A/N: This. This is the last chapter. Thank you for your patience, I know you were all eager for this, and the sequel. Thank you for your reviews. I love this story dearly; it has become something I am very proud of. I am grateful for all of you who shared your favorite lines, who hounded me for answers and more chapters, who said you appreciate my writing. It means so much. I've grown attached to this universe with ReluctantlyViolent!Arthur, Submissive!Merlin, and Guilty!Knights (plus Protective!Gwaine). I mean, the story kind of writes itself. I hope you are content with this ending, and that you leave a comment if you have any requests for the sequel, any farewells to the story, and any bones to pick with me. Your criticisms and questions forge the next content into a more solid, vivid story. Y'all are writing this as much as I am.
Percival would have held Gwaine back when he surged forward in anger, but the larger knight was trying to keep himself in check. The rogue knight got in Arthur's face, seething.
"You let it happen again?" Before he could linger on the thought of Arthur's part in the whole debacle, Gwaine spun on his heel, looking around the room and running a hand through his hair. "How did I not- how did we miss that? He almost bloody died?" His back was turned to the others, now, and his hands were balled into fists.
Merlin watched, standing slightly behind Arthur, silent. He knew how hard this was for the knights, who saw it as their duty to protect him. Especially Gwaine, who'd been so patient, so compassionate since the first curse. He'd done everything he could to make Merlin feel safe and heard. The wild knight was working to hold back his outrage, but the silent question was there - why had Merlin lied? Why had he put on an act, suffered in silence? Didn't he trust them?
"I'm sorry, Gwaine," Merlin stepped forward. The knights were about to clamor that he needn't apologize, but he pressed on. "No, you all deserve to hear it. I should have known to ask for help. It would be easy to say I was scared, or that it all got out of control so fast, but that's not really why. It's just… I'm still not used to trusting others. I haven't been able to tell anyone this, ever, unless they were like me. But…" Arthur already knew, there was no reason to still dread saying it aloud. "I have magic."
The extent of the reaction was that Leon's head tilted to the side a bit as he added that to his perception of recent events. Otherwise, the knights' reaction was underwhelming. Merlin's brow furrowed a bit, but he pressed on, figuring it would sink in as he explained. "I've never been able to trust someone else, not really. Since I got to Camelot, I've had to sneak out, lie, mess with people's lives just to get by, to keep my secret and protect Arthur without anyone knowing."
Still, there was no big reaction. Gwaine had turned around to watch Merlin share his secret, but he hadn't moved other than that. As Merlin watched him, increasingly confused, the knight finally shrugged. "I mean, it makes sense. You're pretty weird. It kind of pales in comparison to, 'Hey, just so you know, Arthur's been torturing me again, and I almost killed myself, but everything's fine now'."
"That was pretty much my reaction," Arthur supplied. Merlin looked at the blonde incredulously.
"Is that all I get?" The warlock asked, almost annoyed. "Not that I wanted yelling and getting dragged off to the dungeons, but I expected a bit more than that. All those years, anxious, anticipating the big reveal, and that's all?"
"Yup," Arthur supplied evenly. "That's all."
"If anyone deserves to get locked up, it's pretty boy there," Gwaine pointed at Arthur.
"It's not his fault," Merlin parried predictably.
"I know, but I'm really angry about it."
"How do you think he feels?" Arthur argued, gesturing to Merlin.
"I don't know, probably miffed that he didn't get payback, some retribution!"
"I'll give you retribution!"
"Oi!" Merlin got between the knight and king. "Stop fighting like children, I'm-"
"He's the Court Advisor, you know!" Arthur blurted. "Ranked higher than a knight! Doesn't that count for something?"
"What, you get used as an evil puppet, beat him to a pulp, then give him a pity promotion? You're not his friend, you're his employer!"
"Employer? I'm a king! If I'm an employer, your payment is the honor of serving Camelot! And I'm a really good employer!"
"It's pointless," Merlin mumbled and walked away. Gwaine and Arthur continued to bicker as he left the throne room.
By the time Merlin made it to the physician's chambers, the fabric of his shirt had chafed against the bandages protecting his newly torn back enough that he wore a grimace and walked slowly. Gaius noticed this as soon as he walked in, of course, but he still greeted the boy with a hug. He couldn't help it, it was such a relief to see him after everything they'd been through.
"Gaius, I've not been gone an hour. What is with everyone today?" He cringed. "Do you mind? I'm just a bit sore."
"Right, well, I should redress your wounds."
"Not for another two hours, you don't!" Merlin pulled away, far from eager to feel the sting of air against his back again just because Gaius was overbearing.
"I've been a physician for-"
"Far longer than I have, right. Maybe all those years are a weakness after all? Age is not kind to the mind." Merlin tapped a finger against his temple with a mockingly concerned expression.
"At least let me get you a draught for the pain," The physician moved toward the nearest table to sort through the glass bottles there. Merlin walked farther into the room and sat on the cot in the center.
"I never said anything about pain," He grumbled.
Gaius was silent a moment. The only sound in the room was the clinking of glass and the rustling of sage hanging to dry at the window.
"You may not want to hear it," Gaius said, moving to the shelves to find the right bottle, "But I am proud of you. You didn't deserve to go through all of that alone."
"No, go on with the praise," The young warlock sighed, "I just told the knights my biggest secret and they didn't even blink. I could do with some attention."
"They weren't surprised?"
"No, Gwaine just started arguing with Arthur. Like I wasn't even there."
"Perhaps they were trying to help."
"Help by fighting? Sounds like the logic of a knight alright. Bloody brutes."
"Well, with the spells drawing violence to you and turning your friends' mere proximity toward inducing stress, I should think that they'd be careful to remain calm and amicable in your presence. How would you have reacted if they started forward or cried out in shock? Would it make you feel unsafe?"
"I dunno," Merlin shrugged uncomfortably. He'd rather thought he was unflappable and powerful after the who coming out to Arthur as a warlock and, well, being offered the stars and all. "Do you think they really do care and are hiding it? Are they going to-"
"No," Gaius assured him swiftly, "I do not think you will be punished. I don't believe that they would care even if they were told at a time of utter peace. They're your friends, all of them. I do, however," He posited, handing Merlin his potion, "think that you should recognize that they are there for you. You are not alone. They're not clueless or pitying, they will stand by your side and give you courage when you need it. And before you complain that they are 'babying you', or trying too hard to keep you at ease, remember that they act out of love." His guardian gave Merlin a knowing look. "As you protect Arthur, they will protect you."
Merlin sat up a little straighter at that. "You think so?"
"Would you want to be in Arthur's shoes next time Gwaine thinks he's being too hard on you? Let alone a true enemy?"
Merlin shook his head resolutely. "No, I would not."
"Drink your draught, go on."
"Talk about babying," The physician's ward huffed in annoyance. "I'm pretty sure I could do better with a spell than with your rancid potions." He raised the glass bottle and tilted it back, downing the maroon liquid.
"Best to practice now, then. Arthur said he'll be naming you Court Sorcerer soon."
Merlin promptly spat out the draught, then gasped. "He what? Court Sorcerer?"
"That old fool, it was supposed to be a surprise. Ah, well, it's true. You are now Camelot's first Court Sorcerer."
"I- what does that even mean? Are you serious? What about the laws? You can't-" Merlin stuttered out each question running through his mind, a smile gradually winning out over his shocked expression. He'd rushed to the king's chambers as soon as he'd heard the news.
"You're not the court jester, Merlin, don't fret about practicing any new tricks. Akin to your position as Advisor, you will be offering insights into magical threats, and providing tactical support to my person and my patrols. At your own discretion."
"So… basically what I've always done. Except now you have to listen to my advice, and I don't have to hide my magic."
"Don't get all high and mighty, Merlin."
"But I've always done those things, the only difference is that you can't be such a prat about it!"
"I can be a prat about it if I like! I mean, I'm not a prat - listen. The difference is that you don't have to be afraid anymore." Arthur stepped closer to Merlin, making eye contact. "I will change the laws, the people will change over time. You will stay by my side - that is, you may, if you wish. You will be as my equal. At the very least," The king's voice was softer now, "you have earned that."
Merlin was shaking his head in wonder. "Your equal. Your equal." He couldn't believe it. His mouth opened, then closed, and he shook his head once more. "That's unheard of, you know. Remember when Uther granted Gaius citizenship a few years ago? He got to be, like, a hundred years old before he qualified as a person. And you're making me your equal? The king?"
"Gaius is not a hundred years old. And… I want things to be different. You are a person. You're more than that, you're powerful, and brave, and-"
"Oh, enough of that, I don't want you to pass out with the effort."
"Thanks," Arthur sighed dramatically, "I'd much rather bant than inflate your ego. It's big enough as is."
"My ego is big? Are you really saying that, to me? Arthur Pendragon, calling me conceited?"
"Yes, I am!"
"Do you recall saying something like, 'You can have whatever you want, I can do that because I'm king of everything'? You realize you're not, right? There's a very definitive border marking what is yours, and the rest of the world."
"Says 'the most powerful warlock to ever live'!"
"Oh, Gaius was being dramatic when he told you that! He's just tired of keeping it a secret. You know old people and their gossip."
"Gossip? It's a prophecy!"
"According to Kilgharrah, who is, you guessed it, just an old lizard."
"Lizard? Lizard?"
Merlin smiled. After everything, they were still together. Exchanging stupid, pointless bants. Making plans to change Camelot for the better, plans to help people. Merlin would still serve, still protect Arthur. The difference now was that he would be given the freedom to do it without hiding. The chance to stay at Arthur's side - or, rather, to finally stand there rather than in the shadows. They would remember everything that they had been through, the pain and fear and sorrow that they suffered. But Merlin was not alone, and for the first time in his life, he believed that. Everything they had been through, he resolved, was worth it to have this. Family. Freedom. Good friends and a home all his own.
He could deal with the passing memory of pain for the reward of a future at Arthur's side. It wasn't about destiny, duty anymore. It was right to stay. It was good. All of the hardship had only strengthened their bond.
They would not fear the future, or any threat it may hold. They would face it together.