HTMHTTYD: Chapter 32: IT came from RAVENPOINT!

Food poisoning isn't fun… neither is hand wounds….

I Don't know why but I had this chapter sitting around for awhile now… why I have no idea.


Dark Ghost coc: sure… thanks buddy.

NFOverlord: we will have to see…

FuryNight: Your opinion has been noted. I'm glad you like the story.

Winterfang53: Yes well friendship is something I had to pay extra attention too. With Sentience comes a lot of careful treading around the whole Human/Dragon relationship. Dragons in the HTTYD Universe are animals, smart animals but still animals and they still succumb to instinct and primal nature. With a boost of intelligence to that of a human… well it will be like developing a friendship with a hated enemy for both cases. As for a appearance from the original riders… well…

Guest: You are the biggest damn trooper I know you know that right? And probably the most helpful, I swear without you I might not have nearly as much motivation to continue writing As I do and for that I thank you.

No one's POV.

It was dark In the Haddock household no light shun into the old building and no artificial light came from it. The Old house was known to make a noise even when no one was home… not today however, today was silence.

A solitary large figure sat at an empty table, a faint glow of red from his eyes illuminated his face and a golden bronze glow from a large glass alcohol bottle within his giant, sleeveless glove hands. He stared down at the bottle with an emotionless face. With a heavy sigh he lifted the lid of the bottle to his mouth, the golden bronze liquid poured down the man's throat. The liquid tasted horrible and it burnt the man's throat as it went down. He held his throat tightly as the drink went down, a process he used to make sure the liquid stayed down. As he finished the liquid he drank down he gazed at the label on the bottle, his vison had become too clouded and tipsy to read the name of the drink.

"älg skit… Still taste like… Crap." The man spurted out placing the bottle back down on the table, nearly spilling the drink over in the process.

He sighed heavily as he put his head between his hands and rested his elbows on the table. Rubbing his head slowly he groaned deeply.

A faint rush of cold wind blew through the house and moved over the giant man moving his messy hair slightly.

"It's my body; I can ruin it all I want…" The man groaned his glowing eyes locking with the space of air before him; his eyes adapting a thousand mile stare.

Another cold breeze blew through once again which only seemed to anger the man. He stood up straight knocking the chair he was sitting on aside like it was nothing, yet his movement was unbalanced and shaky.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M NOT DONE? I got your damn, precious, utterly useless junk from that blasted Hellhole, I'm keeping the boy safe! What else do you need from me?" He asked enraged at what appeared to be nothing.

The wind blew again and the man frowned. "Of course its useless. Just take a look at the stuff; you can't even use it for scrap parts. The only thing of any remote use is Endeavour, and even so…. His not ready for that… not yet…" He sighed his eyes turned slightly to look at one of his still unpacked bags, the hilt of a plain looking sword sticking out of the top of the bag.

"Kids not ready for a lot of things, the markings are growing too quickly and are far too erratic… and there effecting him mentally too. His going to slip up eventually those markings are too hard to hide." The man said running a few fingers up his left arm in an odd motion as if caving a groove or pattern into them.

The wind ruffled through the house, and the man sighed tiredly.

"Sure yeah. The 'Mysterious' plan how that bestows me with confidence. " The man said stumbling over himself slightly as he stood. His drink was finally starting to take effect, good; he needed to be utterly piss drunk at the moment.

An Intense wind blew directly in his face and the man snorted.

"No I'm not backing out… not yet…. I owed Valka, I owe the kid at least that much… I'm just being realistic… We've messed around far too much with the nature of it all… Last time that happened… well… at least the fire got rid of the plague…" the man stuttered as his world began to spin. The man smiled He could always really on älg skit to do two things; taste fucken horrible and make him as drunk as a skunk.

"Still… we've already messed it up enough that this is the last chance… heck even I haven't done that yet… Kinda wish I could at the rate I'm going…" He muttered with a slight slur.

However much to the drunkards surprise no wind rustled… in fact, nothing happened. This immediately got the man's attention. Normally when the two spoke on the rare occasion the two of them spoke the other always wanted to have the last word. Quiet never ended well with the other party of the conversation.

Then he felt it, a burning sensation upon the deep scar upon his check that not even the Alcohol could lessen the pain. Then a tremor, a small one but it was still there. The man sat there for a second trying to figure out what was going on his drunken mind hindering his though process.

Suddenly the wind rustled violently enough that it made the drunk giant sway slightly.

He shook his head violently as his eyes widened in shock. He felt himself sober up immediately after hearing the news. "WHAT!" He yelled as she ran over to the pile of bags grabbing a red glowing sword from the Pile. "That THING has been lurking In Ravenpoint and you didn't think IT was important enough to TELL me that!" he yelled as he tired a Belt with a sheath to his body.

The wind rustled a little less strongly, almost meekly.

"And you really believed that Menagi Tanka Me ti goo'meez could keep those two hidden and protected forever! That… Thing has ways..." The man said touching his check scar subconsciously. "You try and delay it… or get those two out of there…" The man said as he moved towards the house armory.

The wind rustled gently through the man's hair causing him to sigh as he stopped in his march. He turned his head to the ceiling his face covered in a sad expression.


And with that a rush of wind escaped through the building leaving the man alone in the dark his red eyes dimming until they didn't even appear to be glowing, revealing a pair of normal slightly reddened eyes.

"… am so sorry…"

Hiccup POV.

This can't be happening… It just can't. I can accept everything else that has happened, everything from getting a friend to the spirt tree thing… but this, this was too much.

Toothless SPOKE.

No wait… Perhaps I was wrong, maybe I had just fallen asleep and this was just a dream… yeah… just a dream… I had fallen asleep under Toothless wing and now I was just dreaming about the dragon speaking to me.

Yeah… that made sense.

"YOU TALK!" a voice yelled over a draconic growl and shriek, the voice was… oddly female… but at the same time it was rough and distorted… kind of like it was traveling through a radio or something, but still female…

The realisation hit me like a front end loader hauling a freight train (that doesn't really make sense… but I'm guessing it would hurt.).

"YOU'RE FEMALE!" I yelled allowed in realisation. Toothless head shot back in either surprise at my outburst or shock. He- or should I say she- snorted hot mist escaping hi-her nostrils as the black dragon shock hi-her head, like… she was trying to shake something of HER face.

"You not know?" …She growled out sounding a little miffed. Hi-Her face moved closer to mine and her eyes narrowed.

"Ummm…. Yeah?" I softly muttered crawling back slightly, even if Toothless was smaller than the average dragon he-she was still well… a Dragon, a Dragon that could, understand and speak human… I think… Oh boy… This is getting more complicated by the second.

'Uh-oh.. Now you messed up, well nice knowing you. Goodbye.'

Toothless released what could only be described as a frustrated snarl…. She turned her head around slightly looking away from me a breath of visible hot air escaping her snout in an angry huff. "Dumb Human." She snarled glaring at me with a single green reptilian eye.

"W-what, W-why is this my fault… How was I supposed to tell that you where female? You are the only Night Fury that I have ever met! Heck I'm pretty sure you're the only Night Fury anyone has ever met And even so we don't really focus on the difference between dragon genders are where a little too busy…. Umm… ah…"

"Killing?" She blankly supplied.

"Yeah…" I answered "That.. Doesn't bother you… does it?" I asked aloud moving back nervously.

The night fury gave me what I assumed to be a dragon version of a 'lazy shrug'. "Dragons kill humans, Humans Kill Dragons that is how it works. Besides, you are not like other humans… you are…. Different." Toothless said, there was simplicity to… her sentences that made them not flow as smoothly as it should, like parts of it where missing Or I just couldn't understand it… Or maybe this is how all dragons 'talk'… Oh Gods listen to me; Dragons, talk? This is insane, not real… something has got to be wrong…

Yet here was the evidence, right before me.

"Can we- Can we please talk about the more pressing matter at this time? Like the fact that we, to separate species, NOT even in the same Animal Family are TALKING to each other! We are having a full on conversation here!" I yelled to the Dragon who only titled her head in confusion.

"Does this really bother you that much?" The Night Fury questioned.

"Why doesn't it bother YOU?" I yelled back at the dragon "THIS, none of THIS is natural! Where TALKING to each other! Heck where GETTING ALONE! Dragons and Humans Shouldn't do THAT! Its unnatural! I'm trying to help you FLY again and now I can HEAR you speak! Plus there this STUPID marks that keep glowing and CAUSING UNATURAL PAIN at the WORSE TIMES! An-"

My rant was cut short by the quick slap of a dragon tail and the force of a large paw pushing me upon my back.

Toothless pinned me effortlessly with one giant Paw, she was careful not to put enough weight on my chest that it would hurt me but just enough that I was helpless under the giant black foot. I squirmed helplessly under the dragon's weight who stared down at me with unreadable Green eyes. Even if I had built a lot of trust in Toothless the idea of being at the complete mercy of any dragon was still beyond frightening, especially consider every other time I had found myself in this position I had nearly died. I squirmed violently under Toothless paw in a desperate attempt to escape the dragons pin. When it became apparent to me that the only way I was ever getting out of this was when Toothless let me out I began to calm myself, reducing my movement and level of Panic. My eyes locked with hers, green met green as we stared at each other in utter silence.

I do not know how much Time passed but Toothless eventually broke the silence. "Listen to me Puzzle," Puzzle? Who wa- ohhh "Nothing about us is Natural. Our friendship, The Mark, the fact that we can now talk to each other. None of it makes sense, but it has happened. Why's and How's are not important right now, we should not bother ourselves with it… you Puzzle need to learn to accept what has happened, not try and explain it," Toothless went on, her eyes locked on mine in what must be the most intense stare down in my life. "The more you stop to think about things the less you get to enjoy those things." Toothless finished, her eyes still locked with mine and her foot still on my body, but with less pressure now.

It took me a second to realize what she was implying… she was rolling with it. Ignoring asking the important questions when the answers are not available. And In a way she was right… What was the point of wasting my time now, my thoughts boggling over problems I could not help to figure out? It was not as If the answers where going to fall out of the Sky!




No? Nothing? Alright.

"Do you understand?" Toothless asked moving her head slightly closer to mine, her gaze softening slightly but still showed no sign of emotion.

I nodded slowly.

She snorted audibly before stepping of my chest and moving back to sit on her rear, giving me more than enough room to get back up. Shuffling slightly I pushed myself up slightly so I was resting of my elbows whilst still lying on my back looking up at the Sleek black dragon. She returned my stare but not nearly as intensely as before. I smiled at my dragon friend who returned the gesture in her own gummy style, it was still rather awkwardly done but she was improving….

"So… Ahh, anything we should… talk about?" I finally said breaking the silence between us.

Toothless remained silent for a while, not nearly as long as the other pauses in are conversation but it lasted for a significant amount of time.

"How about…. Everything."

Stoick POV.

This was it.

Helheims gate.

Are boats where anchored just outside of its borders. The mist literally meters away from the front of my own ship. The whole thing stood high like a cliff of stone and fog, a natural wall so high I could not even see where it ended and the sky began. It was disturbing just how the mist seem to end at a certain point, almost unnatural in its surliness.

Who am I kidding this entire place was unnatural… and just so wrong.

A cold gust of wind blew towards us from within the mist, barely disturbing the thick fog might I add. Now, as a citizen of Berk I was use to the cold, almost immune to it I would boast. It was a similar situation for all people Of Berk, some would say we were born with dragon fire in a blood, but I would rather punch the man then agree with them. But this cold… blurr, it was cold enough to make the dead shiver. I rubbed my arms for extra warmth, blowing hot air into my cupped hands quickly. Damn was I glad we packed some warmer clothes.

"Grab the Jackets Men!" I roared over the sea, not that it was much challenge; the sea was unusually quite at the moment.

That didn't do anything to calm my nerves.

As My men scurried around to grab and hand around the heavy winter jacket I saw my brother approach. He had already managed to secure two jackets, one for himself and no doubt the other was for me. If one had looked at us and had not known of Spiteson's and myself family connection they would be properly excused to assume that we were not related at all. Apart from our general mass and body shape (Which was not exactly unique on Berk) we looked nothing alike. Whilst I became a spitting image of my father and the general Haddock bloodline Spiteson took quite a lot of traits from our mother to the point that he even legally changed his last name to Jorgerson, our mothers madden name. At least that's what he claimed, I had always expected his sudden name change to be a result of something else, particularly considering it took place one the same year when I married Valka, a marriage that he had been more then vocally against.

You see Spite and Valka never saw eye to eye, heck they never saw anything together let alone agree to anything. They were opposite and they collided together like a hammer to a gronkle's skull. My brother was vocal, blood hungry, slow of thinking and about as arrogant as they get. Whilst Valka was quite, gentle, quick of wit and was one of the most humble people I ever knew. It didn't help that they had completely different views, there debates where legendary and still are to this day…

When I was first starting out as 'mayor' –more like chief if I'm going to be honest- and was struggling to get started I liked to imagine that the two of them where my conscience. Valka was my Angel whilst Spite was the Devil, and I used them as such. I would often find myself asking the two of them to talk about their opinions on a subject I was indecisive about and listen as they began to argue the pros and cons of the situation for one side and the other. Then when the two of them had either tired themselves out or had run out of things that where relevant to the subject and simply began to call each other names I would turn to Gobber and get his perspective of the idea, knowing that he two had listened to their argument.

I liked Gobbers advice; he gave it to me as he sees it, doesn't let anyone sway his decision once he has made it and normally has an interesting spin to it that no sane person would have spotted even if they tried.

I liked the system I had; it worked and really had little flaws to it. Most of the time it ended up with the right decision, one that benefited the town most.

Then Henry was born… and Valka past away…

Everything changed…

I was forced to adapt a new way of solving problems, my old system didn't work anymore; Trust me I tried. On top of that Hiccup was a handful… and way to much like his mother…

Which only made him a storm of trouble…

Spite had reached to the front of bow in where I stood and handed me rather roughly the heavy jacket which I gratefully took from him. I smiled softly at my younger brother who only frowned in annoyance as some sea spray hit him in the face.

Spite always hated getting wet.

"We got a problem Stoick," He said pulling out a touchscreen phone (Why he insisted on having one was beyond me, damn things break like there made of foam) "The Map can't seem to get a read on our location… keeps glitching out." My brother said showing me the phone with a digital map on its screen. I watched silently as the image on the screen shakes, fizzles out and shows other locations on the map, locations like somewhere of the cost of Scandinavia and near Bermuda.

"Any idea on what's wrong with it?" I asked staring at the device.

Spite scratched the back of his head. "Probably the same thing that's making the Compass go bananas and sonar give out," He replied slipping the phone back into his jacket pocket. "In other words I have no Idea."

"So in other words we got no form of navigation?"


"And where heading into a location that chews ships to pieces practically blind because were under a whim that it's the dragons nest?"

"Looks about that way."

I sighed heavily "If we die here, today. Gods we will deserve it for being so stupid." I grumbled scanning the other two ships that was accompanying us. All of them full of men and women that will probably not see the light of the next day because I fell for peer pressure, gods I'm stupid.

"Hey at least we will be dying honourably in battle, Valhalla no doubt awaits us all!" My brother said with a stupid grin on his face, it was only made worse when he was nearly knocked over by a sudden wave hitting the sight of te boat, making him lose balance.

"Spitelout, the Day Odin accepts you in to the Halls of Valhalla is the day he is truly desperate for fighting men." I said with a chuckle watching my brother grab the rail in a desperate attempt to regain balance.

"Well.. then, he better be a patient Aegir… Because Spiteson lout Jorgerson won't be dying anytime soon…" My brother boasted, it probably would have been more effective in the man was not shaking around so much trying to climb back up to a standing position.

I chuckled slightly. "You know you just jinxed yourself right?" I asked aloud. I would have helped him up if he would have accepted my help to begin with. Spite has always been a very 'I can do it myself' type of person.

As he finally found his sea legs his face dropped in shock, his mouth opening wide enough you could fit a mace head in there. My brother had always been a superstitious person, probably not to the same level of Gobber -heck only Old Wrinkly outranked Gobber in being superstitious- but Spite had always believed in jinxes, the concept of luck and how the many beliefs that surrounded it. He always avoided ladders, black cats and mirror and even kept a four leaf clover on his person at all times, and has been doing so since he was 12.

I laughed at my brother reaction, I had always found a kick out of his superstitious nature when it came to luck. Spite's terrified realization quickly transformed into anger as he gave me a shove of annoyance, which only made me laugh harder. Knowing that I would not stop he stormed of grumbling curses and probably rubbing his clover in an attempt to counter the 'bad luck' he had placed on himself.

My laugh ended quickly however because the realisation that I was standing at Helheim's Gate hit me hard when a soft yet eerie sound echoed through the Mist. I was not the only one who heard it though, everyone did. It seemed to have an effect on us for no one did anything for a good long while, we all just kind of stopped, staring at the fog waiting for something. It was nerve racking and I found myself reaching for my Hammer. With a single blow of this weapon I could break a Hornapede's Skull like it was made of egg shells, but even with such a Hammer I still felt uneasy.

The sound made me recall something from the tales Old Wrinkly liked to spin, ones about the Aesir's and the Giants, about Thor, Frey, Odin… the story of one monster really stuck out to my subconscious mind. Garmr the Guard of Helheim. According to legends the beast was a creature that resembled a dog in shape alone and was covered head to toe in fresh flowing blood. Garmr was vile, vicious and so terrifying that it scared Hermod and Sleipnir as pale as the dead upon first sight. The only reason the Monstrosity even guards the Gates is because it is chained to them, and if it was to ever be let free it would begin a massacre unlike any the nine worlds would ever know. They say that during Ragnarök that Garmr would break free of its chains and would only stop its bloody warpath once it crossed Tyr; the only person in the Nine world who did not fear the dreaded Garmr, and the two would slay each other on the field of battle.

My eyes picked up movement in the fog, something disturbing the unusually thick mist from the inside of it. The fog moved around just enough that I caught a glimpse of something that was covered in sharp spikes and heavy looking scales.

The fearful idea that something akin to Garmr was guarding this Helheim's Gate, only dawned on me when I saw a pair of red glowing eyes move through the mist. Large ones full of hate and rage and judging by the distance between them the creature that bore them was very, very large.

And moving straight towards us.

"ALL SHIPS FALL BACK!" I roared as a sudden intense light grew in the mist from bellow the eyes. A molten fireball nearly bigger than two of me.

The only warning we got of the fireballs launch was the sound like a chainsaw going of as not one but three balls of fire came sailing towards us.

If I got out of this alive I'm going to leave a bloody follower-shop at my grandfather's grave… Gods he was right.

I should have listened to him.

Hiccup's POV.

"So it's impossible for a dragon to halt a dive?" I asked my companion aloud as I rested along her- I think I'm finally comfortable with that- side, my back against her body as I scribbled away in one of my journal.

Toothless snorted, or sneezed as she looked over my shoulder. "It's not impossible just very, very dangerous. Even the smallest bit of damage to your wing could become catastrophic if you put that much pressure on it at once, and trust me, these things," She said moving her wing around to demonstrate her point "Are pretty easy to damage. Plus if you are stopping fast enough you run the risk of damaging something important inside you, which can cause a lot of problems in the long run…" She finished, leaning a little further over my shoulder.

"So you have to complete the dive, all the way through?" I followed up.

She paused for a moment as to think about the question. "Sometimes… if you start out early enough, before you reach top speed you can slow yourself down into a 'glide' of sorts. Some dragons can do it at their top speed as well but they need to be prepared to do it before hand otherwise they will suffer the same problem all other dragons do during a dive if they try to stop it." She continued, moving her head away from over my shoulder to look at the sky.

I quickly scribbled down what she told me, only in the form of dot points of course, I can fill in the details latter. Communication between the two of us had become a lot easier after we had spent a while talking to each other. The voice in my head claimed that the improvement in understanding each other was due to our talk. According to him that the more we use our mouths and ears to understand and communicate with each other the more natural it will become for our bodies to adapt to. In order to insure constant communication I suggested we play 20 questions with each other. I did have to explain the 'rules' and what 20 questions even was to Toothless, she was a dragon after all. Not that it really mattered anyway. With the absolute abundance of question we had for each other; history, personal info, our home, our species, some customs etc. We found ourselves ignoring the rules and the 20 question limit altogether after a while and just asking each other questions about whatever came to mind.

"Can you do it?" I asked upon finishing the last dot point.

"No.. well maybe, I'm not really sure. I never had a reason to pull out of a dive before, the other dragons like to keep their distance from the things I normally end up attacking… and most if not all like to keep away from me as well. Plus you humans have never been lucky enough to even so much as see me until you got a lucky shot…" she said giving me what to her might have been a soft nudge but for me it was the equivalent of being pushed over whilst sitting down.

I had to count my lucky stars that Toothless had taken the fact that I was the one who shot her down rather well, and you know, didn't rip me in half with one bite. I had ended up telling Toothless of my involvement in her crash when she had asked me how I had found her in the forest during our first encounter, and well I kind of ended up spilling everything. I talked about the night, how the weapon worked… my desire to kill her for glory… She had listened intently as I blabbered on, taking in everything that I said with the same stoic expression, gods it was like talking to my father with how still her face was. When I finally ran out of things to blab about that involved that night. Toothless didn't make a sound for a good long time leaving me in a long awkward moment of utter silence, I tried to start up the conversation once more but toothless's mere silence shot down any attempt I tried.

"I'm in two parts right now," She said finally breaking the silence. "A part of me is angry that it was you who knocked me out of the sky, desired to take my life, who tore of my tailfin and crippled me for life… and it wants me to act upon my anger and retaliate with righteous fury… "

"Yet another part of me want to thank you… for freeing me from my shackles of servitude, sparing my life when It meant to much to you for me to be dead… And most importantly being the first person to legitimately care for me, for being the first creature I can, without hesitation, call my friend…."

"And I find myself listening to the latter because… because I feel that I have gained more in this… cove, then I have in my entire life…"

The comment was touching and very reassuring of my fear that Toothless would do something… well Dragon-like… but then it hit me.

Shackles of Servitude? What did she mean by that?

When I had asked her about it she simply told me that she was not ready to talk about that.

It's fair to say I didn't press any further into that can of worms.

"Sorry about that again…" I said sheepishly.

"And I forgive you again, come on Puzzle, you've apologized six times now and I have forgiven you each time… its not that big of a deal." She replied, once again using the little nickname she has bestowed upon me. Even once I told her my real name she preferred to default back to the name Puzzle claiming that it had a better ring to it then 'Hiccup' or 'Henry.'

'at least it's not something like mess-up or clumsy that would be a lot worse.'

For once I was inclined to listen to that whisper at the back of my mind for it did process a point… for once.

'Well aren't you ungrateful, all I have done since I popped up here was assist you and that's how you treat me? I'm hurt, so very, very- Wait… wha- is that… somethings, something hap` ening I-I, Oh no ITS-….."

And then nothing… the voice was silent… I mean completely silent… even when it wasn't speaking I could hear a slight hum at the back of my mind telling me it was still there… but now all I heard was static…Literal Static, in my head. It was alien… confusing… and something felt so very, very off.

Then it hit me. What it was I have no idea, a presence perhaps? A dark force? Perhaps some sort of wave? Whatever it was it made me feel sick. My skin turned ice cold and my hair stood on end, yet the temperature did not change at all. My stomach began to do flips inside my body, twisting and turning in ways that most defiantly do not feel natural. And my head, Odin's beard my head… it, why? Why was the world spinning? Why did my brain hurt so much… what the heck was going on… where? Where am I?

Behind me Toothless steered… at least I think she did… oh gods was it hard to think, or focus… I felt physically sick…

"You- you feel tha-erghhhhh." Toothless spoke sounding just as woozy and sick as me, only to suddenly break of into a cry, a dragon cry. She made several more cries, probably in an attempt to communicate with me but all I heard was static and dragon calls. I… I couldn't understand her… whats going on?


That sound… it was something out of a bad 60's SC-FI movie… only far more terrifying and nerve racking then anything people those days could even hope to create.

I looked around trying to find the origins of the strange sound, my confused mind making the task all the more difficult.

But when I saw it Even my confused mind managed to connect the horrific sound to such a horrific looking creature…

It rested upon the top of the cove wall on the opposite end of the cove from where we were. The creatures was tall, a diamond shaped body with a long neck stretched up high above us. The head was shaped similar to a Night Fury in shape but that was about it. There was no clear mouth on the creature and the only defining features was some tendrils that stretched out like eye laches from above the creatures eyes, they flowed and moved silently changing colour from green to blue to red and so forth. The eyes themselves where… freaky, no sort of eyelids or any indication of pupils and iris… just a pair of glowing green eyes glaring down at us. Organic vents stretched down the creature's neck, releasing clouds of coloured smoke that evaporated into the air. On the creatures chest was a collection of dark holes, two large one on each chest and several smaller ones under that. Beneath said holes was a long line that stretched like a belt around the creature's waist. It's about now I should mention that this thing didn't have any legs, or arms instead it balanced upon a long tail that was connected to the bottom half of the chest. The creature was positioned much like many depicted Medusa, or one of those snake people to balance on their tail… or should I say tails. Its 'Tail' appeared to be in fact a collection of smaller tails wrapped up together and ended in something I could only compare to the claws found on a claw crane game… only this one had a lot of spikes… Tentacles, 10 of them sprung out of the creature's chest, and when I say sprung I mean sprung, they literally popped out. Five on each side of the chest all of them ending with a long serrated claw. The creature was pale as death, which I'm pretty sure I was the colour of at the moment.

The creature looked down at us with a blank stare, and other then the movement of the tendrils it was as still as a statue.

I felt Toothless move closer to me, one of her paws rubbing against my side as she stood up and snarled at the intruder. I found myself crawling back a bit closer into Toothless. Even if I couldn't understand her growls I could tell that she was defiantly not welcoming the new comer.

The creature did not change its expression but the eyes… they shifted from green to red and the tendrils stood up on end. Defiantly not a good sign.

Without warning the creature fell down into the cove in midair the tail unraveled itself, separating from each other and stretching out. When the creature landed it stood upon a collection of five tentacles balancing on the tips… like some sort of demonic spider. If it was tall before it was massive now. Each of the tentacles on the creature side moved so the sharp points aimed directly at us.

Ok, This is getting worse by the moment…

Then the true horror hit. That line on its chest… it opened up. Revealing 3 rows of razor sharp needle teeth that moved and shifted in the now open chest, it was then a collection of three.. tongues sprung out, each of them like anteater tongues… that was until tiny needles sprung out and green neon liquid began to drip from the spikes, that when the liquid touched the ground a sizzling, burning sound was heard.


Ah, yep, we're dead.

Ok So I made Toothless a Girl… But hear me out! This has kind of been the Idea from the start, or at least near the beginning. This Toothless is rather small compared to the original, even during (movie) Toothless younger years, and is a lot slimmer with a darker coat of black scales. Now if you don't know your reptile biology I might have to explain; In reptile species that involve fighting with each other (Over territory, mates ect.) Males tend to be larger than the females, I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure Dragons fight a lot. Also Unlike Movie toothless this Toothless lacks the chin spikes and the spinal fins, or they are much smaller. Another trait about Lizards being that males generally have larger spikes, bumps and chests whilst females possess smaller to none of these traits. From a story telling point of views it is my way of making this Toothless different just like how This Hiccup's hair is redder and shorter, and how he is much smaller then Movie Hiccup and is not as quick witted as his movie verse counterpart (Amongst other traits). Like I mentioned before I kept Toothless gender under wraps because It was one of the Ideas I was not so sure about… But Finally decided for it.

Trust me this stuff is going to come in to play later as being rather Important (Sort of)

Plus I could resist the idea of Hiccup asking Toothless for girl advice!

This is when things are going to get freaky… and very, very strange.

Just some food for thought but you guys know about the butterfly effect right? Yeah, well I want you to think about that for a bit.

On a completely unrelated note Fanfiction doesn't recognising my documents anymore... that has lead to painful suffering on my end trying to figure this out. I'm going to see if i can figure out how to fix this.

"So many people are worried about the monsters inside you that they never notice the monsters around them."

Thor-Born saying 'I have no sense of deadlines!' and see you next time.