Reviews for That One Naruto Time Travel Thing
Hey chapter 1 . 7/8
I randomly found this fanfic, and from what I first read, this is stupid. So stupid it's probably one of the best crackficks, along with It's for a good Cause, and etc. Whoever wrote this is an amazing person and deserves to be loved at Valentines Day
Gwydion chapter 11 . 6/14
As much as I'm enjoying the insane humor in this fic, I have to say that I really liked the little talk between Naruto and Sasuke. It was nice. Not something I was really expecting in this sort of fic, but it works.
Gwydion chapter 1 . 6/14
Honestly, my tendency is to not make it all the way through time travel fics, because as much as I love the concept, a lot of the time things don't change enough from canon for them to hold my attention throughout. However, even if that ends up being true with this one, I must say that this first chapter was downright hilarious and has me really looking forward to continuing on. There is so much ridiculousness in Naruto, and hearing him casually talk about everything like that while Neji just has to stand there and accept it as fact got several giggles from me, and this is coming from someone who tends to prefer the angsty time traveler trope.

Hoping Hagoromo does inform the powers that be about the almighty Talk no Jutsu, haha. Also, was great to see Neji as a companion - loved the reasoning, and I think he'll be an interesting straight man to Naruto's silliness.
Bazooka101 chapter 21 . 6/14
This fiction is as great as "It's For a Good cause, I Swear!," with just as much uncanny humor as the other. I haven't laughed as hard as I have with this story and I doubt I ever will. The Kunai was probably my favorite recurring part of this story.

Kudos to you for making something as hilarious as this. Great job

Guest chapter 1 . 5/27
damienfarrar10 chapter 1 . 5/12
Good story.
Also Talk No Justu is overpowered.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/29
Ferocious Nightfury chapter 3 . 3/18
Why didn't naruto have kakashi come back with him?
BaddieDZ2 chapter 1 . 3/11
This sounds like the dumbest fucking story written. He's being sent back in time because 'fuck you', and he can't change anything because 'fuck you'. This is retarded.
Kaiimei chapter 1 . 2/29
Oh my god I fucking lost it.

That ending, I literally couldn't breathe for a few moments from laughing so hard. My throat hurts, but that laughter was so worth it.

Now, this story in general, it doesn't really appeal to me. I love characters going back in time but powerful. I can't recall what it was called, but there was one where Naruto went back, found Neji's dad in a stasis seral and saved him, whooped the butts of the Konoha 12 with a single session each, and was generally a badass.

But...I guess just in general the writing style and actions just...I dunno, they aren't quite right for me I guess. Loved the humor, but...can't win em all I guess.

Keep being awesome though!
Laina Bug chapter 1 . 1/21
I am laughing my ass off when I should be in bed
Brazoalda chapter 21 . 1/8
Actually very hilarious, but it seems that after resuming the fic you somehow revived the Sandaime, perhaps to send our fellow Ninja back to their original timeline.

And alas, poor Neji, he had accepted death and now he is a young 17 year old, stuck in a future he does not belong to.
Danny Williams chapter 21 . 12/6/2019
Great story enjoyed from start to finish (I guess this is the end).
Plenty of humor, suspense and action.
Woman is deadlier than the male.
Brom Stormcaster chapter 2 . 10/4/2019
this is stupid
SteadfastWhiplash chapter 1 . 8/25/2019
What’s the point of changing the cause if the effect stays the same? All these people go around changing things with wave, the forest of death, the invasion, the retrieval. But the things that actually matter almost NEVER change. Zabuza and Haku either die or disappear, Sasuke still gets his mark, the third dies, Sasuke leaves. It’s so damn irritating because there’s pretty much no reason to even read when you know what’s gonna happen
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