So here it is folks, the last chapter… I hope it lives up to your expectations, sorry if it doesn't but, it's how I pictured this should end. I hope you all like it! XD
*Yakko's POV*
Right lets see, kiddo and her sibs were here for the weekend last… no, three weeks ago. Huh, we'd have to change that, my sibs were getting withdrawals. And no doubt Talia was pulling her hair out thinking about us and having one of her panics about the trouble we were getting into .Trouble, what trouble? Seriously I don't know where she gets that idea from! Hehe… courtesy laugh… Too bad T.P took our map away after the last time we snuck off to see them. Yeah okay Sherlock, you got me, I miss them a little too. Jeez, either stop with the snacks or quit leaning me, I'm struggling with the weight.
Ah the phone! Warner's start you engines! Ladies and gents, place your bets! I took my best shot but the sis yanked my tail and I landed flat on the floor. Wakko scrambled over me and I just managed to catch his arm, making him spin and collide into Dot. Someone took a swing at me. Hey! I draw the line at ear-pulling, I need those! Okay, there was only one way to settle this…
"GASP!" I exclaimed, pointing towards the door of our tower, "Elvis!"
"Where?" Dot asked, scanning the room.
Wakko removed his hat and peered inside, "How did he get out?"
"Helloooo Nurse!" I announced, smugly taking in my victory, "Hey T.P!... Really?... But it's not Friday, do you want a calendar for Christmas?… No, no do not be ridiculous, I am absolutely making fun of you… Huh? I said I am absolutely not making fun of you, just the word arrangement was different…" Ah wordplay it's a gift, "Keep your hair on- whoops too late… Okay, calm down, sheesh, we'll be there in five minutes…"
Well someone needs to lay off the caffeine, "Come on, Sibs, we've got another appointment with Scratchy."
Wakko tilted his head, "Really?"
"But it's not Friday." Dot pointed out.
A pair of parrots on repeat. "I know, but maybe Scratchy's making up for lost time. He's clearly missed his favourite kidsez."
They exchanged sly looks and shrugged. Yeah it was a little inconvenient having to go to another appointment today; Tim Burton was expecting us for a shoot for his next movie but hey, he's got Depp on standby anyway. We opened the door and peered over the edge of the railing. Now how should we make the decent today? Rollerblades last time… Waterslide before that… I noticed my sibs looking at me for guidance. I had an idea, but it wasn't the sort of thing that a responsible parent would take kindly to… Good thing I'm a brother and not a parent then isn't it?
"Uuuuuuhhhh-Why not jump and think of something on the way down?" I offered.
"Sure!" they agreed.
We did a quick look out and when the coast was clear (it was too, we could see the beach from here) we hoisted ourselves over the railing and plummeted downwards. Great, now what? There were still so many options to go with and even though this fall wouldn't hurt us, I still didn't feel like doing the 'splat-gag' today. It was overused. Bordering cliché and frankly we could do better. Hey what the-? Ah, nice one sister-sibling! A thick elastic rope was bound around my ankle, likewise with the sibs and a few inches before we hit the ground it jarred and sent us bouncing back upwards again. On the third bounce Wakko cut the ropes and we landed on our feet at the base of the tower. Ta-daa! Tens all around if you please! No? Okay, tough crowd…
It's gotten pretty easy around the studio, as in we've learnt the routes of the tours and security guards so walking around is pretty laid back, and you can get around anywhere with a jacket and a Warner Brothers logo. And because it was us, getting to Scratchy's office was as easy as that jump. Ah good old Doc, still as tired looking as DiCaprio in Inception. Before he could really take notice that we were in the room we'd already planted him a trio of kisses. Cliché's may get old but classics never die.
"You requested our presence." Dot stated sweetly.
"Presents?" Wakko looked down sheepishly, "I didn't know it was your birthday, Scratchy. Sorry."
I blew a noise-maker and put a blue pointed hat on, "Party time!"
"No, no party time!" Scratchy insisted as the sibs and I forced him into a conga-line, "I have something important to talk to you kidsez about!" I'll bet you anything he calls us zany… "Enough viv zer zaniness!"
Eh, close enough, hehe… We stopped, but to try and prove a point we all kept the part-hats on. He ran his hand over his cue-ball head and adjusted his glasses. I noticed that he hadn't actually led us into his office yet, he was building up to something. Okay Doc, give it your best shot. He wrung his hands nervously.
"I haz a new assistant verking viv me; I think you kidsez vill get along vell viv her, but be on your best behaviour. I don't vant any monkey-stuffs!"
What, were we going to be a bad influence or something? Still, I liked the 'her' part of that statement the most. But despite exchanging a look with the brother sibling, I kept quiet for now. As they say, don't count you're chicks before they hatch; because the chick you get may be a Ricky Gervais lookalike or worse… a Bieber fan… shudder. Easy now, don't ready the spew-reflex before you even see her. You never know, there was a chance she could be a Pfeiffer stand-in! And if that was the case, my behaviour would by far be my best. Wink-wink.
We followed Scratchy into his office where out of habit we took our seats on the couch. I expected Scratchy to give some big introduction but instead he pretended that he couldn't see the person sitting at his desk, hidden behind a newspaper. Now that was cliché if I ever saw it… I didn't know Inspector Gadget was in town. I arched an eyebrow, if Scratchy's planning on pulling another Prunella Flundergust then he'd pay for it dearly later. Wait, there was no singing… so that was ruled out. He nodded at us knowingly. What game are you playing here Doc and when do I get the dice?
"I'll let you get more acquainted." He said before closing the door behind him, "Best behaviour and no monkey stuffs, remember?"
The sibs and I exchanged glances of suspicion. The stranger shifted, stretching out her legs that were flattered in skinny jeans under the desk. Well that caught our attention, speaking on the male population that is. Then she started to lower the paper.
Wakko and I were already prepared, "Helloooo Nur – huh?" We cut ourselves off, Dot joining in on our oddly synchronised confused exclamation. The newbie chuckled.
"Hello Nurse?" she scoffed, "How original."
This chick wasn't just a chick. And that is not a chicken-boo reference people. No, I'd recognise that cascade of auburn hair and blue eyes anywhere. Along with that scowl which, as luck would have it, was nowhere near as icy as it used to be. That was the only difference though. Everything about her looked exactly the same, which I'll admit was not a bad thing, grrraow! But humans normally change over time? Okay, I'll admit, right now I wasn't really paying much attention to that. Right now I was more dumbstruck than Beckham on a quiz show. There was a trio of thuds as our jaws hit the floor, we snapped them back into place and I raised a finger for a pause.
"Ex-squeeze us a second."
We got to our feet and walked towards the water dispenser in the corner. I handed out the drinks and we all took a large mouthful. Our eyes widened in shock as we turned back towards her and sprayed the water out before us. Ah that felt good, we'd been waiting for a good spit-take moment to show up and what better time than this? Without hesitation we leapt into her arms and delivered one of the best kisses she'd ever had. Oh come on, once you go Warner there's no going back.
"Helloooo kiddo!"
*Talia's POV*
A spit-take? They actually made time for a flipping spit-take? You know what? I didn't care. It felt too good receiving one of those loud and annoying kisses and being pounced on and I'd never thought the name 'kiddo' would sound so comforting. I returned their embrace, locking them in place. Finally, Dot broke away, leaving the boys still clamped at their own accord to my person despite my arms falling at my side.
"Okay, what's the catch?" she demanded, "I thought you couldn't visit until your collegey-coursey thingy was finished?"
"It's almost done." I insisted, then flashed a knowing grin, "And it'll be done a lost faster now I'm working here."
"Working here?" Yakko asked, "As what? Secret Squirrel?"
"That's right." I rolled my eyes, "I'm studying Business Skills and until that's over Dr, S has taken me on an internship as his P.A."
Yakko blinked, "Sibs, I think we may have to book more appointments with the doctor."
"Why's that?" Wakko asked.
He leant on my shoulder and looked at me suggestively, "Cuz I'm a very sick boy…"
I nodded before playfully shoving him away and pretending to take notes, "Clearly. The patient appears to suffer from delusions."
That gained me a smirk of approval from the sister. Wakko scratched his head in thought, "How did you manage that?" he asked, "I thought Plotzie didn't like you being around the studio."
"Very true, and he still doesn't." I winked, "But he doesn't like the idea of me suing the company for emotional trauma even more. Think of it as compensation."
"Blackmail." They clarified.
"That's a little harsh…" I shrugged, but couldn't help agreeing with them. It was blackmail, and I kind of felt bad about it, but I didn't know the first think about suing someone, so it had all been a bluff. A bluff that worked very well. I was just lucky that the man was so paranoid...
Dot cocked her head to the side in thought, "So, if you're here and have a job; then where are-AGH!"
Just as Dot had been thinking aloud, Poppy had snuck in from the corridor and had grabbed Dot by the shoulders, giggling at the reaction she'd gotten. Dot span around to swat her attacker away, but stopped and beamed at the sight of my sister. They tackled each other in a bone crunching hug as Flynn walked in, trying to shrink a grin that he couldn't help but wear. Wakko greeted him with a high-five while Yakko took part in their usual form of lightly shoving each other. But before they could say anything, Dot had pushed her brothers away, making room for her to leap into Flynn's arms and smooth her cheek against his.
"I knew you'd come back to me!" she gushed before giving a knowing glance at the rest of the company, "They always come back!"
Flynn rolled his eyes and managed to get her off of him, giving an awkward smile, "Can't say I've missed that…"
"In that case, get used to it Slugger." Yakko smirked, giving him a playful shove again, Flynn returned the gesture. Yakko stooped down to place Poppy on his hip. He nuzzled his nose against hers and then leant away to look at her, "Helloooo Little Red! Someone's giving their big-sis a run for her money."
She giggled and hugged him tightly, forcing him to stick his tongue out in pretence choking. She stopped when she caught sight of Wakko and wriggled back to the ground. Wakko waved and looked like he was just expecting a hug from her; however Poppy marched up to him with her eyes bright and a mischievous tweak in her smile. Oh not again… Her hands were placed on his cheeks and she swooped in to deliver what I could only describe as the classic Warner kiss right on his lips. Wakko's ivory face turned scarlet, tongue hanging out in shock.
"Helloooo Nurse!" Poppy announced with a cheeky smile as she pulled away.
Flynn face-palmed, "She's been doing that ever since we found out we were coming here."
Wakko blinked in awe, "Faboo…" he shook himself and drained the colour from his face.
I arched an eyebrow at Yakko, "I blame you for that one…"
Yakko winked, "She clearly has great taste in role-models."
"Or bad taste in boys." Dot quipped.
Poppy tugged at my arm, "Have you told them yet?"
"Told us what?" they chorused, hands behind their backs sceptically.
Okay, bang goes my other surprise, "Well because this job is so far from home, it's too difficult to drive back and fore every day. So…"
I led them to the window which overlooked the edge of the studio. There were a couple of small buildings on the lot and if you were to tilt your head all the way around to the left you could see the water tower. But straight ahead after the cluster came the wall that encircled around the studio. Then the road and then more structures. Not really much of a view, but that's not what I was indicating at. I pointed to a gathering of small buildings that didn't give them any answers.
"… that's our new place down there."
"We're neighbours?" Dot and Wakko asked, faces pressed against the glass.
I shrugged in confirmation, then noticed Yakko was looking at me strangely. He raised an eyebrow, "Could you make this anymore of a Disney moment?"
I shot back jokingly, "Don't pretend you're not happy that you'll be seeing more of me."
He winked and then blew a kiss, "Mwah! Goodnight everybody!"
Flynn cringed, "Dude…"
"You attract my sis, I'll attract yours." He challenged.
That earned him a light whack upside the head. Thinking about it, I made it all sound like it was so easy. But in truth it really wasn't. As my course was online, it had taken weeks of phone calls and research into how to finish it quicker, and apparently I wouldn't have been able to complete it without experience anyway. I didn't even plan on working at the studio. It had taken a couple of months of rejected applications before I finally cracked and talked to Dr. S about it during our video chats. In fact, it was his idea for me to work for him. I don't know if he wanted to try and shift excess guilt from the past, if he wanted to observe my situation better up close, or if he really wanted to help me. I didn't know, but I was eager to snap up the offer. Plotz took some time to crack. But like I said, I was lucky that the man was paranoid. But I had to be grateful, I was trying my best not to look a gift horse in the mouth, it was something I was still working on. As for the house, the landlord had pretty much taken care of that for me, but money was still short. Who knew if we could even afford our new place for long, but I planned to change that. This move wasn't just about getting closer to the toons again; it was also a new start for us.
"Where's Rita and Runt?" Dot asked, "I figured they'd be with you."
"They went to see Aunt Slappy." Poppy answered excitably, "Can we go too, please?"
It still made me laugh how she referred to her as an Aunt, but besides me and Flynn, the toons had been like family to her, so where was the harm? I had really missed all of this, so much that it almost hurt.
"Ah you've got plenty of time to see them," Wakko shrugged, "How's about a race to the tower?"
Both of my siblings grinned. As soon as they found that there was a rollercoaster in there and a music room, they had been besotted with the place. I'll have to admit the first time I went inside I was pretty gobsmacked myself. It was like if the worlds top theme parks and kids-clubs had been crammed inside a TARDIS and then stamped with the Warner Brothers logo. Naturally they should want to go running there first before we had any more reunions. But like Wakko said, now we'd have plenty of time.
But I remembered that as much as I wanted to run off with them, I was still technically working. Dr. S had asked me to work for an hour or two before he called the Warner's, which was fair enough, I owed him big time. Or maybe we were even now? I don't know, but I didn't want to be a free-loader either. I didn't take charity and planned on earning my place here.
"I'm just putting these last files away and then I'll catch up." I insisted, pointing out of the window toward the water tower sarcastically, "I think I remember the way."
I wasn't sure if my siblings heard me over being dragged away by a very excitable Dot and Wakko, but I didn't mind. I was pretty excitable myself and to be honest, it was a struggle not to start crying. But I couldn't, if I got myself out of a steady emotional state then who knows what might happen. Control was everything. Control was what I needed to keep. Yakko lingered behind and glanced sceptically at the large box on the desk.
"Is that the file or the filing cabinet?"
"Actually, this is your file." I tapped at a label which bore his name, before nodding over my shoulder and two similar boxes, "And those are Dot and Wakko's. Someone's been busy…"
"Well someone's got to make sure that Scratchy get's his money's worth." He paused in surprise as I lifted the boxes on top on each other and placed one with ease, "Been working out there, Dwayne Johnson?"
"Uh, something like that…" I shook myself and flashed him a grin, putting the last two boxes back down, "Go on, I'll be with you in two minutes."
He traced me with his eyes, studying me as if there was something different, but he couldn't place it. It was starting to unnerve me a little, but finally he shrugged and held out his palms in defeat. Relief washed over me as he started to walk out of the room. Just as he got to the doorway, he glanced over his shoulder at me with that familiar cunning swagger.
"Hey kiddo, you know that offer I gave you?"
Yeah I remembered. When we had to leave, he tried to twist the situation so that it sounded like he was giving us permission to 'recover' from their antics. Apparently it was a one time offer and wouldn't be given again. I'd taken the life-line and accepted. I wondered where he was going with this by bringing it up again. I nodded to answer his question.
"I'm afraid the warranty just expired."
I pretended to look disappointed, "Damn, a good deal down the drain." I rolled my eyes, "So it looks like I'm stuck with you now, is it?"
"It's going to be fun having you around again, kiddo." He winked before vanishing from sight.
I scowled, but only when I was sure he was gone did I fully relax. He knew, I could tell that he knew. It wasn't like him to just give up on something, especially a banter battle; so he must have known to just drop it like that. How could he have known so quickly though? But what does it matter? I'm still me, just with a little extra is all. Or maybe only half… God Talia stop playing mind games with yourself! Yeah, I just had to carry on as normal. Isn't that part of the deal for you staying here? After all, even if he did know, he wasn't the sort to blab. Sure he had a big mouth on him, but when it came to other people's secrets, he was mostly respectful to it.
Okay, back to the boxes, sorry, files; so I can go out and have fun for the first time in who knows how long. I picked up Wakko's file next on the shelf and then Dot's. Just as my fingers left the cardboard, my skin caught on something sharp. I winced and pulled away, revealing a jagged sort of paper-cut on my right pinkie finger. Annoyance fumed inside me as a hot liquid started to lightly trickle down my hand. It was a vital liquid, it was warm and it was being pumped through my veins with every heartbeat… but it wasn't blood anymore. Now, it was jet black and left a stain on my skin. I grabbed a tissue and wiped the ink away; the glove imprint darkened. I'd noticed this a few weeks after we went home, after going through that machine... I winced in memory of the fear and agony; no I couldn't think of that right now, it was over.
"Vill zis help?"
I jumped as Dr. S appeared at my side with a band-aid. I shook my head and held up a hand at the already healed skin, "No, it's okay… Thanks…"
He sighed, "You vant to be more careful, Talia."
"I'm trying, I really am…"
A comforting smile as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "I know you are, und I'm here if you need help, you know zat, ja?"
I nodded, "I do, yeah…"
He was always there, eager to listen and give me guidance but even he couldn't help me with this. If I could just ask the Warner's or even one of the other toons then maybe I could find out more or even gain a little control. But that wasn't part of the deal being here… I was under contract. Plotz had actually made me sign a contract to keep this to ourselves as well as forbid me from encouraging that part of me in the studio and in public. My little loop-hole. In the studio and in public. And even then it wasn't always on purpose. Actually, one time out of fifty it was on purpose. It scared me…
"Vy don't you finish for zer day?" Dr. S said softly, "It's been a long time no see, ja?"
I smiled and meant it, "Thanks, Dr. S. For everything."
"Just go before Mr. Plotz find out." He joked.
Oh I was already out of the door. Hmm, maybe I really did owe him one, or two. The least I could do was try and control myself for him. It was his job at stake too, not just mine. But I couldn't help it! I was terrified of it, I didn't understand it and I sure as hell didn't know how to control it. But… it called to me, it wanted to be used and I found myself following it blindly. Wasn't it better to learn it and control it instead of falling victim to it? But… no… I couldn't. It was for the best. I had to ignore it, suppress it. Or at least try to. It was just so unpredictable and it scared me. Right now I was happy, I felt at home, but I didn't feel safe. As far as I was concerned, I didn't even know how the day was going to end...
There we go folks! Sorry if it wasn't that good, but I wanted a happy ending that left a few questions and there it was. And thanks to everyone who voted, thanks to all of you voting, 100% wanted a sequel… so a sequel there shall be! One or two of you have even said I've got no choice and must make one, lol XD I've loved writing this and would love to write more anyway, theses guys are so much fun to write for! But when the sequel will be up I'm not sure, I may need idea's if anyone's got some, I'd love to hear them!
A special thanks to all who reviewed and PM'd me, I couldn't have gotten past the third chapter without you guys. You've given me trivia, given me help and advice as well as plot ideas and frankly you've been the best support I've had for a while. I love you all and thank you so much, reading some of the things you've said have often made me start shedding tears with how amazing they were. Once again, I can't thank you enough. XD
'frumouttamimind', 'MusicGeek764', 'SideshowJazz1' I think you've reviewed every single chapter and given me a lot of advice and all I can say is thank you, massive hugs for you! XD To everyone else who reviewed, even just once or twice or every other chapter, what the hell massive hugs for you too!
Okay I love you buh-bye! Until the sequel… GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY! XD