'Looking back on it, it is not even surprising this would happen to me' Thought Peter after hearing the recent announcement. It seemed as though something like this must have been brewing for a long time.

He had had a great week of patrols, aced all the tests for midterms, and even had time to go out with Aunt May for Thai. Something had to have gone wonky.

In fact he had seen some pitying looks from Pepper all week in the morning. It started out small, he would see pepper after waking up in the guest bedroom en suite to his personal lab. She started out giving pitting looks when he wasn't looking. Though regardless he had still been given a kiss on the head as usual since the adoption.

The adoption of course started after he woke up one early morning to a crash on the floor of the apartment. Jumping out of a deep slumber, fearing it to be some villain of some type, to find Aunt May on the floor clutching her chest having trouble breathing.

Quickly she wasn't the only one. Peter collapsed towards his aunt his breath coming quick and shallow while everything seemed to slow to a halt with his vision tunneling onto his aunt with flashbacks to his uncle in the same position. He can even see the phantom blood pooling around her in a macabre version of wings haloing his only remaining family. Suddenly his watch chimed.

"Peter you seem to have gone into a panic attack. Contacting Tony Stark." Karen stated, "Contacting emergency services for Ms. Parker as well". Attempting to levy the panic attack with cold logic.

Peter didn't remember much after that. Just flashes of Tony's face, flashing lights of an ambulance, before he awoke in sterile room with Pepper and Tony holding his hands as they sleep, exhausted, slumped in chairs on either side of him.

Peter's Aunt lived, thank god, but she hadn't been allowed to care for him since. Thankfully Tany and Pepper had agreed while he was asleep not only to take him in, but also adopt him. Later he had been told that their was already a clause in Aunt May's will for his release to Tony and Pepper in the worst would have happened.

Pepper had been a godsend with her constant understanding that sometimes he just needed to be held, not the cold logic or gruff exterior that her husband portrayed. Not to say that he was bad at comforting, but Tony had been more on the side of giving him time to work on something with his hands. Knowing that both He and Peter were the type to deal with grief though inventing,

Peter had visited his aunt at least once a day since if only to just do his homework in her presence. She was back at a care facility while the doctors try to drug therapy in the attempt to fix or mitigate the symptoms for her cardiac episode. The episode left some minor thinness to the wall of her aorta. Surgery was not recommended for at least another 6 months untill the heart had time to heal.

In fact it was for the reason that Peter had been so busy in the first place. He had wanted to using the current nanotechnology given to him by Tony to attempt to program the minuscule robots to perform Nano-Surgery. His thoughts being that he could combine his technology of web slinging into a mesh that could be deployed outside of the heart with a single injection. Using the electro-webs he could create a mesh to act as a temporary pacemaker as a second injection actually did their jobs. He had been fiddling with the idea of using an injection of extremis, giving on the nanoscale, to singularly fix certain part of the body without changing the whole person. The problem being that if the injection of extremis changes the DNA of the human cells to any extreme, peter worried that the bodies immune system might attack the cells. Any mutation in DNA of a cell is a type of cancer after all. No need to trade cardiac arrest with cancer.

He had finished that project using a version of extremis that was mutated to use his own bodies ability for regeneration. He had yet to show any of this to Tony or Pepper, he refused to show it until it was done. The good news was that he was able to program the nanobots not only to find and cure any injury, but to use a vitamin supplement to create new web fluid when needed, and run off of excess potassium or baring that use excess fat stores. Peter was extremely happy with how this was turing out, not only would this fix his aunt's heart but it would also be a preventive measure to stop injuries later. Rat Testing had been positive as well, it not only fixed the heart defect of the mouse but the bots also spun webs around a broken rib the rat had had as well, reducing healing time to days instead of the weeks it usually happened in.

It didn't even stop there! He could then use his programing to attack cells for someone with a compromised immune system, though he had yet to find a way to have the bots to integrate with the current immune system in the hopes that they could learn foreign invaders on its own. He would have to ask Tony if his B.A.R.F. Technology might be able to pull information about immunities from someone's body.

Peter sighed shaking his head to get rid of all the thoughts cluttering his mind, he needed to pay attention to the teacher who was giving out information about the trip, it wouldn't do to get in trouble for not paying attention… Again. At least the school day was almost over. Though he would still have to deal with Tony or Pepper to sign his permission slip, that would be a pain.

"Psst, DUDE you need to pay attention Mr. Lambert is shooting you glares" Whisper-Yelled Ned. The overweight boy was practically vibration in his excitement for a real tour of SI. He hadn't told ned of his living arrangements yet. Actually the only person to know was the secretary in the main office who needed his change of address.

"Finally we have already sent your permission slips, electronically, to your parents, but remind them that they need to electronically sign it with their personal school account. We are upping security since the last student whose parents 'forgot' to sign their Field Trip Pass" He looked pointedly at Peter. Who ducked his head and blushed. It wasn't his fault he hadn't wanted to go to another field trip after the disaster that was OsCorp.


The Bell rang and the class visibly got more excited at the prospect coming up for them.

"Remember that this field trip is for tomorrow, we will meet at Stark Towers as it would be a waste of money to pay for a bus in New York." Mr. Lambert announced as everyone shuffled out of his class. "Mr. Parker your guardian has already signed you pass to go, so I expect you to be there bright and early"