Disclaimer: I am but a sad sad student. I feel like my only achievement so far is my ability to cling onto these fandoms and my imagination to play with its characters. Cheers~
Contains: HarryP/ArthurK; dialogue-heavy entry sorry in advance; Kevin had it right! Listen to him! No? Then suffer the slowburn; reintroducing Teddy/Roderich because I am a dinggus
As I promised (for once, I am staying true to it), here's another entry! I know it's only a paltry offering, but I hope you guys enjoy this post-Christmas, pre-New Year gift hahaha.
Hope you enjoy~
Secret Affairs (Entry 28)
135. Fail
"Hey. I smelled something burning. You okay?"
Victoire didn't reply, too busy glaring mutinously at the simple pound cake she had tried to bake.
Louis bit onto his lower lip and glanced nervously at her charcoal-ed creation.
"You won't make me try that, will you?"
He hightailed out of there when he saw her start to sprout feathers.
136. Distracting
"What are you making, love?"
"Scones. I seem to remember someone polishing off the last batch before tea time yesterday."
Chuckle. Toned arms around his slim waist. Warm breath on the nape of his neck. Lips, soft and nibbling.
A shaky breath. "H-Harry…?"
…forget the butter."
Slap! Laughter. Arthur screeching.
137. Rambling
"Have you tried this? It's amazing!"
Matthew couldn't stop the smile that was forming on his lips as he watched Kevin stuff his face with the Eccles cake with Lancashire cheese. Kaoru, on the other hand, studiously ignored his fellow former British colony while taking a bite out of his assortment of multi-flavored macaroons.
"You know what's even more amazing?"
Matthew sipped on his mug of hot chocolate, eyeing the plateful of sweets in front of Kaoru.
"They taste exactly like mum's!"
Kaoru hummed, savoring the taste of his pastry. It seems like he got a strawberry shortcake-flavored one.
"It's like the baker taught mum how to make these~"
Matthew was almost able to nick off a caramel "Fleur del se" macaroon from Kaoru's plate. The personification of Hong Kong stared at the Canadian balefully. The blond male just gave a sheepish yet unrepentant smile.
"Think about how awesome it would be if the baker and mum dated."
Kaoru smacked Matthew's hand away before he could try to reach for his macaroon's again. Brat.
"It'd be unlimited sweets 24/7!"
138. Humans
/Just what are our humans doing?/
/Attempting to mate, I think. They always seem to do that when they're here./
/They're here every day./
/But with that fluffy milk and strawberries? What would they need those for?/
/It's called whipped cream. And they're humans. They do the strangest things./
Sigh./You're right. Now, please scoot over./
/... You smell like you're in heat, Iggy./
139. Passions
"... So you work as a zookeeper?"
Teddy chuckled, taking his and Roderich's empty cups of coffee and threw them in the nearest trash bin.
"Not exactly," the (secret) wizard rubbed the back of his head as the thought over his reply. "More of a…maybe an exotic animal handler?" Shrug. "I mostly deal with dangerous reptiles, like dragons." Literally. But the Austrian didn't know that.
"Ah, yes. Komodo dragons are difficult to care for. Aggressive even in captivity, I've heard."
Teddy grinned, all mischievous-like. "No doubt about it. But enough about me You said that you played the piano? What's your favorite piece? I love Chopin's Fantaisie-Impromptu Op.66, but I'm a biased adrenaline junkie."
The metamorphagus took note of the sparkle in his companion's eye, the cheeks reddening in delight, and the fall of a gentlemanly facade to reveal a true pianist's passion for the same composer's Ballade No. 1 in G minor Op. 23, and thought to himself, 'This vacation's not so bad.'
"Hey Roderich, are you free tonight for dinner?"
The aim is getting at least to Entry 30 before I awake into reality and drown again in different works. Please have mercy on me haha. Thank you so much for tolerating my inability to update reliably and for staying on this fic after so long. Have a Happy New Year, friends!