Something I decided to do... I'm not posting the prompt for "Please don't hate me". I decided to use it as a sort of 'soundboard' for new writing style im doing. So i skipped it went to this one i found unfinish. I got into this very (the way i grew up says so) wrong pairing. I like this pairing a lot but a very large part of me say to be ashamed of liking it. Curse you moral compass, let me have this one guilty pleasure!
Prompt #8 Originally Prompt #211
The Marks that Define Us
Summary: Usually at the age of 15, everybody gets a mark on their non dominant arm in their Soulmate's eye color. But if the other half hasn't been born yet then the mark won't appear until they're born. Sirius was lucky, he only had to wait six years for his Mark. Bad news? It's his new godson.
(Warning: not so good language ahead!)
Watching my best friend pace for the past hour is not fun. At first it was a little funny as he got kicked out of the delivery but after maybe fifteen minutes, I got fed up with it. Remus was lucky, he has his tiny soulmate to distract him from getting annoyed at James. An annoyed Remus is not a happy thought.
Hmm... I wonder why Peter haven't arrived yet. He's missing the newest member of our pack being born.
Tch. Lucky Bastard.
My eyes wondered away from James to my other best friend/ brother. My heart ached as I watched him play with my little cousin Nymphadora. What a shock was that when Andy told me a few years go that her daughter got her Mark at only 3 years old with Remus's itials and eye color, his face was priceless when he realized that NAT stood for Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks. I don't see why he's complaining, my mate ether hasn't been born yet or died before I was.
"Damn!" I hissed
I rubbed arm for the tenth time this half hour.
Geez. It feels like someone is sticking needles in my arm.
"Are you Ok, Uncle Siri?"
I gave the little metamorphmagus a small smile.
"I'm perfectly fine, Dory."
The now violet haired girl gave me a look that only the eight year old daughter of Andromeda could muster.
"If you say so Uncle Siri."
She turned and skipped her way past her mate to her father.
"Daddy can we get hot coco?"
Ted nervously smiled at her before giving the three of us a wary look, as if he doesn't trust us without supervision.
"Go on Tonks, you won't be gone more than ten minutes. We'll be fine without you, I mean what's the worst that can happen?"
I watched them go. The second they were out earshot I hissed out a curse.
"Son of a- what the hell is wrong with my arm?!"
I began rubbing it. The pain was getting worse.
Before anything worse could happen, one of the healers rushed out.
"Mr Potter! The baby is out! Come!"
With that, they were gone. The seconds ticked by and the pain consume my very being. Remus probably called a healer as I felt I was being led away. I couldn't really think straight as the pain was worse than my mother's favorite curse, so much worse. I must've passed out as I finally came to, I was blinking away the blinding light.
Remus was smiling at, a strange glint in his eyes.
"Congratulations" his smirk was down right evil. "Only you Sirius, only you."
I was interrupted before I could say more.
"Where is that bloody wanker?!"
I gave a confused look to Remus, who only snickered back at me.
Before I could ask what was going in, one furious James Fleamont Potter burst into my room.
"Sirius Black! You bloody Mutt, I'm gonna kill you!"
"James, what's going on -"
"You Son of a- I'll hex your balls off!"
"Language Mr Potter!" A healer exclaimed, one I just notice checking me over. I must have really been out of cause she's gor- extremely pretty.
No wait I wanted to say she's smokin- kinda of cute. Beaut- nice looking.
What hell?! What's wrong with me?!
"-To stay away!"
"Really James? Don't you think that's a little excessive?"
"I'm being perfectly reasonable here!"
What did I miss?
"No, you're being childish."
I'm missing something here.
"Well it's his fault!"
"No it isn't, nobody gets to choose their soulmate. There's no logic on how a mate is chosen."
"Don't give me that crap!"
"Mr Potter one more crude word like that again I will personally escort you this building myself!"
I could distantly register the conversation but eye simply wondered down to underside of my left wrist. The in a deep yet vibrant unique green colors, a green that can only be found on one person ever, were three small yet bold letters:
Oh bloody hell. Oh Merlin, no. Please don't tell me.
Remus must have seen the horror on my face as he gave me a pity look when I turn to him. My heart sank to my stomach. James was giving me a very dark glare, ones I've seen only in those telly shows. The ones found one the very disapproving and spiteful fathers.
Remus patted my hand with a pitying smile, though his eyes told a different story.
"His name is Harry James Potter."
My Mark tingled as it was said to me.
Only one thing passed my mind before I entered sweet oblivation.
"I'm fucked."
Notes: I thought I knew where I was going with this but I lost sight of it. I kinda grew slightly addicted to Harry and Sirius pairing when I originally wrote but then I found a good Charlie x Harry one and now I can't stop thinking about it. It was good one too but now I can't find it!.
Requirement: just PM me or ask in the review if want to write
Optional: same thing as above