Reviews for Trouble at Cortex Castle
Cinerea Mayia chapter 6 . 6/13/2017
Enjoyable, as a tub of Polar's ice-cream! (not the Salmon-Swirl one...) I'm glad this story is back! It's so original and in-character! I can totally hear Cortex doing his "dramatic" speech with Clancy Brown's voice. Great chapter!
BlackLouie chapter 6 . 6/7/2017
Oh wow. XD

I just love the way that Ripper Roo screwed the builder and his people! He's better hurry and get tot he hotel to help Cortex and the others. XD
Stephdragonness chapter 6 . 6/4/2017
wonderful see this being continued
liking how this adventures evil team going.. tho feel so sorry about doctors situation being broke and homeless

hope there luck turns around
UndeadArtistTheFurry chapter 6 . 6/3/2017
This chapter was definitely worth the wait! I'd been checking at least three times a day for an update, but that's because you've got me addicted lol can't wait for the next chapter!
HonkyHonk chapter 6 . 6/3/2017
I thought the bad news was that they thought Ripper Roo died. Good chapter. Worth the wait. Yas.
BlackLouie chapter 5 . 5/29/2017
This is a good story so far! And it's funny too! XD
Cinerea Mayia chapter 5 . 3/18/2017
What a pleasant surprise to see a new chapter of a fanfic that was published in 2005! Seriously, this is EPIC! I remember reading the story, about three years ago and thinking it was such a cool idea. Ripper Roo is so cute in this chapter. I bet he can save the day! Can't wait to see what happens next!
HonkyHonk chapter 5 . 3/16/2017
Oh wow! I thought this story was canceled! Good job, this is awesome!
Guest chapter 4 . 2/10/2017
Write the rest of this. This story is great ! Dingy likes. Whoaaa baby !
appulpieshark chapter 4 . 2/25/2016
This has been a really funny story so far! I love the humor that you had put into these chapters.

My favorite parts was when Dingodile had burned the food and Tiny yelled that no one was there in the quiet hallways.

I would be thrilled to see what happens next in the stoy, but who knows? If it ever picks up again. that would be awesome!
Unfriendly Fire chapter 4 . 6/21/2012
So far, the story was somewhat difficult to follow, it seemed kinda jumpy. Maybe it's because I'm unfamiliar with the game. However, it is somewhat amusing to read.

I could imagine this:


Liability/house/car insurance inventory list:

-Pancaked car

-Collapsed roof

-Extensive flood damage

-Fire damage in the hotel's dining hall

-Salesman's car set on fire

-Damages caused by "clone-control"

-Various damages in the hotel's dining hall, ranging from burns to bullets.

Recommended Action: Drop the client from all insurance services and deny house/car repair costs. Write off $500,000 as a loss and inform the client that the yearly liability insurance cap has been exceeded. The client must pay for the rest of the costs.

Also, hire additional lawyers.
Shiba-X chapter 4 . 7/7/2007
Funny fic!Can't wait to read more!Update Soon!
Zokolov chapter 4 . 6/6/2007
Õh noez, you haven't been updating. I love this story! Everyone's In-Character, and the spellign is adequate (although at one point, it should be then instead of than). And sometimes, there's some minor erros. Other than that, the plot idea itself is brilliant!
PurRulz chapter 4 . 3/12/2007
Okay, usually I only get pleasure out of TP's MSTs but this was as funny as hell.

The concept was brilliant - A cloning machine to beat Crash Bandicoot which goes dodgy.

The Metal Gear Solid dig - er, never heard of him...

The Sonic dig - I nearly died of laughter, but Tiny here...

Tiny: Stupid Dingodile and Joe bringing Sonic into this. Why couldn't they get on with their lives without mentioning that freak? WHY CAN'T THEY FORGET ABOUT THEM? *sobs*

A well written story with excellent gags and cliffhangers - i'd highly recommend this to anyone!
Chalccu chapter 4 . 12/9/2006
This story was so funny! You're an excellent writer! Tiny was my favourite ("Tiny like Car!") Keep making CB stories!
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