Chapter 12- Learn to Let Go Part 1: Minako
"Been a prisoner of the past/Had a bitterness when I looked back/Was telling everyone it's not that bad/'Til all my shit hit the fan…/Had a boogieman under my bed/Putting crazy thoughts inside my head/Always whispering, "It's all your fault"/He was telling me, "No, you're not that strong" " ~Learn to Let Go Kesha
Artemis swirled the amber liquid in his whiskey glass. Things were not going his way. Though his plan had not really well a plan. He honestly thought he would come to London find Minko and bang she would remember and they go back to kicking nega trash.
Hey, it had worked the first time. Okay, so there might have been some pushing and crying. She had been only 14 when he found her. She had taken becoming a Sailor Scouts they same way as Usagi. Like it was a fever dream. But it didn't take her long to catch on. Before he knew Sailor V was Sailor Venus ready to protect her Princess. So how could this time be any different?
Wrong. So very wrong. First, it was the awful thirteen-hour flight where he had spent it getting when he hoped to get maybe a bit of sympathy from the woman who claimed to love him. He got a horrifying phone call that included Usagi being incredibly weak. He had been so worried when Luna and upburtly hanged up on him. Then didn't bother to call him for two whole hours. Seriously he loved Usagi too. Well, maybe not as much as Luna. Minako was his charge. He eyes glance across the room,
He followed her to the bar three times now. Since his week stay. She was dressed in a skimpy tight red number that was almost shorted then her old fuku. A drink in one hand talking with some redhead. Her blonde hair was out of her usually red bow. Instead, it draped freely around her. He had hoped to blend in with own long white hair pulled back in a tight ponytail and gray long sleeve with black dress pants and a black suit coat, He had decided to not wear a tie. Fit in. Not that it was helping.
It hadn't been hard to find her. She wasn't really hiding. Everywhere she went was a trail of what was considered "Stars" and not the good kind. One who spent there night drinking dancing and doing gods know what. People who are more obsessed with their looks and knowing the who-who of stardom. The one he had hope Minko would know better. But then again this wasn't his Sailor V. No this girl was obsessed with one thing. And it wasn't her duty. Artemis frustration build. He knew that they didn't have time. Usagi needed help. She needed her Sensi leader.
He drained the contents of his glass. Slamming it down. Alerting the bartender that he needed another. " Hey, bartender can I get another Martini." said a chipper voice. So focussed in his anger he hadn't notice Minako getting was his chance. Maybe he could finish this issue.
" Is that straight whiskey?" Minko Suddenly turned to him, he hadn't expected that. It couldn't be that easy. He nodded in reply taking a gulp hoping his long white hair was sticking to his head. He nerves where starting to get the best of him. He was sweating all over. " You never could handle you school, Artemis." He spits out the drink." Really?" She whispers getting closer.
"Minko?!" He stares at her Light blue eye s,looking for to see if she is serous. She leaned her back against the bar moving a bit closer.
" Artemis, I was wondering if you were going to show up." She stated quietly her voice full of serious, it oddly remind him how Sailor V would talk to her enemies. That wasn't a good sign.
" You remember?"
" Never forgot, Unlike everyone else." She glared at him. " Has Usagi finally decided she actually wants her guard." unlikely sarcasm was in her voice.
" How?" He hope his shrill voice didn't give away to her sudden nerves. He needed to stay calm and focus.
"Remember the crystal never gave me my memories. I remembered on my own. So it had nothing to take from me. I wish it had."
" Then you need to come with me. Usagi needs you."
"No." Its a clear statement one that send his nevers flying, he knew this couldn't be easy.
" Minko, have you forgotten-"
" My duty, no. But I failed her twice now. And I clearly am being punished. Do you know what it's like waking up searching for Usagi only to discover she gone. Completely gone. No one even know who she is. Then going to the main control only for the door to be gone. "
" How did you fail her," He tried to go over Usagi story of Beryl's battle in his head grasping at anything that could help. " You save her from attacked. Pushed her away."
" Yes, but what good did it do her. She still had to face Beryl alone and witness everyone die again."
" Look I don't belong to be part of her Grurad. I have failed to many times. Im better off doing something I can't Fail." She states.
Artemis tried to think of a reply. A speech to get her understanding. But before he could utter a work. Minako simply took her drink and left. Artemis rushed after her only to get lost in the crowd of dancers. Luna was not going to like this.
Rubeus took a deep breath as he stared at the throne room door. His prince had demand his presence at once. His heart beating frankly. He was in for a huge punishment. The girls had failed him again. He honestly couldn't figure how. He had trained each of them. They were his ultimate crew. The best. But now they were ashes all but one. One who he wasn't sure would survive much longer. Something was wrong. They shouldn't have been so easy to beat.
But even with that considered. He still had information his Prince would enjoy. He hadn't plan on watching the Princess during Primiza attack. Something though told him it be worth the trouble. His gut had been right. She was powerless. He had smiled gleefully as he watched her cry over the fact. His Prince would rejoice at the news. For everyone knew how about her self sacrificing heart. It wouldn't take much to simply threaten those she love. This news may even save him. With that in mind, he took a deep breath and entered. Not at all surprised to see the hologram of Princess Serenity. His Prince wasn't even looking at him.
As always he sat in his dias staring at her. His eyes lustfully wishing for the real things as he sipped his usually red wine. Rubeus honestly wasn't sure what he saw. Yes, she was pretty. That is if angelic blond creatures where your thing. He honestly find her so called beauty disgusting. Noone should be that beautiful. It wasn't right.
" Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you on the spot!" His Prince matter factly stated not even turning to look at him. Rubeus kneeled before him. He needed to seem like he was begging. Maybe a part of him was.
" She is no longer, Sailor Moon." His Prince's attention was on him at once. He had been right. He quickly stated a his plan. One he had thought the minute he saw her. It pleased his Prince, he was safe for now.
Minako's head was pounding. Though what had she expected after a night of drinking. The hangover she was honestly accustomed to. Since her agent, Avery had been assigned to her. The talent agent insisted that drinking with these supposedly popular stars was how she became one. She would get noticed eventually. That had been months ago and she was failing just like she did with everything else. That thought brought up her encounter with Artemis.
She had noticed him days ago. It only took a second for her to get over the shock of him being human. Something she hadn't seen since the Silver Mennlium. It instantly brought her back to that fateful day. After she had saved her Princess from one of the Doom and Gloom Girls. She had been forced to watch. Watch as Usagi lost Rei. Mourn over her friends, then forced to fight her love. She could do nothing but lend support as her friend fought Beryl alone. When she awoke heart pounding memories clear. She had jolted out of her home searching . But none knew who Usagi was. She didn't exist.
When she had decide to try headquarters, she found the secret entrance gone. Even Arty her mentor had left her. She knew one reason. She failed . She had allowed her Princess, the one she had sworn in two lifetime to protect. should have never should have fought in the first place. If she had done her job correctly the first time. Beryl should have never gotten a chance to attack.
But she had failed and was blinded by her wants. She had wanted her Princes to be happy. Endymion had done that. She should have stopped that relationship instead of on encouraging it. But then when she meant Kunzite, well her own heart wasn't in it. She had been selfish. Even when she was given a second chance. But this time she didn't let her heart fall. She even fought the man easily. But she had been to late Usagi was already in love with Mamoru. The cycle was set to repeat. She knew that was why she was forced to keep her memories. To punish her. She was destined to fail at being at Star to.
She felt tears falling down her already stickly face. Had she even taken a shower last night. She couldn't remember. That wasn't a good sign. Slowly she made herself get up. Moving towards the hotel bathroom. People were scattered around the room. All past out, people she didn't even recognized. She looked around for Avery, but the redhead was no wasn't mixed in. She was probably calling the agency reporting her. She really hadn't made much success on the star front. She wasn't even sure people knew her name.
She quickly closed the bathroom door and removed the skimpy red dress she truly hated. Not that she didn't like to dress up. She had once enjoyed parties. Even if it had been another lifetime. But the dress was just to short and relving. Even for a Venusesse who people never really cared what showed. They were free sports who rejoice in passion and love. Love that she honestly should have never embrace. She quickly pushed the memories away preferring to concentrate on feeling clean. As she turned the shower on shifting it till that water was scalding hot. The burn took her mind off the past as went about erasing last night party. She pulled her focus into getting clean. Not allowing herself to think about the past.
She went through a familiar routine. Shower, dry, brush, dress and hurry downstairs for the one cure she trust. The bite of the cat or was it a dog. She honestly didn't care as the waiter deliver the manmosa to her table. She hadn't even care about her attire. Something Avery would yell at her about. The red legging and a pink tank top with her long blond hair still a bit wet. Was not how a star should dress in public. Whats was the point anyway. She thought as the liquid started to work its way through her headache. The bitter taste of orange juice and champagne filled her as she closed her eyes waiting. The relief was slow as she took a few more sips, but it came. Thought to honest it just made her feel more numb. Artemis shocked face filled her head instead. She slammed the glass down, noticing she was catching the attention of others. She quickly paid the bartender and made her way back to her room. She needed to stop thinking about him and her mistakes Nothing good could come from it.
But as she tried to escape a deep male voice was chatter in the distance. She would know his voice anywhere as she leaned against the wall listening.
" I'm not sure how it possible either Luna." Artemis muttered regretfully. " But she not returning, she blames herself." Artemis was quiet most likely listening. " He did what! " He suddenly angry shouted. " How was she alone in the first place...Luna the Prince Diamond obsession is worse then Beryl."
Obsession worse then Beryl..the words rang in her end. Beryl had been obsessed with Endymion to the point of madness. If the person was like her then it had to be the opposite. Obsessed with Serenity? She guessed listening closer.
" I will try one more time with Minako, Im happy to hear Usagi at least has Rei and Ami. Mako can't be far behind…"
The other remembered? But how and why was it important. She knew she should walk away. But it bugged her nonetheless.
" My phone has been acting up, so if need me to call…" She listened quickly and without a thought reached for her own pen and wrote down the number. She waited until she heard Artemis sighed and hang up the phone. She listen to him walk away as turn to watch him. Something was going on at home. Something was happening to her princess. She walk after him. A thought to say something demand answers. But she stopped. How could she helped? Her mistakes ran thought her mind. She hadn't been strong enough the first time. How could this be different.
She turned away and started back till she felt her foot hit something. She looked down and the sight shocked her. The orange Pen was sitting on the floor. She stared at the symbol of her planet as she went to grab. It almost as the Pen was calling to her. Telling her that maybe, just maybe she was wrong.
Usagi leaned against the wall as she waited for Mako to leave the Principal office. It had been a full week since Diamond had attack. Even though so much had change she was still living in fear. She had a third of her team back. Three girls who barely left her side. Before she may had felt that they were being overprotective. But she didn't fight there protection anymore. She knew that she needed. Not that they knew why.
She clench the broach that sill sat in between the bow on her uniform. He hadn't told anyone that it wasn't working. Lucky either had Chibi-usa. She knew that if the girls didn't Mamo-chan would definitely lock her away. She fear that was just what Diamond wanted. A chance to get them alone and finish them off. Things where just not right. That brought up the other issue. Minako.
Too be honest she was glad at least one of them was smart. She even thankful that Minko wasn't returning. The other had been angry. Esphally Rei who had almost punch a hole through the shrine wall. As Luna told them. Mamo had held her. She had just sat in his embrace as everyone seethed and yelled. They had expected a reaction similar from her. She wasn't sure why. Hadn't she made it clear from the beginning that the choice was there's. She would not force a millennia old oath. It was stupid. At lease now one them was protected from Diamond. She closed her eyes trying to push away the dark thoughts as she heard Mako slam the office door.
" Guessing it didn't go well?" She asked.
" The man is just so pompas! He insist that I stay after for anger management classes." Usagi couldn't help the small smile.
" Slamming the door might not have been the best idea." She commented.
" Yea, " Mako sighed as they stated to head towards the locker. " I was suppose to walk you home though and Ami has cram school, and Rei said she had to to take her grandfather to the doctor…" Usagi sighed okay maybe they were being a bit much.
" I can wait around the school. I just sit out by the bench what could happen?" Mako glared at her. " Fine I'll call Mamo will that make you feel better?"
" Yes actually." Mako commented on giving her a quick hug, before rushing off.
Usagi smiled it felt nice to have Mako back. It felt nice to have all three of them. But she couldn't help but worry as she sat down at a nearby bench. She heard a small laughter and looked around to see Naru and Umino. She hadn't brother to approach them when she return. But she couldn't help but smile at the memories. She thought of her family and those who still didn't remember. Luna had still been on her about it. But in all honesty, she feared that it would just bring them pain.
" They all seem so happy," She clench up as the deep male voice from her nightmare suddenly spoke," It be ashamed for something to happen to them." She looked next to her to see Diamond sitting on the bench.
He wasn't in his usual fancy attire. But a light white tunic and jeans. His eyes were covered in sunglasses. Though she could feel the dark hunger coming off them. He had brushed his white hair in a way to hide the black moon mark. She tried to stay calm her frankly beating heart.
" Don't you dare try something…" She tried to keep her voice hard and brave but she knew it was cracking.
" Or what, we both know you can't do anything." He knew. She wasn't sure how but he did. "And I wouldn't try to yell or draw attention. You see my lackys are close by ready to attack the young couple at my call." He smiled as her fist clenched.
" What do you want?" She stated.
" I thought my message was clear last time, you." He moved closer as she tried to move away only to notice that she was running out of the bench.
" If that was true you would already have taken me, Diamond." She seethed.
" Ever the smart one, as I said before you'll come willing."
" Not in your life time buddy. " She smiled she sent a quick tug at the link between her and Mamo knowing he would come fast.
" I came to give you a message," he smiled.
" Then out wit it." She demand moving a bit only to feel the bench end hit her back.
Diamond took the opportunity to pin her against it and lean towards her ear.
"I have you family and if you don't come to the rooftop where it all started and give yourself to me, I will kill each of them one by one. They will suffer and you will be at fault." He threaten as her heart speed up. How had he found them? Vision of her mother hurt swirled through her head as he stepped away laughing. " I will be waiting till midnight, Serenity."
She heard Mamo screaming her name as Diamond disappeared. She felt Mamo grab her pleading with her to say something. But all she could see was her mother, father and even her brother screaming. As Diamond slowly killed each one. His laughter everywhere.
(( So i feel I need explain th asbent. Im started a new job recently after my vction i had a ton of training to go to. Now im back to working and havent fond time to write. Hopefuly the next chapter won't take as long! Don't forget tp review!~Saianio))