AN: This story is beta'd by two brilliant people who are willing to deal with my rough drafts. They aren't the prettiest things in the world. Thank you, pink. chocolate. unicorn and AJCorbie. Now there is some debate on whether or not Castiel's nickname is Cas or Cass. I personally jump from one to the other, never in the same story of course. This is what the wiki has to say about it: "The show's writers spell the nickname "Cass" in scripts source, and it also appears that way in Tie-in novels and the Official Companion books. It is spelled Cass in the Season 7 promo, the promo for the sixth episode of Season 8 and also for the promo of the eighteenth episode of Season 9. On the Season 4 DVD the English subtitles call him "Cass" and other times it is "Cas." I will be consistent in my usage and if I do slip up feel free to point it out. I am so not anywhere near perfect.

Sam looks down at Adam who is sleeping soundly in his crib. He knows that Dean will freak if he wakes up and catches him standing on a chair but he had to make sure that Adam is still here, that the past three days haven't been so weird dream. They forgot about Adam, they left him in the Cage. Sam's heart twists the more he thinks about it.

Dean once told him when he was ten sheets to the wind that Death gave him a choice of one or the other. 'I don't regret saving you Sammy, I just wish I could have saved him too. Just proving what he thought of us.' His brother was so broken about it, just like he broke over every death he thought he caused.

They have a second chance with Adam and his brother is taking advantage of it. Jealousy rises in Sam's chest; normally, it's him who has Dean's undivided attention. Dean is his. He doesn't like sharing. But... he learned to share Dean with Cass, he can learn to share with his half-brother, right?

Sam sucks on his bottom lip, his tiny hands gripping the top bar of the crib. Why is sharing Dean with Adam so much harder than it is with Cass? Adam's eyes flutter open, face crinkling up like he's about to cry and Sam panics a bit.

"Shhh. No cry. No cry Sammy here," he coos, internally cursing how what he wants to say comes out. Tiny little hands reach out toward him, opening and closing in the universal 'gimme' gesture. Sam's not sure what Adam wants but he lets go of the crib with one hand and stretches it out toward Adam. It doesn't work, he can't reach, and frustration builds in him until he tries between the bars. Sam smiles as Adam grabs his hand and starts to suck on it.

Out of all of them, Adam probably has it worst. He can't talk, he can't walk, he can't even use the bathroom like he used to, at least Sam can do those things even if it's harder for him to do so.

"You hungry, Adam?"

Adam sucks on his finger harder.

"Sammy? Whatcha doing kiddo?"

It's awkward looking over his shoulder but he manages. Gabriel is looking at him, his hands on his hips, there is a knowing look on his face.

"Adam hungry."

"Ah, so it's your turn to feed the kidlet." Gabriel nods his head playfully and steps up to the crib. He picks Sam up and moves him to the floor causing Adam to whine softly.

"None of that now. I'm getting you next. No need to wake your other brother, he's finally in a deep sleep."

Sam is a bit surprised when Adam stops whining.

"That's what I thought. Now, I'm not as pretty as either of your brothers but I wager I can make a mean bottle. I've watched Dean-o do it enough," Sam hears the Archangel mutter under his breath as he pushes down the part of the crib that Sam was using to hold his weight and picks up Adam.

They sneak downstairs, trying not to wake up anyone else. Dean is sound asleep, surrounded by Cass and Balthazar. Raphael is sleeping alone at the other side of the bed, his wings twitching. Sam bets he isn't really sleeping- or resting his grace as Michael phrased the sleep like motions the younger Angels do. Sam isn't sure where Lucifer is but he doesn't really care.

Three days isn't enough time to forgive the fallen Angel and he isn't sure if he can forgive Lucifer. The things that happened in the Cage and out of it make it very hard for him to trust either of the older Angels and the only thing that helps him trust Gabriel is that Gabriel helped them in the end.

"Hey there, kiddo, no deep thoughts," Gabriel says, breaking him from his thoughts, "Don't want the smoke detector to go off, do you?"

Sam looks up at Gabriel, his brows pinching together and lips scrunching down in a frown. The Archangel laughs softly, shaking his head.

"Even young you have the famed bitch face. Good to know."

Adam whines, reminding them why they are in the kitchen in the first place. Sam toddles over to the fridge, his steps unsure, and his hands reaching out to hold on to things. He finds it ridiculous that he has this much trouble walking, surely walking hadn't been this hard the first time around. Behind he hears Gabriel laugh at him- the jerk- but he ignores it and pulls out one of the pre-made bottles.

Thankfully the fridge isn't hard to get into and the bottles are on a lower shelf. It had been a pleasant surprise to find out that the house was stocked with everything they would need and whenever they used something it was replaced. The microwave is just out of reach for his arms but Gabriel is behind him to stick it in for Sam.

"So, you wanna tell me why you were standing over Adam- the real reason?" Gabriel asks as they watch the bottle go round and round. Sam shakes his head. Gabriel hums.

"You know I was the youngest at first right?"

Sam glances at Gabriel from the corner of his eye. He doesn't know where the other is going with this.

"When everything started I was the youngest. Most bibles even like to say I wasn't even an Archangel. Anyways, when the others popped up, I wasn't anymore. I didn't like it. Mikey, Luci, Raph, they were mine ya know? But then this little squirt of an Angel came up to me and called me big brother and I-" Gabriel stops talking and shakes his head, "I was lost. Didn't care that I had to share them anymore."

The microwave beeps and Gabriel takes the bottle out shaking it. Sam keeps him from sticking it into Adam's mouth right away.

"Check," he scolds.

Gabriel does so with a small smile, though it is awkward and painful looking. Now assured that the liquid won't scald or burn his baby brother's mouth, he lets Gabriel feed Adam. Sam watches Adam eat, his head tilted and a thoughtful look on his face. I'm a big brother now, he thinks. Adam is shifted and burped, the noise making Sam's nose scrunch up.

They go back upstairs, Sam holding onto Gabriel and Gabriel making sure not to leave Sam behind. Sam trusts Gabriel enough to put Adam back in his crib so he crawls onto the bed- it's tricky but getting up is a bit easier than down- and forces his way into Dean's arms. The two Angels make it easier by moving when they feel him touch them and Sam refuses to think about why the cuddle piles feel so good.

Instead, he thinks about Adam and how things could have been different if John had settled down with Adam's mom. He thinks about how things would have been different if the two had joined them on hunts. Would he still have wanted to leave for college? Would John still have treated them like soldiers? Would Jess still be alive? Who would have died instead?

He sniffles slightly trying not to cry and failing. Though, the tears are stopped when Dean's arms tighten around him protectively, and he decides that it doesn't matter. It's in the past, all that matters is letting Adam know he's loved. All that matters is they have a chance to change his mind about them. To show him that they care. Sam smiles, rubbing his cheek against Dean, body relaxing in sleep. Maybe, for once in their lives they would be able to be happy.