New Orleans, Louisiana, June 7, 1939.
Flo moved across the beach with Killer as many humans and dogs approached the shore and police officers got out of their cars and started keeping the large crowd back as they all saw the ship in flames, sinking into the water.
"Flo!" A voice cried out and Flo turned to see Itchy and her pups running up to her.
"You're okay, thank God for that. Where's Charlie and Gavin?" Itchy asked.
"I don't know, I think they-" Flo started to explain but she was cut off.
"Hey! I see survivors!" someone exclaimed and a few people rushed into the water and pulled a door onto the shore.
Harold and Kate gasped in shock when they saw Anne-Marie sitting on the door with a man slumped face first on it. A doctor gently grabbed the man and turned him over onto his back to see if he was okay and Harold and and Kate saw it was Gavin, who was staring up at the sky with a blank look and his mouth slightly open.
"Sir? Sir, can you hear me?" the doctor asked.
Putting an ear to Gavin's chest and not hearing anything, the Doctor shook his head and said, "He's not breathing."
"Charlie...Gavin...oh God," Itchy said quietly as he lowered his head and started sobbing out of grief as one of the police officers wrapped a large blanket around Anne-Marie. Even after all of this, he was still too late, his friends were dead.
"Itchy, they're...they're gone, I can feel that Charlie's gone as well," Flo said sorrowfully.
"They died saving her Flo, they were still in there after all," Itchy stated with a hint of hope.
"I never stopped believing in them," Flo said with a tearful smile.
After Harold and Kate managed to convince the police officer that was blocking them that they knew Anne-Marie, they were let through and they immediately headed over to Anne-Marie to see if she was okay.
"Anne-Marie, thank Heavens you're okay. How is she?" Kate asked the Doctor.
"She's fine, she doesn't have any injuries. Do either of you know this girl?" the doctor asked.
"Yes we do," Harold replied.
"Okay, does she have anywhere to go? Any family that can take care of her?" the doctor questioned.
", but we were planning to give her a home so that she would have a family," Kate explained.
"Well, since she doesn't have anywhere to go and you know her, she'll be placed into your care. But, you'll have to talk to the court for adoption papers," the Doctor informed.
"We will, thank you. Anne-Marie, are you alright?" Harold asked in concern.
"I'm okay..." Anne-Marie said in exhaustion.
"Come on, let's get you home so you can be nice and warm," Kate said as Harold gently picked Anne-Marie up and they headed to the car.
"Wait...where's Charlie and Gavin?" Anne-Marie asked weakly while she was carefully laid down on the backseat.
Itchy watched as Harold whistled and Flo, along with the pups went into the car. As Itchy got into the car, he could see Gavin being zipped up in a body bag and taken away in a truck. He thought about what was going to happen now. Charlie and Gavin were dead again and there was nothing that could be done about it, but he felt a sense of hope. Charlie and Gavin gave their lives to save Anne-Marie, which told him that their souls weren't a lost cause in the end. Charlie and Gavin beat Hell and the darkness within themselves and proved they were pure souls after all, which was good enough for Itchy. He would miss his best friends deeply, but at least he wasn't completely lost and his heart and soul remained intact and that meant that one day, Itchy would see them again. While Harold was driving back to 402 Maple Street, Itchy smiled as he felt faith for the first time in his life.
402 Maple Street, New Orleans, August 28, 1939.
It had been six weeks since the events of June 7th and Anne-Marie was living a happy life with her new family.
After Anne-Marie recovered, she was ecstatic when Harold and Kate told her that they were going to adopt her. After a couple of weeks in court, the Judge signed the papers and it was official. Even though she had a family now, Anne-Marie was sad that Charlie and Gavin weren't there to see it happen, but she knew that they would be happy for her.
Anne-Marie was sleeping in bed with Itchy and the pups while Flo was sitting outside and staring at the night sky, admiring the stars. She felt a great sorrow over Charlie and Gavin's deaths even if they had overcome their demons before it happened. They saved that girl and it was something that Flo took great pride in. Flo thought about Charlie and smiled as she could recall falling in love with him a long time ago and how they had some good moments together and she also remembered meeting Gavin, seeing him looking so lost under all that confidence. Unfortunately, that was in the past and perhaps it was for the best. Charlie and Gavin needed all of them to lead them to this point. The world worked in mysterious ways after all. As Flo watched the stars, a dark red light descended over the house and shone into the windows. In the clouds, Flo could see the shape of the Hellhound.
The dark red light emitted itself into Anne-Marie's room and the two broken souls of Charlie and Gavin appeared and looked at Anne-Marie with haunted expressions.
I kept staring at Anne-Marie, just completely broken from what Charlie and I been experiencing in Hell.
Even though it had been only six weeks in the mortal world, it had been fifteen years of pure Hell for Charlie and me. Spike, Toodles, and the Hellhound brutally tortured us in every method they could think of and when they ran out of ideas, they...defiled our bodies. Words could not describe what they had done to us and we had become completely broken. Charlie and I were here because we had made a deal with the Hellhound. We would agree to not put up a fight anymore if he would let us say goodbye to Anne-Marie. The Hellhound had agreed, but I honestly think he was doing it out of amusement and now, here we were, ready to say goodbye. Charlie and I were here in spirit only, floating through the room toward Anne-Marie, who was sleeping peacefully. We moved lifelessly to Anne-Marie's side and watched her breathe quietly. We were sobbing from all the trauma we had been through during our time in Hell, but didn't want her to see us like that, so we tried to pull ourselves together in case she woke up and could see us.
"Say what you must and depart," The Hellhound told us.
We nodded and I felt my sorrow growing. This would be the last time we would ever have a moment with anybody on this earth. There were others we wanted to talk to, but we were allowed only this moment with Anne-Marie.
"Oh Squeaker, we're so sorry for everything, we never should've hurt you. Everything we did was wrong. We should've let you go...let you stay here. We were so selfish and we hurt you for our own self-interests. You deserve better from us...from everything. At least now you're here where you belong...away from us," Charlie said hauntingly.
"He's right, we should've let you go but we didn't and now we're paying for it...may God have mercy on our souls," I chimed in, tears running down my face.
"Charrrrllliiiieeee, Gavvvviiiinnn, the longer you prolong this, the more painful it will be," The Hellhound warned us with impatience in his voice.
"Please God...I know I'm a piece of shit and I deserve this, but please, get us out of this Hell," I prayed for any kind of mercy and prepared to say goodbye to Anne-Marie.
Suddenly, I saw a small glowing light closing in on the house. It entered the window and went straight to the Hellhound, flying right into him.
" can't do this...they belong to me..." The Hellhound growled weakly, as his image began to fade.
"No, they have proven themselves," the familiar voice of Annabelle said. The light glowed brighter from within him and he let out a final growl of anger as his apparition was vanquished back to Hell.
I was shocked at seeing the Hellhound disappearing in a flash of light and I looked to see that Charlie was shocked as well. But what was even more shocking, was that the small golden light was calling to us.
"Charlie, Gavin, you can come home now," Annabelle called out to us.
"But, you said that we could never-" Charlie tried to say in confusion.
"Charlie, you and Gavin gave your lives for Anne-Marie and did so knowing it would damn you. Neither of you belong there, come home," Annabelle said gently.
"What about Anne-Marie?" I asked.
"You can say goodbye," Annabelle said.
Charlie and I looked at each other, smiled, and looked back at Anne-Marie as the light shined on her, causing her to stir and open her eyes. At the same time, Itchy also stirred as I sat on the edge of the bed and Charlie hopped onto the mattress and we watched as Anne-Marie turned to look at us and Itchy looked before his eyes widened in shock.
"Charlie, Gavin," Anne-Marie said in surprise.
"Hi Sweetie, how are you doing?" I asked her with a soft smile.
"I'm alright, I have a family now," Anne-Marie answered.
"Yeah, we can see that you have a nice place here," Charlie told her.
I saw Itchy slowly head over to us and sit down, looking at us in awe.
"Charlie, Gavin, I didn't think I was ever going to see either of you again," Itchy said while he was smiling at us.
"Come on pal, you know you can't get rid of us that easily," I remarked wryly as I playfully patted his head.
"So, are you guys staying?" Itchy asked us.
"Sorry, we got somewhere else to be, but don't think for a moment that we won't be keeping an eye on you," Charlie replied with a sly grin.
"Neither of you can stay?" Anne-Marie asked us.
"No, this is your home, not ours. We're going to a new one, so we gotta be on our way soon," I explained.
"Will I ever see you two again?" Anne-Marie asked hopefully.
"Of course Sweetie, you know goodbyes aren't forever," I told her, gazing at the closest thing Charlie and I saw as family.
"Then goodbye you two, I love you," Anne-Marie told us and kissed Charlie on the nose, who smiled at the gesture.
"Yeah, we love you too," Charlie said softly.
Charlie and I got off the bed and walked over to the window before looking back at Itchy and Anne-Marie.
"Hey sweetie, make sure to look after Itchy. And Itch, you look after her," I told them.
"What makes you or Charlie think I need looking after?" Itchy asked with a smirk.
"Well, someone has to be the brains while we're gone. Don't worry, we'll resume our posts eventually," I remarked with a sly grin.
"I'm sure we will. 'Til we meet again fellas," Itchy told us.
Charlie and I smiled, nodded, and waved before we turned to the window and jumped into the light, letting it carry us back into Heaven.
"It's so beautiful," I thought peacefully with a smile as we were flying upwards.
Looking down, Charlie and I saw Flo staring up at us and the three of us waved at each other until Charlie and I entered the clouds. As we were approaching the gates to Heaven, I somehow knew that this wasn't the end, but the start of something greater and only time will tell what would come next for us. But for right now, we would keep watching over our friends as they grew and found lives of their own until they would join us in the next life. I still didn't know if this would be our paradise, but Heaven would be good enough.
A/n Finally done. So, what did you think about the story? I would love to see your thoughts about it. If you think it's over, it's not. I'm planning on continuing Gavin's story in the second movie, the TV show, and the third movie. And then I'll end it all with a nice epilogue. Well, that's all I have to say so stay tuned.
P.s. Before I forget, I would like to dedicate this story as a tribute to Burt Reynolds, who passed away earlier this month. Thank you Burt for your incredible voice acting as Charlie Barkin and for doing your part in starting this series.