Last One Out, Hit the Lights
Hey everyone, welcome to the final chapter of Pokémon Red Vs Blue Season 1. I tell ya, it's been a fun ride doing this story. I started this back in November of 2015. There were bumps in the road that had caused this story to be delayed longer than it should have, but now we get to see this story to an end.
BentleyGirl: Glad to know that you enjoyed this season. Don't worry, this won't be the end, there will always be more.
Contradictory Cynicism: If Caboose was leader, it would be the end for everyone. And we are not going to say any more about Caboose, especially since we know what he is fully capable of…especially when Freckles is with him. (spoiler, but that is way later in the series)
Thank you all for giving this story a chance, to see it go this far. I mean it, many of you guys have been there, supporting this story and helping me get this far. Now I think we spent enough time chit chatting, on with the story!
I don't own Pokémon nor Red VS. Blue.
At Red Base, all was calm. There have been no recent activities concerning the Blues, no crazy explosions, no life threatening situations that appear out of nowhere. Seeing as things were somewhat going back to normal, both Grif and Simmons stood in their usual spot on top of the base, looking out in the Canyon, pondering about certain things.
"Hey." Still keeping his eyes on the open, Simmons casually gets Grif's attention.
"Do you ever wonder why we are here?"
Grif just turns to Simmons, giving him an annoying glare. "No. I never, ever, wonder why we're here."
Lopez, who just happened to be standing behind the two Reds suddenly start shaking as some sort of entity enters his body. His sudden loud outburst catches the attention of both Grif and Simmons, but by the time they turn around, he stops shaking, the entity already in full control.
"What's wrong with Lopez?"
Grif just shakes his head, tired of all this stuff. "I don't care."
"Hey Lopez, uh…you okay, man?"
Lopez, who is now possessed by a certain ghost lucario looks at both of them, ready to warn them about the impending attack. Unfortunately, he will be in for a rude surprise.
"Guys, I need to give…you a…warning…" Church, now realizing that he can only speaks Spanish, starts to panic. "What? Why am I speaking Spanish? I don't know Spanish!"
"Uh…Sure." Despite being use to not understanding Lopez, Simmons is even more confused by his sudden change in tone.
"No, listen to me! The mean Zoroark is going to kill you! She is fixing the tank!"
The two just stare at the Krokorok, not realizing the dangers that Church is trying to warn them of. Speaking of said danger, Tucker had been watching Tex fixing the tank, working much faster ever since Caboose asked her if she knew Church's secret plan.
"Aw, crap. Caboose, she's almost done fixing Sheila. I better radio Church and tell him what's going on."
At the mention of using the radio, Caboose starts jumping up in down in front of Tucker, very happy and filled with energy. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Tucker, please! Please! Tucker! Tucker! Tucker! Tucker! Please, Tuck-"
He cuts him off by holding up a paw. "Yes, you can be the one who radios Church."
"Thanks, man!" He then activates his radio on his device, filled with joy that he can talk to Church. He suddenly felt something different, but that didn't stop him or his happy attitude. "Calling Church. Come in, Church. This is your close, personal friend, Private O'Malley."
"O'Mally? You said your name was Caboose."
"I never said that, you guys did."
"Why didn't you correct us?"
"Because I didn't want to be difficult." He then goes back to contacting Church. "Come in, Private Church. Do you copy? Soldier Unit Tex almost has the armor vehicle situation rectified. Okay, we require verification…of your…mission…ness…How is your progression?"
Hearing Caboose communicate with him, Church activates his communicators in hopes that he will understand him. "Caboose! No one here is listening to me! I can only speak Spanish for some reason!"
A few seconds goes by as Caboose turns of the radio, completely confused at what he heard. He slowly turns to Tucker, hoping that the dewott could help him.
"…He says he wants to talk to you."
But before Tucker could get the chance, the sound of a tank powering up catches their attention. Looking over the cliff, they see that Tex has the tank up and running.
They just stand there, hearing the voice of Sheila turning on. Tucker can only think of one thing to say at the time. "Oh crap. We got trouble."
Meanwhile, back at Red base, while the Reds were oblivious to the coming tank, Church was still trying to warn Simmons and Grif of the danger.
Grif, fed up with all this Spanish talk, walks up to Lopez and points a claw at him. "Hey! I think if you're gonna live in this country, you should speak the language!"
Still oblivious to the tank coming closer and closer, Simmons instead question Grif. "What country? We're on an alien planet."
"What are you, a communist?"
Just then, an explosion hits the side of the base, catching everyone by surprise. Turning, they all see a tank in the distance, ready to fire another round at them. All of them were so surprised, they couldn't help but scream out loud!
"Holy Arceus!"
"Holy Arceus!"
"Holy Arceus!"
Meanwhile Caboose had been watching Tex attack the Red Base by using the sniper rifle. Tucker has his arms crossed as he is standing next to Caboose, upset that he isn't using the sniper rifle.
"Okay, I'm getting really sick of asking Pokémon what's going on through the sniper rifle."
"Church is getting mad at us."
"Ohhhhh. Well that's a nice change of pace."
"Simmons!" Sarge contacts them through the radio, getting in the Warthog as he starts driving it. "I'm coming around in the Warthog. Get ready to take the gunner position when I come by."
"Roger that." Simmons and Grif were currently hiding by the ramp of the base, taking cover from the constant fire of the tank.
After another explosion, Grif looks at the shaking base and sits down. "I'll uh…I'll stay here."
With sarcasm, he gives a quick reply. "Yeah. Stay here and guard this cement ramp. It's vital to our success."
Just then Sarge drives by and stops next to them with the Warthog. Simmons quickly jumps to the gunner position, and the two drive off to face the tank. As they get closer to the tank, Sarge starts to explain his plan.
"Alright, here's the plan-"
But before he could even get the chance to explain it, Tex fires right at them, causing them to be blasted away as the Warthog explodes. Getting up, Simmons and Sarge make a run for their base, reaching the ramp where they left Grif. The Charmeleon is just standing there, arms crossed, a big smug look on his face.
"Wow, back so soon? You guys win the war already?"
Instead of being mad at Grif, Simmons actually brings up a question to Sarge. "Yeah, uh, did you want to finish telling me the plan now, Sarge?"
Flames start to come of Sarge's back as he glares at the two Reds. "If we survive this…I'm gonna kill both of ya. Slowly."
Getting close to Simmons, Grif starts to whisper to him. "Uh, hey, Simmons? By the way, the ramp is secure."
As the three Reds are taking covered, they are suddenly joined by Donut, confused by all the shaking and explosion.
"Hey, what are you guys doing up here?!"
Grif quickly shouts to him, not wanting to get hit by the tank. "That chick in the black armor is back!"
"What chick?! The zoroark that stuck the grenade to my head?"
"That's the one."
"The same zoroark whose fault it is that I'm stuck in this light red armor?"
"Donut…I understand the need to safeguard your masculinity, but really, dude…It's a whole lot faster just to say pink."
"Ohho! Oh, I've been waiting for this!" Ignoring the constant explosion and danger, he gets to the top of the base, the tank in his point of view. "Hey, jerk! Remember me?! I saved something for ya!"
He then grabs a plasma grenade, already pulling back his arms to throw it. To the surprise of everyone, he launches the grenade so far that everyone just stares at the grenade as it arcs through the sky. While it's still in the air, Tucker couldn't help but let out a comment.
"Man, that girl has a really strong arm."
To shock everyone even more, the grenade ends up landing right on Tex, causing even the mercenary to be caught off guard. With only seconds left, she can only matter a few words.
"Aw, CRAP!'
Seeing that he hit his mark, Donut jumps in the air while shouting out loud. "Heck yeah! Three points, you dirty jerk!"
Then the grenade explodes, causing Tex to fall out of the Tank. Church, who was watching the whole thing, shouts out loud, claws on his head. "Arceus, no!"
He then leaves the base, heading towards the Tex while screaming out her name. Simmons and Grif just watch him as he leaves, confused at what he is doing. Scratching his head, Grif brings up a question, hoping that Simmons might have an answer.
"Uh, where's Lopez going?"
"To fight the enemy head on in claw-to-claw combat. Mano e Mano" Sarge surprises both of them by showing up, but they quickly go back to watching Lopez getting farther and farther away. "What a brave little compadre. Lopez, I never understood a word you said. But I do know one thing, you hated Grif. And that's the most important thing there is. Adios, amigo…Adios."
Simmons taps Sarge's shoulder to get his attention. "Shouldn't we help him?"
"Nah. That would just ruin the moment."
Church finally reaches Tex, seeing her body in the ground. The blast had given to many fatal injuries; they both knew that it wouldn't be long until Tex left. Tex looks at the krokorok, having a feeling that it might be Church, and gives him a small smile.
"Church, is that you? I-It's gone Church…The A.I., it's gone. Thank you."
With that, her final breath leaves her. Church falls to his knees, stricken with sadness at losing Tex. Meanwhile, Tucker was watching them and is now not looking forward to meeting up with Church.
"Crap. Church is going to be mad and now he's got a body to kick our butts. Come on, Caboose. Let's get back to base."
The mudkip, however, has different feelings at the moment. At being called Caboose, he starts to get mad. "I told you…my name isn't Caboose." He then slowly turns around, his voice suddenly getting deeper. "My name…is…O'Malley!"
Dun Dun Duuuuuunnnnn. Cliffhanger! But unfortunately, that's the end of the season. Looks like we will never know what this might mean…Oh wait, there's a whole bunch of seasons after this one! So you know what that means? I will be starting on season 2! Not sure when, but it will definitely come.
Again, thanks for everyone for the support you guys have given to this story. I really hope that you enjoyed this story as much as I did, it was fun to relive through how Red vs blue originally was.
So is this the end for the Reds and Blues? Far from it, we have only scratched the surface. There is still a big adventure waiting for these guys, one where they won't even know how much of a role they will play in.
Until next time, DRANICUS101…AWAY!