Harry stroked Hedwig's wings, humming quietly to himself as he read through his potion's text book with Mort. Every now and then, Mort would make corrections such as "Cross that out, whoever wrote this was an idiot. That ingredient is entirely unnecessary for this potion" or "Dice the beetles, really? Are they trying to stunt the education of Wizarding Britain?" Harry would always giggle at Mort's rants, making Petunia, who was cooking over at the kitchenette look over at him and smile.

"Reading something interesting, darling?" she asked as she stirred the alfredo sauce. "I didn't think your text books would be so funny."

"It's just I was thinking that we always complained about normal medicine tasting yucky. But wizards have lizards in their cough syrup!"

"Really?" asked Dudley in disgust. "Cool! MUM! Next time I'm sick can I have lizard medicine?" Harry giggled at him, before dutifully scribbling in some notes that Mort muttered in his mind. The days to Harry's birthday were drawing closer. This year, they decided to see a movie in theater, then take a hot air balloon ride. When discussing it, Petunia had smiled conspiringly at Dudley, and said that she had a surprise for Harry afterwards, and Dudley had grinned like he was in the know.

But when questioned his cousin admitted that he had no idea what Petunia was talking about.


Dudley and Harry were both leaning over the side of the balloon's basket, letting the wind whip through their hair. Harry grinned like a maniac, his glee doubled at the quiet fear he felt coming from Mort, and the exasperated worry from Death. It was very windy, up as high as they were, and he and Dudley had great fun simply screaming nonsense into the wind, feeling the noise get carried away before it could be properly heard.

"Don't lean so far, you little imbecilic brat!" Mort commanded him. Harry only laughed and stood on his tip toes. Petunia's arms were suddenly wrapped around Harry and Dudley's shoulders. The two boys pouted, but she refused to relinquish her grip on them.

The ride was over all too soon, though Petunia looked very relieved to have all six of their feet planted firmly on the ground. Dudley and Harry cheerfully chatted with the hot air balloon workers while Petunia discreetly stood several yards away, out of earshot, having flipped open her phone. Harry would occasionally tear his eyes away to look curiously at her.

"Hey Taffy, what's she up to?" Harry asked silently. He had long since had much in the way of mistrust for his aunt, however a life time of paranoia could not be erased by a scant few years living mostly without cares. "Do you know?"

"Of course I know," Death scoffed. "I'm Death, and Death knows all. And…no, I'm not telling you, Master dearest." Harry pouted visibly. Dudley noticed, as did Mort.

"What's wrong, Haze?" Dudley asked him, turning away from the workers as they went back to taking care of the other customers, leaving the little boys to their own devises while they waited for Petunia. "Do you feel sick?"

"No, D," Harry smiled at him. "I'm just curious. You sure you don't know anything about the surprise?"

Dudley shook his head. "I mean…I'd think she was calling something like you. You know with your…" Dudley made a vague gesture towards Harry's forehead. "But, they don't use cellphones, do they?" Harry considered this.

"Then what?" he asked.

"I wouldn't worry about it," Mort told him comfortingly. "Knowing your aunt she probably just booked a restaurant for lunch, it's getting to be around that time, after all." Harry mentally conceded the point. Dudley suddenly gasped and took hold of his wrist to drag him both out of his thoughts and towards a public bench that was placed along side the sidewalk. Sitting on the bench was a young woman reading a book, and tied to the leg of the bench was a small black dog sitting primly beside her owner.

"PUPPY!" squealed Harry and Dudley at the same time, causing the owner to look up from her book and give a friendly smile, and for Taffy and Mort to send Harry similar messages of fond exasperation.

As Harry leaned over to let the dog lick his fingers, he suddenly remembered something that made him feel guiltier than he had since the last wizarding war…Sirius!

"I'm a terrible godson…." Harry thought mournfully as he watched his cousin try to prompt the dog to roll over. "I'm the worst godson ever. I don't deserve Padfoot's love. I can't believe I just forgot about him…."

"Well," said Taffy reasonably. "It has been around four and a half centuries since he died, according to your perspective anyway. Besides, how would this version of you even know about him? You've been in the muggle world all of these years, and your Aunt has never mentioned anything about him. Under normal circumstances…well, under circumstances in which you wouldn't have an ex-Dark Lord living in your head, we could simply disguise you and provide enough information to get Sirius a trial. However…." Harry, still feeling guilty for doing so, reluctantly put the idea of freeing Sirius Black to the back of his mind, where Mort couldn't see it.

"Boys!" Petunia called. Harry stood up from where he was still kneeling next to the little dog and waved to his aunt to show he had heard. After saying goodbye to the nice lady and her dog, Dudley and Harry trotted back over to her. "Are you two ready for lunch?" she asked with a smile. "I'm thinking pasta, what about you?"

"Sounds yummy" agreed Harry readily, still finding it novel whenever Petunia would willingly take him to a restaurant. Dudley cheered and began begging for various desserts to have after the meal, all of which Petunia replied to with a vague "We'll see."

"Who were you talking to, Auntie?" Harry asked her, taking one of her hands as Dudley seized the other. "On the phone"

Petunia smiled. "An old friend, we'll be meeting up with him for lunch.


Severus felt nervous.

It was ridiculous, really. It wasn't as though spending time around young children was anything new to him, for Merlin's sake. He was a teacher. Even still, he found himself applying to rather unusual amount of attention to his appearance. His hair, which was almost always coated with water-resistance potion residue from fumes, he had painstakingly washed several times until it no longer looked quite as "slimey" as his Gryffindor students liked to put it. However, there was only so much that could be done about a life-time's worth of bending over cauldrons. Furthermore, he had to wear muggle clothes for the first time in nearly half a decade, and he found that he didn't like any of the clothing articles he possessed.

Realistically, he knew that going shopping for a totally new outfit just for today was both wasteful and unnecessary, so Severus made due with a dark green button shirt and an uncomfortable pair of dress pants, which were just slightly too tight around the knees and waist.

He checked the clock again, for the tenth time in the last hour. When his house phone rang he jumped in surprise, then fumbled to pick it up in time before it went to voice mail. "Snape." Severus answered the phone curtly, then silently smacked himself for it.

"Yes, hello? It's Petunia."

"Yes" Severus said, then resisted the urge to pound his face into the wall. "I assume that our plans to meet today are still happening?"

"Of course," Severus could hear a smile in her voice. "Thanks so much for agreeing to this Severus, I know it will mean the world to Harry. We were just about to go to a nice little Italian restaurant in the area. The boys haven't eaten yet, so I was thinking that you could meet up with us there? What do you say? It will be my treat."

"That sounds…agreeable."
"Wonderful!" Petunia rattled off the approximate location of the restaurant she had in mind, and when Severus confirmed that he knew where it was she cheerfully told him that they would be on their way there shortly, then hung up.


Harry and Dudley excitedly took their seats at a square table in the middle of a lively restaurant. Petunia took a moment to sit down, scanning over the heads of the other guests at the restaurant, looking for something. Harry exchanged a curious look with his cousin, who shrugged once more. When Petunia finally sat down, a waiter was quick to approach their table. "Just a minute," Petunia requested before Dudley could request his usual chocolate milk. "We're waiting for one more." The waiter smiled wordlessly, and gave a polite bow before scurrying off to tend to other patrons.

"We are?" asked Dudley as Harry began to absently play with Taffy, letting the little snake run over his fingers. Petunia didn't notice, but Mort did.

"What do you think you're doing, brat?" Mort asked his host. Harry, despite knowing exactly what he was doing, send a notion of innocent confusion towards Mort. "I've told you, child," Mort said in exasperation. "Don't let your snake out in public."

"He wants to eat too!"

"We both know he already ate this week, and that, furthermore, consuming human food will make him ill." Mort said sternly. "Also, I want to see who exactly your Aunt invited to lunch, so try not to get us kicked out."

Harry pouted outwardly, but now he had an excuse to let Taffy slide into his sleeve, the arm closest to the remaining, empty chair at their table. "Auntie," Harry asked as he twirled his fork around on the table. "Who is coming?"

Petunia actually smiled. "An old friend," she said. "You'll see."

They didn't have to wait long. Just as Dudley was starting to get bored, a smooth, low voice spoke. "Miss Evans," said a tall man with sallow skin and long, black hair. Harry very nearly gave himself away, if not to the three people now at the table with him, then to Mort. Because when he met the eyes of his old Potion's teacher who, in the end, had given his life for the "greater good", he felt his heart and stomach wind themselves around each other and squeeze. He'd felt guilt over his sour relationship with Snape for years.

However, as Taffy gave him a supportive constrict around the wrist, Harry managed a smile. It was somewhat strained, but to the others at the table, merely looked charmingly shy. "Hullo," said Harry, softly. Then realized that his Aunt had not corrected Snape's mistaken form of address.

"I recognize him," said Mort in surprise. "Be careful, Harry. He may mean you harm. There was a time when he worked for a…a very bad man who, at one point, would have loved to do you great harm. Be on your guard."

"Well," said Taffy. "That complicates things" Harry mentally sighed. Now, he would have to keep up two fronts whenever he was around Snape…One for Snape's benefit and one for Mort's. Well, Harry always did love a challenge. He sent a wave of understanding to Mort as he kept his face carefully cautious, as would be expected from the sweet, shy Harry Potter he'd been showing his Aunt all these years.

To his surprise, and to Mort's, Snape gave Harry a gentle smile and extended a hand to shake. "Mister Potter," he clasped Harry's tiny hand in both of his own, larger, calloused ones. Then he nodded cordially to the two Dursley's. "My name is Professor Severus Snape," he said, still maintaining the friendly, if a bit small and forced, smile. He wasn't meeting Harry's eyes. "I teach at Hogwarts." Snape said, a tad awkwardly. He shifted from foot to foot, then added. "I knew your mother, long ago."

Harry's eyes widened, not having expected Snape to admit such a thing so readily, and so early on. Though he simply said "My mum? What was she like? Were you friends?" To Petunia, Dudley and Snape, they only saw careful excitement on the glowing face of a tiny, adorable child. However, Harry let a little of his true heartbreak trickle down to Mort.

"Hmmm…perhaps I was mistaken," said Mort, obviously thinking that the cause of Harry's distress to be the fact that one of his potential links to his dead mother may want to hurt him. "As I recall, Snape was incredibly fond of your mother. He once begged his master to spare her life…though…well, now that his master is gone, he may feel more at liberty to express his true feelings for you."

Harry rewarded Mort's concession of somewhat-truth with a radiant feeling of hope. Outside of Harry's head, Snape had answered Harry's questions with a strained nod. Petunia asked Snape to sit, and immediately, the waiter returned to take their drink orders. As soon as their drinks were set before them, Dudley began bouncing in his seat.

"I'd forgotten that we met you!" Dudley said, mostly to Harry though the statement was directed towards Snape. Facing his cousin, Dudley continued "When we went to get your Potion stuff, we ran into Professor Snape. He was the one who had us get more yucky stuff than your list said to get."

"T-Thank you, P'fessor," Harry said, mangling the honorific a little bit, knowing it made him sound cuter than he knew he already was. Taffy sighed at him. "Drama queen" he told his Master. Harry ignored him. "Is that what you teach, then? Potions?"

Snape nodded, his smile less forced at the question. "Indeed. I have now for just under a decade. Have you begun any of the reading, Mister Potter?"

Harry nodded eagerly. "I got to chapter ten of the text book, but then it started referring to things that they didn't explain very good. So, now I'm reading one of the extra potion books I bought at the book store." Harry said this all very quickly, eyes wide and bright. Then he seemed to realize he was gushing, and stopped talking abruptly, looking down at his lap with red cheeks.

"I'm please you seem to be enjoying the texts, Mister Potter," said Snape. "I'm sure you will find that many of your future classmates wait until after the first lesson to even open their books at all. Harry's next expression was a masterful impression of innocent disbelief and confusion that Mort and the humans around his bought. Taffy, simply mocked him.

"Are you certain you don't wish to take over the world, Master?" Death asked him. "You're already showing signs of becoming a promising sociopath. Not to mention developing a split personality disorder."

"I think people who might find out I talk to two separate entities in my head, one who doesn't know about the existence of the other, might argue that I already have, Death my old friend." Harry returned.

"B-but, P'fessor, it's magic," Harry said, as though scandalized. Then he looked thoughtful. "Is potions magic? Can people without magic use magic things to make them, or does it not make a potion if you aren't magic?"

Severus looked very pleased by the question, and even Mort seemed thoughtful. "Well, Mister Potter. Such theories lie in far more advanced classes then what you will take during your entire career at Lady Hogwarts. However, it has been theorized that when a potion is made, the certain sort of stirring utensil used acts as a conduit for a being's latent magic. Latent magic being the basic, dormant magic that a wizard is unconsciously using all the time. Such as the magic that boots our immune system, making us less likely to grow sick, or the magic that allows us to ride brooms.

To answer your question, muggles, are unable to create potions, because there is no magic in their system to react with the ingredients. How much do you know about chemistry, Mister Potter?"

"Uhh," Harry racked his brain. To Mort, it seemed as though he was trying to remember anything at all. Though, in actuality, he was just trying to figure out how much would be reasonable for a child his age to know. "On TV" there, that seemed like a good place to start an answer. "The man said that chemicals made other chemicals 'react' in certain ways. And sometimes taking things away or adding to chemicals made new chemicals!" Harry smiled proudly.

Petunia gave him a fond smile, though Severus looked less than impressed. "More or less. But no." Harry's smile fell. "Though you have the basic idea of the most basic part of chemistry mostly accurate. Sort of. But yes. Think of it this way, the ingredients don't do anything magical when mixed together on their own, they must be activated by a wizard's latent magic. This is also why there are certain conditions to some ingredients. Such as a flower that can only be plucked during a full moon, the magic imbued by the full moon is part of what is necessary for the correct reaction. Squibs, beings with only latent magic, are able to produce passable potions. However the best potions are made by true wizards."

"Huh" was all that Harry could say. He had, of course, already known this. However, Mort had not expected him to and Dudley and Petunia definitely looked enthralled. Severus also seemed pleased to have such an appreciative audience for a topic he was a literal Master in. "So does the stirring utensils change what the potion does?"

Once again, Harry was rewarded with a smile. "No, Mister Potter. It does, however, add or take away from the total quality of the potion depending on what you are making. That, however, is not going to be touched upon until third year. If you are still interested though, might I suggest the book Intermediate Elixir Supposition."

Harry nodded dutifully, then waited to say anything more, as the waiter had come back to take their food order. Dudley began his own round of questioning, asking about what jobs muggles could get in the wizarding world. He asked if there was anyway he could pretend to be a squib and live in the wizarding world that way. His questions made Petunia look very sad, and Severus look pitying, though Dudley didn't notice at all.

"Perhaps we could hire him as a meat shield when you are older," Mort mused. "I know how to cast a spell that can make him appear as a House Elf. We can just tell anyone who sees him that he was disabled at birth and can't use magic. It's not common, but it's possible for a House Elf to be born without magic. And while those that are are usually put down right away, no one would hesitate to believe that you, as a paragon of the light would spare such a creature."

"Put down?" Harry asked, the very picture of innocence.

"er…down into a dungeon, where they aren't seen."

"Well, that's not very nice, Mort."

"No, I suppose not."

As Taffy laughed at Mort, she stuck her nose out of Harry's sleeve in order to flick her tongue out at his pasta. Severus, who had been sharing an amusing anecdote about a potions accident in his class, saw it out of the corner of his eyes and paled. He turned to Harry, and seemed to be looking for a way to nicely address the issue, which Harry found amusing. The Snape he knew wouldn't have bothered sugar coating.

Harry, still pretending to be innocent and oblivious, didn't make any move to hide Taffy. Instead, he held a small chunk of meat to Taffy's face. Taffy nosed it, but was wise enough to not eat non-mice in front of people. Mort sighed and sent Harry the impression of whacking him over the head. Harry mentally stuck his tongue out at him.

"I hope Laffy's okay," Dudley said mournfully, seeing Taffy. "My book said turtle's can live really long with out food though. I'll just be sure to give her lots and lots when we go home." Petunia gave her son a strained smile, then saw Taffy and rolled her eyes.

"Harry, darling," she said, hiding a smile. "Why did you bring Taffy?"

"He wanted to go flying," Harry said.

"I did not enjoy the giant balloon basket"

"He said he didn't like it."

Severus' mouth was gaping and said to be lost for words. Just to mess with Severus, Harry then spoke to Taffy in parseltongue. "What do you think of the P'fessor?"

"He does not smell very nice."

"Don't be rude, Taffy."

"Well, it's true. And besides, he didn't bring me any mice."

"What's he saying?" Dudley asked absently around a mouthful of spaghetti. Harry giggled.

"He's mad he doesn't get to have any mice here."

"Maybe they have some in the kitchen."

"For people food? I think they'd get in trouble."

"Here, Taffy," Dudley offered the little snake a meat ball. Petunia sighed deeply and turned back to continue talking to Severus. Only then did she realize just how shocked Severus was to see the little snake.

"The letter Harry got said he was allowed a pet," she said carefully. "I bought him a cute little owl, but I was wondering if he'd be allowed to take Taffy along with him? I'm aware that snakes weren't on the list, but he'd had him for several years now. It's quite tame."

"How dare you"

"He said 'how dare you'."

"Yeah, Mummy. How dare you."

"I'm ferocious."

"He said he's ferocious.'

"Yeah, Mummy. Ferocious."

"Feed me."

"He said he wants food."

"Yeah, Mummy. Food."

Severus stared at the two little boys for an instant. Then he turned back to Petunia. "The three options listed are mostly suggestions for Muggleborns. While Kneazles are not listed, more than half of the girls at Hogwarts have one. Rats are also fairly common, and one of the boys in Ravenclaw has a pet bat. I'm not foreseeing it being a problem. However, Mister Potter," Severus turned a stern eye to Harry. "I would caution you against speaking to…Taffy…in public. Talking to serpents is a trait long associated with evil, and so you would do well to hide this particular ability."

"'Kay" Harry said, unconcerned. "Why?"

"A truly vile man once spoke to snakes."

Harry was amused as a flash of offence went through Mort, though it was quickly covered up. "Who?"

"There is an old Taboo placed on his name. Nevertheless, I'm sure you will hear it spoken soon enough. As it is, simply know that most call him He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, or, the Dark Lord."

"'Kay." Said Harry once more, returning to his meal. It took a few awkward attempts, but eventually Petunia and Severus were able to return to a fairly easy flowing conversation. At once point, Dudley mentioned that Severus had said Lily was good at potions. Harry had frozen, looking up at Severus with hope in his eyes. And so a good portion of their time together was spent with Severus telling tales of Lily at Hogwarts, as well as what things Harry could expect to see there.

When the meal was over, Harry found himself reluctant to say goodbye to the professor. Then that begged the question of what sort of comradery he wanted to share with this new, strange, nicer version of Severus Snape, as well has the consideration of how sweet, shy Harry would treat him.

Harry made his mind up. As they were parting ways in the parking lot, Harry threw his arms around the Potion Master's waist. "See you at school, P'fessor!" Harry said cheerfully.

With an awkward pat to Harry's shoulder, Severus said his own goodbye's, then hurriedly stalked away. As soon as he was out of sight, there was the telltale crack of apparition. Petunia reached for Harry's hand, and he gave it to her.

"Just a few more weeks," Petunia sighed.


The weeks leading up to the day Harry would depart sped faster and faster. For the first time, ever, Harry found himself feeling sad on the day that he would depart. He was worried for how Petunia would deal with Vernon, and didn't want Dudley getting caught in the crossfire between his two parents. Harry felt bad enough to share his worry with Mort, who prompted Harry to ask Petunia for frequent updates, which his Aunt readily agreed to.

Soon, Harry was standing with his trunk on a trolly, Hedwig balanced on top in her cage, in front the bright red train. Petunia had remembered where the barrier was from her days of dropping Lily off with her parents. All around them were families rushing by, saying tearful farewells, and older students hurrying to leave their embarrassingly crying mothers behind.

Harry stood still, looking at the train with a novel feeling of nerves and anxiety in his belly. "Auntie…" Harry said. For a moment, he felt like the child he looked like. He was worried about them. How would they fare without him there? Would Vernon back off? Or would he be just as terrible to his Aunt? He knew Dudley wouldn't be abused by Vernon, but Aunt Petunia had no such guarantees.

"don't fret, Master" said Taffy. "I will protect them. You have my word."

Harry held out his arms, and in and instant Petunia had scooped him up so that his feet no longer touched the ground. She kissed his cheek wetly and squeezed him to herself. "Oh, I love you so very much, darling," she said quietly, into his ear. "I'll miss you, so you'll have to write me and Dudders whenever anything happens."

"I will Auntie," Harry promised, feeling Mort in the back of his head feel awkwardly wistful. "I'll tell you about all my friends, and classes, and teachers."

Petunia sighed and put him back down, where he was immediately accosted by Dudley, who was bawling. "I wish I could go with you!" he wailed. "If anyone gives you trouble, Haze, just bop 'em in the nose, just like a showed you. Alright?"

"Right," Harry grinned, hugging his cousin back. "And if anyone is mean to you, I'll turn 'em into a frog." Dudley laughed, then stepped away so that Harry could wheel his trolley over to one of the doors.

"Need help there, mate?" asked a familiar voice.

"Here, I'll get that for you." Said a similar familiar voice. Harry looked up with wide eyes at Fred and George, alive and well, grinning down at him. Their faces were round with youth and innocence. Harry felt his heart twist when he realized they would only be thirteen at that point. Barely more than babies.

"Thank you," Harry said shyly. "My name's Hardwin."

"Awwww," cooed Fred as he hoisted up one end of Harry's trunk.

"You're a cutie," agreed George.

"I'm Gred," said Fred.

"And I'm Forge" grinned George as he helped his brother on the other end. "Follow us, Hardy"

"Yeah, Winny, we'll let you sit with us."

"Really?" Harry grinned at them.

"I'm going to assume that these are Weasleys," said Mort. "There is literally no chance that they mean you any harm at all. They are also purebloods, as far as I know. However, they are also very low class, and so, while it will not harm you to be friendly with them, keep in mind that they are of low status."

"They're really nice to me, Mort. And they don't even know me."

"Yes, well…they are better than sitting alone, I suppose. Though you could have gone to look for the Nott boy."

"So, Hardy," said Fred as he shoved Harry's trunk up into the overhead. "What's your story?"

"Yeah, Winny," said George. Harry giggled, and both twins seemed very pleased with themselves. "What house do you want to be in?"

"My…" Harry stopped to think for a moment. "My uncle Mort was a Slytherin, but my parents were both Gryffindor. I know a few people in Slytherin, too. So, one of those, I guess. What about you?"

"Aww, noooo" whined Fred. "Hardy! Dear, cute widdle Hardy! You can't be a Slytherin!"

"Why?" asked Harry, as Mort started to get very annoyed with them. "My Uncle Mort said it's the best house. And he's really smart."

"Because, Winny," said George. "We're Gryffindor. And…well, Slytherins and Gryffindor don't get along."

"Yeah, if you're Slytherin you can't be our minion!"

"That's silly," said Harry with a frown. "If I'm a Slytherin I'll make sure I'm extra nice to Gryffindors. And if I'm a Gryffindor I'll be extra nice to Slytherins."

"You sound more like a Puff than anything, Winny, to be perfectly honest."

"I like you"

"I accept you as our minion."

"Your minion? For what?"
"For epic mayhem."

"Ultimate evil."

"Prankdom at its finest, Winny."

"Are you sure you're not Slytherin?"
