Decided to rewrite this story. Hope you enjoy

"Please stop crying Anna, please." Three-year-old David begged his tiny, twin sister. They were a lot alike, both smart and courageous but Anna much smaller. Though she rarely cried, she was weeping now, her little body convulsing with sobs. "Please Anna, please." David begged. He could hear stomping on the stairs. The door flew open and Mrs. Brooke, the caretaker of the orphanage appeared.

"Are you crying?" she hissed at Anna, which only made her cry louder. "Well, you're being too loud," she grabbed Anna's wrist harshly, dragging the crying child down the stairs and to the door, "So, you're leaving." She opened the front door and tossed her out into the snow.

David rushed after her. He ran straight out into the freezing wind and grabbed Anna from the snow. She was unconscious. He picked her up, determined to get her into town from the small house in the wilderness where he, Anna, and the other orphans lived.

David and Anna were much smarter than most children were, not that anyone noticed. They knew how to read and write and could solve math problems in their heads, which is why David knew it was an hour walk to town following the roads but only 30 minutes if he walked through the woods. So, he began walk to them. They were creepy at night, full of dark crevices and shadows. He walked slowly for that reason and because his balance wasn't very good and was worse in the dark while carrying a toddler who weighed almost as much as he did. He stumbled forward as branch caught on his foot. His head slammed into a stone as his sister flew from his arms. A beam of moonlight came through the tree tops, illuminating the tiny boy and girl who looked as though they would die in the snow.


The Doctor lay on his bed, trying to sleep but every time he closed his eyes, the image of Rose flying into the void filled his vision. He knew she was safe, but he couldn't stop thinking about that moment and the thought he had of letting go and following her if she was dragged into the void. He had been thinking about Rose a great deal since Martha had left. He had never really seen Martha though the haze Rose left him in. He closed his eyes again but was shaken from his bed by the ship lurching. He made his way back to the consul room and began punching buttons and flipping levers and switches. "What the hell are you doing?!" the Doctor screamed as the ship lurched again then landed.

The Doctor knew the TARDIS had to have moved for a reason, so he stepped out. It was a freezing night, snow floated down into the forest where he stood. He looked around; searching for the reason his ship had landed there. The moonlight that surrounded him illuminated a small boy with curly black hair laying on forest floor; next to him was a little girl with wisps of golden hair sticking up.

He raced forward, grabbing the frigid bodies of the boy and girl. He wrapped his coat around them as he carried them into the TARDIS's medical bay. He placed them on child sized medical beds and began to run scans. THe first thing he saw was the DNA scan.

The children were Time Lords.

He swallowed and checked their injuries. The boy had a bruise on his forehead and was slightly hypothermic; the girl had a broken wrist, severe hypothermia, and had a Time Lord childhood illness called energy sickness. It was an illness that involved a Time Lord child's body absorbing more energy that it was capable of but being unable to regenerate it away. It was curable and would take just a few hours to heal. The Doctor quickly healed the boy's head and the girl's wrist then wrapped the boy in a Gallifreyan healing blanket to warm him. He moved the girl to a healing pod, which help cure her energy sickness and hypothermia.


David began to cry. He woke in a strange place with a strange man, his sister in a strange bubble. He was scared and confused. Tears fell down is chubby cheeks as the man approached him. He had spiky brown hair and worn amber eyes. He wore a brown pinstripe suit and pair of white canvas sneakers. He smiled warmly at David. "Hey, don't cry. You're safe here. I'm not going to hurt you." He stared up the strange, smiling, madman.

"Where's Anna?"

"Anna? The little Girl?" David nodded. "She's fine, the TARDIS is taking care of her. She has energy sickness and hypothermia but she'll be fine. It'll just take a little bit of time." David cocked his head, the wheels in his head turning as he contemplated the word "TARDIS".

"What's a TARDIS?" he asked innocently. The man grinned widely and picked him up, running through a series of hallways until he reached a massive room with a round center console and coral struts.

"This is the control room of the TARDIS. It's my ship. Stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. I'm The Doctor by the way. What's your name?" David cocked his head.

"Well, it's David…kind of. I can hear it humming, likes it's trying to talk to me." The Doctor smiled and placed David on the ground.

"It's alive. And you can hear it because she's talking to you." David nodded, his eyes were wide with wonder.

"What do you mean you name is 'kind of David'?" The Doctor inquired. David looked towards the floor, he swallowed hard.

"I-I'm, well, we, m-me and Anna, w-we're not…human." David watched the Doctor smile warmly as he picked him up and carried him back to the medical room where he had woken. Normally, the boy would've protested being carried but he was still tired, and the nice Doctor didn't seem to mind carrying him around.

"Well, here's a secret for you, David. Neither am I." David's eyes lit up with curiosity. He smiled with wonder.

"Really?" The Doctor chuckled and nodded.

"In fact, we are the same, you and me and Anna."

The boy grinned again, his eyes full of wonder and curiosity. "We are?" The Doctor nodded again as he set David down on one of the medical bay beds. He grabbed a stethoscope and placed the ends in the boy's ears.

"Listen." He told him as he pressed the end to the boy's chest. He watched David's face light with wonder as he listened to both of his hearts. Then the Doctor pressed the stethoscope to his own hearts. Again, David's face lit with wonder and joy as he listened.

"So, David, what is your name then?" David's smile faltered slightly but he spoke anyway.

"Viden. My sister's name is Iliana." The Doctor smiled warmly, memories of his own children dancing in his mind. "But I like David. It has a good promise. So, does Anna." The Doctor cocked his head.

"You know about the promise of taking a name?" The boy nodded.

"The promise of David is 'Always fair, Always Kind. Giving Light and Love." And the promise of Anna is 'Giving, never taking. Loving, never hating.' What does your name promise?" The Doctor smiled at him.

"Never cruel nor cowardly. Never give up, never give in." The Doctor's face had become serious to point that David was actually a bit scared. He smiled gently to reassure the boy who had frowned.

"What's wrong?" The boy began to cry, and Doctor came over and gently lifted him up. The boy curled up into his chest, holding his lapels and sobbing. The Doctor put a comforting hand on the boy's back, moving it in gentle circles as he spoke softly.

"Why are you crying David?" David snuffled then looked up at the Doctor.

"Are you going to take us back to Mrs. Brooke?" The Doctor didn't know who Mrs. Brooke was but judging by David's response, she wasn't very good.

"Who is Mrs. Brooke?"

"She ran the o'phanage where Anna and I lived. Anna was crying cause her stomach hurt. Mrs. Brooke grabbed her and threw her out for being too loud. I ran after Anna. I promised my mum I'd take care of her." He began to sob again, and the Doctor held him close.

"I won't take you back there David. You, Anna, and I are the last of our people. You will stay here, with me. That is…if you want to." The Doctor told him comfortingly. He remembered his own sons and his own daughters as he held that little boy and looked over his little shoulder at the sleeping girl in a bubble. He made a promise. He promised they would always be safe.

The Doctor then noticed that David had fallen asleep in his arms. He smiled warmly and took the boy to bedroom the TARDIS had prepared and placed across from the Doctor's room. Anna was his next priority. She had not yet woken when he returned. So, he, climbed onto one of the medical beds. He realized he hadn't really slept since Martha had left and it had been more than a month. He needed rest.

He only hoped he could have it without the nightmares.


David awoke to the sounds of the Doctor screaming. He jumped up and ran until he found the Doctor. With some difficulty, he climbed onto the medical bed to see The Doctor writhing and screaming, sweat dripping down his face, mixing with tears. He placed his small hands firmly on the Doctor's chest and began shaking him as hard as his three-year-old body could. He was so scared but he was smart enough to the man needed waking. After a bit of shaking The Doctor woke and sat straight up. He breathed heavily, his mind reeling. He turned to see little David staring at him, a frightened look on his face.

The Doctor ran a hand through own hair then rustled David's black curls. "I'm okay David. I'm sorry if I scared you. I had a bad dream." The boy swallowed, his fearful expression melted into one of understanding.

"I have bad dreams too." The Doctor lifted David onto his lap, the little boy curling up into his chest, listening to the Doctor's steady heartbeats as a lullaby.

"Will you tell me a story?" He asked. "I 'member my mum tellin' me stories to help me have good dreams."

"Of course, I'll tell you a story." The Doctor smiled.

"Once upon a time there was a very sad and lonely monster. He was all alone. He had a special ship he liked to travel about in. One day, he visited a big city and saved a girl who was a flower. The Flower was beautiful and kind. The Monster and Flower became the best of friends. The Monster grew to love the Flower. They were so happy. Then one day the Monster was trapped by an evil army, so he sent his Flower away, so she would not be hurt. But the Flower would not let her Monster be hurt. Now, the Flower had been told to never look into the sun or she might die because the sun's power was too much for her. But the Flower knew with power of the sun she could save her monster, so she looked at it. The Flower became a Wolf. And she saved her Monster and a whole kingdom. But the sun was killing her, so the Monster kissed her and took the power away. The sun's power made the Monster better. He became kinder and happier but very different from the monster the Flower knew. The Flower was scared of her new Monster but soon she knew he loved her and he knew she loved him. The End."

David was sound asleep. The Doctor moved him gently to lay on the bed, so he could check on Anna. The pod was working fine but she would need about two more hours in the pod. The Doctor sat back on the bed, his head flooded with theories about the two tiny Time Lords. David, who had woken slightly, suddenly climbed up onto the Doctor's lap and curled up with his head in between the Doctor's hearts. The Doctor pressed a gentle kiss into the little boy's hair and then promptly went to sleep.


The Doctor woke to the sound of Anna crying and David saying "Please go back to sleep Anna. You don't wanna wake the Doctor, do you?" David stood next to the pod, his hands pressed against its glassy surface. The Doctor stood and came up behind David.

"What are you doing?" David jumped down, his face full of fear.

"P-please don't make us leave. She'll stop crying. I promise." The Doctor chuckled and knelt in front of David.

"I will never make you leave, David. Okay?" The boy nodded as the Doctor stood and deactivated the pod. David placed his hand on Anna's head and spoke gently to her. "It's okay Anna, don't be scared. He's the Doctor and he's gonna take care of us."

Anna looked skeptically at the Doctor. She crossed her arms over his chest and looked at him with narrowed eyes. "You are?" she asked.

The Doctor grinned and nodded but looked at David before picking her up, the boy gave a quick nod and then The Doctor lifted her up.

The Doctor picked up David too then set them down on one of the medical bay beds. He grabbed a stethoscope and placed the ends in the little girl's ears.

"Listen." He told her as he pressed the end to the boy's chest. He watched Anna's face light with wonder as she listened to both of his hearts. Then the Doctor pressed the stethoscope to his own hearts. Again, Anna's face lit with wonder and joy as she listened. Then he pressed it against her own chest. Her eyes met David's then the Doctor's as she grinned uncontrollably.

He then lifted the kids down to the floor. He held his hands out and wiggled his fingers. David grabbed a hold, only able to wrap his tiny hand around two of the Doctor's fingers. Anna grabbed his other and wrapped her tiny fingers around his pointer finger. They walked to the kitchen where the Doctor lifted David and Anna into two matching booster seats.

The Doctor made himself, Anna and David some banana Pancakes and hot chocolate. Then he put David and Anna in booster chairs and the three of them started to eat. After few minutes, David asked, "What happened to the rest of our people?"

The Doctor grew solemn. How could explain to this boy and this girl that he had destroyed their world? Killed their people? He looked at their innocent faces and spoke quietly. "Well, there was a war. And our people lost. Well, everybody lost, really. Do either of you remember Gallifrey?" David nodded but Anna shook her head.

"I 'member my mum tellin' me stories, but my dad was dead. Mummy said he died protectin' us. I never met him though. Mummy said I looked like him. She said he was brave and strong." The Doctor looked to Anna who had stopped eating and looked quite sad.

"What's wrong Anna?" The Doctor asked. She looked up at him with blue eyes that perfectly matched David's.

"Me and David are twins but don't remember home. I just remember waking up at the orphanage."

The Doctor nodded, smiling sadly at her. "Do remember how you and Anna got to earth, David?" He asked the little boy.

David shook his head. "Mommy tucked me in, she told me to take care of Anna. When I woke up I was layin' in a bed in a weird room with Anna. A lady came and told us she was going to take care of us and keep us safe safe." Anna nodded.

"She that one day someone would come to the o'phanage and take us home and be our new mummy and daddy." Anna looked to her brother, the two of them smiled at each other then looked at the Doctor at the same time.

He smiled back and spoke to them quietly. "I will care for you the best I can, I promise."

"Was that Mrs. Brooke's who was there?"

David shook his head. "No. It was Mrs. Lee. She was always very nice. But she died and then Mrs. Brookes came." The boy was sad now, moving his last bit pancake around on the plate. The Doctor smiled as he stood and took all three plates.

"So, where do you to want to go first?" The kids jumped down from their chairs.

"We're going somewhere?" They asked together.

"Well, what else would you do in a space and time machine?" He asked as he knelt in front of them. They ran over to him and he wrapped his arms around them, picking them both up. All three laughing.

Their first trip was to a meadow. It was calm and peaceful. They had a picnic lunch and when it got dark they stargazed. The Doctor pointed out constellations, stars, and planets. Eventually David and Anna fell asleep with their heads on the Doctor's hearts. He tucked them into their beds on the TARDIS. Then he piloted her to earth. There was something wrong and he figured he could deal with it while the kids were sleeping.

3 hours later

The Doctor slipped quietly back into the TARDIS and went to check on David and Anna. He opened David and Anna's door to check on them and saw that they were sitting on the floor, in the corner, crying. Their tiny bodies shaking and convulsing horribly as they sobbed.

"David, Anna, what's wrong?" The Doctor asked as he ran into the room and crouched in front of them.

"Y-you c-came b-b back…" Anna said slowly and weakly through her tears, David looked at him sadly. "W-we thought y-you didn't w-want us..."

"Of course, I want you. You have given me hope. But I have to help people. So many people need me, need someone. But I'm not leaving you alone again. I promise." The Doctor gently picked up the small children who curled up on his chest, one head on each heart. "I'll just have to take you and Anna with me to help next time, Okay?" they sniffled and nodded.

"We had some bad dreams." Anna said softly.

"Will you tell us a story, so we can have good dreams, daddy?" David asked.

The Doctor felt his hearts swell when the boy nestled in his arms called him daddy. He kissed the boys head, feeling his tight black curls brush his nose. Then his kissed Anna's head, her golden wisps of hair tickling his nose. "Tell us another story about the Monster and the Flower." David whispered. The Doctor nodded as he sat down on the bed. His arms wrapped securely around the little children.

"There was a great castle in the city where the Flower had once lived, and in this castle was a portal to another world. Through this portal came a ball, a ball that everyone thought wasn't there. When the ball came through, the people in castle started playing with the portal. Soon, ghosts began appearing. But when the Monster and The Flower returned they knew weren't ghosts. They were soldiers in evil arm of robots. They tried to tell the people in the castle, but no one would listen. Then the robots broke through. They started hurting people. Then the ball opened, and another army of different robots appeared. But the Monster and Flower and their friends who came from the other side of the portal found a way to stop them and send them all away. The Flower's parents wanted her to come with them to the kingdom on the other side of the portal, but she wished to stay with her Monster. So, they activated the portal and started sucking up the armies and Monster and the Flower. The Flower got too close to the portal and fell toward it. Her dad and came saved her at the last minute but she was trapped on the other side of the portal. She could never return and be with her Monster again. The Monster was sad. He was so very sad. His Flower was too. He never got to tell her he loved her, all he could was hope she knew. Then one day the Monster found a little boy and a little girl. He took them in and they made him feel like he wasn't a monster anymore."

They were both asleep. The Doctor didn't even think about moving. He just kissed their foreheads and whispered, "Goodnight my…children." Before going to sleep, without nightmares, for the first time in months.


The Doctor planned a special trip for David and Anna. They were going to the Agolini Child's Fair. The Agolini were child care experts. So, while David and Anna were playing, the Doctor could pick up some much needed supplies. He taken them on trips before but only to very, very safe planets he was sure were completely harmless. Now, he could be taking them anywhere, and they could encounter anything. As much as he didn't want to endanger the children, he couldn't leave them in TARDIS so, he needed things to keep them safe and to keep them close to him.

They stepped out of the TARDIS onto the warm and sweet-smelling planet. The Doctor led the kids over to an Angolian. The purple, 6-armed woman happily took the children to a playground while the Doctor slipped away. He made his way to a vendor selling child safety devices. After searching for about half an hour he found some bracelets. One worn by adult which generated a force field and the others worn by the children who could not travel beyond the force field with the bracelet on. If they did get beyond the force field, the bracelet also had a tracker. They would work for the kids. He bought them from the seller and went back to pick up the kids.

When he arrived, he knelt in front of David and Anna. "These are for you two. Never take them off, Okay? I can use them to protect you and to find you if you get lost." The kids nodded, and the Doctor stood and took their hands. They walked back to the TARDIS, a happy man with happy children.

The Doctor decided their first trip would be to be to Earth. There was something wrong with a weight loss company and The Doctor figured it couldn't possibly be too dangerous.


Gallifreyan swear words erupted in the Doctor's head as the window-washing platform jerked and one side began to fall. The terrified screams of David and Anna filled his ears. Donna caught them and was holding on to a wire with one hand and David with the other. Anna was holding onto David, both kids were screaming as well as Donna. He cursed Mrs. Foster for using her sonic pen to deactivate his bracelet and shut down the force field that could be protecting the children at the moment. Enraged, he soniced Mrs. Foster's pen and she dropped it into his waiting hand. Using both screwdrivers, he broke the window in front of him, climbed inside and ran faster than even he believed he could until he was at the window in front of Donna and the kids. He shattered it with his screwdriver and pulled all three people inside. David and Anna were both crying. He grabbed them and pulled them into a hug. His hearts finally calming down now that they were safe.

"It's alright. I got you. You're safe." He told them. Donna was standing now. She stared at the Doctor who stood and took each of the kids' hands in his own. He led them into the call center where Miss. Foster was waiting.

"Well then, at last." She said as removed her glasses. "Hello."

"Nice to meet you, I'm the Doctor and this David and Anna." The Doctor said quite happily.

"And I'm Donna." The red-head chirped.

"Evidently off-worlders, judging by your sonic technology." The Doctor grinned at Mrs. Foster. "Oh yes, I've still got your sonic pen. Nice, I like it. Sleek, it's kind of sleek." He held the pen out, the kids nodded, and Donna said, "Oh it's definitely sleek." The Doctor continued. "Yeah, and if you were to sign your real name that would be...?"

"Matron Cofelia of the Five-Straighten Classabindi Nursery Fleet. Intergalactic Class." The woman said with great arrogance.

"A wet nurse, using humans as surrogates." The Doctor spat at her.

"I've been employed by the Adiposian First Family to foster a new generation after their breeding planet was lost."

"How do you lose a planet Daddy?" Anna asked, tugging on his pant leg. Cofelia glared at the little girl. "Oh, politics are none of my concern. I'm just here to take care of the children on behalf of the parents."

"What, like an outer space nanny?" David giggled.

"Yes, if you like." She said.

"So... so those little things they're, they're made out of fat yeah, but that woman, Stacy Campbell, there was nothing left of her." Donna said, looking a bit sick.

"Oh, in a crisis the Adipose can convert bone and hair and internal organs. Makes them a little bit sick. Poor things." Cofelia said, almost angry about having sick Adipose.

"Seeding a level 5 planet is against galactic law." David yelled at her stepping towards the woman and her guards.

"Are you threatening me little boy?" She said angrily, glaring at the boy in anger. The Doctor felt dark rage burn at him upon hearing the threat against his son.

"He isn't but I will. This is your one chance; cos if you don't call this off, then I'll have to stop you." The Doctor said stepping up and taking David's hand. The boy smiled up at him.

"I hardly think you can stop bullets." She said with an evil grin.

The bodyguards took aim at them and the Doctor frowned. He was not letting anyone hurt these children. "No, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, one more thing, before... dying. Do you know what happens if you hold two identical sonic devices against each other?" he asked.

Cofelia shrugged. "No."

The Doctor dropped David's hand and put the two devices together. "Nor me, let's find out!" He yelled. An awful noise rang through the room, Cofelia and her guards squirmed in agony and a glass pane shattered. The kids were screaming in pain. Donna pushed the Doctor to stop him, as soon as the sound stopped, the Doctor grabbed David and Anna. "Come on!" Donna Yelled.

They ran into a deserted corridor and soon arrived at the storage cupboard the Doctor was hiding in earlier. The Doctor yanked it open and started throwing the supplies out, after a moment he pulled Donna and the kids inside.

"Well, that's one solution. Hide in a cupboard. I like it." Donna said.

The Doctor opened the back of the cupboard revealing a big green machine built into the wall. "I'm hacking in to this thing, cos Cofelia's got a computer core running through the center of the building. Triple deadlocked. And now that I've got this," He held up the sonic pen. "I can get into it." The Doctor worked as fast as he could, in between yelling about privacy and tower blocks. He started to fiddle with cables until a mechanical voice said, "Inducer online." Donna started talking after that.

"You look older." She said. She didn't see the Doctor's smile at that. "Thanks." He replied. "Not on your own, I see?" He chuckled.

"Yup. I had this friend, Martha she was called. Martha Jones. She was brilliant... and I destroyed half her life. But she is fine. She's good. She's gone. I found them after she left." Donna nodded, smiling at the kids. Anna was watching her while David was focused on what the Doctor was doing.

"What about Rose?" The Doctor paused. In his mind, he flashed through his nightmares, shaking his head, he replied to Donna in soft voice.

"Still lost." He said simply.

She smiled solemnly, then knelt down to talk to Anna. "I must have been mad turning down that offer." She told the little girl, tapping her nose with her finger, earning a giggle from the child. Anna cocked her head, "What offer?" she asked.

"Your Dad offered to let me come with him." Donna explained. The little girl's eyes lit up.

"You'd come with us?" Anna asked happily.

"Oh yes, please!" Donna laughed with Anna.

"Right." The Doctor said at the same the computer said, "Inducer activated."

"What's it doing now Daddy?" David asked.

"She's started the program." The Doctor said in horror. "So far, they're just losing weight, but Cofelia has gone up to emergency pathogenesis. That's when they convert..." David cut him off.

"Skeletons, organs, everything. Daddy! A million people are going to die! You've got to cancel the signal!" David yelled. The Doctor smiled quickly, taking pride in the fact the barely 4-year-old child knew that. He turned back to the machine and began working away again. He plugged in a capsule to stop the signal. After a moment he started yelling again.

"No no no no no, she's doubled it, I need... Haven't got time! It's too far, I can't override it! They're all going to die!" He cried in horror.

"Is there anything I can do?" David asked. The Doctor shook his head.

"I need a second capsule to boost the override, but I've only got the one. I can't save them!" He yelled again. He began fiddling again as Donna pulled out another capsule.

"Like this?" She asked. The Doctor laughed and grabbed it from her. He fiddled again until the machine turned off. The sound of a loud horn suddenly filled the room.

"Daddy, what was that?" Anna asked, taking Donna's hand out fear.

"Nursery ship." David and the Doctor said at the same time. The computer unit light up and spoke behind them. "Incoming signal." It said before speaking in an alien language."Hang on, that's instructions from the Adiposian First Family." The Doctor said leaning close to the machine in order to figure out what it was saying.

"Foster wired up the tower block to convert it into a levitation post. Oh. Ooh. We're not the ones in trouble now. SHE is!" The Doctor grabbed David and Donna picked up Anna and they ran up to the roof.


"Take me! The children need me!" Cofelia yelled just as The Doctor and Donna reached the roof. They put the kids down, who began to watch the Adipose babies flying toward the nursery ship. "What you going to do then? Blow them up?" Donna asked the Doctor who gave her a horrified look. "They're just children. They can't help where they come from." He told her.

"Oh, that makes a change from last time. Those kids must've done you good." The Doctor smiled as looked over at them. David was pointing out the constellations and stars he told them about on their first trip, to Anna. "Ah, they did, yeah." The two kids then began waving at an Adipose who was waving at them. The Doctor ran to the edge of the building that Cofelia was soaring near at the same height as the Adipose babies.

"Matron Cofelia, listen to me!" He yelled.

"Oh, I don't think so, Doctor. And if I never see you again, it will be too soon." She said bitterly.

"Oh, why does no one ever listen? I'm trying to help! Just get across to the roof. Can you shift the levitation beam?" He yelled back at her, slightly annoyed.

"What, so that you can arrest me?" She asked.

"Just listen." He yelled back at her. "I saw the Adiposian instructions - they know it's a crime, breeding on Earth. So, what's the one thing they want to get rid of? Their accomplice!" Cofelia was completely unfazed by the Doctor's words.

"I'm far more than that. I'm nanny to all these children." She said. Suddenly, the blue light of the levitation beam vanished. Cofelia fell with a scream.

Donna hid her face to the Doctor's shoulder. He grabbed David and Anna, pulled them into his legs and blocking their sight of Cofelia. They looked up again to see the Adipose waving goodbye through the windows of the ship. The kids waved back. They walked back to the alley where the TARDIS and Donna's car were. Donna got excited about that. She pulled out all her suitcases and hatbox, throwing them all into the Doctor's arms then they all climbed into the TARDIS.

It took the Doctor almost two hours to get the kids to sleep. After he finally did get them to sleep, he went and told Donna the whole story of the kids. Then he and the best Temp in Cheswick talked for hours about everything they had done since they'd last seen each other. Donna eventually fell asleep on the jump seat and The Doctor had to carry her to a bedroom the TARDIS made for her. After he left her, he went to check on the twins.

They were curled up on David's bed. Their tiny bodies crunched in shaking balls of fear. Sweat and tears dripped down their tiny faces. The Doctor ran to them and tried to wake them, but it was all in vain. So, he pressed his hands to each of their heads and closed his eyes. All Time Lords were telepathic. Some were so powerful they could do anything with their minds; others could barely feel the buzz of the Time Lord group conscious. The Doctor was a quite powerful telepath himself, but his telepathy was touch based. He had to be touching someone to use his telepathic powers. He could sense and communicate with the TARDIS without touching her, but that was mostly her doing not his. He focused on the twins and entered their minds.

Suddenly he was in their dream.

A woman sat on the edge of the bed where the twins were sleeping. They were slightly older, maybe 6 or 7. The room was small and dismal, and The Doctor could hear the sounds of war outside. He shuddered and turned back to the woman. She spoke to the kids while she held back her tears. "I hope one day, you will remember this, but I also you hope you never do. This war will not end, not until…this world is gone. I will not let you die in the fires that will, one day, consume this world." She placed a pairof crown like bands of the children's heads.

The Doctor stood, horrified. He knew exactly what she was doing, and it would cause those kids such pain. Such untold agony. He pulled his mind out of the dream and brought their minds with him.

"Daddy, what was that?" David asked with a Trembling voice. The Doctor pulled the two kids into his arms and held them closely. It took every ounce of his self-control to keep himself from crying or screaming. He sat quietly and just at held them in his arms as he remembered Gallifrey and the war.

He had been married and had children on Gallifrey. Not out of love, but duty. He did grow to love his wife and the wonderful children they had together. They had been his whole world. He loved them, dearly as well as his grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He missed them now. He would always miss them. But now he had the chance for a new little family with these two children. He was so…hopeful again. He hadn't been hopeful since the war. Rose had helped, made things brighter, but she also reminded him of what he could lose. And losing her then Martha and the Master, it left him more hopeless than ever before. But they, David and Anna, made him hopeful that there was a future he could look forward too.

"Daddy?" David' voice pulled the Doctor from his thoughts. The kids were still squeezed in his arms, staring up at with round eyes and frightened faces.

"Are you alright?" Anna asked him. He managed a smile and a nod.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Have the two you of had that nightmare before?" David and Anna looked at each other with identical wide eyes. Then they nodded at him. Anna let out a broken sob and curled into the Doctor's chest.

David looked up to the Doctor, "She can always feel how the lady in our dream feels. She says the woman's sad. Very sad and angry. It frightens her how afraid the woman is." The Doctor smiled warmly at David and nodded before pressing a kiss into Anna's hair.

"It's alright Anna. There's nothing to be afraid of, it was just a bad dream." She sniffled and looked up at him.

"I can't feel anyone else in my dreams. Only the woman in that dream. I can only feel her." Anna said. The Doctor frowned momentarily at this.

"How about we go on another adventure?" He asked them, putting on his brightest smile and hoping they didn't see the fear, worry or pain in his eyes.

They grinned and nodded.