For every one tale that stands the against the tests of time, there are many more so easily lost throughout the ages.
For every great hero, or villain, whose rise to legend are echoed eternally, there are others, whether they be friends, followers, or loyal right hands, that are simply in left the shadows.
However, this will NOT be one of those times. Instead of a single tale, about two souls paired together to fight a growing darkness, this will be a series of tales.
Tales about those who have had stories of their own as their lives were influenced by a BRIGHT LORD; be they for better or worse...
These are the tales of both Uruks and Ologs
These, are the Chronicles of Mordor...
Fancy, isn't it?
I've finally emerged from my long hibernation with a little something that, I'd figured, would be a perfect way to break ice! Quite frankly I'm surprised that no one else has ever tried something like this before. You would figure that given how Shadow of Mordor/Wars' Nemesis System were meant to memorable friends, and foes, there would be tons more stories and tales about these quirky characters.
But NOPE! Well except for this one crossover I found, but we'll discuss that another time...
So recently I thought it'd be fun to, properly, go through Shadow of War to fully experience the Nemesis System to its fullest. Heck it wasn't until I had just conquered my first fortress, and went about gathering up more followers, while hunting down enemies, that this idea struck me! So here we are with me jotting down just about any little thing that happens during my playthrough of Shadow of War, and all of it centering around the, somewhat, lovable host of Uruks and Ologs that I meet!
From a look into their lives, sometimes before and after I came along, to their impact on the world of Shadow of War as the story goes on. With some fluff here and there to spice things up of course.
Without further ado, this is Badork11 saying; 'ERE WE GO BOYZ, WAAAGH!