Author's Notes: Relatively 1uick update, right? After being inactive for over a year, I feel that this story and its readers deserve to finally have an active story that updates on something of a regular basis. Please note that this chapter almost definitely contains grammatical errors, so please, try to over-look them. So here we are, the second 'episode' of Strange Summer. Here we introduce yet another new character and another figure that terrifies Courage to no end. And Eddy's related to them.
Courageous Ed
Strange Summer
Chapter 5: When Strange Became Freaky
Eddy was beginning to associate mornings with general weirdness.
After all, his birthday party where he had received Courage had started in the morning. As did the strange incense-incident (great, he was trying to repress that), the arrival of the new neighbors and the latest catastrophe that had been the Were-Edd debacle. So, the teen had logically assumed that since all of these things occurred with the early sun than therefore mornings must be cursed for him.
It was bad enough he could no longer sleep in, thanks to his defiant alarm clock that had once more rang unnaturally loud and refused to be struck down until the boy conceded defeat and rose with a series of complaints. He'd cleaned himself and was in the middle of slipping on his clothes for the day, when his mother's voice echoed through the walls.
"Eddy!" her voice boomed "Come downstairs! There's someone I want you to meet!"
"Yeah, yeah! I'm coming!" He'd replied and felt the smoldering heat that was boring in his nap.
"You should talk to your mom better than that." The canine scolded, getting on all fours and shaking himself free from the droplets of water from his bath "She does provide for you and all."
The boy scoffed "As if she's ever home to do anything, but go to her office and sew. Besides, yelling's the only way to get anything done around here."
He pulled down his shirt and headed downstairs, Courage following behind him. As they descended down the steps, Courage got an eyeful of the woman who'd birthed his master. She wasn't skinny as he had envisioned the woman, but wasn't fat either. Pleasantly plump, she fiddled with the white stockings beneath her yellow sun dress, decorated with scenery that perfectly captured a beautiful mid-summer's day. Her hair was a rich hazel and she had styled it into a neat bob, held together by a bright, tulip hair-band. When she saw the pair, she greeted them with a small smile.
"Finally," she breathed and assumed a pose he remembered Muriel wearing many a time when confronting Eustace "I was beginning to think you didn't hear me. Or were ignoring me outright."
Eddy grumbled under his breath and walked into the living room, only to be greeted to a very strange sight. A man, dressed in a dull, olive colored suit with lime green collar with a purple tie hung from his neck sat crossed legs on the couch. His hair and eyebrows were both colored a dull, dirty blonde that stood out against his mocha toned skin. Eyes as green as a field of grass stared hauntingly at him, greeting him with a broad smile.
So absorbed was he by the man's appearance that he didn't even notice Courage cowering behind his leg. The canine's form fidgeted as his nerves fired rapidly in response to his growing fear and anxiety. He had never, in any of his wildest, horrifyingly twisted nightmare riddled dreams, had he expected him to show up again.
"Eddy," the sole woman in the room started "this is your cousin Fred. He'll be staying with us for a while. Now I'm off work. See to it he's familiar with the house by the time I get back. Have fun!"
The door slamming against the wooden frame was the only sound that was made for at least five minutes. Eddy simply stood in confusion, mulling over his mother's request in his head while his dog quickly ransacked his brain for the whereabouts of every possible exit. All while Fred sat on the couch. Sitting there. Staring at them.
Eddy finally broke the silence and tension that seemed to be rapidly forming in the room "Sooo…wanna get some breakfast? There's some cereal in the kitchen."
The man said nothing.
Eddy shrugged off his relations apparent weirdness and continued onward to the kitchen. Once there, he set about claiming a set of bowls, two spoons, and a box of one of the milder tasting sugary breakfast item. He eyeballed a fair amount of the multi-colored squares of whole-grain goodness before flooding them over with a larger than normal serving of milk. For Courage, a small mound of bacon-flavored kibble sufficed as his morning sustenance. Once he had everyone taken care of, Eddy dug his spoon into the bowl, sweeping a hearty portion of cereal into his mouth. He chewed thoughtfully, mulling over the savory tastes before preparing another…
…when he noticed Fred was staring at him.
Slowly, he lowered his head and pulled his spoonful in, chewing slower still. He took another bite, this one even slower than the last. He had made it through another five helpings.
Fred still stared at him with his prying eyes. Eyes of pulsing emerald.
"Uhh…" the Ed allowed his spoon to tilt the contents it held over its brim "you want something?"
Once more, Fred was silent.
By the time he had finished, the teen noticed that he was the only who had. Courage's food had gone largely untouched, his eyes never leaving the owner's relative. Fred's cereal had become wet and soggy, large clumps packing together and coloring the milk a rainbow of artificial colorings. They had moved to the living room and Eddy flicked on his TV, allowing the quiet chatter of Fishbowl III to fill the emptiness of the room.
He glanced to his left and noticed that his dog was still shaking like a leaf in the wind. Heck, he looked even worse than that. Like he'd just met the ghost of some long died adversary and was simply staring him down, hoping that alone would cause him to leave. He looked to his right and Fred was staring at him. Only this time he noticed the frown that was present on his face. A deep, patronizing smile a parent might give their child after they'd acquired a bruise or scrap. It was thoroughly unnerving.
"Has it always been like this?"
Eddy blinked. Then blinked again. He even rubbed his eyes for good measure. Had his cousin actually talked? He was beginning to belief that he was some kind of mute.
"Wha?" that was the only thing voice could articulate as a proper response to the fact that the man had actually said something to him
"Your hair." He insinuated his point by pointing at his three, lone strands with a slim finger "Has it always been only three strands?"
His awe was quickly replaced by a smoldering anger and it took a great effort not to growl at his older cousin "Yeah…since I was a baby. My folks said it'd grow out. Well, its thirteen years later and I still don't have a lot upstairs."
If he had been more observant, he would've noticed the double meaning of the phrase he'd just uttered by under his current influence of rage, it sailed right over his head. At his confession, Eddy noticed the man's frown growing only deeper and he had to call upon that anger management technique his friend had taught him in order to resist the urge to slug the man for giving him such a piteous look.
"I'm sorry to hear that." The genuine tone in his voice alleviated the boy's anger some
Once more, the room was filled with silence.
"So, what's your deal anyway?" Eddy blurted after another few minutes "Why'd you decide to come here anyway?"
"Ah," his face lifted as a smile slowly made itself onto his face "you see I've completed my designated curriculum at my institution and have decided to start anew in different setting. I tried to contact my Aunt Muriel but she was unavailable, strangely. Afterwards, I called my Aunt, your mother, and here I am."
"So you're a doctor or sumthin'?" Eddy asked, brow quirked. He seriously doubted he could deal with another doctor in the neighborhood
"No, no." he chuckled, as if it was a good-natured joke "I'm a barber."
Eddy looked at the man. Did he really think being a barber was more prestigious than being a doctor? When it plain to see who got more fame, chicks, and money? He shook his head, suddenly exhausted with the conversation and turned back to the movie which had by that point been replaced with the opening credits for some B-rated detective noir.
Double D had a hard time describing the newest development in his life.
Was it terrifying? Absolutely. Did it go against everything modern science had led him to believe? Without a doubt. Make him question his own sanity because of the surrealism of the situation? Of course.
Was it the most exhilarating and intense feeling he'd ever experienced? Yes. Yes to the thousandth power.
When he had regained consciousness those three nights ago, he'd been in a state of limbo, hovering between feeling ungodly sore and ungodly…invigorated. Of course, it all faded once he'd gotten a glimpse of himself and been told of what he'd done while in his semi-humanoid state. When he did, he acted instinctively: he screamed and fainted. The next day, he had returned to normal and since then, he couldn't, wouldn't return to his former form.
And yet he wanted to.
He could sense it. Feel the pure, unrestrained power pulse through his veins and send his mind reeling with those brief recollections of what it had brought him. Strength he'd never known, Agility he'd never be able to achieve, and Speed that he'd never be able to reach. The need to return was nearly over-powering. Every moment his mind was unoccupied, it'd be filled with those thoughts. Whispers of what that power could bring him…and he would feel his will buckle, his morality crumple beneath the enticing lure of such unparalleled might…The urge to shift, to give in, to let go and allow his animalistic Id regain control…
And every time, he'd snap out of it just in time and bury himself in work. Of any kind.
The fact that certain stimuli would only amplify these feeling only made things worse. He couldn't even go past Rolf's farm without his eyes gravitating towards the rabbit pen. His nostrils filling with the scent of fresh meat, eye glazing over as he took those unconscious steps forward. No! He'd shout to himself and force his mind back to the world around him. He wouldn't give in to such primal instincts. Even if it became harder each time he pulled away.
Ed had been happy.
His friend was cured and freed, Eddy wasn't telling him to do stuff when he'd rather be home watching movies, and he was at his sister's beck and call. Everything was great.
Edd would later come to envy at how ignorant his friend was to what happened around him.
When Rolf's family had received the news that their farm was finally free of the pest that had been terrorizing them, they had proudly declared a feast in their honor.
And their definition of feast vastly different than the rest of the cul-de-sac inhabitants.
Inside the house, a long, wooden table stretched from the front to the back of the room, taking up all space inside. Upon it lied what was perhaps the biggest hog to ever had the privilege to be caught, cooked, and served. It was surrounded by a sea of assorted delicacies ranging from squid that was skewered onto a wooden pike to balls of mucus looking balls of quivering jelly to slabs of green meat with the weirdest looking bone nestled within. At each of the seats rested a cup that was as big as Eddy's forearm, gleaming with gold and stubbed with shining rivets of silver and filled to the brim with a glistening, red drink.
"TO THE BRAVE WARRIORS OF THIS VILLAGE!" Rolf's mother bellowed from the top of her lungs, making nearly everyone present cringe under its volume "You must forgive me for my earlier comment. For now, I see that this village will soon become one of the greatest in all the land! Now eat, my friends, eat and be merry!"
The entirety of the foreign family dug their into their meal, hairy limps ripping and tearing pieces of food before quickly gulping it down with the aid of a healthy swig of the crimson liquid. Slowly, everyone else began eating as well. With the exception Ed (who's stomach could handle even the rigors of decomposing an entire mattress), everyone looked at the spread with wary eyes. Their hands hovered about, unsure of which dish would be safe to eat as many looked to be still alive.
Kevin had picked the food that he was most familiar with, having spent so much time around the blue-haired son-of-a-Sheppard. Dr. Gerhart, Nazz, and Jimmy picked the most inviting items before taking cautionary nibbles. Johnny and Gen both ate whatever was within reach as they've both eaten far worse things, a thought that terrified the others at the table. Eddy and Courage both sampled what they dared but mostly took to drinking the thick drink which slid smooth down their throats. Edd took the biggest piece of meat from the roast and began eating away at it with barely restrained hunger.
"So, Mister whom-I've-Never-Met," Rolf said through a mouthful of squid, pork, and bread "The pain-in-the-neck Ed-boy tells me you are a relative?"
"Yes," Fred said not particularly partaking in his meal "I've recently moved here after completing my curriculum at my former institution."
"What was it you did?" Rolf asked a bit off-handedly
"I'm a barber." Fred replied with a smile
The room broke into a symphony of clanking utensils and meat smacking against wood. The hairy clan all eyed the man with a look of awe and astonishment, as if he were a talking banana amidst a colony of primates. The rest of the table had ceased their meals as well; curious as to why the family had suddenly stopped eating from the man's simple reply.
"You are…a…a barber?" Rolf's mouth hung open, unable to close as he gapped at the Ed's cousin
Fred responded with a nod of his head.
No sooner than he did, everyone from the boy's family all scampered closer and started frantically nick-picking over every, tiny thing about him. His meal was swept up, carried off by a large, elderly woman where she seasoned it and pounded it more thoroughly with a mallet. A tall, broad shouldered man who was almost double Rolf's impressive height adjusted his chair while offering the barber a pelt of fine wolf's fur. Another well-built male presented him with a large axe and swiftly told heroic tales of its history. A thin, short woman lifted an impossibly large barrel and refilled his cup with what she promised was the finest ale their stores could produce.
Everyone stared at the scene before turning their eyes to the short Ed
"Hey, I'm just as surprised as you." He admitted and looked at his dog; he looked at the scene with even more amazement than anyone else.
"If I recall correctly," Which Edd did with his impeccable memory "Rolf once said that barbers were considered the 'Men among men' in this country. If that's the case, than Eddy's cousin must appear to be someone of quite a high station in their culture."
They all turned as one when Rolf's mother had offered up her arm as retribution.
"Gee, ya think?" Kevin and Eddy deadpanned
Rolf wrung his hands, completely beside himself.
How could they have allowed this to happen? They had served a barber the common fare of a hunting party. The moment they'd realized this, they'd been doing everything they could to make up for such a blatant display of disrespect. His father had offered his prized wolf pelt that he'd skin himself from his days of youth, Uncle Fordo gave up his trusted axe which had fell more trees than hairs on Rolf's head, and his sister Isa brought forth a tankard of the family's private stores of ales. He prayed that it would be enough to make up for their transgressions.
His fears only escalated when the revered man declined their gifts. His mother, in a desperate bid to save her family's honor and dignity, offered her favored arm as tribute. Once again he declined. Instead, to their surprise, he praised them on their humble home and quality of their meal. Then he went on to point out the loveliness of his mother's hair.
In their country, such a compliment was among the highest a woman could receive and the husband of that woman would be praised on his fine eye for the fairer sex. The fact that it had come from a barber only made it that much more potent. The strong woman found herself overcome with a wave of dizziness, her knees nearly buckling beneath her feet. The boy caught his mother and set her to her feet and soon, his father and the rest of his family were bombarding him with questions about his work.
The meal that had been near disastrous had been saved and was now alive with mirth as they welcomed the barber formally to their home. After their feast, they ushered their guest into the living room and offered him the biggest, comfiest chair that had been hastily unwrapped and offered his feet support by way of a decorative ottoman. His father was quick to tell tales of his past adventures as a young man while his sister dared to sit closer to the esteemed man, eyes half-lidded and so openly admiring that Rolf could practically see the mountain sprites dancing about her. He doubted the girl would ever catch his attention but if she did…Rolf felt a burst of excitement fill his chest at the thought of a barber in their family.
"You should ask." The boy whirled his head back towards the mountain of man that was his uncle.
"I-I," Rolf stammered, eyes flickering from the barber to his uncle and back again "I can't. Rolf could never be up to the standards of someone of such…esteem."
"You sell yourself short like always, my nephew." The man chuckled, slapping a hand on the lad's shoulder "I am sure that he would be honored to have you."
Rolf met his uncle's gaze "You believe this?"
The man smiled a broken toothy smile "As sure as milk curdles."
With this boost of confidence, the boy turned and puffed out his chest before making his way towards the man. His father's animated chattered abruptly died when he saw how his son approached and his sister snapped her head at him, eyes stern and understanding. Fred simply gave the boy a perplexed expression.
"Mister Baber Sir," he spoke as clearly as possible, ignoring the growing nervous knot in his stomach "I would like to ask to be your apprentice. Would you have me?"
The man placed a finger to his chin, a thoughtful look on his face. Rolf felt his bravo fading as the thought of rejection filled his mind. How would he face his family if such dishonor was bestowed upon him? He erected himself, ready to face whatever answer the man might speak.
"Hmm, I am in need of some assistance for when I restart my shop…" he allowed himself the mull over the thought in his head for a few more seconds "Alright, I accept. You may be my apprentice."
At that moment, Rolf could've sworn his heart burst with joy.
After his cousin's casual declaration of his profession, the large, brawny clan of blue haired foreigner had all but abandoned them at the massive dinner table. They all sat in near silence, finishing their meal while Ed held one-sided conversation on the most mundane and absurd topics that only someone of Ed's mental faculties could produce. The doctor would nod his head and offer his own opinion between bites whilst everyone else took to finishing their meals.
Once they had done, they all stood to leave…
…When the joyful cry of Rolf ripped through the home, rattling the building to its foundations and threatening to destroy the group already damaged eardrums. Eddy was the first to recover and was swept into a bone-crushing hug that rivaled that given by the big lug himself. But instead of huge, greasy sleeves that smelt of aged cheese, he was currently being crushed by twin logs of pure muscle that were covered with hair and the scent of sweat and exhilaration.
"Oh, thank you, he-of-noble-blood Ed boy!" the tall boy shouted, increasing his grip "Thank you for bringing your esteemed relations for without whom, Rolf wouldn't have been deemed worthy to become his apprentice!"
The short Ed struggled for air, hands clawing at the impossibly strong arms as his lungs filled with carbon dioxide backup. He would've used his signature uppercut if he a) wasn't afraid it would work and b) that if it did, he'd anger the boy and get another beat down like the last time he'd fought the boy.
"Apprentice?" Ed asked, scratching his none-existent chin "Like those guys in the fancy white rove-thingies that go around banishing demons with holy soda bottles and unpackaged steak?!"
A crowd of blank stares answered him, each wondering how the boy had come to such an inane conclusion at such a startling speed. Double D sighed, shaking his head at his friend's complete lack of knowledge.
"No, Ed." He corrected "An apprentice is someone who studies under a master in order to learn their and later become a master themselves. I didn't know your cousin Fred was looking for an apprentice."
Eddy's response was a garble of incoherent gagging as his legs flailed about in the air, eyes bulging and face rapidly turning shades of violet. He was then suddenly dropped, Rolf having been taken by a fit of laughter just as a large, white feather retreated back in the nothing behind Courage's back.
"Thanks." Eddy managed after several seconds of gulping down the sweet, sweet oxygen as it coated his lungs
"No problem." The dog said with a shrug of his shoulders "What're pets for?"
Eddy opened his mouth to reply with snide and possibly hurtful wisecrack when Rolf sudden appeared before them clad in a strange armor. Grey fur covered his entire upper-body with another animal skin of unknown origin tied to his waist and drooping just above a pair of thick, leather boots. A large, bleached skull belong to some long dead bird of prey sat atop his skull, forming a mask that obscured his mouth and covered his eyes. In his hands was gripped a large, blue and white swordfish with a long, narrow snout.
"Now then," Rolf's voice came out with an airy echo from behind the helmet "Let us go and prove our worth."
Night had descended quicker than expected upon the cul-de-sac, the street lamps humming to life to illuminate the well-worn walkways.
But they were bare, for the majority of the residents were presently in the thick, ancient woods that bordered the tiny settlement. Dry leaves crunched under their soles, the ground cracked and littered with snares of parasitic weeds that managed to crop to the surface. The trees were surprising empty, only adding to the uneasy atmosphere that the night had created. Even the company of six armed-to-the-gills members of the muscle-bound clan did little to ease their quickly waning nerves.
Double D quickly noted that he had been on more hunting trips in the past week than he been on in his entire twelve-year-old existence. It was easy to link them back to Eddy and his newest canine companion, but he found his mind drifting elsewhere to more important and prominent concerns.
Being in the woods remained him too much of what it was like before. Too be on edge, his guard raised and snapping alert at the slightest shift in the breeze. His muscle went taunt at the mere possibly of nearing danger and he would find himself drifting between nervous teeth-chattering and full-out growling. It was taking everything he had to simply keep himself in check, let alone trying to even being to understand this strange, frightening, and wondrously glorious curse.
"You are nervous." Edd turned, his hand balling into a fist and eyes narrowing instinctively at the sudden voice.
He quickly recognized the man as Fordo, Rolf's uncle and quickly calmed himself with help from a few relaxation techniques he'd taught himself over the past few days to help deal with his violent mood swings. After several seconds and with certainty that the primal feelings had passed, he addressed the man.
"Yes. Being in a forest this large so late at night does have a tendency to fray one's nerves." He had resumed his teeth-chattering, hands briskly rubbing the length of his arms despite the more than warm night air.
"No. You are nervous about something else. Your curse most likely."
The boy's hands froze, as did he as his head peered up at him in complete disbelief. He said nothing, his eyes conveying the message for him.
"My nephew told me of you: He-who-has-been-cursed-by-the-Beast. I can understand your nervousness." He crossed his massive arms, the blow fish mace swinging slowly from his hand.
Edd sighed "I had hoped it would've been behind me after that night, when I changed back to normal…But it's still there. I can feel it: phantom voices in my head, a longing for that past power. I've been able to fight it off so far, but…I can only wonder how long I'll be able to hold out before this-this disease finally consumes me."
Silence fell between the two for a time before the man broke it "Change."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Change." He stated once more, this time stopping and placing a heavy hand on the boy's shoulder "Do not fear this power inside you. Do not fight it. Embrace it. But when you do, hold tight to yourself. Your honor. Your dignity. Remember who you are and who you will be."
Double D said nothing, even as Fordo pulled away his hand and continued along the path with the group. All he could manage was to turn and star at the man and ponder the advice he'd given him.
"So Stretch's doin' this why?" Eddy asked the large form of Rolf's mother
The woman, clad in a large fur cloak with a flounder slung from her shoulder, looked down at the boy with a small smile "Your esteemed relative has offered my son a chance to prove himself worthy to be his apprentice. As our ways tell us, he must fulfill the task of slaying one of his master enemies in single combat, proving himself fit to become his ward."
Eddy cocked an eyebrow and looked down at his dog, who was wearing a similar expression. Clearly Rolf's family had the weirdest traditions and customs, but why would Fred even agree to let Rolf do something so crazy? And there was still the unsolved reason behind Courage's out-right fear of him. Sure, he was afraid of pretty much anything that moved but his cousin seemed fine enough. So why was the dog so afraid?
"Shush." Rolf's hand shot up, signaling the entire party to halt at once
His eyes swept over the area, scanning the clearing with keen, trained senses. And then, it appeared. From behind the large, jagged rock trees fell to their doom and foliage and stone cracked sinisterly beneath a series of massive, deafening thuds. Jimmy cowered behind Sarah while the good doctor was stationed behind the nature-loving Johnny, who quickly chatted with his best friend about the nature of the noise. Rolf sight narrowed and with a flick of his wrist, the swordfish went flying towards the commotion.
The sound brought nearly everyone outside of the hardened, blue-haired clan to their knees, hands held tight to their ears in vain attempt to protect their hearing. A huge figure emerged from the forest: a large, pink bear in a white uniform with Rolf's weapon impaled into its arm. The sight of it elicited a brief moan from Jimmy and Gerhart before they both promptly fainted into the waiting arms of their protectors. Gin retrieve a small revolving pistol concealed within his boot while Eddy fumbled through his pockets in search of the whimsical toy that had saved his life previously.
"There you are, beast." Rolf said calmly and surely "To prove his worth as an apprentice, Rolf shall now vanquish thee in a duel!"
"He can't possibly be serious?!"Double D yelled from behind Ed, willing to ignore the oaf powerful odor for guaranteed safety "That Ursus arctos is more than twice his size!"
"Ha! You should see the beast we had back home in my youth." Rolf father bellowed with a hearty laugh "Now those were some beasts!"
"Enough of this chat-chittering!" Rolf called to the bear "Do you accept?"
The beast let out a deafening roar, blowing back the young lad's mane and sending a rain of spittle and foul wind.
"Very good then." Rolf then leapt forward, swiftly snatching the swordfish from the beast arm and landing into a fighting pose "Have at thee, then!"
As the bear charged, Courage looked up and tugged on his owner's sleeve as a shaking paw pointed frantically at the sky. The boy looked up and noticed that the sky was rapidly transforming as a thick blanket of clouds shrouded the moon and casted a red and blue shade over the landscape. Eddy felt a tremor of terror run up his spine at the familiarity of the scene.
"This is so cool!" Ed shouted, munching from a bowl of popcorn that he'd summoned from nowhere "It's just like the climax of Guy vs. Man-Beast: the Trilogy of a Sequel!"
All eyes were glued to the fight before them. Rolf swung his fish in a manner that displayed skill and prowess like they'd never seen from the boy before. The bear roared, bit, and slashed, but his power was useless against the boy's unyielding defense and greater agility. Rolf swung the fish swiftly and the beast shielded its face, anticipating the attack. Several slicing sounds were heard and the beast cringed. It opened an eye and looked down at himself, seeing his form intact. With a feral grin, he lurch forward…
…Only for his white clothes to peel off all at once, leaving him in nothing but the ragged remains of his pants, which were hastily been slashed into a crud set of briefs. A series of uproarious laughter exploded from the group, a few stifling their snickering with hands before breaking down as well. Insulted, the beast dove at Rolf, maw wide and ready to chop down on the boy. He was unfazed and jetted at his opponent and striking out with his weapon.
The sharp snout of the fish poked into the bear's eye and it recoiled in pain, stomping wildly to avert its attention from the pain of its injured eyeball.
"You're a meanie." It whimpered before hobbling off into the distance
"And the deed is done!" Rolf shouted, lifting the swordfish high and signaling his family to break off into thunderous cheers.
"Very well, done." Fred said with a smile, placing a hand on Rolf's shoulder "I know you'll make a fine barber."
A rush of rouge flooded the tall boy's face and he flashed his new mentor a wry smile. Soon, his father had swept him up and onto his shoulders, the group's cheerful shouting and congratulatory cries a parade as they marched back to the cul-de-sac. Only Eddy and Courage had remained, still staring up at the sky, watching as the clouds parted and scattered to the winds. Lying in wait until the next challenge was issued by a member of the strange folk.
"My life just keeps getting weirder." The two said in unison and shared a look
With a shrug, Eddy turned and started back towards home when a gleam caught his attention. His hand wrapped around the object and he held it to the moonlight, eye squinted as he struggled to read the text on the rectangular plastic.
My name is: Teddy
Property of the Home of Freaky Barber, a subsidiary of the Nowhere Institute for the Weridly Mad. If found, please call 555-1234
The teen nearly dropped the card to the ground.
He re-read it a few more times, just to make sure he was reading it correctly.
His cousin Fred was insane. He was an insane, freaky barber who would be living in his house for an undetermined period of time. He gave his dog a look and he saw that his eyes were wide with fright, his form shaking as a series of violent, fearful tremors broke through him. He could only imagine what his cousin had did to his dog.
Eddy had tossed on his night clothes and head cap quickly, his eyes constantly checking the door, which now had about four more locks including a chain, padlock, and security scanner. He knew he was being paranoid, that his dog's own degraded mental state was wearing off on him, but in this case, he knew it was warranted. He only had the three strands on his head and he didn't want his cousin anywhere near them. Oh, and it's be pretty messed up if he shaved Courage too.
Said dog was currently on his position near the foot of the bed, his eyes also checking the door, waiting in case the barber decided to pay the two a late night visit. Eddy was in the middle of brushing his teeth when the door handle jiggled. The room went deathly quiet, its sole inhabitants staring at the door in dreadful anticipation. Soon, the entire door frame rocked back and forth from the furious prodding on its other side and the Ed quickly procured a solid oak bat from beside his bed, shaking hands at the ready. Then, the door burst open and Courage screamed, latching onto the teen's head.
"Ah, there you are, he-whose-head-is-flat-as-a-footrest." Rolf said cheerfully, covered in his own pale yellow sleep wear and cap "Rolf would simply like to offer his thanks for one introducing me to your esteemed relative. Many pleasant dreams, Ed boy!"
With that the door slammed and the two were left alone.
Eddy groaned and using the bat, pried Courage from his face. The teen rubbed his ear, giving the broken locks of his door an agitated look
"We should replace those." Courage said, climbing back to bed
"Yeah…but now, I'm beat." Eddy replied and yawned loudly
As he made his way to bed, he contemplated his life so far. After turning thirteen, he now had a cowardly, fuchsia colored dog, a Were-Mole for a best friend, a die-hard, retired U.S General and Music loving doctor as neighbors, a psychotic, freaky barber cousin living in their spare room, and Oh! And thanks to some sick, twist of faith, Rolf as well, for the remainder of his time as an apprentice.
Eddy settled to sleep and closed his eyes, groaning over the pitiful state of his life before finally falling to sleep; one hand on Courage and the other the bat.
Author's Notes: Okay! What'd you think? I know I kinda hinted at Double D turning into a were-mole again all the way throughout the chapter and he never did. But it'll happen soon, trust me. Rolf's family will become major characters later in the story, specifically his sister and uncle, who has a pretty shady past...
Next time on Courageous Ed, Eddy's life getting even weirder when he and his friends are invited to the city to watch Ed perform on live television! But there seemed to be something fishy about this business…And why's their agent a giant, talking insect? Find out in the next installment of CE. TTFN!