Kaishin Drabble 83
Prompts: PokeDetectives, Pokemon Teams
Kaitou KID= Haunter, Chandelure, Absol, Sylveon, Froslass, Zoroark
Kaito Kuroba=Pumpkaboo (nicknamed Pumpkin), Blazakin (nicknamed Aoko), Umbreon, Beautifly, Flygon, Luxray
Shinichi Kudo= Alakazam, Garchomp (nicknamed Big Mouth), Mightyena, Ninetails (nicknamed Foxy), Marowak (nicknamed Conan), Scizor
Saguru Hakuba of the Elite Four= [Team trained for max speed] Pidgeot (nicknamed Watson), Jolteon, Rapidash, Kingdra, Gallade, Salamence
Ran Mouri, Fighting Type Gym Leader= Infernape, Pangoro, Lucario, Sawk, Hawlucha, Mienshao
Heiji Hattori of the Elite Four= [Team trained for max Special Attack] Arcanine, Camerupt, Gyarados, Goodra, Nidoking, Haxorus
Gin, Poison Type Gym Leader= Toxicroak, Victreebel, Crobat, Seviper, Drapion, Scolipede
Akako Koizumi of the Elite Four= [Team trained for max Special Defense] Metagross, Dragonair, Houndoom, Delphox, Ariados, Weavile
Kazuha Toyama, Fire Type Gym Leader= Ninetails, Rapidash, Darumaka, Talonflame, Oricorio, Salazzle
Shiho/Sherry, Psychic Type Gym Leader= Kirlia, Espeon, Claydol, Musharna, Gothitelle, Meowstic
Vermouth, the Dark Type Gym Leader=Tyranitar, Shiftry, Skuntank, Bisharp, Pangoro, Mightyena