AN: So here is my new story, and for those reading my other one, no I will not stop writing that one, and for those who didn't know about my other story I'm working on, well, now you know why some of my updates will be slow. But I will not stop writing my stories; I won't give up on them. So this is a story about Harry getting his parents back, hopefully you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Harry Potter

It was about 5 in the morning and an 11 year-old boy by the name of Harry Potter could be found not in the dorms of Gryffindor tower, but in an empty classroom that holds a peculiar mirror that shows him his parents, yet when he showed his friend Ron, Ron did not see the same thing.

You see, Harry Potter had never met his parents, well he had, but that was when he was a baby. He had no memory of them. On Halloween in 1981, Voldemort had murdered them, and tried to kill Harry as well, but he was unsuccessful. Voldemort had vanished that night, and Harry was sent to live with his muggle relatives, Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and his cousin Dudley. They hated him and his 'freakishness.' His bedroom was the cupboard under the stairs, he is always given all the chores, doesn't get as much to eat, and he never got any toys, or love.

Harry longed for his parents to come back, but he knew they couldn't. People couldn't come back from the dead. He looked into the mirror again, first at his dad. He was a carbon copy of his father, black hair that stuck up at all ends, same jaw line, knobbly knees, etc… The only difference was his eyes. They were his mum's. He looked over to his mum, the auburn hair that cascaded down her back, her kind smile, and her eyes. His eyes, their eyes. The bright emerald green, filled with warmth and love, same as his father's hazel eyes.

Harry could feel his eyes welling with tears. Seeing the love in his parents' eyes, even if it was just a mirror, it made him long for them. He wanted them to look at him like that, to hug him, to tell him he is safe. To love him.

That last thought caused him to break down. He pulled his knees to his chest, wrapped his arms around them, and buried his face in them and cried. Heart breaking sobs you should never hear from an 11 year-old.

Harry, unaware of the magic that started swirling around the room, cried and cried, alone in the room.

"I want my parents." He murmured to himself. "No, I need my parents. I need my parents. Mum, dad, I need you…"

He missed the single tear that fell to the floor, only to stop mid-fall, and float towards the mirror. He missed the mirror shining as the tear touched it, and he missed the 2 people stepping out of the mirror. What finally made him aware of his surroundings was the strong pair of arms that had picked him up and deposited him on a lap, cradling him, rocking him back and forth, and the gentle voice of a woman.

"It's okay sweetheart. We're here."

AN: So this chapter is really short, I was not planning it like that, but I like that line for the last line on a chapter, I try to make my chapters 1,000 words long if I can, so please don't be mad! Check out my other stories! And please leave reviews! I love reviews! They are one of my favorite things about writing! Thanks! I'll have the next chapter up s soon as I can! I do take suggestions and I try to use them! I can't promise that I will, but I try to as much as I can! Until next time!