A/N: Spin off from Reincarnation Roulette. However, I've changed who everyone is. I'll be upfront. No one will be who they were in Reincarnation Roulette as they are here. Just too obvious. So, I'll let you all guess :)

I draw inspiration from both the EU and Canon. As far as I'm concerned, if a person has a counterpart, they're both the same person only alternate versions. Example being how Harry had memories from both the Disney verse and the EU. Hence, this will follow that principle.

Published: 3/23/2016

Warnings: Child abuse and violence. The Dursley's show up, so is this unexpected?

Chapter 1

The Boy That Ran Away

Lord Voldemort was not a kind person.

He was not good.

He was not nice.

He wasn't virtuous by any manner of definition.

He was a complete and utter monster, and even he knew that.

After all, only a monster could consider going through with what he was about to do.

Only a monster could even consider murdering a baby without an ounce of remorse.

He wasn't the first. Infanticide has occurred throughout histories pages. However, in most cases, the perpetrators justified themselves in explaining their victims weren't truly human, like a supposed witch's child or a half human hybrid or Muggles ranting about how dark skin made the child the devil incarnate.

Voldemort had no such justification.

As far as he was concerned, the child before him had just as much right to live as any magical. However, Voldemort needed to win.

He couldn't win if this child was destined to strike him down.

Normally, the Dark Lord would never listen to the words of a Prophecy. He didn't have faith in them or in seers as a prophecy was almost always subject to suggestion and could play out in many different ways.


Dumbledore took stock in this prophecy.

Dumbledore had a Phoenix that could determine if a prophecy was accurate or not. Magical beasts were like that. Especially an eternal beast like that wretched fire bird.

That changed everything.

Green eyes blinked up at him in confusion, then at wonder at the downed redheaded figure of his mother.

Voldemort lifted his wand and the world exploded.

The Force is a mysterious thing.

It binds the Universe, connects all living things, and flows through all life. It doesn't matter where in the multiverse you find yourself, if there is life, there is the Force, expressed in different ways.

On Earth, the it was expressed through magic. Such abundant life energy, the Force was strong on this planet. So strong that those who tapped into it could bend the laws of reality themselves. The Force was so strong on Earth that even untrained children could tap into its energies, see events that had transpired and that which was to come.

The Force is a powerful thing, as a five year old Harry Potter learned when he woke screaming, visions of his parents and Voldemort and the first Wizarding World streaming into his mind.

Uncle Vernon had been furious.

Harry had learned to sleep with his mouth taped shut after that.

Through the Force spirits could be reborn. They rarely remembered their past and usually all reincarnation amounted to was fleeting visions. Other times, spirits, instead of moving on, would linger, for thousands of years at a time.

Harry Potter was an unusual version Force spirit reincarnation.

The reason?

Simply put, Voldemort's soul shard.

Said shard caused a secondary disturbance.

Instead of Harry's past life merging, it awoke within him as a separate entity.

He or she didn't remember who they were, not properly. But, they were there with pieces of a broken mind. Only one thing was clear.

Protect Harry.

"This place… Is no home."

Those were the words that slipped past a seven year old Harry's lips when he ran away. The voice in his head gave him instructions and, since the voice was the only kindness he'd ever known, he obeyed without question.

Harry was no ordinary child.

Ordinary children couldn't move things with their minds. Ordinary children couldn't hear thoughts and emotions echoing from their relatives. Ordinary children couldn't see flashes of events that had caused ripples in the Force around them.

Harry didn't know what the memories meant. He didn't know what any of it meant.


Harry obeyed without a thought.

Children are subjective.

Had Harry ended up at Hogwarts, he would have been so grateful he'd have willingly gone through any hardship. As it was, he'd of done the same for any kindness.

He would have walked willingly into death's waiting arms without a moment of hesitation.

It was just pure luck the voice didn't intend anything dark.

Lose yourself among that crowd!

Harry nodded and shot into the middle of said crowd as the people of London wandered about their day.

Back at Privet Drive, Harry's absence wasn't noticed until Petunia roared for that ungrateful brat to make breakfast. Annoyed at his lack of presence, she went to check only to find the boy- and his belonging- gone.

The door had been locked the entire night.

Albus Dumbledore was having a bad day.

First of all, he'd had more complaints about Severus delivered to him. Honestly. Could the man not let petty grievances go? His blatant preference of the Slytherins was grating.

Elsewhere, Snape sneered. Honestly. If he didn't defend his house, no one else can would. The rest of the bloody school had it out for the Slytherins and everyone knew it.

(Nevermind the fact that Snape's method of so called 'defense' left children traumatized left and right. Nothing to see here, people)

If only Albus could fire him on the spot, he would.

As it was, Snape needed to be kept close. Dumbledore believed Tom survived, and if that was the case, better safe than sorry.

On top of that, he was overworked. Leading the Wizengamot, Hogwarts, the the International Confederation of Wizards was utterly exhausting. Honestly. He should quit one of them. Permanently.

However, Dumbledore had little faith that the magical world could function without his guide.

As if to prove his point, alarms blared in his office.

Dumbledore froze as one of his instruments shattered.

That could only mean one thing.

The wards at Privet Drive…

The protections he'd constructed…

They'd shattered ten years too early.

"The boy is gone!" Petunia exclaimed frantically.

Vernon froze. Then, blinking, he turned to her and grinned.

"Isn't it wonderful, pet? We're finally rid of him!"

Vernon exclaimed, humming as he made his way through the house.

Petunia, however, did not grin. She did not smile. She did not rejoice. Instead, she shook with terror.

A sudden crack justified the terror.

She and Vernon both spun. Before them stood a tall man with long blond hair and striking silver eyes. He carried a cane with him with a snake's silver head at the hilt. The man smiled at them.

"Tell me," he began. "Where is Harry Potter?"

Without bothering for an answer, the man ripped his way into Petunia's mind. She screamed as the Wizard was anything but gentle, tearing her mind to pieces.

Disgusted, Lucius Malfoy vacated the woman's mind as quickly as he could. Merlin, these people could give the Dark Lord a run for his money in the cruelty department. If they weren't Muggles, he might even consider recruiting.

"Petunia! Petunia! What have you done!"

"Avada Kedavra." Came the lazy response.

Lucius Malfoy sneered. Then, he turned…

Only to come face to face with Dudley Dursley, who was looking at him with wide eyed horror. The child's eyes darted from Lucius to his dead father and downed mother over and over again, a frantic panic keeping him locked in place.

Lucius tilted his head.

Outside, a flash of blue illuminated the windows as Lucius cast one final spell and departed.

Dumbledore closed his eyes.


This was why he had feared.

Vernon, dead. Petunia, in a coma and likely never to wake up. And Dudley, babbling away as if he were three again.

The aged wizard made his way past Muggle Law Enforcement under a disillusionment charm and waved his wand over the property.

Casting a few spells for analysis, Dumbledore was pleased to note that the second magical signature had departed after the first.

On the one hand, it meant Harry had run away of his own free will. On the other, it meant he hadn't been taken the second the wards had collapsed by whoever had attacked the Dursley family.

This was going to be a nightmare. He just knew it.

A nightmare... That did not entirely make sense. The alert that the wars had fallen had come late. It had come late enough that someone else had managed to not only intercept the signal, but use it to track down the Dursley's themselves. The true question, of course, was why had the alert come late? What had interfered? Who had interfered?

Regardless, Dumbledore decided now was the time.

So it was that years earlier, the Order of the Phoenix was reborn for the sole purpose of tracking down a missing Harry Potter.

Harry's eyes remained closed.

He knelt, arms crossed, head bowed, and locked in concentration.

Feel the Force.

Harry did. He couldn't remember a moment when he couldn't feel the Force.

Let it flow through you.

Harry sighed as the energy shifted through him.

Feel the White Current.

This… Was more difficult.

Early on, Harry and the voice had noticed they were being hunted. Had it not been for the Force, Harry would have been caught straight away. As it was, his hunters resonated in the Force so their appearance caused Harry to instantly detect them.

He'd barely escaped the last two times.

Immerse yourself if the Force. Feel the Current. Hide within its flow .

Without the voice, Harry would have already been caught.

The voice, however, seemed to know old techniques, ancient arts which it used to help Harry. Without these techniques, he'd have been caught in a heartbeat.

One of said techniques was the practice of the White Current, which revolved around the power of illusions and hiding oneself. Channeling it, Harry even managed to escape the creepy man with the spinning blue eye, but it had been a very close call.

Now, listen. Truly listen to the world around you and feel it all.

And Harry did.

And it was wonderful.

Sirius Black was a broken man.

He'd lost his brothers. All of them.

Regulus, he lost to the dark. His little brother had sworn his allegiance to the Dark Lord and that was the end of him.

It comforted him slightly to know that Regulus had seen the light in the end. A Death Eater defecting was a big deal and something that was remembered.

He had lost James to his own stupidity. James was gone because Sirius was a fool. The end.

He had lost Remus to his own paranoia. He, James, and Peter had distanced themselves from Remus. They knew there was a spy and the general consensus was that it was Remus.

Sirius now firmly knew Peter had been the one to spread those rumors. Filthy rat. Like a cancer, he'd killed them from within.

The memory of Remus, his eyes filled with tears as he realized the three that had vowed to always stay by his side had turned on him… Sirius wept long and hard.

And Peter… Sirius wasn't sure how he'd lost Peter. All he knew was that if he ever met him again, Peter Pettigrew would die, slowly and painfully.

Then, he learned Harry Potter was missing.

He'd lost his brothers.

He would not lose their legacy.

With that, a black dog escaped and security went up. Incidentally, the next day Barty Crouch was arrested for trying to break his son out of Azkaban.

When Harry slept, he sometimes shared his dreams with The Voice. The Voice was tall, pale skinned, and male. He was also human. How Harry knew the distinction was beyond him, but he knew the person before him was a human like him.

Even if he was a spirit.

Their shared mindscape was a temple of some kind. If Harry had known better, he'd realize this was a Jedi Temple. As he didn't know better, he merely called it the not-church-but-looks-like-one.

"So," Harry began. The Voice looked up. "What's your name?" The nine year old asked.

The Voice blinked.

"I… I don't know." The Voice confessed.

Harry tilted his head.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

The Voice snorted.

"I mean I don't know. I don't know who I am or why I'm here with you. I don't remember what led to me being here at all. I know is that I am."

Harry felt sorry for The Voice. Sorry and helpless. The Voice had done so much for him, but he couldn't do anything for The Voice.

How could he restore missing memories, after all?

However, there was one thing he could do.

"I could come up with a name for you!" Harry declared.

The Voice stared at him for several seconds before breaking into a grin.

"A name. That's… That's a start. Alright. Name me."

Harry eyed The Voice for several seconds. Then, he spoke.


The Voice just raised a single eyebrow at that.

Harry huffed.

"Poe? Bant? Han? Luke?"

The Voice shook his head at each name. Harry grumbled.

"Thrawn! Wedge! Biggs! Corran!"

The Voice considered before shaking his head. No. None of those sounded right.

Harry huffed. Then, thinking of a book series be recently read, Harry forged on.

"Jason! Nico! Percy!"

The first, interestingly, got a flinch before a head shake.

"Hm…" Harry considered. "Ben?" He finally concluded.

The Voice froze. Then, slowly, he nodded. Harry's smile could have lit the stars.

"Ben. Yes. That… Yeah, that one!"

The newly christened Ben had little warning before he was glomped by little Harry. Blinking, Ben's eyes met the child's before he smiled and hugged him right back.