One year ago, in October, I began my version of Jak's journey into adulthood and reality. It took a lot of writing and rewriting to make this story everything I wanted it to be. I appreciate all the PMs, reviews, feedback and views from fans all across the world!
I want you all to know that it was really all of you that motivated me to keep writing and show you all the ideas I had for this version of Jak and Daxter. Thank you for your support and love and criticism, and I hope MTLH is everything you hoped it would be. I also hope that you will continue to read Jak's story in MTLH Part Two!
Subscribe to me so that you are notified as soon as Part Two is uploaded.
Thank you, loyal fans! It's only just the beginning.
When I left Darla's place at the break of dawn, I wasn't sure how to feel. Today was the day. I was going to try and stop Praxis and the metalhead leader. I was going to save that kid, the heir to the throne, and the world...again.
I automatically wanted to find Daxter; the one person in my life I knew would stick by me until the end. I was sure he was at Hip Hog and headed over there as soon as I got my hands on a zoomer. My assumptions were correct and I found him playing some sort of arcade game called "Metalhead Mash". Tess was standing at his side, cheering him on, boosting his ego as I approached them.
"What are you guys doing?" I asked, feeling as though we were wasting time playing this game.
"Krew put something into this machine, and whatever it was, he looked really nervous," Tess said, putting her hands on her hips, "I'm thinking it's that Time Map Keira is looking for!"
As soon as Daxter beat the game, a Precursor object popped out of one of the metalhead holes and Tess caught it in her hands. Daxter whooped and jumped to the floor, break dancing for joy.
"The Time Map!" He shouted, "You know, sugar plum, if any real metalheads came into town, I'd bonk 'em just like I did in the game!" While he spoke, the doors of Hip Hog slid open...but it was too early for ordinary customers. Two large metalheads started slinking in and I slid my gun out and aimed.
Daxter didn't seem to notice and continued boasting, "They'd be all 'Don't hurt me please!' and I'd be all 'Too late, Metal Monkeys!' 'You die screaming!' Know what I'm saying?" He must've seen the look on my face because he whipped around to face the metalheads, "Jak, I think these trophies are still walking!" The metalheads moved to attack but I shot them down as soon as they twitched.
Daxter stared at their bodies in disgust, "Metalheads...where's Sig when you need him?"
Tess shifted and eyed the dead metalheads, "Sig? I think Krew sent him on one last mission. Something about using Mar's Ruby Key to open a secret door in the Underport...?"
"Of course!" I slung my gun over my shoulder, "Come on, Dax, we need to get to the Underport now!"
Tess grinned, "I'll take the Time Map to Keira!"
Daxter scrambled up onto her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek, "Be careful, angel cheeks, and your hero will return shortly!" Tess giggled and Daxter jumped over to me, "Let's roll, brother!"
I was wearing the best poker face I had, but in reality, I was scared shitless for the warriors below. Metalheads had entered the city and I was watching from the roof of Underground HQ through a sniper rifle scope. Every time one of those monsters got too close to one of the warriors, I was there to assassinate them. There was a lot of chatter over my communicator and it was interfering with my active mind.
"Ma'am," I heard a voice from behind me.
I grunted without breaking my focus on the battle in Main Town, "Yes?"
"Commander Torn wants you to swap with me at command central," the fighter said, "He needs you to take a break, just in case of an emergency. He wants to make sure we are one step ahead."
I shot another metalhead, then got to my feet and faced the young Freedom Fighter, "Torn thinks I can just force my visions to happen...but alright." The young man nodded politely and as I passed him, I pat his shoulder, "You're doing great."
"Thank you, ma'am."
I headed through the door and hopped down the stairs to the floor my office was on. I hurried down the hall to command central, winded from the heaviness of my battle armor. Torn had insisted on me wearing it in case he needed me on the front line.
I pushed open the door, "Torn, I was fine up on the roof-"
But Torn wasn't in the room. It was Maichael, sitting in my swivel chair, spinning aimlessly. He stopped when he saw me and grinned.
"Hey, D."
I was so relieved to see him. I shook my head and smiled, shutting the door behind me. "Maichael, why am I here when I can be a useful sniper?"
He stood up and embraced me, "I don't think you know this, but you need a minute to breathe." He turned us and made me sit down in my chair. He grabbed the other swivel chair and brought it over. "How are you feeling?"
"Overwhelmed," I sighed, "Terrified, really."
"I know, I am too." He ran a hand through his messy brown hair, "But you have an idea of how all this turns out, and that makes me less afraid."
For some reason, his statement made me feel very emotional and my eyes welled up. "You have more faith in me than necessary."
"I have just the perfect amount of faith, thank you very much," He puffed his chest out.
I stared at him, one of my best friends in the world, the one who kept me alive all this time. I wished he could just stay locked in this room, safe until everything was all over, but I knew he had an important job. And I knew he would be alright.
"I wish you could understand," I muttered, "I mean I wouldn't wish my visions on anyone...but I wish you knew what I knew."
He tilted his head, "What do you mean?"
My heart started to pound just thinking of everything I had ever seen. "Maichael, my visions, they come spread out and random and sometimes they are repeated...but the first vision I'd ever had, back when I was in Sandover Village...well, I'd seen everything."
Maichael scooted closer to me, "Everything? Everything how?"
I looked at the ceiling so my eyes could dry and I could form sentences, "Damnit, Maichael, I saw everything...I saw my past and I saw all my friends and loved ones' pasts. I saw images of the present...but I also saw so much of the future. Before I arrived in Haven all those years ago, I saw the Rift Rider exploding, sending us into this time period. I saw Jak being tortured in prison and I saw him and I reuniting some day. I saw us..." I broke off and shook my throbbing head.
Maichael's eyes were wide, "You had a vision of everything...like life was flashing before your eyes." It was more of a conclusion than a question.
I nodded, "Yes...it wasn't detailed and there were countless pieces missing, clearly since all my visions now are of the near future. But I saw so much all at once in the span of maybe sixty seconds. I thought I was going to die, but when I came out of it, everything faded away like a dream. Well, everything besides something I'd learned about Jak's past..." I trailed off again, "But I didn't even understand it then. I barely understand it now, and I live every single day in fear of knowing things I don't want to know."
Maichael took in my words and we sat for a bit in silence. Then, he stood and reached his hand out to me. I took it and rose, and he embraced me again.
"I love you, D," He said, "I have faith in you because I know whatever is meant to happen will happen." He pulled back to look down at me, "You've made it through so much since I found you in that alley. If I am meant to die-" I began to protest but he shook his head to stop me, "If I am meant to die during this battle, Darla, then that is what the Precursors planned for me. If I live, well, then of course I will be grateful. Obviously."
I buried my face in his chest and he pat my back, "Darla, these visions, what you've seen...everything that has happened was meant to happen. The visions you have of people dying, and the moments when you change that...it was all supposed to happen. Don't be afraid."
I looked up at him and smiled sadly, "Why shouldn't I be?"
He grinned sheepishly, "Well...'cause I'm not! It's gonna take a lot to get rid of me."
I pecked him on the cheek and smiled through tears, "I love you too, Maichael. Thank you for being the most positive influence in my life. Ever."
He shrugged, "Well someone has to balance out your negativity! Might as well be me." He grinned and I rolled my eyes.
"So, where are you supposed to be now?" I asked him, stretching casually and wiping my eyes.
He smirked, "Well, I figured I'd go and see if Keira needs any help with the...uh...Rift Rider thing." He shuffled his feet, "Torn put me on-call anyway."
I lifted my eyebrows and smiled, "You and Keira, huh?"
He nodded happily, "Yeah, I really like her. She's my kind of girl...but you probably already knew that."
I smiled slyly. I hadn't had any visions about it...but I had my "women's intuition", and that was psychic enough all on its own.
Maichael winked at me, "Keep your head up, bud." He said.
Suddenly, my communicator started ringing and I switched the setting from radio to cellular. I answered, "Talk to me."
"Hey, D. It's Torn." His hoarse voice said, "I didn't want to do this, but I need you on the frontline."
I was so shaken up after watching one of my comrades fall to his death. Krew had set Sig up, hoping that this enormous metalhead creature would kill him before he could have Krew taken down...and Krew had won. The monster and Sig fell to their deaths and there was nothing Daxter and I could do.
But we needed to stay focused and keep pressing forward. We knew there would be losses; this was reality. People were going to die and our job was to save the city before everyone was dead.
I had spoken to Keira via my communicator and she told Daxter and I to meet her, the two Samos's, the lurker Brutter and Maichael by the stadium so we could give her the Time Map. As Daxter and I sprinted through the chaos of Haven city, stepping around the bodies of civilians and Freedom Fighters and metalheads, we ran into Maichael. He was currently wrestling with a four-legged metal beast, and I hurried over and popped a Blaster bullet through the creature's skull.
I leaned over and grabbed Maichael's hand, "You alright, man?"
He cursed as I pulled him to his feet, "Yeah, thanks pal. The fucker bruised me up..." He unclipped his armor and lifted his tunic, revealing a black and blue rib cage. "Ouch, fuck." He placed his shirt and armor back and rolled his shoulders, "Everything is way worse than I thought."
Daxter, who's paws were digging into my armor, whimpered, "I don't like this, guys."
I glanced at the massacre around me, "Me neither. Let's move."
We sprinted towards the arena square, guns ready and hearts pounding. In the center, the Rift Rider and my friends stood ready for assistance. Keira's face was very weary and she waved us over with a weak smile. When we arrived, Dax snatched the Time Map out of my pack and tossed it to Keira.
"The Rift Rider's finished now that you've brought the Time Map!" She said with a hint of relief in her voice, "But if my father's right, the Ring is somewhere in the metalhead nest..." She looked down at her worried father, "How are we going to get the Rift Rider to it?"
Brutter grunted and jumped up and down excitedly, "Brutter just knew friends would need help if metalheaders attacked! Look up!" Our lurker friend pointed up at the sky where a balloon, much like the nasty lurkers from Misty Island used to drive around, floated down towards a clearing near the stadium. Attached to it was a platform big enough to carry our Rift Rider on.
Daxter whooped and high-fived Brutter, "Brutter, you're the man!"
"Lurker balloons are finest lifters in the world, but they is easy target..." Brutter pouted sadly and Keira and I made eye contact. We knew how easily those balloons broke.
"Right. You guys get the Rift Rider onto the lift and to the nest," I said, swapping my Blaster mod for my Vulcan Fury, "Maichael, Dax and I will stay and defend your take-off and get away."
Daxter groaned unhappily and crossed his arms, "Once again, being your friend sucks! I want to go on the balloon!"
"You keep stadium safe while we prep balloon for lift away!" Brutter hurried Keira and the Samos's over towards the machine, "Uh-oh! Here they come! Metalheaders!"
Maichael gestured at me and we turned to face a wave of "metalheaders". Daxter stopped pouting and pulled a pistol out and my Blaster mod, locking it onto the pistol so he could help from my shoulder. The ambush had a mission and they were headed right for the stadium.
"Let's fuck shit up!" Maichael shouted over their growls, and we pressed forward, guns blazing as storm clouds thundered above us.
I started blowing out the skulls of the largest metalheads since they always proved to be the most threatening. Maichael was handling the faster, sneakier ones closer to the ground. He was a very good shot with precise aim, and I was impressed. But in that moment of distraction, one of the big fuckers used an electric staff and whacked me in the gut, sending me flying into a hovering zoomer.
I moaned in pain and clutched my torso, feeling breathless from the blow. Rain began falling from the sky, feeling cool on my face and it helped me regain my focus. I looked around to see where Daxter had landed but to my surprise, Dax was not on my shoulder and nowhere near me. In fact, he was out in the battlefield, shooting the brains out of the bastard that had just hit me.
"NOBODY SMACKS JAK BUT ME, BITCH!" He shouted, leaping onto the beat's stomach and smacking it's dead face with the butt of my gun. I chuckled painfully and scrambled to my feet.
"JAK!" Maichael shouted from a few yards away, "Behind you!" He aimed his gun in my direction and I quickly dropped to the ground and rolled away. He took down the metalhead behind me, one that which appeared to be a chief of some sort.
I got up and joined Daxter and Maichael as we continued to shield our friends from the oncoming monsters. The fight continued for several minutes until only a few of the little bastards were left. Then, we heard the engine of the lurker balloon.
"Up, up and away!" I heard Brutter shout. The three of us looked up and saw the Rift Rider on the lift, floating above us, carrying Keira, the Samos's and Brutter.
"Must be nice floating away while we DIE down here!" Daxter yelled up to them, sliding the pistol and Blaster mod back into my pack.
"We'll meet near the nest!" Keira shouted down to us, her blue-green hair whipping around her as the rain began to pour, "See you soon, guys! Be careful!" They floated away into the dreary sky.
"Yeah, Jak," Daxter muttered, "Be careful!"
Maichael stared after them until they were no longer visible, then sighed. "This is it, isn't it. We're going to the nest?"
I nodded, "Well I know the warriors are already fighting their way through. We just have to break the barrier and see what the situation is after that." We sat on the stairs of the stadium to catch a break for a minute. I removed my goggles from my head and wiped rain water off of them.
"Have you heard from Darla today?" I asked Maichael. It was already mid-day and I hadn't heard a word from Main Town about what was going on over there.
Maichael stared at the ground, "Well I saw her before I headed over here. She's..." He paused and shook his head, "Torn put her on the front line...I'm worried about her."
I felt a heat flash rush through my body as my Dark eco pumped a bit, "What do you mean Torn put her on the front line..."
Daxter pat my arm, "Easy, buddy."
Maichael stood and shook the rain out of his matted hair, "I mean she is out there with Torn leading the army. She's in the war now, Jak."
I rose to my feet abruptly and growled, "She didn't tell me."
"She didn't know. Torn requested her to fight along side of him."
Damnit Torn, when this is all over... I took a deep breath. "Maichael, I have so much I need to focus on right now. Could you go to her and help them fight?"
He nodded, "I'm on-call but I want to help in any way I can. She shouldn't have to be out there fighting while she's having constant visions."
I put a hand on his shoulder, "Thanks. I just...if anything happens to me, I need you to look after her." He began to argue but I stopped him, "You're the only person I can trust her with. She will be in good hands if she is with you."
"WHOA, whoa, whoa there, Jakie." Daxter interrupted, "We will be fine! Because if you're dead, so am I!" He put a hand on my shoulder, "And I don't mean that to be a supportive friend...I'm saying this because I DON'T PLAN ON GETTING KILLED OUT THERE!"
I smiled, knowing all too well that even in death my best friend would stick by my side. But I worried about him too and I didn't want him to get hurt. "Go with Maichael and take care of Darla."
"You're going to be fine, Jak," Maichael said, "I can feel it."
"I'm not going anywhere without you," Daxter said, his face serious now. "The only person who needs to take care of D is you."
I sighed, "If you're sure, Dax. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you..."
"Everything will work out, I promise," Maichael said encouragingly, "I will take care of her while we fight. But after we win, I am handing her off to you and we're going to party until the fucking sun comes up!"
I grinned, "Deal." My communicator started crackling strangely suddenly and I pulled it out of my pocket, "Hello?" There was no response, only static. "Anyone there..."
Dax, Maichael and I stared at the communicator and waited. Then..."Jak...Kor...Construction site..."
I shook my head at the communicator, "Vin? Is that you?" Nothing, "Vin?"
"Jak, Kor, Construction site?" Daxter asked, "What the fuck is Vin-"
My heart skipped a beat and I looked at my furry friend on my shoulder . "Do you think maybe..."
He stared at me, eyes round as dinner plates, "Maybe he means that Kor...?"
As we both realized it, we gasped and simultaneously said, "He's working with the metalheads!"
Maichael put his hands up, "STOP right there, you mean to tell me that Kor could be a double agent for the metalheads?" He blinked incredulously, "Why would he...while he works with us in the Underground...?"
I held the sides of my head in shock, "I don't know, I don't know what to think...we need to get to the Construction site, now! We need answers."
"Thank you, Vin!" Daxter cried out to the rainy sky. "Alright guys, here's the plan: Maichael, go fight with the Freedom Fighters by the nest while Jak and I find Kor!"
"Let's do it!" Maichael reloaded his gun, "Contact me whenever you find out what that old fuck is up to. I will let you know how the fight is going!"
"Will do!" I said, and I headed over to an abandoned zoomer, "Good luck!" I started the engine and Daxter plopped down in front of me from my shoulder. We took off into the dark skies and headed to Vin's place.
When we reached Vin's lab, I banged on the metal doors. "Vin! Vin, open up!" There was no response. Vin must've been hiding behind his computers, "VIN JUST OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Still nothing. I released a roar and claws protruded from my finger tips. Daxter leapt off my shoulder and backed away as I tore into the metal door, ripped it effortlessly off its hinges, and threw it over the side of the landing. He returned to his rightful place once my claws retreated.
"Having Dark eco in your veins really comes in handy sometimes, eh, pal o' mine?" He said anxiously. I smirked reassuringly and we ran into the lab.
It was completely empty, left as if Vin hadn't been there all day. "Maybe he's out fighting." I muttered.
"Doubt it," Daxter whispered back and I laughed. We headed over to the warp gate and programmed it for the Construction site. It began to whirr and light up and when it was ready, we jumped through it.
From the landing the warp gate was on, Dax and I could see none other than Baron Praxis and a few of his men walking slowly and cautiously below. I snarled, hearing my darker side curse and spit in the corners of my mind. As I snuck down the landing to go meet my worst enemy, out of no where, Kor himself leapt down in front of me, causing me to jump back in surprise.
The Baron and his men turned around, and they all were startled by both Kor's and my presences. The soldiers aimed their guns at Kor, but no one made a move.
"Kor?" I asked, and the sky rumbled, "What's going on?!"
The old man rose and slowly faced me, "I'm sure you know..." He approached me and got up in my face, "Deep down in your darkest nightmares!" He bared his teeth, which suddenly appeared to replicate those of a lurker shark's. I took a step back in horror.
"We've met before, remember?" He grinned devilishly and turned away from me, and I suddenly was having flashbacks of repetitive dreams I've had in the past. I went through each one, searching for the memory.
...Jak felt the raised bump beneath the cloth. "Oh..." He whispered. His eyes became glazed over. "I can't believe...I mean, how could I miss this? I'm so sorry..."...
..."No need to wet your fur, chili peppers, because we're rolling with the Peacemaker!"
..."Ow." Daxter said. Jak lifted an eyebrow as he drove over the dunes. "Sand in the eyes, Dax?" The ottsel laughed and nodded...
...The power pulsated through him, and he saw purple...
..."You cannot hide from me boy!"...
I gasped and stumbled back as I realized who Kor really was.
"Everything's going exactly as planned," Kor walked towards the center of the construction site, and began laughing maniacally as horrifying wings sprouted from his shoulder blades.
"HE'S THE METALHEAD LEADER!" Daxter shouted and pointed as Kor turned into the biggest metalhead creature I'd ever seen. He had to be the size of a building, and his metal forehead shone so brightly it could blind a person. Praxis's men began backing up and the Baron whipped out a sword.
Kor's voice boomed loudly when he spoke, "Now you see! Without the shield wall disrupting my powers inside the city, I am at my full potential! So..." Metalhead Kor lowered himself down to Praxis's level and snarled in his face, "For the last time, give me the Precursor Stone!"
Kill him, you have to kill him! My demon screamed at me, causing my head to pound.
Which one?! I thought back.
"If the city must die," Praxis said, backing up from Kor, "Then we all die!" He then released a battle cry and swung at Kor with his weapon. But Kor expected this and from his metal-gemmed forehead, he produced a violet beam of light and shot it down towards the Baron and two of his men, sending them flying into construction rubble.
Kor leapt into the air, flapping his enormous wings, "I will find that Stone if I have to CRUSH this city one brick at a time!" He roared as he flew into the storm clouds.
I ran over to the pile of construction that Praxis was thrown into and began tossing broken pieces out of the way. Finally I reached the Baron, shoving the rest of the metal and wood off of him.
He slowly got to his knees and groaned, "You are the supreme weapon, Jak," He coughed and fell back down onto his stomach, "And I made you." He rolled onto his back, looking pale as death. He weakly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box with a button on it, "Still, any leader worth his salt always has his backup plan." He sat up slightly, pressing the button, which caused the ground to rumble. A set of doors opened vertically and from the ground rose up another Piercer Bomb.
And at the very tip of the bomb was none other than the Precursor Stone.
"Remember," Praxis said as he laid back down on the ground, "The first rule in making a bomb...is to always make two."
Then came the moment I'd been yearning and aching for since I'd arrived in Haven City. Baron Praxis, my greatest enemy, breathed his last bit of air, and died at my feet. I felt conflicted...I felt relief because he was finally gone, but I was nostalgic because it wasn't by my hand, so I didn't feel as though I had won. My dark side was full of rage because it should've been by my hand. I also felt a tiny bit of sorrow for the poor bastard, because in the end he wanted to protect his city.
But considering the pain, suffering and torture he'd put thousands of people (including me) through every single damn day of their sad lives...I silently prayed that he would burn in Hell.
I ran over to the Piercer Bomb and picked Daxter off of my shoulder, "Dax, do you think you can get the Stone out of the bomb?"
He nodded, "You bet!" I put him on the ground, "Okay! I'm going in!"
He scrambled up the bomb and I winced, hoping he would be careful and refrain from blowing us up. He entered through the top and I heard him clanging around.
"Man, what a mess o' junk in here!" His voice echoed from within the bomb, "All jumbled coils and switches! Should I unhook the blue wire? Wait a minute...are ottsels color blind?!" My breath caught in my throat and he rattled around more, "Let me just break a few more things and see if anything pops loose...BOOM!" He laughed and pushed the Precursor Stone out of the locking mechanism and poked his head out from the top of the bomb, "Gotcha!"
Dax tossed it down to me and I caught the glowing stone. He dusted his hands off, "Like candy from a baby!" I rolled my eyes at him and he climbed onto my shoulder, "So, ah...Praxis kicked the bucket." He said awkwardly.
I headed towards the exit of the Construction site, in the direction of the wasteland, where the nest was located. I glanced at the Baron's lifeless body as we passed it. "So it seems."
"Are you happy about it?"
"I'm not sure what I feel, Dax" I rubbed the stone's smooth surface thoughtlessly, "Right now I just want to finish this."
"Just think, Jak," He said, staring straight ahead, "By tomorrow, all of this will be over and we will be celebrating and getting wasted, and then we get to go home!"
That is all I wanted in the end. Peace and to have our old lives back. "One could only hope," I whispered.
Blood and guts. All I could see was the color red and purple and blue and I was drenched from the rain.
I had run out of bullets long ago and decided to use my Dark powers to annihilate whatever metalheads I could. I felt like everything was in fast-forward, colors flying past me, metalhead bodies being thrown around. I was lucky I had my armor on, otherwise I would've been in my complete bare form, which probably would've been distracting to the male soldiers of the group. I could only imagine what it (and I) looked like to the other warriors, but I know they were not afraid of me.
I was fueling my darker side by murdering all the beasts around me, which was something I'd been afraid of before I decided to change forms. The more I remained this way, the more I wanted to stay that way, and the more I enjoyed being like this. My subconscious always overpowered my dark thoughts in the end, but it was still a struggle to find my self-control.
What made things more wild was the fact that at every single second, I was seeing soldiers' futures in my mind and it would send me wherever one was about to be slaughtered by a metalhead. This and my view of the present were happening simultaneously. It was all so fast...the only thing I could compare the speed to was fire; Flames that lick the skies and speedily spread to everything they touch. I could feel myself getting stronger and faster as we fought our way to the nest, but I worried that at some point, I might hit my peak. And I wasn't sure what would happen after that. I could crash, come down from the high and lose all my strength...or I could never come back down.
The only things keeping me from losing myself were the thoughts of Jak and the others and how they needed me. Once we would get to the shield wall (which the metalheads were about to destroy) and Jak found a way to break the nest's barrier, there would be another wave of metalhead beasts to fight. And once we got through that battle, Jak would discover things unimaginable; things only I could understand when they happened because I had already seen them happen.
After what seemed like hours, we came to the shield wall and the wave of creatures ceased. The Freedom Fighters began to gather around each other and discuss the next move we'd make. My body was still quivering with power and I needed to come out of my monster's form and save it for when we would fight again. She complained and whined but I easily ignored her and felt the Dark eco recede back into me.
Once I was back to normal, I adjusted my armor, cracked my neck and knuckles and joined the units. Torn was waiting for me so that he could begin his speech. Maichael, who had come to help us fight, moved over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.
Torn pinched the bridge between his eyes, "We've lost a lot of our people," He was quiet for a moment, and everyone shuffled uncomfortably. The air felt thick and depressing and it pressed down on my body.
Torn stood up straight, chest out and chin high. "But we saved more than we could've ever hoped to have saved." His words were rewarded with cheers from his fighters. He waved at them to quiet down. "But there is no time to celebrate. Everyone needs to stay focused and stay alive. This isn't over until we defeat the metalhead leader."
I suddenly realized that I'd recently had a vision of this day and remembered that at this very moment, a huge event was happening. I gripped Torn by the arm and hissed into his ear, "Baron Praxis is dead."
Torn looked at me and his eyes widened for a second. But he did not look too surprised. "Well...good riddance, then." He exhaled heavily, "The Baron is dead," He announced to the warriors, "We are one step closer to gaining control of Haven City. For now, we need to protect the walls until we can break into the nest," He pounded his fist into his palm, "That's where the real fight will begin." The soldiers cheered again and scattered, prepping for the next battle.
Torn turned to me once everyone was at a safe distance, "Darla, what do I tell Ashelin?"
I looked at Maichael and back at Torn, "The truth of course. I saw that he had died and Jak was with him, but Jak wasn't the one to kill him..."
A wave of unease rolled over me at that moment and I fell into Torn. He held onto my shoulders and steadied me, "What's wrong?"
I closed my eyes and a flash of images ran through my head of the metalhead leader that I'd seen a million times, but for a split second, I heard a tiny whisper of one word.
My eyes snapped open and I jumped, "Kor! The metalhead leader is Kor!"
Torn's hands dropped to his sides, "That can't be possible...he was on our side..."
Maichael crossed his arms, "No, it's true! When I was with Jak earlier today, Vin called him and said something about Kor at the Construction site and we figured he was working with the metalheads. But..."
"It seems as though he was leading them," Torn finished quietly. He turned away from us and began pacing, "Damnit!" He shouted, "How could I have been so fucking blind?!"
"Stop it," I said calmly, "None of us could've known."
He stopped pacing and glared at me, "Says the girl who is psychic!" He approached me, getting up close to my face, "First, Vin gets killed...now Kor is the metalhead LEADER?! What fucking good are you, Darla?!"
"Hey man, back the fuck off!" Maichael stepped in between us and shoved Torn back.
"Get your hands off me, soldier, I could have you shot down!" Torn growled.
Maichael stood tall, "Do it. You don't have any right to blame Darla for your poor judgment, Commander." He stretched out the last word sarcastically.
Torn's angered face now softened into despair. He put his face in his hands and let out a long sigh. When his hands dropped, his face was serious again. "I'm sorry."
I shrugged, "I don't blame you."
Torn's face was flushed with shame for a moment, but then he whipped out his communicator. "Alright, well...I'm gonna contact Ashelin and give her an update. Then we're going to call Jak and see where he is." He turned away from Maichael and I and headed towards the shadow of a nearby building.
I faced my friend, "She's in charge now, you know." I said, referring to the redheaded beauty and daughter of the Baron.
"She will do better than her father did. No more suffering." Maichael mumbled, staring at the shield wall. "A fucking monkey could do better than Praxis did."
This was definitely it. Daxter and I approached the biggest gun I'd ever seen. Its immense size was indescribable and it was clearly built to destroy. It was ready to launch, prepped for extermination by Praxis, and aimed directly at the metalhead nest. All it needed was power from the Precursor Stone.
As we headed towards the lift that would take us up to the controls, my communicator went off. Daxter reached into my pocket for me and answered.
"Jak, where are you?" It was Ashelin.
"We're at the nest!" Daxter exclaimed, "Were you worried about us, sweet cheeks?"
"Daxter, be serious right now..." She spat, "Now is the time to act. The metalheads are so focused on their attack in the city, they may have left their nest vulnerable."
We heard a rustling sound, then Torn's voice came through the communicator, "Jak, you've got to breach the nest barrier in any way you can. If you can get inside and take out Kor, the army will collapse...It's a long shot but it might be our only chance."
"We're a long way ahead of you, Tattooed Wonder!" Daxter smirked up at me as we activated the lift, "We're about to break the barrier!"
"There isn't much hope now," Ashelin's voice spoke solemnly, "The shield wall is destroyed. It's just a matter of time before the metalheads overwhelm us..." We reached the top of the weapon and stepped off the lift, "You should just go through the rift back to your own time, Jak, and get away from this horrible place."
"I see your point. Come on, Jak!" Daxter half-jokingly headed back towards the lift.
I grimaced and placed the Precursor Stone into the locking mechanism on the side of the controls. "This place...is worth fighting for."
"We'll hold out as long as we can!" Ashelin said approvingly, "Farewell!" Ashelin signed off and Daxter hung up the communicator, sliding it back into my pocket.
"Okay..." I said, placing my hands on my hips, "Precursor Stone..." I tapped the Stone, "...Gun..." I pointed at the enormous structure we were standing on. Suddenly a strong sense of adrenaline coursed through my veins and I grinned at Daxter as he climbed up onto my shoulder, "...Nest!"
I started up the controls and Daxter gripped my hair excitedly, "Light 'er up, padre!"
I laughed triumphantly as power from the Stone surged through the weapon, producing a lime green laser beam that headed straight for the nest. "Eat this!" The beam blasted through the nest's barrier and demolished it like it was glass.
"YEAH!" Daxter cheered, "That ought 'a wake 'em up!"
I couldn't wipe the grin off my face, thinking of how close to the end we were. My blood pumped furiously and I knew my darker side was coming forth in his own way. "Let's go take care of business!"
Daxter blinked at me, "WHAT?! You mean go in there?" He shrunk down behind my shoulder blades, "I'm right behind you."
I winked at him and we headed to the lift so we could enter the beginning of the end...for either Kor or us.
"I want Unit Alpha and Beta to move forward into the first two layers nest, that's it!" Torn commanded his fighters, "I'm taking my group to the nest's center. The rest of you watch our backs and protect the city and the remains of the shield wall!"
Everyone panned out to their designated stations and we headed for the Hellcat transporter to take us to the wasteland. We filed into the vehicle and as the doors closed behind us, we all let out exhales of exhaustion.
"I still can't believe it was Kor. All this time, all these years..." Ashelin, who was sitting across from me, shook her head incredulously. "It was him the entire time...and my father was working with him..."
Torn placed a hand on her knee and stared at her worriedly, "None of us had a clue, Ash."
"I just hope that little boy is safe." Ashelin murmured, "We thought Kor was protecting him, but obviously that isn't the case."
"He's going to be okay," I said, staring at the floor, "He will live a long, healthy life...You guys are in for a real shocker, though."
They all stared at me and I avoided eye contact. Torn lifted his eyebrow and snorted, "I hate the ominousness of your words."
We were all silent for the remainder of the ride. Our transporter zoomer consisted of Ashelin, Torn, Tess, me, Maichael, and four fighters. The fighters were young, two boys and two girls, maybe 18 years old. That pissed me off when Torn used the younger warriors, considering their lives in the war were newer and they were valuable. But as far as I'd seen today, these four were the strongest and the bravest.
We reached the wasteland and when we stepped out of it, I understood why it was named as such. It was literally a barren wasteland. Part desert and part abandoned, the place was crawling with breeds of metalheads I'd never seen before, not even in my visions. One of the dinosaur-sized metalheads was roaming in the distance and I shivered.
Suddenly, a horde of metal beasts seemed to be alerted of our presence and headed towards us. Everyone slid out their guns and my claws shot out from my finger tips.
Yes, yes, yes! My demon screeched.
Take it easy there, girlfriend.
We charged forward.
The heart of the nest.
Covered in dirt and blood, both mine and metalhead, we found the opening of the center of the nest where Kor was hiding out. The area was enclosed and huge and floating near the far wall to our left, was the Rift Gate. My heart pounded in my chest; home was just on the other side of that portal.
We were on a landing above Kor and he looked up, baring his monstrous teeth. He had been waiting for us.
"FINALLY!" He said, his loud, deep voice rattling my chest, "You've decided to join us!" His scaly tale moved to the left, revealing the kid, unconcious and floating in a protective, violet-colored bubble. Daxter and I gasped and Kor laughed, "And you brought the Precursor Stone! Good...the boy will now play his final part!"
"Not this time!" I snarled, hugging the Stone close to me.
"Oh, but this child is such a part of this!" He floated up towards us, looking down at me, "Such a part of you."
I took a step back and blinked. Part of me? "What are you going on about?"
Kor snickered menacingly, "Don't you recognize him?" I looked down at the kid, feeling no sense of remembrance.
Kor burst out laughing, "Jak, the boy is YOU!" He tilted his enormous head, "And this place...this is where you began, in the future!"
Me...that little boy was me...the entire time. I let out a sharp breath, feeling a sense of panic and my chest tightened up. I stared down at the unconcious child.
That boy was me...The boy was me. This boy IS me.
"I..." I managed to say, "But how...?"
"You were hidden in the past on the hope that you would gain the skills to face me today." Kor laughed, "But Onin was wrong! Now that you've been altered with Dark eco, the Stone will never open for you." He looked down at the child...at me. "Your younger self, however, still has the pure gift! He alone can awaken the Stone and the Precursor entity, which sleeps inside!"
I stopped breathing and slowly looked down at the Stone in my hands, "This stone...is a Precursor?"
"The last Precursor egg!" Kor flashed his sharp teeth again, "Mar was clever. He covered his tracks well through time, hiding his last egg from me, and building the shield and city to defend it! It has been a long siege. But today, I will finally feed on the last Precursor Life Force!"
I shook my head, trying to shake the shock that was consuming my tainted mind. I wanted to run. I wanted to leap through that portal and just disappear, be anywhere but here. I felt the Stone throbbing in my grasp and I nearly dropped it from surprise.
Daxter had a look of panic in his face as he saw that I was unable to keep it together. He leaned forward towards Kor, holding my ear for support. "I think you're forgetting one little thing, Metalo-Maniac!" He said confidently, bringing me back to reality, "We've got the Precursor Stone!"
"Not for long!" Kor shouted, and from his forehead he produced the same beam of light that killed Baron Praxis. I tried to dodge the deadly beam, but it hit the landing we were on which crumbled beneath us. We were falling down towards the cavern floor and pieces from the landing completely covered us.
My eyes were closed. I could feel Daxter rustling around in the rubble, screaming my name and words of profanity. Part of me wanted to just lay here and pretend I was dead so Kor would go away, but all of me wanted to kill him and finish this.
Get your ass up! It's time. My demon yelled at me.
It's time.
It's time.
Dark eco burst from within me and I was in my demon form. I sliced through the rubble and Daxter hooked onto my shoulder as we burst through an opening. I growled and snarled, seeing my enemy through tainted purple vision and my heart sounded like a hummingbird's wings. I felt myself vibrating from power and I couldn't help but smile, staring at my target.
Kor frowned for a second, then roared furiously, "DIE!"
He came at me and I barrel-rolled out of the way. Daxter reached into my pack for a gun to use, one of my little bolts of electricity shocking him in the process. I began shooting Dark eco energy from my hands at Kor, who was dodging my every toss. Metalheads began swarming the nest to protect their leader, and Daxter started shooting them from my back while I focused on my enemy. I fought on but I could feel my energy draining a bit. I tried to run around and absorb as much Dark eco metalheads left behind as I could, but I was not used to using this much of my powers.
Suddenly, blue colored, electric spheres soared towards the sturdy arms that hung Kor protectively from the top of the cavern. The spheres hit each arm one by one until they snapped, causing Kor to fall to the ground. I turned around to see where they had come from.
At the mouth of the cave stood four Freedom Fighters, Ashelin, Torn, Tess, Maichael, and Darla in her Dark form. Torn, Maichael and Tess stood their ground, holding Peacemakers, aimed directly at Kor. My black eyes darted to Darla. I hadn't seen her like that since we left Sandover Village, and it startled me.
Kor suddenly knocked me in the head with a swift move of his hand, sending Dax and I soaring into a wall. I growled and stood, seeing my friends rushing down to join the battle. Through an opening in the other side of the cavern, floated in the Samos's, Keira and the Rift Rider. They stayed at a safe distance so that the Rift Rider wouldn't be damaged. Ashelin was pushing the orb containing my child self away from the fight with the help of Tess. Everything was so chaotic around me that my head started to spin.
"Easy, Jak! We're so close!" Dax said encouragingly as he reached into my pack and swapped the mod he was using for our Peacemaker mod. I nodded and ran through the metalheads and our fighting friends towards a roaring metalhead Kor. Bullets were flying and Dark Darla was tearing through the flesh of metalheads like they were paper.
Kor saw me coming and started shooting his beam at me, but I was fast. I only had enough energy in me to release one last blast of Dark eco. Daxter could tell I was getting weaker, and began charging up the Peacemaker.
"If we shoot at the same time, he's dead!" He shouted as we evaded Kor's death ray. I felt heat flow to my hands as I began charging up my own deadly ball of energy. Kor paused for a split second to regain strength to start his beam again, and I knew this was our chance. This is it, he's done, we're done, it's over!
"Now!" Daxter shouted, and at the same exact time, we both released our shots. The Peacemaker and my Dark eco sliced through the air, blending together in a brilliant light. Everything that happened next seemed to be in slow-motion.
I released what sounded like a mix between a sigh and a groan as I reverted back to human form, falling to my knees. I looked to my left, watching Maichael and Torn slowly turn towards Daxter's and my shot that was headed for Kor. The metalheads retreated from the cavern, screaming sluggishly and becoming a blur in my slowed vision. I looked over at my Darla, who was suited in the same armor as the fighters and Maichael and Torn, slowly tear the remaining metalhead in half, guts spewing at the ground. She dropped the corpse, reverting to her human form, and she too turned to follow the shot. I then looked towards Ashelin, Tess and the child, whose protective orb faded away. Ashelin caught him before he fell onto the ground, and I watched his eyes snap open.
Lastly, I looked towards my enemy. Kor was turning his head towards the ball of energy coming at him, and as his mouth opened in shock, time sped up again and I jumped, startled by the abrupt change and the sound of the shot slicing through Kor's thick throat. His enormous head snapped back, then snapped off, rolling across the ground.
Kor, the mastermind behind everything, was finally dead.
My jaw dropped, reality crashing into me like a thousand bullets. It was not settling in; it was tearing through my mind and my heart. I was so exhausted. The child is me. Kor was dead. We were alive.
It was over.
Darla and the others ran over to me, and Daxter was screaming something inaudible in my ear, his hands balled in my hair, trying to shake me from my thoughts. Everyone was shouting at each other and it was all muffled. I couldn't understand a word of it.
Then someone got down to my level onto their knees. Darla's bruised and bloodied face appeared in front of mine. Her blue eyes were wide and were searching my own, trying to get some sort of response out of me. She put her hands on my shoulders, her eyes travelling all over my face. My eyes met hers and I closed my mouth, my jaw cramping. I exhaled heavily and she sighed with relief.
"Jak." She said, so quietly only I could hear her. Her hand touched my cheek and I leaned into it, closing my eyes.
"WE DID IT! WOO!" Daxter's shouts deafened me and he danced around the legs of our friends, "WE GOT HIM! WE DID IT!" I smiled weakly and touched Darla's hand, bringing us both to our feet. Keira and the Samos's safely brought down the Rift Rider and joined us.
The child, younger me, ran over towards the Precursor egg, which had fallen from my grasp in front of the Rift Gate when Kor had shot us down from the landing above. He leaned down and barely touched it, but suddenly the stone cracked open, causing him to fall back in surprise. A brilliant light in the shape of a person flew out of it and we all gasped as it floated up in front of the gate.
I stared at the being and felt as if a weight was lifted off of my shoulders and my heart. "Oh man," I croaked, my voice hoarse, "A Precursor!"
The Precursor opened its arms and spoke in a godly voice, "It is finished." It boomed, "Our ancient enemy is no more. Take hope, brave one. The terrible darkness inside you is now balanced by a glorious light!" It began floating backwards into the Rift Gate, "We will meet again." It disappeared into the portal, and I released a sigh of relief.
My younger self ran over to me, wrapping his arms around my leg. I looked down at him and smiled. Keira ran over to the Rift Rider and began setting coordinates, "We haven't much time," She said hurriedly, "I've set the coordinates back to our village! Let's go home, everyone!"
"You're leaving? You're going back home now?" Maichael stepped up, looking distraught.
I stood up straight and looked around at all these people who had impacted my life. It was then I realized that we couldn't go back to Sandover Village. Not anymore. I felt it. We were meant to stay here, in Haven City.
"We are home." I stated boldly. Darla looked up at me, her eyes wide and she smiled. I wrapped an arm around her waist and held her to me.
Samos, our Samos, took Keira by the hand and lead her away from the Rift Rider. "Keira," He said, a bit of sadness in his old voice, "I'm afraid your Rift Rider must be used to send young Jak here to a place where he will grow up safe from harm." Samos's loyal pet bird flew off of his log and playfully circled my younger self who left my side to try and catch it. "He must become old enough to complete the destiny he has fulfilled today."
Younger Samos stared at his older self incredulously, "Wait a minute! It's you! I mean...it's me! I have to take him back and watch over him, don't I?" Our Samos nodded and the younger one crossed his arms, "Ah, grub roots! Talk about being in the wrong time at the right place!"
I parted from Darla and walked over to my younger self, who was blinded from the events that had happened around him. He was so innocent, much smaller than I'd even noticed, and had a child-like wonder that I wish I could've held onto while I'd been in prison. Thinking of what he would have to face by the time he turned sixteen years old made me want to put him in a protective bubble like Kor had, to shield him from the horrors and trials he would face. But as I glanced back at my friends and my brother and the love of my life, I realized that in the end, all the struggle and fight was worth it for him...and me.
I knelt down on one knee and touched the child's arm, "Hey, kid," He turned and stared at me with wide eyes that mirrored mine exactly, "You...take care." What else could I say?
Suddenly a shitty memory of something that happened during my childhood popped into my mind and I decided to warn him of it. "Oh! And trust me on this...stay away from any wumpbee nests on your ninth birthday, okay?" I poked him in the chest and he smiled at me, nodding. I grinned at him and picked him up, setting him on the side of the Rift Rider. He then grabbed the medallion from around his neck, the shape that mirrored the half Ying-Yang scar on Darla's shoulder blade, the symbol of the House of Mar, and tore it off. He reached down, grabbed my hand and placed the medallion into my palm. I looked at him strangely, but he smiled joyfully and closed my hand around the medallion.
"I sure hope I built this replica right," Keira murmured to her father, "I don't know if-"
"It's perfect, Keira," He responded, "This is the very machine we found...or will find later!"
She lifted her eyebrow in confusion, "What? I just built this! After seeing the first one, I mean. It's based on what I remember from-"
"Honey," Daxter interrupted from behind me, Tess carrying him like an infant, "The more you think about it, the more it hurts the head!"
Darla came up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. Younger Samos climbed into the Rift Rider and strapped in younger me. He then activated the vehicle, and they began floating up towards the Rift Gate.
"I'll take good care of the child!" He shouted down to us, "And don't worry, I'll be back in time for the celebration! Farewell!" And with that, they disappeared through the portal, which collapsed into a heap of useless artifacts only a moment after.
I looked down at the ground, then turned to face Samos. He smiled slightly at me, a look of pride on his face. I returned the smile and shook my head. "Thanks Samos...without you, I-"
"It's funny," He interrupted. He never liked sappy moments, "The boy won't remember any of this."
I tilted my head, trying to remember any bit of my past that could indicate these events had happened. But all I could see in my mind was a bright white light that must've been the moment of our departure from Haven City. "No, I do remember the light."
I turned towards my friends. Everyone looked at me expectantly, like I was supposed to tell them what to do next. I looked at Darla, who was chewing her bottom lip waiting to me to say something, then I looked at Daxter, who grinned at me so widely I thought his cheeks would break.
"Well then!" He clapped his hands together and leapt out of Tess's arms, "I think it's time to...ah...start cleaning this shit up, don't you think, guys?"
Epilogue: Two Weeks Later
Ashelin was standing at her father's throne, Torn sitting by her side. She fiddled with one of her red dreadlocks as her communicator began to ring.
"Yes?" She answered.
"Your transport is ready, my lady!" Brutter's voice crackled over the speaker.
"Thank you, Captain Brutter," She hung up the communicator and slid it into her back pocket. She reached over and grabbed Torn's hand. "Come on," She smirked and fluttered her eyelashes playfully, "We'll be late for the party at Daxter's new place!"
Torn stared straight ahead and frowned, "I've got so much fucking work to do...besides, it's not my thing."
Ashelin's smile fell and she dropped his hand abruptly, "Ten hut!" She commanded, and he rose to his feet without batting an eyelid. "As new governor of this city, I order the Commander of the new Krimzon Guard to escort me to an official function!" She leaned close to his ear, "Is that understood?"
Torn licked his lips nervously, "Yes sir! I mean, ma'am..." He shook his head, "I mean..."
"You can continue rebuilding the city tomorrow. Tonight we get to celebrate with our new friends," She placed her hands on his chest and lifted an eyebrow, "Besides, tough guy, I'm dying to see you dance." She grinned at him and he smirked at her.
"Not likely."
I traced Jak's abs with my fingertips, pressing my cheek to his chest. I gazed up at my hero, who had his arm behind his head and was staring up at the ceiling of my bedroom. He seemed distracted.
"What are you thinking, hot shot?" I asked him quietly.
He looked down at me and ran his fingers up and down my bare back, "Just trying to...make sense of everything, I guess."
I rolled on top of him, straddling him with my hips. I touched my nose to his, "Don't...there's nothing to make sense of. Not now, anyway. Relax!"
He smiled and flipped us so I was on my back. He buried his face in my chest, causing me to giggle. He peeked up at me and grinned, "I think we've done enough relaxing for today, don't you?"
I shook my head at him, my face flustered, and I fiddled with the ring on my finger, "I don't think there's such thing as 'enough', do you?"
He bit his lip and put his forehead against mine, "Again? Are you sure you're not tired?"
I lifted my eyebrow and nipped his nose, "Is that even a question?" I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him briefly. He groaned, pressing his mouth to mine and running his hands through my hair. I breathed in his scent, trying to grasp as much essence of him I could, because I knew that very, very soon...he would slip from my hold again. We didn't have much time, and I was starting to count down the days until he would be gone.
He pulled away after a moment, "We'll be late to Daxter's grand opening if we-"
"No we won't." I whispered, trailing my kisses down his neck.
"But how do you know-"
"I just know!" I laughed bringing my mouth to his again, "Now shut up and kiss me!"
He smiled against my lips and threw the covers over our heads.
"WELCOME TO THE NAUGHTY OTTSEL!" Daxter exclaimed as Darla and I stepped into what used to be the Hip Hog Heaven Saloon, "The hippest, happenest, happiest joint in town!"
It was crowded and full of drunken people, including all of our friends and even Onin. She was sitting on the bar near Pecker, swaying and holding a large bottle of vodka. I could see Keira and Maichael standing by the bar talking to Tess, arms wrapped around each other. Torn and Ashelin were taking shots, and I saw Torn genuinely laugh for the first time ever.
I looked down at my beautiful girl, who was smiling broadly, wearing the sexiest little get-up I'd ever seen her in: jeans that hugged her hips and legs, high heels and a white crop-top that was off the shoulder. Darla looked up at me and flashed that smile I adored, the dimple under her eye visible. I leaned down and kissed it.
She was beaming and I was glowing. I felt carefree and light and my demonic side seemed to be dormant. My mind felt clear and I finally felt...normal. For a moment, I didn't need to be the hero and I didn't need to be afraid of losing the people I loved. I was at peace and I was alive.
We headed over to the bar and we were greeted by all of our friends. Pecker pointed up at the wall over the bar and his eyes bulged out. "Is that...?!"
We looked up and there, adorning the wall, was Kor's head.
"Oh, yes!" Daxter said, dancing across the bar, "Don't you just love the new decor?"
"Oh wow..." Tess said, her eyes blinking in wonder, "What a big trophy!"
Daxter wagged his tale and hopped onto Tess's shoulder, "As if size matters? I bagged that bad boy myself, baby!"
I grinned at my best friend and had Tess make me one of Daxter's favorite drinks that his friend Nica used to order him: A Big Bang. Tess concocted a bright blue liquid and poured it into four shot glasses.
"What'll it be, Darla?" She brushed a blonde strand of hair out of her eyes and started pulling out bottles of tequila, "Daxter bought all our favorites!"
Darla smiled warmly at her and leaned on the bar, "None for me, thanks babe! I'm good." Tess nodded and put the bottles back underneath the bar.
I looked at Darla strangely, but she stared straight ahead, a relaxed smile on her face. I shrugged and leaned against the bar, taking my first Big Bang shot of the night.
All of our friends gathered around, talking and chattering away excitedly. All I could think about was the past two weeks, though. From the war, to the realization that the child was me, to when Ashelin was made governor, to the endless late nights I was spending with Darla...It felt like the battle had been a lifetime ago.
"What's up, Jak?" Keira's voice rang through my thoughts.
I looked at her and Maichael, who were still clutched to each other and shook my head, "I just...I still can't believe that little boy was me." I took a second shot, reached into my pocket and pulled out the medallion my younger self had given me. I turned it over in my hand, shaking my head, "Better times, huh?"
"You miss him, huh?" Keira smiled, "You know, the kid grows up to be a handsome hero!"
My face flushed, from both the compliment and the alcohol, and I grinned at her. Samos pushed through the crowds to the front of the bar then, looking saddened. Tess handed him a full glass of whiskey.
"We must not forget Vin and all the others who sacrificed their lives to defeat this evil and protect the child," He said, raising his glass, "It is also because of them that we made it through the war."
Everyone raised their drinks and murmured in agreement. I looked down at Darla, and her face was vacant. "Are you having a vision?" I asked her quietly.
She snapped out of her trance, then looked at me and smiled, "Aren't I always?"
I was worried...but I trusted her. I had to, especially after everything we'd made it through. I returned a smile and leaned forward to kiss her, but I was interrupted by shouts from Daxter.
"HEY! That's enough for you, lady!" He yelled at drunken Onin, who was chugging the bottle she held, "I'm cuttin' ya off!" He was then swatted backwards by the old lady's hand. He sat up, startled and gaped at her.
Pecker roared with laughter, "Trust me, she gets real mean when she's like this!" Onin started sloppily waving her hands around.
Daxter looked at Pecker, "What'd she say?"
Pecker's eyes widened, "Something about rubber tubing and certain parts of your mother..." Daxter's mouth widened more. "You don't want to know."
Suddenly, a large mass pushed to the crowd, with the same form as a metalhead. My heart stopped for a moment and Daxter yelped, "AH! A METALHEAD!"
But when the mass broke through, we saw who it truly was...an old friend, wearing metalhead bones as armor.
"SIG!" Daxter and I exclaimed simultaneously.
Our comrade, the toughest man we'd met, our friend who we thought was dead, stood before us smiling widely.
"What happened to you?!" I exclaimed, "Are you okay?"
He chuckled heartily and ordered a round "You cherries didn't think some nasty breath, giant sized lizard was going to keep me from the biggest party in town, did you?"
"I knew you were too tough for 'em, big guy!" Daxter said, handing Sig his drink. "Tell us what happened! Where have you been? How did you survive?! When did you-"
"Let's save it for a more sober night, chili-peppers." Sig said, winking at us.
Suddenly we heard what sounded like gun shots coming from outside. I looked at Daxter and he shrugged. Everyone rushed out of the bar, and we all followed behind. To our pleasant surprise, the sound we heard were brightly colored fireworks blowing up over the Port. I shook my head and sighed, staring up at the incredible scenery.
"You saved the city and more, my boy!" Samos said, coming up next to me, "Kor and his menace are history, and somewhere out there, an ancient race has begun again."
I wrapped my arm around Darla and held her close to me, "I'm just glad to be back home."
"Yeah?" Samos lifted an eyebrow, "Well, rest up. We've got a lot to do and so much time to do it in!"
I groaned and rolled my eyes, "Don't say 'time!' The Rift Ring was destroyed, remember?"
"You know," Sig said, his face beaming, "My mama used to read bedtime stories about Mar when she'd tuck me in. She'd give me a nice glass of warm yakow milk... and my little Poopsy bear..." He smiled dreamily.
Daxter stared at him, "Bedtime stories? Warm milk? Poopsy bear?! Buddy, you just blew your image!"
Samos chuckled, "I've got a feeling we'll meet Mar someday. He may be closer than you think."
Sig tossed me the key that used to hold the ruby Krew wanted us to retrieve at one point in time. "You're the designated driver!"
"Oh no," I shook my head and tossed it back to him, "I am done with adventures. Besides," I looked down at Samos, who was staring out at the Port, "You'll tell us before something happens next time, right Samos?" He pretended not to hear me and I frowned, "Right Samos?" I looked at Darla, "Darla...?" She just smiled innocently at me and rested her head against my shoulder.
"You never know what the future may hold," Pecker interjected.
"Wait," Daxter said, narrowing his eyes and stepping up to Pecker, "You know something, don't you, feather-breath?!"
"Who? Me?" He smiled, "Ah, no. We're just...guessing, right Samos?" I rolled my eyes, and Daxter's ears lowered angrily. "Today...tomorrow...Only time will tell!"
"No!" Daxter said warningly, "You're gonna tell...RIGHT NOW!" He yelled and lunged at Pecker, tackling him to the ground. All of us watched them roll around, screaming at each other.
Samos chuckled and pat my arm, "Jak, my boy, the future awaits!" He smiled proudly, then moved to stop Pecker and Daxter from killing each other.
I sighed, diverting my eyes from the fight to look at Darla. She was staring blankly at the colorful night sky that reflected in an array of colors on her face. I tilted my head, "Darla?"
Her eyes moved to my face, "Yes?"
I bit my lip, "I know you're not supposed to...but you would tell me if something big were to happen, right?"
Her eyes squinted at me, her face looking slightly pained and it made me nervous. I stared at her, searching for the answer I wanted to hear her say.
But instead, she leaned up and kissed me, a long, slow kiss, "Jak," She said, reaching up to touch my cheek, "I love you so much."
Then she told me not what I wanted to hear...but something I needed to hear. The one thing that kept me going through every single moment since we'd arrived in Haven City so long ago.
She looked at me with hope in her eyes, "You know, everything will work out, Jak. No matter what happens tomorrow, or the day after, or years from now...NEVER forget who you are."
I inhaled and exhaled slowly. That phrase was the one thing I held onto, every day. I thought I had lost myself several times, felt like giving up...but then her voice would say that phrase in my mind. And I was okay. In the end, everything worked out.
I leaned forward and kissed her again, "After everything I've- we've- been through, I don't think I could ever forget who I am." I embraced her and she smiled against the crook of my neck. "I love you. I promise you, Darla...I'll never forget who I am."
Some where in the Palace...
A balding man paced back and forth across his study. He was in his office, something he'd been graciously given by Governor Ashelin. He had been promoted from council juror to judge of the Grand Council of Haven City. The man was pleased, but there was an ache he had in the back of his mind.
He wanted more. Originally, since he'd been so close to the royal family, he thought that perhaps Ashelin would make him her right hand man...or even put him in charge since she was too young to lead. At least...she was in his eyes.
But beggars cannot be choosers, can we? He thought to himself.
There was a knock on his door. "Enter." He murmured.
A young juror poked his head into the office, "Pardon my intrusion, Count Veger," The young man cleared his throat, "But I was wondering if I could...leave for tonight? I would like to...celebrate with my family."
Count Veger stared out his office window, "It seems like everyone is out celebrating, aren't they?" He turned his head slightly and looked at the juror, "Celebrating...when we should all be panicking."
"I..." The juror furred his brows, "I'm not sure I understand, sir..."
"Of course you wouldn't, you're just a boy." Veger turned back to the window, looking at the streets below, "We have demons running around while people are throwing parties...demons like the remaining metalheads...and a renegade pumped with Dark eco roaming the streets!" He slammed his fists against the glass, startling the young man.
"Sir, I'm sure Governor Ashelin will-"
"Bah!" Veger spat, "Governor Ashelin...she doesn't know shit about running a city." He grimaced and stared at the juror, who's eyes were wide with confusion. Veger sighed, "Just go. Be with your family."
The juror nodded, muttered a quick thanks, then left swiftly, shutting the door behind him.
"Yes, leave," Veger muttered, staring at the paperwork piled high on his desk, "Leave and enjoy what little time you and the rest of these miserable people have left on this planet."
So, there you have it! It took one full year, but it has finally been finished! I will be starting MTLH Part 2 VERY soon, so stay tuned!
Please, continue to read and review, PM me and let me know your thoughts on my story.
Once again, I want to thank you all for sticking through this until the end. It was all of you who kept me going!
And as I always say...