tight?" Serena questioned throwing some grapes at her blonde haired friend.

"There are so many hot boys here, I just love teasing them. Plus my English teacher is so hot! And I know that he's noticed me and has been looking at me in class." Mina said with a teasing wink as she tried to bat away the flying grapes coming at her.

"Lita emailed me last night saying she won't be back for another month or so, close to Halloween." Amy answered as she put her book down to look at her two blonde friends and just sighed as she watched their grape throwing battle commence. "Guys the bell's about to ring, we should get ready to go to gym." Amy said as she put her books away. Serena groaned in agony since she hated gym but also Mina just threw a grape and hit her right above the eye.

"Yes! I get to wear my new shorts!" Mina said as she pulled out gold booty shorts out of her bag.

"Mina you can't wear those-" Amy said and Mina cut her off.

"Don't worry I already asked if I could and our teacher just said that if my cheeks don't show and they're school colors so I'm good, they're just short enough to tease the boys in our class and we're doing Volleyball," Mina said excitedly as the bell rang and she jumped to her feet, helping Serena get up and then linked her arms with Serena and Amy as they headed to the locker rooms to change.

Please Review! Next chapter will be posted on friday 1/2/2015