Chapter 1 "The Fight"
Dave shielded his eyes as he stepped out from the dark room at the base of the Inkopolis Tower to the bright light of the plaza. As his eyes adjusted to the change, familiar shapes and colors came into view. Inklings were scattered around the Inkopolis Plaza engaged in various activities. Some gathered around in groups, chattering excitedly to their friends, others sat against walls and railings alone, taking breaks between battles. He saw several Inklings weighed down with shopping bags going in and out of the assorted stores of the Booyah Base. Dave sighed and kicked an empty can of soda at his feet.
Today marked the fifth consecutive day he and his squad had gone without a single win in any ranked battle. At times, it felt like he was playing an entirely separate game from the rest of his team. Their performance in Rainmaker today was especially pitiful. Out of the ten losses they had today, the Mad Mollusks couldn't even touch the Rainmaker in six of them. Dave felt himself get shoved to the side by an Inkling shoulder.
"Out of the way, idiot." Came the harsh, smug voice of his most recent opponent.
Humboldt is a sore winner too, apparently Dave thought as he glared at the offending squid. Dave and his squad just got their most recent loss from Humboldt and his lackeys. They were notorious throughout the battling scene for playing dirty and doing anything to win. Dave swore he saw Humboldt smuggling in illegal splat bombs before the match started. Dave was snapped out of his thoughts when Humboldt spoke again.
"Five days without a win, huh?" He said in his usual nasally, arrogant voice. "Maybe you should just give up now, y'know, while you're ahead!" He laughed at his own 'joke' and high-fived one of his teammates.
Maybe the part of his name that sounds like 'humble' is supposed to be ironic Dave thought, but he didn't respond to Humboldt's barb.
"You and your sad little team, unlike us, are never going to even be able reach S rank," He continued, "You really should try for something that's more your speed. I think you could reach 'C+' if you keep trying for a few years!" The bright green Inkling laughed again and turned to walk away with his team.
Yep, definitely ironic.
Dave watched Humboldt leave for a moment and then turned to his own team. They all looked as bad as he felt. Tim's hands were stuffed in his pockets and he had angled his hat so that the brim shadowed his eyes. He looked like he wished he hadn't gotten out of bed this morning, and while that was normally how Tim appeared, his tired slouch made him appear even more uncomfortable and exhausted than usual. Samantha fared no better. Her bright orange tentacles dangled dejectedly as she hung her head. Her face bore a rarely seen expression of weary resignation.
Finally, he turned to the last member of his team. Alan looked as spent as all the others, but there was a spark of indignation in his eyes as he stared back at Dave. "So," he began, "are we just going to let them walk all over us like that?"
Internally, Dave groaned. He had been expecting this from Alan since the end of the last game but he hadn't been looking forward to it. "No, we're not going to let people walk all over us." Dave replied.
"Really?" Alan asked. "Then why didn't you say anything back to that ink-sack?"
Dave didn't respond.
"Why didn't you try to defend us from all those other punks that have treated us like a welcome mat for the past five days, huh?" Alan asked again and stepped closer to Dave, "Huh?"
Dave was silent.
"You're supposed to be the leader of this team, Dave!" Alan was inches from his teammate's face, "And you haven't spoken up for us once!" His voice had been getting louder and louder to the point where he was shouting. Other Inklings around the plaza had stopped their activities and turned to watch the scene unfolding in front of them.
"Not to mention that you haven't said a word to us about this losing streak!" He said as he gestured to Samantha and Tim. "A real leader would've spoken to-" Dave cut him off.
"That's enough, Alan!" He shouted. Alan took an involuntary step backwards, Dave rarely ever shouted. "I get it! You're angry about this God-damn losing streak. I'm angry too." Dave limply ran his hand through his blue tentacles. "It's just…" Dave grasped blindly in front of him, as if to pull the words he was at a loss for out of thin air, before dropping his arms to his sides and giving out a long sigh. "Never mind." He slumped over and turned to leave. He looked over his shoulder and said in a lifeless voice, "It's getting late, I'm going home." He paused. "Alan, you coming?"
Alan glanced at his two silent companions, "No, I think I'll stay here for a bit."
Dave gave a noncommittal hum. "See you there." He began his lonely walk home in silence.
Alan, Tim, and Samantha said nothing to each other for what felt like an eternity. The Inkling crowd slowly dispersed from the plaza while the trio stood in silence. The Sun was just above the edge of the Inkopolis horizon when Samantha cautiously broke the pregnant silence.
"So…now what?"
Several moments passed before Alan responded with a sigh, "I don't know." He brought his hands up to his head and started rubbing his temples. "I'm just worried about Dave." He said, "He hasn't been taking this losing streak well."
"Really? I hadn't noticed."
Alan gave her a tired smile and lightly punched her arm. "Shut up, Sammy." He lapsed into silence for another moment before he spoke again, "I really am worried, though. In all the years I've known him I have never seen him snap like that." He continued, "He's also been getting up later and later every day. Did you guys know that?"
Sammy shook her head, looking even more worried, and Tim appeared lost in thought. "Do you think there is anything we can do to cheer him up?" Sam asked. Alan shrugged and sat down on the steps leading up to the Tower. All three remained in the smothering silence for a long time. Alan absently looked out at the plaza square.
Night had fallen over the once bustling area. What few Inklings that had been present up till this point had gone home. The stores closed a few hours ago, leaving the square devoid of all activity. Even Judd had left his cushion to find somewhere else to sleep for the night. Alan was preparing to get up and leave when he heard Tim speak for the first time today.
"Guys, I have an idea."