So, I had this chapter practically finished, then I realized that I hadn't saved it in a very long time and my computer didn't back it up. When my computer just died on me, I lost all of this.

I was very sad.

I tried to recreate it, which drained me a lot. Then my computer glitched while in the final parts and I tried to save.

I lost it all again. My motivation basically died.

Couple months, several tries later, and my final product comes out a lot different than it was supposed to. I like it, but I feel like this is basically over.

I might do some side chapters, I might even finish it if I do well in life.

But for now, this is it. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for your comments, and your reassurance. I couldn't have finished this without some of you constantly egging me on, and I love you guys for it.

I have two other stories coming out. They will be on a more set schedule (probably). One is serious. It's plot is not for debate.

The other one, however...

Well, tell me what you think. Once again, thank you for the support.

Konohamaru was a smart boy. He ate his vegetables with every meal and looked both ways— as well as up for the travelling ninja— before crossing the street. He, despite his rancorous reputation, actually studied very hard and knew his arithmetic as well as he was supposed to. He knew the history of the Village he was from, as well as a very limited history of those he wasn't from.

Konohamaru was a very smart boy, or at least as smart as he needed to be. That is why when he saw the rapidly fleeing form of his hero, one Naruto Uzumaki, he didn't call out to the boy as he usually did.

For you see, Konohamaru was a smart boy, and he knew that he wanted nothing to do with the pink haired demon chasing his hero down.


Sakura was a woman of many things. Perseverance, intelligence and untold grace were only three of the traits that she came to be known for in her adulthood. She was no longer a Haruno, a no-name civilian clan with exactly that much going for her. She was now the matriarch of the Uchiha clan. Sure, it was a rather lonely existence as, more often than not, her husband was away from home, it was still worth it because she had won.

She had won Sasuke, and not even from Ino. She had won Sasuke from Sasuke, and the whole damn village knew it. The lonely, brooding, bastard (and wasn't it good to be mature enough to call her husband that?) had lost. She had broken through his emo little heart and burrowed down there, finding a place to call home in its cavernous, unused halls.

It felt good. Sure, he wasn't the strongest in the world, but he was definitely the hardest to get a hold of, and for that Sakura felt proud. Like Naruto had felt when he became the Seventh Hokage, Sakura felt especially vindicated when Sasuke had awkwardly slipped the ring on her finger that faithful night.

It felt good. It felt like closure. It felt like freedom and happiness and sweet, sweet victory.

So you can imagine Sakura's pure, unbridled rage when she woke up in the middle of the forest with not only no ring on her finger, but no matching victory in her heart.

Sadly, you can only imagine it, because Sakura's rage was so many times the greater than anything anyone could understand.

"This is Naruto's fault," the Kunoichi growled, her fury righteous and justified. "I'm going to kill him. Him and his fox. Then Sasuke. It's his fault somehow, too. I'm going to kill them both, then bring Sasuke back, make him put the ring on my finger, then kill him again."

The pink haired ninja stomped off in the general direction of the village, her eyes blazing with untold fury. Each step caused a localized earthquake and uprooted nearby trees. Then, suddenly, she stopped. Pulling at a shirt she hadn't been able to fit in for years, Sakura took a peek down at her suddenly much flatter than usual chest.

Then she roared, and the whole world felt their mortality.

"Good news, I'm not going to kill you two anymore," Sakura howled to the two soon to be dead men, wherever they were. "I'm just going to keep you in a state of very near death for the rest of my miserable life. If my master is anything to go by, it's going to be a very long one."

And then she took off, her leap absolutely destroying the area she was in.


Shikamaru is the smartest existence in The Elemental Nations. This has always been the case. From the time he first came into understanding of the world around him at the ripe age of two, Shikamaru had been on the forefront of understanding and knowledge. He was lazy, sure, but all that time spent doing nothing outwardly was just an excuse to riddle apart the mysteries of the world.

Indeed, at thirteen, there were only a handful of people rivaling Shikamaru in the intellectual department. Subsequent years would make that handful shrink.

So it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Shikamaru had pretty much figured out that his friends were time travelers about as soon as he came into contact with them. Their weird actions, as well as their weird conversations were all he needed to come up with a hypothesis that quickly became fact in the young genius' mind.

Now, if only he weren't so damn lazy that the universe didn't think he was a threat to be corrected.

So, because of his near inability to do anything more than what he was absolutely supposed to, the universe didn't find it necessary to revert the world to before Shikamaru figured out something was going on, so he pretty much was around the entire time.

And true to the Universe's decision, absolutely nothing changed because of it.

"OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK," the normally stoic Sasuke Uchiha screamed, dojutsu blazing as he ran from the normally timid Hinata Hyuuga, her dojutsu also blazing.

Shikamaru simply stepped to the side, letting the two human bullets blaze through the town.

"Hmm," Shikamaru drawled. "I'm guessing that somehow Hinata was brought back as well. She must be unhappy about this. The only reason I could see why though is if she was Naruto's wife and pissed off that she was torn from her family. Finding no one else to take her wrath out on, as Naruto is notoriously good at hiding, she decided to pursue the next best thing." Shikamaru then let out an exaggerated sigh. "I'm guessing this means that Sakura is back as well, and chasing down Naruto."

Shikamaru then proceeded through the village without a care in the world.

"I guess I better lay low, now."



That was the single, sole, all-consuming thought going through the Hyuuga Heiress' mind as she sat nearly unconscious under a tree. It was a nice thought, filled with longing and hope and, though she hadn't known it at the time, lust.

It wasn't unusual for Hinata to dream about her crush. To think about her crush. To stalk her crush when the option was available. What was unusual was for her to think about him so often. These recent events had made so many things known to her, and for one, blissful, moment, her thoughts were completely obsessed with her orange wearing, blond admiration.

Had this been allowed to continue, Hinata might have become obsessed. She might have become dangerous. Well, more dangerous than she was already.

Then the Universe was forced to step in, and suddenly everything was just so clear for young Hinata.

The Uzumaki matriarch got a bombardment of emotions out of nowhere. Where she was once washing dishes and getting ready to prepare lunch with her beloved daughter, she was now sitting under a tree with hair far shorter than she remembered.

Most importantly, she was now being hit with some very powerful emotions that she was not expecting. They bordered on obsessive. They bordered on insane.

And like the mature, controllably insane woman that Hinata was, she dismissed them all. Where the Hyuuga heiress was experiencing these emotions all at once in the span of a couple minutes, the older Hinata had grappled with these same emotions over the course of three very long, very agonizing years.

She knew how to deal with them. They were the emotions of an emotionally stunted child. She was an emotionally fulfilled adult.

So with a nod of her head, she swept them all away. They were compartmentalized where they needed to and sorted out with an amazing efficiency in the span of two seconds.

With that out of the way, the young Uzumaki stood up. She wiped off her suspiciously short pants (she had taken to wearing dresses) and patted her suspiciously puffy cheeks (her face had become slender and graceful).

Then she looked to the village.

"I'm in the past," she said. Immediately unbridled rage came to her. Like her previous emotions, she pounded it down and put it in its place. With a clear head, she once again regarded the four faces on the Hokage's mountain.

Then she closed her eyes. She could feel the earthquakes. She could hear the panicked screams that sounded oh so much like her son's when he was about to get a beating.

"So, Sakura's back too. It seems that she has already found Naruto. Goodness knows how she does it."

Hinata then put a hand to her chin. She contemplated her next actions, then smiled. It was a wicked smile, borne of years of being married to a sadistic troublemaker and fathering a second one.

"Well, if my dear Sakura is handling my husband, then it would seem that no one is handling hers." Hinata's dark smile only grew. "It seems it is time for this village to experience the wrath of the Prank Queen of Konoha."

Elsewhere, Sasuke's spine shivered to the point of almost breaking.



"NO," Naruto screamed. With a yell reminiscent of his now estranged son, the Seventh Hokage ducked under yet another house being thrown at him. This was... the fourth? The fourth one thrown at him. When Sakura was feeling less vindictive, she only threw horses, people, and stalls.

"I just want to talk to you," Sakura said, her face calm despite her thunderous pursuit. Naruto threw caution to the wind and looked over his shoulder at one of his closest friends.

She had another damn house in her hand. Not hands. She had a house in just one hand and carried it over her head as if it were some kind of paperweight.

Naruto turned back to his fleeing. "I DOUBT THAT."

"Hmm," Sakura pondered. "How would you know that if you don't ever stop?"


"You're asking the wrong questions," Sakura said, her face in a pout. "Listen, I'm not even mad."


Indeed, Sakura held in her hands a piece of the Third Raikage's statue. It was commonly found in the Village Hidden in the Clouds and weighed well over several tons.

Sakura ignored his question as she chucked the thing at the orange boy. "I just want to talk to you. I promise that is the only reason that I'm throwing these things at you."


"Then I suppose that you will just be falling, then."

At that prompt, Naruto swiftly jumped high into the air. Not a second after he had done so, had the world exploded. Fissures creaked throughout all of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, and entire tufts of land were uprooted.

It was a disaster worse than Pein's.

Sakura looked bored.


"And you'll be next if you don't stop running."


"So be it," Sakura responded with a sigh. She then picked up an entire chunk of upturned land and continued her pursuit.


Sasuke had never before wished that he had the ability to retreat to his other dimensions as much as he did right now. The Rinnegan really was a useful ability, and had he had it, maybe he wouldn't be in the situation he was in right now.

It all started when he heard the thunderous explosions. Since he didn't remember anyone attacking the village at this point in time, that could only mean one thing.

His wife was back, and as usual, she beelined it to Naruto to take her anger out on him. Sasuke still wasn't sure why, but Sakura's default outlet for her anger was still her blonde teammate.

So there was one monstrosity out of the way. Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that the first disaster was avoided.

Then his breathe caught in his throat as all around him a feeling of just pure wrongness pervaded the world. It seeped into his pores from everywhere he could conceive. Even the very ground felt tainted and dangerous.

"Oh, right. Hinata."

"That's right," a voice whispered into the Uchiha's ear. It was somehow both as smooth as silk and as sharp as a knife. "Me."

Sasuke didn't even look back. Not a second after he heard the words, he took off, bustling through the village like a bat out of hell. Not really caring about the people he knocked over in his attempt to flee, Sasuke tried his hardest to escape the pure terror that was behind him.

Only to run straight into a dirt wall that wasn't in front of him less than a second ago.

"Urgh," Sasuke grumbled. He tried to extract himself from the wall, but his hands stuck to where he tried to push off. Behind him, Sasuke could hear laughter.

"You should really pay more attention to where you're going, Uchiha-san."

"When did you even have time to set up traps?" Sasuke asked.

Hinata giggled. "A true Prank Master needs very little time to set up menial pranks." Sasuke couldn't see it, but Hinata's smile grew. He felt it though. It felt evil. "Now, when you see my extended pranks? Oh boy. You're really gonna wonder how I did those."

"You've been spending too much time with Naruto," Sasuke sighed. Already he was burning through the sap on the wall with a low powered Amaterasu.

"And you haven't been spending enough time with him," Hinata responded. "Otherwise, you might have been able to dodge some of these."

"Some of wha-" was all the raven haired boy was able to get out before a literal horde of weaponry came flying at him from literally nowhere. Thinking quickly, the last Uchiha burned away the last of the sap and simply headbutted the wall he was attached to with all of the Earth natured chakra he could muster. It wasn't a lot, so a lot of the force was from the headbutt, but Sasuke managed to break through the wall and dodge the weaponry.

He rolled to safety on the outer side of the wall, his forehead bleeding but no worse for the wear. "Are you insane, woman? You could've killed me!"

"So it appears that you could dodge that just by being a competent enough ninja," Hinata pondered. "Interesting."

"Are you... are you ignoring me?" Sasuke asked. Hinata waved her hand at him.

"You're still here?" Hinata asked. "Well, that's good, I suppose. I'm going to need you to run through the rest of the traps that I put up around the village as well. I need to see which are ninja proof and which aren't. Go on now. Shoo."

"I'm... I'm not your dog!" Sasuke growled. He made to move on the young Hyuuga, but the smaller girl didn't budge. Instead, she pulled out a whistle. She took a deep breath before blowing into it.

Sasuke's head exploded, such was the depth of the pain.

"Bad Sasuke!" Hinata yelled as if she were talking to a dog. "Go run the Death Gauntlet!"

"Y-you call it the Death Gauntlet? Why would I run through something called the Death Gauntlet?"

Hinata blew the whistle again. Sasuke collapsed from the pain.

"What is that!?"

"Naruto made it. He said it only works on 'brooding assholes' that you 'need to train to get better'."

Sasuke sighed. Of course he would.

"Now, are you gonna run my Ultra Death Gauntlet, or not?"

Sasuke glared at the Hyuuga. "I hate you."

Hinata made to blow into the whistle, but Sasuke was already gone. Smiling, Hinata pursued the boy.


The Third Hokage watched as his village was being destroyed by four brats who had no business wielding that kind of power.

He turned back to the room he was supposed to be supervising. "All four of those children are going to be in the Chunin Exams. Three of them are on the same team. Anyone else want to submit their team for testing?"

When absolutely no one else stepped up, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed. He turned back to the wanton destruction that was happening outside his window and watched for as long as he could before the headache overwhelmed him. Then he turned back to the assembled ninja before him.

"Since Kakashi isn't here, I'm going to have to field my question to the one person who can answer my inquiries. Kurenai, what are you teaching these children?"

Kurenai, a new Jonin, blinked her red eyes rapidly. She looked around the room, as if anyone else would be able to provide her with the answers that she apparently did not have. When nothing came up and no one stepped forward, the woman sighed.

"I haven't been teaching Hinata. She's my only student out there, by the way. Thus far I've been trying to teach her to better her confidence. Judging by her current performance, however..."

Kurenai had to trail off as Hinata, in pursuit of the Uchiha, barrelled through a small mansion. Their passage levelled the entire building.

"… it seems that I have succeeded."

"Indeed," the Hokage agreed. "A tad too well it seems. They are running around the Village, destroying everything that they can. This needs to stop."

"Excuse me, Master Hokage," a no name Jonin asked. As he stepped forward, he afforded his leader a small bow. "If I could be so blunt, why don't you simply send your ANBU after them?"

To this, the Hokage simple gestured outside once more. The assembled Jonin looked outside to see that there were, in fact, entire squads of ANBU trying to subdue the children. They weren't doing very well. In fact, the children didn't even seem to notice them.

"Oh," the no name Jonin said. His mouth went dry as he saw the Jinchuuriki Rasengan an ANBU out of the way in his mad dash away from his pink haired teammate. Said pink haired teammate punched that same ANBU into the sky.

He was still going.

"What do we do, dad?" Asuma asked. Outside the window, the Uchiha attempted to put the Hyuuga in a genjutsu. Hinata literally smacked the attempt out of the way. The chakra, visible to normal eyes now, went sailing and hit a villager. That villager, initially stunned by the impact of the technique, calmly rose from his position on the ground, walked over to the nearest stall, and picked up a discarded knife.

"I have seen true pain and decided that life isn't worth living anymore. This shall be my last, solemn mercy to myself. I will embrace the sweet nothingness that awaits beyond death."

The lesser ninja had to turn their heads. Asuma only gaped.

"W-what did he see?" Asuma turned to his father. "What the hell did he see?"

Both the Third Hokage and Kurenai, the only two in the room who could recognize a genjutsu at a glance, stared with wide eyes at the spectacle before them. They looked to one another and concluded in an unspoken agreement. With a minute nod of the head, they turned to their son/potential love interest.

"The mysteries of the Sharingan can never be fully explored," the Third Hokage said, rubbing his beard. His eyes were shifty as he attempted to focus on anything but his disbelieving son.

"Bull," Asuma said, his voice rising. "I saw that look on your face. You know what just happen-" Asuma stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Kurenai looked at him, a grave expression on her face.

"The mysteries of the Sharingan can never be fully explored."

Asuma decided to leave it at that.

"Regardless," the Hokage continued. He was looking out the window again. "We cannot allow them to continue this. I'm calling for all active duty Shinobi not currently busy to help in apprehending them. If we work together, we can stop them." The Hokage then chuckled. "Maybe put them in time out, or something."

"Yes, Lord Hokage!" the room of upper level ninja chorused. With a snap of the old man's fingers, the assembled ninja disappeared, not a single sound made amongst them.

The old Hokage sighed. He took a seat in his chair and swiveled it to look out his window once more. From this point, he could see all of his beloved village.

He could see half of it going up in flames.

"Damn kids," the old man grumbled. "If I have to go out there myself, I'm going to be very upset."


"Hey, Sakura?" Naruto asked. He was running in the main street of Konoha, but suddenly increased his pace. Using his chakra to stick to the walls of the buildings, he ran halfway up one before taking off and flipping in the air. It was all he could do to avoid yet another building being thrown at him.

"Yes, Naruto?" Sakura asked innocently. In the time it took her to speak, Sakura had torn the building Naruto had just jumped off from the ground. She cocked her arm back.

"Don't you notice something… odd?" Naruto asked. He created a Shadow Clone with no hand signs, then used it to springboard into the air. Naruto winced as the clone's memories of being hit with a house came back to him.

"Hmm," Sakura pondered. She scaled the rubble of the now destroyed building and used it to follow Naruto into the sky. She had chased the boy many a time before. He was no Sasuke, he couldn't outright outrun her, or shift into another dimension. What he could do, however, was disappear once you lost sight of him for even a second. "Do you mean the ANBU that have been chasing us?"

"No," Naruto responded. Coincidentally, he used an ANBU that had tried to tackle him out of the air to change his trajectory. Pushing off his back, Naruto shot towards a roof that was now below him, and dashed in a different direction. "I think we took out like, half of the ANBU anyway. I'm talking about the overwhelming amounts of… youth."

Sakura, not one to be outdone, turned herself over in the air and punched it. She punched the air. The force of the blow rocketed her towards her blond teammate. Using the momentum from her punch, she pursued Naruto across the rooftops. "Yeah," she said. "I have noticed quite a lot of it. Why?"

"You don't think…" Naruto trailed off.

"Impossible," Sakura responded. "Why would they be after us? If anything, they'd be cheering on our 'exuberant youthfulness'."

"Is that better or worse?"

"So much worse," Sakura responded, shuddering slightly. "So for our sanity, let's hope that Lord Hokage sent him after us."

There was a loud crash nearby. A building collapsed under the overwhelming amounts of Youth that just barreled through it. Already seeing the green missile heading towards him, Naruto stopped, and allowed Sakura to catch up. The pink haired girl, seeing the bigger problem for what it was, stopped in front of Naruto and held up her hand. For good measure, she braced herself as well.

Sakura, who could effectively handle several tons of weight with no problem, was still nearly bowled over as she caught the foot of one Might Gai.


"All of my worst nightmares. They are coalescing right here, right now, in front of my very eyes." Naruto deadpanned. He then turned around and caught the foot of yet another green missile.

"While I cannot match up to Gai-sensei's incredible might, I, Rock Lee, will do my best!"

"Oh god," Sakura gasped, her voice tense. "It gets worse."

"INDEED," Gai screamed, his voice shattering both windows and eardrums. "THOUGH YOUR YOUTFULNESS IS INDEED IMPRESSIVE, OUR YOUTHFUL LORD HOKAGE HAS ASKED YOU TO STOP DESTROYING OUR VILLAGE." Gai then, somehow, disengaged while still being midair and spun. His midair roundhouse kick impacted Sakura's raised arm, and came to a stop. "SO, WILL YOU?"

Ignoring the fact that Gai had just kicked through a house to get to her, Sakura just braced her arm with her other one. Gai was disabled in the future, so Sakura had almost forgotten just how powerful he was.

"I'm going to have to decline," Sakura hummed. She had started to push back the man who was pushing her while still in the air. "I have to mete out some well deserved punishment."

"I SEE," Gai shouted. His face was, for once, grim. "Then it appears that we have the same goal in mind."

Gai then flipped once more, somehow. He then kicked at Sakura's arm again. She wasn't prepared this time, so she was kicked away. "Lee, can you handle young Naruto?"

"Yes, sensei!" The mini clone screamed. "And if I cannot, I will run a thousa-"

Naruto punched the boy with a Rasengan powered punch. He knew that Lee would shrug it off. "None of that. Sakura!" Naruto screamed. "I'll finish up with Lee and follow up with you, okay?"

"Right!" Sakura yelled. She fell into her Slug Style stance. "Don't get beat up!"

"Same!" Naruto yelled.

And just like that, the two duos split up.


Hinata and Sasuke hadn't even noticed that there were people pursuing them. Hinata had set up very a many traps.

"How… how?" Kurenai gasped. She was currently being held in the air by rope that bound her BDSM style. Below her was a pool of water that contained sharks. Being a genjutsu master, she noticed the small one that made her much more afraid of the situation than she actually was, but for some reason she couldn't dispel it.

Across from her, Asuma was much worse off.

"HOW?" he yelled. Kurenai couldn't describe his situation very well. It was that complicated. All she knew was that it involved honey, fire, and a lot of broken lightbulbs.

Too many broken lightbulbs.

Suspended in the air, Kurenai looked over the village she was in. Hinata and Sasuke were getting farther and farther away, with the latter dodging all of the former's traps, albeit by small margins.

In their wake were many other ninja who were attempting to pursue them. They had tried, and failed, to escape the ambient traps.

"What do we do now?" Kurenai thought. She was helpless as everyone else.

She just hoped someone would come get her down.


"This is…" Tenten trailed off.

"Becoming a lot bigger than we thought, yes," Hagoromo hummed. "I didn't expect them to start working together."

"Sasuke and Hinata aren't working together," Tenten protested. Orochimaru pointed to the screen.

"If that isn't working together, then I don't know what is."

On screen Sasuke desperately tried to outrun Hinata. He tripped a different trap every other step, but managed to avoid them all. Every so often, however, the two would look off to the side, towards ninja jumping towards them. They would then jump to angle the encroaching ninja into premade traps.

"Oh," Tenten said, her voice lowering. "The Prank Queen of Konoha is truly fearsome."

"Some say she surpasses her husband," Kyuubi grunted. He looked bored. He scratched at the floor where the seal was. Some of it cracked from exposure to his chakra.

Kyuubi smiled.

"This isn't good," Tenten pondered. She approached the screen, her face scrunched up and her eyes intent on the screen. "If they work together, there is no force in the world that can stop them."

"We must split them up," Kakashi hummed.

They all stared at the screen.


Two green spandex wearing ninja collided with each other. An audible crack echoed through the area as the master and student hit. Effectively knocked out, the two fell to the ground as one.

"That was… something," Sakura said. She was panting. "Why are they so strong? Were they always this strong?"

"Yeah," Naruto responded. He had an easier fight, but even still, he had much better endurance. "Have you gotten it all out?"

"Yeah," Sakura gasped. "Now, what is going on here?"

"It appears we were dragged to the past," a new voice said. Naruto shivered, and Sakura turned around with a smile.

"Hinata! You came back too?" She then looked down. "And you found Sasuke!"

Sasuke was tied up at the girl's feet.

"Yeah. You found Naruto?"

Naruto attempted to jump away. A very strong hand gripped his neck.

"Yeah," Sakura answered. "So what do we do now?"

The four looked around. They came to a conclusion rather quickly.

"Chaos?" Hinata asked.

"Chaos," the other three chorused. Hinata leaned down and untied Sasuke. Rubbing at his wrists, he coughed.

"If you find Tenten, Orochimaru, or Kakashi, kick them especially hard. They're the ones who brought you back here."

Hinata and Sakura nodded. Then, as one, the four took off.


"They… they can't find us, right?"

Kyuubi literally exploded. The fox had finally scratched a dent in the seal holding him. His chakra radiated around the room, scaring the ones in there and essentially being a beacon for anyone with even a little bit of talent as a sensor.

Naruto and Sakura were excellent sensors. Hinata and Sasuke could literally see chakra.

"They're… on their way, aren't they?"

"You should be worried more about me," Kyuubi chanted. Now in his human form, he took on his own chakra cloak. "Please do survive until they reach here."


Sarutobi sighed, he stood up from his seat and threw off his robes.

"I guess it's time to show these children who's boss."

The God of Shinobi took to the field once more."


"It's a shame," Naruto sighed. He parried the sword coming for him and unleashed a wave of sand from the Kunai he used to do it. "I wanted to go on a really long journey in order to visit each Jinchuuriki, and absorb the chakra from them one by one, getting into ridiculous situations and eventually using it to tear ourselves from this time loop myself. Now, it just feels like everything is coming to a head so quickly."

"Is that so, Naruto?" Hinata asked. "It is okay, we can see our children quicker."

"But still," Sasuke chimed in. He put several ninja around him in a genjutsu simultaneously. "It feels rushed. Like the gods were quickly getting tired of us and just wants to send us home."

"I don't think so," Sakura chimed in. "Besides, we may be able to come back at any time." Sakura shrugged. "We don't know what the future holds."

"I know what the future holds," an aged voice chimed from behind them. "You guys. Please, go back."

The children turned around, different ninja being held in their hands.

"Excuse me?" Naruto asked.

"You guys are causing too much trouble in the past," Sarutobi repeated. "I need you to go back to the future."

"Wait," Naruto asked, his voice incredulous. "You knew we were from the future this entire time?"

"Of course I did. And I need you to go back. You're causing too much trouble."

"But, Lord Hokage…"

"No, Sakura," the Hokage cut her off. "You're doing too much and I'm sending you home."

"Because, we're…"

"Trouble, yes, Sasuke. Let's send you home now, okay?"

Elsewhere, an explosion went off. Kyuubi stepped out of a building holding four unconscious bodies. Stepping near the others, he dropped them on the ground, then postured on them.

"I am the King of Everything!" he yelled. Sarutobi whacked him on the head with Enma, his Monkey Staff.

"Take him too," the old Hokage muttered. "Are you ready?"

The four children nodded.

"Then goodbye." The Hokage then went through several handsigns.

"Does anyone else find it ironic that we were first sent here by a crotchety old man with a staff, and now we're being sent back by one?"

Despite being trapped in a technique, Sarutobi still smacked Naruto over the head.

"You better be a better Hokage than you are a ninja."

Naruto chuckled. "I suppose I am." The boy then grinned. "I'll make you proud."

Sarutobi chuckled as well. "I'm sure you will.

The time travelers then faded away.

"Lord Hokage!" a nearby trapped ninja yelled. "If they're gone, why does our universe even exist anymore?"



Naruto opened his eyes. Hands roving over his body, he realized that he was in his old body again.

"Was it… was it all a dream?" Naruto asked himself. With a sudden intensity, the boy reached over and pressed his intercom.

"Shizune!" Naruto yelled. "What was the last thing I told you?"

"Uh," Shizune responded on the other side of the intercom. "That you got away with tricking, and I quote, 'the GOD of Shinobi?'"

Naruto then leaned back in his chair. It was good to be him.

"This feels like a cop out," Naruto thought, then closed his eyes.


Elsewhere, someone was having a very different experience.

"WHY AM I HERE?" Neji shouted. He then dodged yet another Rasengan.

"I don't remember seeing you around," a mini Naruto called. He had a cowlick in front of his face. "Hyuuga imposters must be dealt with. You can't have my sister!"

Neji looked to said sister. She looked like she was far more dangerous than the brother protecting her.

"As soon as you beat big brother, we can play, Neji-neesan."

Neji shivered. He contemplated the virtues of just losing to his nephew.

As a crack fic, I felt this to be the most appropriate ending. It's not serious, and it's not all too gratifying either.

It's out of left field and honestly stupid. Just like everything else.

Thank you everyone. I will try to keep improving so I can bring you better stories.

I don't usually do this, but I've been reading a lot of Coeur Al'Aran, an excellent RWBY fanfiction writer. He's on a much better schedule than me, and he's also much better at this whole writing thing. If you like RWBY and fanfiction, I recommend giving his stories a try.