Author has written 1 story for Middle-earth. Gender: Male Age: 26 Favorite Color: Red, Purple, Green, Yellow Favorite Music: Anything with a good beat and very uniqe Favorite Warhammer Races/Chapters/Gods: Orks, Tau, Necrons, Tyranids, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Greenskins, Ogre Kingdoms, Skaven, Chaos Dwarfs, Beastmen, Lizardmen, Vampire Counts, Khorne, Nurgle Other Aliases: Mr. Green will do thank you! My most prefered fanfics are usually crossovers or tfs. There are some I don't like at all, like stories that continually break the fourth wall. Hello and greetings from the one and only BadOrk11. Now some of you might recognize me as the fellow who TRIED to post his first ever fanfic which was a crossover of Pokémon and Total Drama Island. Sadly this was not meant to be and soon we both disappeared for a horrendously long time. So you’re all probably wondering; “What happened and what have you been doing all this time BadOrk11?” Well the answer is very very simple. I AM EMBARRASSINGLY LAZY Well that and the real world decided it needed my attention so I’ve been very busy with other things like having to get up at 6:00 in the morning to get to my job. That and my mind was arguing with the rest of me on whether or not I should actually get off my fat behind and do something for once. But I'm back baby and better than ever! My time away from my stories have given more then enough time to come up with some really neat ideas. So without further ado, let's rock! NOTE!: 1) Some stories will have recurring characters (expect to probably see Red vs. Blue and TF2 a lot more) 2) Another common occurrence is that some of the larger stories will have a large hodgepodge of just throwing all sorts of things together and see what comes of it. UPDATE!!!: FINALLY UPLOADED SOMETHING! FANFICS: Middle Earth: Chronicles of Mordor |