Greetings to everyone, this is the story you all been waiting for. A Season 2 of Beast Wars, & I bet many are itching to see…what sort of events may happen. Well after much time, effort, & a bit of research parts by the King Of Visions, we'll get to experience a new story filled with new marvels of thrills, chills, action & suspense. Followed by at the very end where one will ENVISION something that will be the wildest dream come true. So then, what are we waiting for, it's time to begin…

Beast Wars

Season 2

Chapter 01: Aftermath

Last Time In Season One's Finale, Optimus Primal took a remodel Stasis Pod to act like an escape ship with one path…towards the alien Planet Buster. The plan was to use a Transwarp Explosion to take out the alien weapon bent on destroying the Earth & wiping out not only Maximals & Predacons, but all other lifeforms; including the humans that live on that world. But unknown to anyone, from the treachery by Taranulas & the sneaky fowl play by Megatron, Optimus was on a one way ticket with no return. With a final cry from Optimus Primal when Megatron rub the Maximal Commander in pity he won't see how things end, the pod reach into the core of the alien machine, as it exploded soon afterwards. The explosion caused a chain reaction, stopping the Planet Buster from destroying the planet, & imploded in a grand explosion: unleashing energy shockwave rings to spread & expand followed by part debris mix with Optimus Primal's own…

And now, our story continues…



The scene begins to open around as everything was pitch dark. The monitors in the Command Center were on static, as the lights seem to have gone dark at this hour. Those seen in the Command Center were the only active Maximals around. There was Rattrap, Airazor, Tigatron, Cheetor, K-9, Armordillo, Wolfang, Razorbeast, Snarl, Jackrabbit, Bonecrusher, Dive-Bomb, B'Boom, Claw Jaw, Cybershark, Diver, Gimlet, Sharp Edge, Grizzly-1, Wingblade, Leo, Override, Larkshot, Aquarius, Mach Kick, Iron Duke, Auroras, Ivor, Icthyo, Grimlock, Drifter & Lynxa each showed their expression of a silent shock look. Even their human allies from Jeremie, Ulrich, William, Yumi, Sissi, Odd, Aelita & Artemis, were just as equally shock by how things occurred. Because at this time when it looked like the Planet Buster was about to destroy them, something occurred that saved them all, but rejoicing was far from their minds. For the static connection was lost, & the one on the line, was lost to…

"Big…Bot?" Cheetor slowly spook out in shock, what happened to their commander: they just, lost Optimus Primal's signal without warning.

"What…just happened?" B'Boom asked in feeling so confused, unsure in what to take any of this.

"How the Galaxy would I know, I'm as lost as anyone here?" Grizzly-1 protest out loud, this whole thing has gone way over.

While everyone was lost in what had occurred, no one was paying attention to…a certain She-spider Predacon.

"It's time for this lady to go." Blackarachnia issued forth under her breath: with the Maximals distracted, she slips down a corridor hall with one thing in mind: Escape Under Confusion.

"We must gather our thoughts, & approach this carefully." Iron Duke spoke while being in a calm position, trying to not let his emotions run wild.

"Darling, I think we can agree, this is NOT what we were expecting?" Aquarius exclaimed to say while feeling even this cadet felt this action wasn't right.

"Well Jeremie, any ideas?" Ulrich asked in looking to the smart guy in the room.

"Ugh, well…maybe check the system? Maybe there's something we missed?" Jeremie quickly thought about it before coming up with some kind of ideal matter.

"Good thinking smart guy, stand aside." Rattrap stated on the kid having thought up something that can get them answers.

Wasting no time to be spacing out, Rattrap sat in a console chair to rotate it near the console monitor to try to get the screen to work.

"Oh come on? COME ON!" Rattrap begged out for the system to work for him, but no dice. "Neigh!/Punch!" Then he smashed his fist in the screen that caused the static to disappear & bring the base's functions back online. "Hugh, that's better?" Rattrap signed with relief that he got the system to work now. "Computer; Report!" He issued forth in liking an update on the current situation.

"Alien Construct - Destroyed." Sentinel issued off to state that the Planet Buster that tried to destroy the planet, was no more.

"Ohhh! Later for 'that' hunk of junk! Where's Optimus?" Rattrap snapped off in not caring about such cases, as he & everyone had pressing matters of concern to deal with: the whereabouts of their leader that dived in to destroy the alien device that would have destroyed them all.

"Yeah! Give us the Important Stuff!" Jackrabbit exclaimed in feeling on edge here.

"What has happened to our commander?" Drifter asked in also sounding much concern, they must know the truth.

Much time passed, as the system run a diagnostic review & scan on Optimus Primal's whereabouts. Everyone gathered to hear the news that would impact the moment of suspense, their worries, & fears…

"Unit…Optimus Primal…" Sentinel's voice was heard in about to make this statement while slowly processing the data, preparing to reveal news on Optimus' case.

But the news, would be unsettling because Optimus Primal was…



"Destroyed." The female computer voice showed a tech-sphere that displayed Optimus Primal's data, labeling off in Cybertronian language that the Maximal Commander was…destroyed.

And from that, caused many of the other Predacons that gather around Megatron on their hover platforms to let off evil cackles to point & tease; finding this news wondrous that the Maximal Commander was….no more. They were all present by Megatron: Terrorsaur, Waspinator, Scorponok, Razorclaw, Lazorbeak, Manterror, Iguanas, Spittor, Shadow Panther, Snapper, Double Punch, Buzz Saw, Manta Ray, Scylla, Sky-Byte, Ripteeth, Sling, Insecticon, Jetstorm, Powerpinch, Retrax, Drill Bit, Vice Grip, Dragon Wing, Leatherhide, Venomess, Fractyl, Killer Punch, Archadis, Hardhead, Raid Jango, & Rime Walrus. Course only a few were heard laughing sinisterly while the serious types, remain silent to absorb the news of Optimus Primal's demise.

"Seems like things have certainly turn from the worse, to our favor." Venomess smiled off in seeing the situation favor them now.

"Yes! We get to live another day!" Sling cheered off stupidly that they are alive.

"The-hahahaha, too bad the same can't be said for the other side." Ripteeth laughed off in amusement to state the Maximals aren't taking the news as good as they are.

"Megatron. You've done it!" Scorponok came to congrats his leader in succeeding such an in accomplishment. "GUuuaugh?" But then yelped when he was pushed off by Megatron in needing his space.

"Wazzpinator happy to zee the end of Alien Machine. Teheheehh…" Waspinator was seen nearby sounding very pleased to see that the weapon meant to destroy the planet they live was no more. "And Optimus Primal too." He issued off to say in patting Megatron's right shoulder in being glad an enemy that lead the Maximals is no more, thanks to the Predacon Commander's sly action on the event.

"Gruhuhuhuh….Yes…I am good, aren't I?" Megatron lets off a low chuckle to compliment himself in feeling the job was well deserve on his part.

"GRuuuo-oowwhh…" Then Megatron whacks Waspinator from his side in being too close, much to the bug bot moaning from the pain.

"But we can discuss my brilliance later." Megatron became serious as he cuts off the times to marvel at his victory can be discussed later in due time. "Now there is work to be done." Megatron declared off that they have some work that needs their attention.

"Work?" Spittor raised an eyebrow in having heard this out of nowhere.

"Well that was a short celebration." Insecticon pointed off in how short they were enjoying the moment.

"What kind of…work?" Terrorsaur hovered nearby in liking to know, what sort of work they are discussing.

"The Predacon kind." Megatron cuts in to state this off with a stone cold tone about the work they need to work with. "We must defeat the remaining Maximals while they mourn their poor…departed leader." Megatron explained forth the plan, while the Maximals feel traumatized over Optimus Primal's demise, they'll strike.

"I see…without a leader, their group will be in total chaos." Shadow Panther held his chin to see how they can use the chaos to their advantage.

"Yes, but don't forget, they have a few that can lead squad units the same as us." Sky-Byte pointed off that there are some Maximals that can lead, thus they are some Field Commanders if trouble should arise.

"Please, during such confusion, they will let their emotions distract & block their judgement." Drago Wing waved off in stating they shouldn't be worried in the slightest.

"Hmmm…sounds like we'll have the upperhand. And then what comes next?" Hardhead hummed to himself before the bot was curious, how would they proceed.

"Huhuhhuhu….next will be easy for anyone to do." Megatron let off a low dark chuckle in commenting what comes next. "Once we defeat the Maximals, the final objective will be to seize the Key they no doubt have aboard their base. Keeping it safe from the alien device meant to destroy us, & now it's time…to collect what's ours." Megatron declared in what the next step will be, seizing Aelita, the Key, for their evil plot. "This Will Be…THE FINAL BATTLE!" He smiled forth to grasp his left fist in declaring the final battle: is at hand.

"BUrrrmmm-Buuurrmmm…" Suddenly at this time, the alarms were going off as the Predacon Base was detecting…a problem. "Warning! Sensors Detect Quantum Surge Approaching Planet." The female computer voice issued off to alert with a digital image of a surge of Quantum energy coming at them like a supernova wave.

"Wait, a Quantum Surge!?" Double Punch yelped a bit in surprise by such things.

"Wow, that's an unexpected buzz kill at the moment?" Sling raised an eyebrow in thinking the good mood was shifted suddenly.

"To your stations, quickly!" Megatron gave a stern glare in ordering his troops to their stations, something was about to come, & they must brace for it.

"What's going on?" Manta Ray asked puzzled in what was going on.

"NRrruaagh….a Quntuam Surge…is the results in performing a Transwarp Explosion. Part shockwave & part energy/radiation wave, & it's heading straight for us!" Raid Jango snarled off as he access the screen labtop nearby in being a security monitor to know, the danger they are about to face.

"What'll happen when it hits?" Scylla asked in not liking the sounds of this.

"We're about to find out." Fractyl issued off that whatever is coming, they best be ready.



Returning to the Command Center, everyone was still absorbing the facts; that Optimus Primal, the Maximal Commander…was now no more. Cheetor felt so down that he drop into a console chair, the young cadet who cared for the commander like a best friend, & losing a best friend to save them all…is a harsh way to go.

"Hugh…I should have been on that pod?" Cheetor sat as he sulked in feeling he should have flow that pod to destroy the Planet Buster, not their commander: not Optimus of all bots.

"Easy Cheetor. Optimus did what he thought was best." Airazor rested her hand on Cheetor & spoke in trying to cheer the young cadet up about knowing why Optimus did such a risk. "And saved the whole planet doing it." She spoke with honesty in knowing that Optimus did the action as the greater call of duty; putting one's needs aside for the sake of every life on this world.

"Not just the planet, but everything that lives on it." Yumi pointed out that Optimus saved all life living on their world.

"Including all of humanity." Sissi looked down how their friends, family, all humanity, owes Optimus a thanks for saving them.

"Even so…things are not gonna be the same around here…not without Optimus around." Bonecrusher looked down in sulking over the fact, things won't be the same without Optimus around.

"Yeah, he kepted us in check, no who's gonna do that?" Razorbeast nodded in also agreeing that whenever some of the bots…well, broke things, Optimus kept them straight.

"Hey, ease up, lets try to remember him for what he did. Right?" Diver slipped in to try to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah, I…I guess we can try?" Gimlet shtug off lightly to say, but the effort was only half-working.

"But still it makes no sense, why didn't he leave the ship as plan?" Tigatron asked off in why Optimus Primal did not perform the plan as they gone over: eject from the pod when it was close enough for a self-destruct.

"I agree, I mean come on, even Grimlock would have left before going into the mouth of a Planet Buster." Mach Kick exclaimed in thinking anyone could have flown a ship & then eject before getting too close to destroy a Planet Buster.

"Yeah, me Grimlock would….ugh, wait, was that sarcasm or a remark?" Grimlock was almost gonna say, but stopped to think in how this discussion was sounding fishy.

"Even so, Optimus would not make such an error. So how did this occur?" Tigatron questioned why Optimus didn't bail out, it made no sense.

Then Rattrap had the console chair slide back near Tigatron in hearing the topic about why Optimus' plan didn't proceed as they went over.

"Good question?" Rattrap commented to stand up from the seat, thinking something was rotten about the whole thing backfiring. "And I know 'just' who to ask?" He was narrow his eyes in sounding a bit ticked in knowing, who to ask that was 'in-charge' of helping them.

Rattrap took his blaster out to aim it directly by the center console table, but…there was no one there.

"Slag! That sneaky ball of legs took it on a lamb." Rattrap cursed off in seeing that Blackarachnia fled the scene when no one was looking.

"She must have slipped away while we were mourning losing Optimus." Auroras narrow his eyes in seeing the she-spider made use of their distraction of losing their commander.

"She must have sabotaged the pod. That's the only explanation why Optimus didn't escape." Lyxna stated with an upset expression, how could the she-spider do that after Optimus was going easy on the young fembot of the Predacons.

"It…may not have been her…specifically?" Artemis spoke up to say this in bringing attention.

"What do you mean Artemis?" Icthyo approach the gynoid in why she would say such a thing.

"She was trying to get the plans for the pod from Tarantulas, but he was unconscious. So…she perform a Cortical Psychic Patch." Artemis explained what Blackarachnia was doing at the time.

"What's that?" Jackrabbit raised an eyebrow in not knowing about some procedure.

"A procedure that was banned by the Autobots, you can look into another bot's memory, but the mental experience could be costly." Leo explained firmly in the older bots having heard about such a procedure, & how dangerous it is.

"They say sometimes, one bot's mind, can end up with the thoughts of another bot from going into their body." Override explained how risky such an attempt would happen, & what it does.

"Then…Taranulas might have done so?" Aelita pondered to think that Taranulas was the real culprit.

"Not likely, we caught Inferno, he might have setup the sabotage if the spiders wanted to escape the planet." Wingblade shook his head in thinking a third party was responsible.

"Lets find Blackarachnia & interrogate her for answers." K-9 spoke in making this suggestion, find the Pred & get the truth from her.

"I'll hunt her down." Tigatron issued off to say with a firmly serious expression; if Blackarachnia is the culprit of what happened to Optimus, he will not let her escape.

Soon Tigatron was transforming into his Beast Mode form while letting off a tiger's growl. The hunt for who sabotage Optimus' ship was about to begin until…

"Alert!/BEEP-BEEP!" Sentinel's voice was heard from some beeping noises that caught everyone's sudden attention. "Quantum Surge Detected. Vector 597!" The male computer voice issued off in stating what was detected to be approaching them from the coordinates.

"Woah, hold it stripes!" Rattrap issued off to stop Tigatron from going anywhere with a worried look. "I think we got a BIGGER problem?" Rattrap issued off to say this in feeling concern about what's coming their way.

"Um, how big we talking about?" Odd asked in having a bad feeling in where this may go depending on the response…

"Bigger then you can even know it." Wolfang explained the case which made everyone become worried now.



The scene changes to show Blackarachnia was in Beast Mode, & was crawling on the ceiling down the corridor hall until it came to a 'T' shape split of left & right.

"If I remember right? The exit is this way." Blackarachnia issued off to recall the exit out of the Axelon was to the left.

Suddenly without warning, the she-spider yelped as her eyes glowed…green!? She struggled from what was happening to her, as if feeling…something was wrong.

"Mustn't go yet…Partner." Blackarachnia wave off her feelers as she spoke, but not in her own voice, it was the witty remarks of…Tarantulas!

At this moment, Blackarachnia jump down from the ceiling to transform into Robot Mode: reacting in an alarm state.

"Tarantulas!?" Blackarachnia exclaimed off to mention the name of the twisted scientist she partnered with, but he's no where in sight. "Where Are You?" She demanded to know where Tarantulas was, how can she hear him when he isn't physically present. "AAAHhh-AARrrughhhhh!" Then she made a loud she-shriek as she clutch her head.

Everything in Blackarachnia's world view flash a bright green, & then spark out as a tiny light within a dark world. Slowly, Blackarachnia finds herself in a dark place where a light shined from above; just where was she taken, was it…Tarantulas' doing?

"Teheheh-Hahahaaahh…" Tarantulas was heard making his wicked & creepy little laughter in the echoes. "I'm HERE! Inside your pretty little head." He spoke off as a voice to explain, that he was inside Blackarachnia's head. "Controlling your pretty little thoughts." He explained forth that he was in charge in how to make the she-spider obey him.

That's when it hit her, Blackarachnia was trying to get the info out of Tarantulas' mind, but while she was at it, he secretly uploaded his consciousness into the she-spider when his body was damaged.

"Uuuuagh…Don't count on it, Quasar-Brain!" Blackarachnia groans in disturbed reaction to having been told this. "Nobody Controls ME!" She snapped off that she is her own, no one controls her but herself.

"Hehehahaahh…You always were Amusing?" Tarantulas' voice was heard cackling in being amused by such defiance. "Unhappily, we have no more time to PLAY!" He issued off in sadly stating, the time of playing around is far pass them.

"Trrisisvhmmm…/ARrrughhh-ARrrughhh!" Blackarachnia yelped as without warning, she was caught…in an Energon Spider-Thread web trap. "ARRRUUAArrrrughhaaaahhhh!" The She-spider was heard making a loud shrieking cry of what was happening to her.

"The-Hah-Hah-Hah-Hah-Hah-Hah-Hah…." Then all of Blackarachnia's world revealed she was a tiny prey caught in the web of Tarantulas in his spider Beast Mode; as he found this amusing to his sick twisted sense of humor.

"ARRrugh-ARRRuagh-ARRAAAughhh….ARRRRAarrrrr…" For all her shrieks & cries, Blackarachnia was now a prisoner under Tarantulas' complete control over her own will.

Everything soon goes into total darkness from events occurring within the mind…


Above the Earth, the Quantum Surge was seen approaching the planet at a vast speed. The energy force that it was admitting looked like nothing no one has ever seen. The scariest part, was what happens after it makes contact with the planet's surface.



In an underground shelter, Mr. Belpois was seeing a large gathering of crowds of fellow town's folk of Antigo gossiping & panicking. Because many wanted to get out, believing that the shaking that was going on from the Planet Buster was no more, believed it was safe to leave.

"Everyone calm down! HIGH-TECH is not letting us out, not until all is safe. Professor Sumdac has said so." Mr. Belpois tried to use a mike speaker to speak loudly to get the crowd to calm down.

"But Mr. Belpois, what about my sister Yumi, Jeremie & the others?" Hiroki asked from nearby, worried if his sister was gonna be okay.

"Right, what's happening outside?" Johnny asked in also sounding a bit worried.

"I wish I could tell you, but…" Mr. Belpois was about to say until…

"BRuuvhmm-Bruvhmmm….Bruvhmm…." Then without warning, loud siren alarms & red flashing alert lights went off, causing folks to become worried. "Attention! Everyone must remain where they are, due to the alien craft's destruction, the planet is about to face an energy wave crisis. We at HIGH-TECH will use our devices to help shield mankind from the affects as best we can." A male voice was heard on the loud speaker function, warning everyone of some danger coming & would provide some protection.

Course that announcement did not settle well with all those pack together, & believed the worse has yet to come...

"Something is heading towards us?" Amelia yelped in hearing this news.

"That doesn't sound good?" Tamiya stated in thinking that can't be good.

"Mr. Sumdac, what's going on?" Mr. Belpois used a nearby monitor to talk to the professor on the other side.

"I'm afraid it's as the announcement reported. Something is heading for the planet, get everyone to treat this like an earthquake, hurry! We're not sure if even the tower's energy can withstand such a force." Professor Sumdac issued off a warning after confirming they are not out of the woods yet.

Mr. Belpois seem really worried because that news, did not sound good at all. Without delay, the area began to shake, & the man had to organize everyone for an earthquake drill precaution of what's to come.



Changing the scene to the Maximal Base, everything began to shake & alarms were going off like crazy. Nearly everyone was bracing for the impact that was coming. Some of the Maximals were at different console controls in pressing buttons to set everything for a defensive encounter.

"Exterior shields to Maximum!" Cheetor reported in that the setting of the shields are at their max course.

"We got power fluctuations all over the board." Airazor issued off in noticing something of their situation. "They'll never hold?" She exclaimed that at this rate, everything will drop due to the energy output difference they are about to endure.

"Make Them Hold!" Rattrap then turned around from his console screen to issue this off with a firm remark. "Optimus didn't Blown himself up, just so we could get scrapped by Space Junk!" The rodent remarked off that after everything Optimus did to save them & the planet, only to get wasted by falling space debris was the last on anyone's mind.

"That isn't very encouraging, rodent-face!" Jackrabbit remarked off that hearing about their commander being blown up isn't a helpful thing to be reminded of.

"Neither is smart-remarks, hare-ball!" Rattrap glared at the rabbit bot for not realizing, they have no time to rethink the situation coming at them.

"Would you two FOCUS Already!" Dive-Bomb snapped off for the bots to not lose themselves in mindless argument.

"Children, stay close to us for cover!" K-9 instructed the children nearby to be with those that had shields ready to protect the humans.

Soon the Quantum Surge was entering the atmosphere of the planet, breaking through it like it was nothing. "POWWFRuvhmmm…." It unleashed a powerful energy force within the wave ring about to touch the planet. And the first target close by was the Maximal Base.

"That sounded really close?" Snarl stated in hearing from a distance, that the surge was nearly here.

"This is it…" Claw Jaw issued off in knowing this will be it now.

"Impact 5…4…" Tigatron was alerting of how long until the impact comes; as everyone was bracing themselves. "3….2…" Tigatron grip the board, as he awaits with caution of what's gonna hit.

"ONE!" Jackrabbit yelled out loud at this moment.

Outside the base, the surge was coming up so close at this point, it was almost inches away until….it finally happened.

"BAM-BAM-KABOOMFruvhmm…" Within the base, explosive forces were hitting the structure that was causing everything to react like a great force & shaking feedback to cause systems to make spark implosions.

"GWAAAAaughhh!" The implosive force jolted Airazor out of her console chair to skid backwards. "Guuuhhah…" The impact was slightly rough from what she felt.

It was finally here, the Quantum Surge was making contact as it's light was enveloping the entire Maximal Base while it was slowly leveling other obstruct structures; such as the rocky canyons. But some of those heavy falling rock debris fell & made impacts on the base's structure.

"Waugh…Gugh…?" Cheetor was next to be pushed backwards from what impacted outside. "GUuuagh?" The young cadet moans from being tossed & hit the center console table.

"Waaaaughshh…GUuuwaagh?" Rattrap was heard screaming as he was knocked out of his console chair before hitting the ground.

"GWWRruraarrughaarrughh!" Tigatron was yelping from having to hold on tight to his post…

"Wha happening…./POWFruvhmmm…/UUUrughh!" Grimlock tried to move, but then a piece of ceiling board fell & smack him in the face while dropping. "TRIsivhmmm…" Course Grimlock was not careful, & his arm broke apart the haul surface of a nearby CR Chamber.

"Warning, CR Chamber haul breech." Sentinel's voice alerted a damage breech in the chamber's haul.

"Hugh! Rhinox!" Aelita gasped in seeing Rhinox's CR Chamber was damage, & went to help.

"Aelita, wait!" Jeremie tried to reach out, but the girl ran too far from the shields.

"Woah, Incoming!" Odd looked up to suddenly dash off in what's coming next.

"CReakvhmmm…/Hugh…Aaahhh!/CLUPVvhmmm…" Aelita looked up as something broke from above to drop, but Odd tackled the pink girl before the stuff hit her; & they both fell across behind the center console table.

"Odd! Aelita!" Sissi called out in seeing their friends, but was held back from more stuff coming apart on the scene.

Everything in the base was sparking out from the force that was literally trying to tear it apart from the outside to the inside.

"Alert, I'm detecting an incoming presence of energy." Artemis forewarn the others in what she was detecting that was coming.

"Say wha?" Ulrich raised an eyebrow in having heard this warning of what is coming next at them.

At this time outside the Maximal Base, everything was blue from when the surge made it's first impact. But while this was happening, energy particles were seen flying across to come into contact with the structures all over. And then soon within the Maximal Base, them very white light particles were showering down through like shooting stars, as Tigatron brace for impact.

"YIKES! We're under attack!" Jackrabbit yelped from what was coming & piercing through them.

Just as Airazor held up her hands to block what was making contact, she noticed the light particles were only phasing through the body without feeling a thing.

"This stuff….it's phasing through?" Leo commented in seeing this stuff was hardly affecting them.

"Incredible, lightwave particles…I can't imagine seeing them up close?" Jeremie commented that this was something out of science-fiction.

"Are they dangerous?" Yumi asked in fearing this stuff will affect them.

"Well, it doesn't look like they have any affect on the Maximals or us?" Jeremie commented in what he can guess as nothing seems to have caused any problems.

"Of really Smart Einstein? Then what do you call…THAT!" Grizzly-1 remarked off to point at something that was happening just nearby.

At the very moment, bright light was shining forth in the Command Center, & the source was seen which lead to some surprising shocks…

"GYAAH-AAAHHHAAahhhh!" Cheetor was seen kneeling on his knees, held out his hands in front as he was screaming; a GLOWING WHITE!?

"CHEETOR!" The children yelled out in shock, what was happening to the Maximal cadet.

Cheetor continued to struggle against what was happening to him, but then another thing occur from nearby.

"Don't look now, but SPOTS ain't the only bot!" Grizzly-1 exclaimed in noticing something else about to happen around the corner.

"GYRUUhhh-EEeehhh-AAHhh…RUuurughmm…" Rattrap was seen getting up to suddenly make a squealing cry in feeling the particle rays impacting his back to make him wail from something going on. "Clunk...Clunk…" Just before passing out on the floor with a hard thunk of metal impact.

"Not you too Cheese-Breath!" Jackrabbit gasped in seeing something was happening to Rattrap all of a sudden, as he was glowing the same as Cheetor.

"WWwoauugh…AAAaughh!/CLUNK!/GRRUuuaugh!" Suddenly the shaking caused Bonecrusher to trip & fall across other Maximals nearby which knock them out.

"This is really bad!" Sissi stated in seeing that many of the Maximals that have been knocked out by the console boards or by falling ceiling objects, are tripping & colliding against one another during this Quantum Surge.

"Gu-gu-GUYSsss…." Odd's voice was heard from behind the center console table beneath it.

"Odd, hey man, you o….oh…?" William approach to help his friend, only to yelp & to move backwards.

"William, what's wrong with…hugh?" Yumi was about to help too, but also backed away in shocking surprise.

That's when Odd's hand grasp the center console table, but the children yelped in witnessing that it was glowing brightly as clear as white. And the rest of Odd's body was glowing as if, the Quntuam Surge really WAS affecting the human structure.

"Uuuuugh…I…Don't…Feel…So Good?" Odd groans from clutching his stomach, as he was suffering from some emissive pain before dropping down to pass out.

"I thought these things couldn't affect humans Jeremie?" Ulrich looked to the genius for answers, how was this possible.

"I don't know, we're fine, but Odd is glowing, and…Oh no…What about Aelita…!?" Jeremie was trying to think of an answer, until he became worried about the pink haired girl.

"AAaaugh….AAarrrugh…." Aelita was seen on the floor, clutching her stomach & rolling on the ground; her body was glowing so bright, it hurts until… "WAAARRrughhh-AAAAAahhhhhhh!/AAaahhhh-AAAAahhhhh-AAAahhhh…" She unleashed her inner powers when she screamed from the massive pain, her angelic voice echoes as a brighter light shoots off waves all over the command center.

The children yelped as the waves knocked into them, knocking the group into an unconscious state. No one knows why, but Aelita's power spread across the planet beneath the ground as it was mixing with the affects of the Quantum Surge; causing everything to change…The entire scenery was going dark as everyone was unable to handle the shaking & what was happening; that they've all had long lost consciousness. Everything that was happening would continue even without anyone being awake to see it through.



Meanwhile happening at the same time, the Predacon Base was also being impacting by the same Quantum Surge. It was causing everything to shake & rattle the metal. "Trisivhmm…/CLUNK-CLUNKFruvhmm…/KABLAM-KABLAMvhmmm…" The circuit boards were sparking & metal frames from above were breaking apart, some nearly landed in the lava. As if the whole base was just barely holding on to what was attacking the haul.

"GRRUUAARRrughhh!" Megatron lets off a cry as he was suddenly tossed out of his mobile command chair. "GUURRARrughh!" Megatron yelped from when he hit himself hard on the ground after being knock from his seat of command.

"YIIIIKKKKES! Lord Megatron Is Down!" Sky-Byte yelped to panic in seeing Megatron has fallen off his high command chair.

"So who's in command now?" Buzz Saw asked in who is commanding them if their commander was down.

"NO ONE IS! Command Is Down!...GRrraughhh!" Double Punch yelled off to say while he yelped from his screen imploding in a sparky reaction.

"CLUNKvhmmm/DOWoohohoo…." Waspinator was yelping from stuff tossing around & smacking around him until… "KLUNK…./GRUUARRrughhh….GUuuaugh?" The next one knocked Waspinator off his hover platform to knock him falling down to land in a Restoration Pool.

"Wasp Down! Wasp Down!" Sling panicked to report this.

"Who cares!" Powerpinch neglected that no one cares about Waspinator's situation when they got a bigger crisis happening.

"Ugh…must I do everything?" Fractyl rolled his eyes as he hovered his platform down, steps off to reach the Restoration Pool to fish out Waspinator.

"GRRaugh…AAwwwuagh!" Drago Wing yelped in dodging more stuff falling & almost hitting him. "This whole place is coming down on us!" He exclaimed in panic, they gotta get to solid ground then stay in the air.

Then as Megatron was getting up while the base was being hit by the Quantum Surge, the same white particles were showering on through their base's haul structure, & making contact with him.

"GRUUUARRRUU-OOOUURRRArrughhh!" Megatron raised his arms up with making a loud growling noise as he felt something make him glow brightly.

"Hey! What's happening to Megatron?" Rime Walrus yelped in freaking out in how Megatron was glowing.

"It's affecting him as it is to the others!" Venomess pointed out in noticing other bright glowing figures hovering around aimlessly.

Terrorsaur & Scorponok were trying to pilot their hover platforms when being bathed in the same stuff until…they crashed into each other.

"WAAAaugh-AAAaughh!" Scorponok cried out as the two were seen falling together.

"ARRrughh-AArughh!" Terrorsaur was heard crying out as the two seem to have fallen straight into….the lava.

The two Predacons sank into the lava, only for Terrorsaur's hand to be seen left before it slowly clutch the last linger of life regret…as it vanished into the lava pool.

"WAAAAaugh! Terrorsaur & Scorponok….sank into the LAVA!" Spittor yelped freaked out in seeing two bots sank into boiling lava.

"Hey! Watch out, the ceiling!" Jetstorm yelped out to warn of what's coming down on them.

Soon the ceiling was beginning to fall down, many of the Predacons began to panic, but many got caught up in being knock down by falling debris. Just as Fractyl managed to pull Waspinator up during the events, a hoverboard fell down that knock him out & drop the wasp bot back into the Restoration Pool.

"GRARRRroughh-AAAughh!" Megatron continued letting off his wailing cries, as he drop to his knees before noticing that his entire body was glowing. "WHA-What Is…HAPPENING…TO MEEeeee!?" Megatron was looking at himself to scream this out of what was transpiring onto his very being until…

"CLUNK…" Megatron had lost the will to stay awake & pass out hard on the metal floor.

Everything went dark of what was transpiring, as no one was awake in what would happen afterwards…



The scene shows Professor Sumdac working on the shield around the tower of HIGH-TECH. But it was shaking at an alarming rate, many equipment & systems were malfunctioning.

"Mr. Belpois, report…how are those in the shelter?" Professor Sumdac used a monitor screen to check on the housing civilians.

"Everyone is ruffled from the metal quaking outside, they're afraid it won't hold?" Mr. Belpois reported on the screen on the situation.

Suddenly on the vid-monitor, someone's face appeared on the communication.

"Professor Sumdac!" Then speaking was none other then Sector 7's renown Agent Bishop.

"What now Bishop, I can't afford to use too much power for any chats when…" Professor Sumdac was about to hang up when…

"What's the situation on your side? What's happening to those your housing." Agent Bishop got straight to the point, & it sounded serious.

"Wah…what sort of question is…?" Professor Sumdac raised an eyebrow cause everyone should be fine, nothing was…

"WAAAaaughhh!" Then a woman's scream was heard around Mr. Belpois' monitor.

"What's Happening To Me?" A man's voice was heard as some bright glowing folks are seen & crowds backing away.

"They're Glowing!" Another civilian noticed those glowing from the light particles rain down & phase many, except for the brightly white people.

"Professor, some of the citizens are glowing, & I don't know why?" Mr. Belpois reported the situation, as folks were becoming scared now.

"Unbelievable, this light particle, it must be affecting those on their genetic code? But, only a few certain human beings are reacting. Why?" Professor Sumdac exclaimed in studying the iamge to determine the unnatural cause, but why, how were only a few affected.

"My own men say some of our people that began glowing were apart of studying & recovering those energy crystals. We need to…" Agent Bishop was trying to explain what he thinks the relationship might be until…

"BOOM!" Without warning, an explosion occur outside which cut Bishop's screen off.

"What was that noise?" Professor Sumdac asked off in seeing that came from the shelter.

"The ones glowing, they exhibited a strange ability that seem…inhuman? And are fleeing from the scared crowd. I'll keep the rest from leaving, it's too dangerous out…" Mr. Belpois was trying to say until he too got cut off on the screen.

"Dad…." Then two girl voices were heard outside the hallway which surprised the man.

"Hah!" Professor Sumdac gasped to recognize the voices "Sari! Sora! Why are you here instead of being at home? Are you…" But when he looked outside, he saw a tall teen girl & a child, both were glowing & were pass out. "Oh dear me…" Professor Sumdac gasped lightly in realizing that his own family were caught in this action. "AAAaughhh!" Then the whole place shook as he lost balance.

Now the falling ceiling fell & everything went dark, as all over the planet, strange events were occurring…



After the effects from the Quantum Surge made it's impact, what was left in the aftermath was seen. As the scene shows the Maximal Ship: The Axelon, & the entire rocky canyon survived the forceful wave. While scorch marks were everywhere & the skies were filled with dusty clouds of smog, the base was dealt a few dents & torch marks to appear like an old structure that survived the worse of a war. But even more shocking, was that the entire mountain structure that covered it was gone, the surge completely destroyed it to leave the ship expose.



"Uuuagh?" At this time, Blackarachnia groans from waking up from finding herself on the floor. "Aaaugh…What Just Hit Me?" She questioned to not know what happened that she was out cold & ached all over.

"Trusvhm…/A Quantum Surge." Then her eyes glowed green, as Tarantulas was heard speaking in acknowledging the fact, of what had actually occurred. "It must have knock everyone on the ship offline." He stated in knowing that such an impact, may have left everyone unconscious. "You must reach my body before the Maximals revive!" He lectured what he wants the she-spider to do as the glowing eyes soon vanish.

"Ugghhaahh…" Blackarachnia groans in regaining her control over Taranulas' control of her. "Anything to get you out of my head." She remotely stated that having Tarantulas in her head, is the last thing she wants & wants him vacated.

Having gotten up, Blackarachnia quickly makes her way…


The scene opens to the Maximal's Command Center at this time. Much of the inner structure was busted that loose wires spark, much smog was seen around what was a clean command center, & apparently much of the computer equipment was broken down & remote console chairs broken off their rail lines towards to center console table. The lights were hardly much of working to light up the inside, but we soon find the unconscious bodies of Airazor, & Tigatron. Which at this moment from their scatter across the floor & on the console boards, many begin to slowly wake up from the metal bending noises of the base just holding it's self together, but everyone was also feeling a bit in pain in what hit them.

"ARrrugh…." Tigatron groans from feeling a splitting headache while pushing up from the console board.

"Aaaahhh…" Airazor was heard moaning from the pain upon waking up to be on her knees.

"Airazor." Tigatron spoke out the fembot's name as she got on her feet. "Are you damage?" He asked to see if the Maximal was alright.

"Don't…think so?" Airazor exclaimed in seeing she was alright, nothing damaged on her at all.

"I wouldn't care to go through that again?" Tigatron stood up to hold his head, admitting he never wanna experience that event anytime soon.

"Ugh, tell us about it?" Lynxa was heard as she was seen pushing herself up with a few Maximals nearby & scattered, some were even buried under fallen ceiling rubble.

"Yawwnnn….not bad, Me Grimlock slept through better." Grimlock was heard yawning to get out from being under ceiling panels by the hatch door where half of him was still seen.

"You can probably sleep through almost anything even if a whole roof cave down on you." Snarl rolled his eyes in seeing how Grimlock could handle that much stuff falling on him in the bot's sleep.

"Ohh…man, is this what it feels like when I charge & hit things?" Bonecrusher groaned to rub his head, never knowing when he headbutt others, was this how it felt.

"Trust us, it could have been worse." Mach Kick lightly tried to lighten the mood a bit.

"Jeremie…are you & everyone else alright?" Then nearby, Artemis was helping to pick Jeremie up from the nearby shields that protected him, Ulrich, Yumi, William & Sissi from the falling debris.

"We're alright Artemis, but…our heads are still spinning?" William held his head from having one bad headache.

"Ugh…I'm getting too old for this?" Dive-Bomb groans as he walked a bit through the rubble of their command center. "If everyone is present, accounted for, be them conscious or not, I'll need to begin a checkup on any Maximal that feels injured….after what we experienced." He issued in needing to give every crew member physical checkups, to make sure every bot is functional.

"Last thing any of us remember, were bright glowing body lights, then…" Ulrich pondered to think in what any of them last recall before blanking out.

"Wait a second, glowing bodies? Huh! Rattrap & Cheetor." Airazor yelped in suddenly remembering, something happened to the others during that Quantum Surge event & were not present here.

"Eh, looking' for me?" Rattrap's voice was heard from the side spot of where the others were chatting.

Course once everyone turned to see Rattrap, they all got a big surprise…

"By The Matrix!?" Tigatron slowly exclaimed with great surprise & wonder as Rattrap was walking in.

"Woah…" Jeremie & the others were also surprised, & for much good reason.

The view of Rattrap was seen by all, but saw that his body has undergone a great deal of change from before? Upon closer examination of Rattrap, his body was now basically semi-organic Transmetal. Legs, arms, his neck & face are all silver platted, a blue chest with two made plates on the sides, the left is yellow plated while the other one is the same color as the chest. His head's top looks like golden helmet brain sorta way, red eyes & he still has the two buck teeth in his month.

"Wha—wha-what? What's with you all?" Rattrap asked off in what was with the weird shock expressions; was there something surprising about himself he didn't know. "Is my gearbox hanging out or something?" He shrug off the shoulders to ask a strange question of what was with the weird stares.

"Darling, please…there are still children present!?" Aquarius exclaimed to remind the rodent, that there are kids in the room, especially ladies to boot that don't need to hear that.

Pretty much, nobody knew how to explain Rattrap's sudden change, but that was only just the start….

"Jumping Gyros!" Cheetor's voice was heard that got everyone's attention next. "What happened to you?" As Cheetor said this, he was seen before Rattrap in what had occur that the rodent's appearance changed.

But everyone else saw that Cheetor himself never noticed, that his own body was changed as well. A semi-organic Transmetal body with a bulk chest-plate with the cheetah yellow & black spots seen on it, along with the back-inside legs, & inside his elbow to hand. The back had a gold color with silver metal legs stretch backwards, yellow arms & has a deep aqua blue color from the legs to the waist & stomach. While on the knee & ankle spot is a silver metal plate guard, & the same blue color on the normal part of his two-fingered hands which on the outer sides from left & right of the body, is a silver cheetah head with a tip blue ears, jaw, eyebrows & red clear eyes. The helmet was change different besides having a yellow color, there were shorter edge points of the same blue color with the middle showing the Maximal symbol, a light tan aqua color of his face with emerald clear eyes.

"Hugh! Me? Hooh! What happen to you?" Rattrap touch his chest to exclaim before pointing off to approach Cheetor in noticing that the young cadet, has gone through a new change of looks now.

Soon both Cheetor & Rattrap were looking at each other to walk in a circle formation to study the other's new sudden change. To the others, Rattrap was still the smaller size Maximal since Cheetor was taller. But when they looked at the CR Chamber's reflective door, they were finally able to grasp in noticing their NEW outlook on appearance.

"Hey…heh-heh, heh! I'm-ah…Gorgeous!?" Rattrap looked to himself in starting to marvel at his new shiny looking body & development while Cheetor watched from the rodent admiring himself before looking back to study himself more.

"Well, it's certainly…something else? Even I feel amazed by the….new look." Larkshot exclaimed in being surprised by how the new metal shines, he's almost jealous that some bots get a new metallic makeover.

"But….how? And why?" Yumi asked the question, how was this possible to begin with.

"Perhaps when the surge hit, it must have mutated the Super-Structures of Rattrap & Cheetor." Airazor stated that whatever occurred from the Quantum Surge that hit them, did something within the Maximals' very structure. "I wonder what did it do your Beast Modes?" She rested her left hand on her chin to think about another thought that occurred to her.

"Tis true, yonder Robot Modes have change, so wha say about thy Beast Modes be the same or different?" Ivor proclaimed in a knightly tone, of another difference they have yet to witness.

That certainly earn everyone's attention, if what has happened to those affected by the Quantum Surge change their outer appearance, what's to say about their Beast Modes.

"BEAST MODE!" Both Rattrap & Cheetor announced this off in preparing to see, what has INDEED become of their Beast Modes.

"GROOUUWREOOwwwhh…" Cheetor made a loud remix cat growl while transforming, as his front arms went upwards over his head while the back front metal legs came down, & a blue tail with a fin on the back of the behind. Pretty much, the cheetah appearance was more like a robotic kind that was more wider & muscle then the skinny version.

Now we see Rattrap transforming into his Beast Mode, he swings his front body around, two shoulder pads come together to form a head. "Hhhissss…" He appears as a giant rat like before even with a rat hissy sound, only now he has a little silver on the paws with three fingers, a tail, & a mask mark line on the ears to across his green eyes down to his black nose. His other color focuses are brown/red colors, with a brown color head, chest body is red while his bottom is brown, & has a red tail shape spear it seems. Once more, it's back legs are shaped like wheels & smaller wheels are on it's front leg's knee pads spot.

Once the transformation was done, those that observe were left stun & some with open gape mouths: the mutated super-structures affect both Robot Mode & Beast Mode alike.

"Woah, a metal rat & a metal cheetah, that isn't something you see everyday?" Jackrabbit commented in having seen this as the second surprise of the day.

"Heh-heh, now THAT's Gorgeous!" Cheetor commented to look at himself at the reflecting CR Chamber; liking his trend new Beast Mode.

"Fascinating? But Rattrap, your mode seems to have, some different features?" Drifter kneel down to study Rattrap, some parts of his Beast Mode were not of the natural rat, for example: the wheels.

"Oh, your right, I wonder what they're…" Rattrap replied off in being curious about such a new feature when…

Next on Rattrap's part, his body was doing a transforming trick, he folded his hind feet up into the extending rear wheels, flipping up his front legs, & pulling out a pair of exhaust pipes.

"HAH! Check me out! I'm a Rat with WHEELS!" Rattrap commented in noticing his SWEET new addition; & it's awesome. "Heh…cool…" He exclaimed in liking this, he has a new feature to his Beast Mode that makes him…look quite spiffy.

"Amazing! It's like…a Third Mode from the days of the Autobots & Decepticons?" Override studied Rattrap's display of part animal & part vehicle feature wrapped together. "I believe before acquiring a Beast Mode, this was like what we transform into back on Cybertron all the time, Vehicle Modes." She explained much history that revolved around where Transformers could change into a different mode for transportation methods.

"Wait, you mean those that changed can transform into something else besides Robot Mode & Beast Mode?" Sissi asked in shock that the human children never expected to encounter this.

"Indeed, I never thought I see the day a Maximal could gain a Vehicle Mode with a mix mutation of a Beast Mode. This requires further study in what abilities those that acquired them can do?" Dive-Bomb commented that this was indeed something to further study.

"Hey Cheetor, you try & focus next! Maybe you got a cool Vehicle Mode better then metal rat-face there!" Jackrabbit cuts in to ask in what sort of cool new trick Cheetor can do.

"Heeeeyyy!" Rattrap snapped off in taking that remark as offensive.

"Well, I'll give it a try…hmm…" Cheetor tried to focus, trying to get a new feel of what his new body can do.

Then from Cheetor's torso came flipped out two silver compartments to spread out & held out deep aqua blue color rocket boosters.

"Hey, I did something. Hugh, I wonder what these gizmos are for?" Cheetor asked off in noticing what he managed to bring out to the table.

"Cheetor Don't! We haven't learn what your new forms can…" Dive-Bomb tried to stop the young cadet, but…too late.

"POWwfruvhmm…" Suddenly, the rocket boosters ignited a light glow, as they were boosting for takeoff; just one problem. Cheetor was yelping to keep his metal feet on the ground, & was skidding.

"WUUuaagh!" Rattrap yelped in watching this & knew something was about to go bad.

"Augh-Wagh…WAAAAAAaughhhh!" Soon Cheetor couldn't keep to the floor, as he was suddenly launch off to fly. "Woah-Hoo-Hoo, Waaugh-Hooough!?" Cheetor was literally flying around in trying to get a handle of his flying situation around the room.

"WOAH!" Tigatron yelped as he & Airazor ducked down when Cheetor flew overhead of them around the command center.

"AAaahhh!" Aquarius screamed as she ducked down from a flying cat that went over her. "CHEETOR!" She lash out angrily at how rude her fellow cadet was being reckless.

"SORRY!" Cheetor yelled out in apologizing while trying to gain control.

"Try to control your flight pattern." Jeremie yelled out for what the cat bot needs to work on.

"How, he's a cat, not a bird?" Ulrich raised an eyebrow in seeing that giving a ground base animal wings to fly, would give anyone a shock.

"Woh-ho-ho….HEY! Eeeugh!" Cheetor was shouting off in sounding like a cheer when going down a hallway, but his light vanished, but the voice is still heard. "How do you work these things?" Cheetor's voice asked off in trying to work out his flying situation; as he sounded like he was crashing into stuff. "Woah-Ho-Woah…WAaaugh-HAaaaughh-Hah-Hah-Haahh…." Now from the other corridor leading to the hallway by Rattrap's spot, Cheetor was heard as he was seen flying up soon.

"Deeigh-WAaugh!" Rattrap yelped in seeing this, as he was trying to start his engines.

"TAKE COVER!" Jackrabbit screamed out in seeing this was gonna get rough.

The other bots duck down on the ground or lean against the corners, while the human children went with Tigatron & Airazor to hid behind under the flip center console table for protection of what's coming.

"GYAAAAughhh!" Cheetor was heard screaming into the room, he's about to collide.

"Geheheheh-WAAAAAaughhh-AAAhhhhh!/VRUUSSSfruvhmmm…" Now Rattrap burn jets from his exhaust fumes as he was seen jetting off quickly without warning while screaming… "CLOPFruvhmm…/GWUPOVvhmmm!" Until we heard a crash as Rattrap was heard yelping from what happened.

Everyone takes a peak to see that Rattrap crashed himself against console chair to be flipped upside-down & backwards to look at them. "CLOPfruvhmm…/GRUuaaughh!" Lastly, Cheetor came crashing to a stop on a monitor screen, but was still flying with his rocket boosters still active, as he was struggling with himself.

"This…heeeh…" Rattrap spoke off to let off a heavy sign of feeling exhausted. "Is gonna take some getting use to?" Rattrap admitted that getting use to such new additions, will take time to figure out how to work them; then his tail fell on his face in looking more ridiculous.

"Wow, just when you think things couldn't get any weirder of those that glowed one minute, & changed the next minute?" William commented to say as some of the other Maximals helped to get Cheetor down & fix Rattrap right side up again.

"Oh no! That's right, Odd & Aelita were also affected by the surge." Jeremie yelps in realizing that some of their other friends were also caught in the mix.

"What?" Dive-Bomb yelped in having heard this, human beings glowed from the energy particles from the surge.

"We have to find them & fast!" Jeremie exclaims that whatever happened, they need to find their friends.

"Urrgh….guys, can you keep the noise down, ugh…I feel like I've had a rough night's sleep?" Then at this very moment, Odd's voice was heard as some pile of rubble moved which gave everyone the idea, where the odd kid was.

"Gee, that can happen to anyone if they were sleeping underneath some pile of rubble?" Ulrich rolled his eyes to sarcastically state where one's sleeping quarters are.

"O-Oh, I see….give me a moment to get up….heeernn..Nrrughh…" Odd responded in realizing he's underneath some stuff, & tried to push some fallen ceiling debris plates off…

"Odd, let us…hugh?" Sissi was about to approach but…saw a moving tail sweep from beneath the pile rubble. "Wait, is there another Maximal still trap under some rubble?"

"No, everyone is present, & accounted for." William stated that everyone, including the bots are here.

"Except those in the CR Chambers, why?" Yumi pointed that only those recovering aren't around.

Suddenly the answer came when Odd pushed the rubble off him while slightly aching, but seem no worse for wear: except he did not look like his normal self. It seems like Odd was a bit almost identical to what he appears like & wears already in color wise, but it was all changed to be something else. His hair style is still a large point, same fashion as it was before, but now has a purple diamond on the front of his hair down to the forehead area, two purple marks stretching under his cheeks. His outfit seems somewhat futuristic & a one-piece jumpsuit. Course it does give him the appearance of a giant purple cat from a person's view point, as if cosplaying a half-human, & half-cat theme. His outfit completes the "giant cat" motif, Odd has four fingers (three digits and a thumb) complete with claws, & a tail. While the protective suit he wears is mostly purple, there are some light violet themes from the waist & legs, yellow line mark patterns on the protective knee-pads, circles on shoulders, & stripe pattern on the arms, plus a three silver steel-toe boots like a cat's paw. And on the claws was a silver-dark color battle gauntlet with three blue devices along with yellow stripe patterns underneath. Just looking at Odd now, even his eyes were a brighter bronze color compared to before. It's as if seeing this boy change into some…cat-warrior all of a sudden with a feline-like face to boot: like a Man-Cat.

"Mmmm….boy, with a quick cat-nap, I suddenly feel more energetic." Odd scretched his arms out in feeling a bit rested. "Oh, hang on Princess, easy does it." Then he yelped to recall someone, as he leans down to help someone nearby who he helped.

Now it was Aelita who was seen next to appear when standing up, & just like Odd: the girl was not appearing like her normal self either. While Aelita was still a bit identical to what she appeared like & her color theme of clothing, it too was changed into something else entirely. Her hair style was still the same, a bit messy but well comb (almost like a heart-shape at the top), a bit of line on her cheeks. Her outfit seems somewhat futuristic & a one-piece jumpsuit. But her appearance seems more like of a mythical elf creature especially with pointed-like elf ears, maybe cosplaying between being a half-human, & half-elf theme. Her protective suit she wears is mostly pink, with some dark pink-violet lining on the outside sides, pink lining marks on the boot-wear, circle marks on the shoulders. Even a bit on the skirt cloth connected to a white-silver belt strap, & the same cloth strap on the chest area with a pink rectangle leading lines from one side to connect across. Lastly was a white-silver wrist packet with a pink star in the center on her right wrist. Aelita's form shows much change, even her eyes were more brightly clear emerald color compared to earlier. No questions needed to ask in seeing this pink girl was changed…into some elf-princess without warning only in a more combat image: she was hardly Human, more like a real Angelic Elf.

"Um…thank you….Odd?" Aelita spoke before she suddenly looked puzzled at…Odd's appearance.

"Yeah, what…hugh?" Odd was responding until, he noticed more clearly Aelita's elf-like appearance. "Woah, I must still be half-asleep, you look…different then…hugh?" Then he suddenly noticed he had instead of hands, he had claws.

That's when Odd & Aelita began to notice from a nearby reflective CR Chamber, their sudden change in appearance.

"Jeremie…everyone…" Aelita spoke as if looking & noticing what's happened to them, & not just them, to some Maximals as well. "Wha…what's happen to us…what's happen to Cheetor & Rattrap…?" The girl was so lost for words, that she wasn't paying attention to where she place her hands together.

"Tap!/FRsuuvhmmm…." Then without warning upon one hand taping the star wrist device, wings made out of pink energy appeared off on Aelita's back which flapped & gave her flight.

"WAAaughh!" Aelita yelped from the sudden take off as she was a few feet off the ground much to anyone's surprise. "Where did these wings come from?" Aelita was stump & surprise, she has wings all of a sudden; but how.

"Aelita, calm down…you-you must have triggered something?" Jeremie tried to calm the pink haired girl, but she was not use to what she has.

"That wrist device, you tapped it once to activite it, maybe tap it again?" Sissi pointed off in noticing what Aelita did, maybe a second tap will cease the wings function.

"Okay…./Tap!" Aelita slowly nodded before tapping the wrist device, & the wings vanish the next minute. "WAaaugh!" She yelped cause she forgot, she was still in mid-air.

"Oh-no! Guuagh!" Odd yelped in not ducking when Aelita fell on him, as he was dogpile face to the ground as Aelita push herself up to rub her aching head. "He-heh, well, it's so nice when friends drop in like this, huh?" Odd chuckled a bit to try to laugh this off as something to humor here.

"Alright, enough of this fooling around. No one is to do anything inside the base! And I mean that for everyone that is dealing with the fact, their bodies have undergone change & they don't even know how to handle them. Now, I'll begin giving any bot check ups, to insure no other surprises can be accounted for later." Dive-Bomb snapped a bit in taking charge here, before anyone else gets hurt in what has happened.

"Something tells me, we're in a long run?" Ulrich shrug off in guessing what they are in for.

"A very long run." Yumi nodded off to agree on such things.

"Aelita, Odd, please sit down, I will try to fill in what has happened." Artemis instructed to the two children that have need to be calm, as they are filled in on what happened.

The scene begins to grow dark as now a whole new sorts of things were happening all at once now.



The scene opens to reveal within the Predacon Ship, the same damage structure was seen from within as much metal supports broke off & wires were sparking a bit. Much of the lights were a bit off, so it seems some backup systems were active at this time. Many things were pretty much sunk into the molten lava liquid. But the camera zooms in close to a Restoration Pool nearby, & then something began to pop out from within it.

"Neeerrooo….Wazzpinator Izz…ALIVE! Gurhum…" Yep, Waspinator pops out of the Restoration Pool in discovering that he survived the worse the Quantum Surge did.

"Be grateful that you were the lucky one." Fractyl exclaimed that Waspinator, was lucky to be functional.

"Hugh….what mean?" Waspinator raised a puzzling question to that claim: as other Predacons came out of hiding or from taking cover from the surge impact.

"You bug-brain! Terrosaur & Scorponok just fell into the lava pit!" Drago Wing flew down to remark this off about having lost two of their own.

"WAaaahhhh!" Waspinator screamed out in shock, two bots are now beneath the liquid pools of hot lava.

"Look at this place? It's a real mess?" Venomess peaked from nearby in seeing how everything is a real mess.

"NRrruaagh! We got BIGGER Problems on our heads." Raid Jango growled off to speak while having some other troubling news to report by a working monitor screen. "The Trans Warp Gate function is down. Even if we launch an attack on the Maximals, we could only reach their base a mere 3000 yards." He issued forth in how far he can get those on a damaged Warp Gate function.

"Drat! That means the only ones that can reach them faster are Fliers? Who's still functional?" Sky-Byte cursed in seeing they can't mount a full attack, but sees who they have that are still functioning.

"Me, Drago Wing, Archadis, Raid Jango, Manterror, Buzz Saw & Jetstorm. So leaving out Inferno & the fact Terrorsaur isn't coming back up anytime soon, that's only seven." Lazorbeak exclaimed in counting the only fliers around, plus the count on missing one in action & the other is out of action.

"I can take these fliers under my wing & seize the Maximal base, the bots are probably scrap from what hit them." Drago Wing proclaimed forth in feeling cocky that the Maximals might not have survived the surge that hit them.

"And what if they are not? We're short on troops & a fully functional Warp Gate." Shadow Panther spoke to raise a question, sending few troops into the heart of the enemies is foolish.

"Well if you like complain, ask Megatron." Razorclaw remarked off slyly to say in how to approach the situation.

"Hey, where is Megatron anyway?" Sling asked in noticing, their commander hasn't shown up with so many of the others gathered or hovering elsewhere.

Just then, some loud stomp noises were heard from above that brought anyone's attention upwards. There behind the shadows showed a big hulking figure with glowing red eyes. The sparks from the loose wires made some features seen a bit, but it had the distant presence of….a Predacon Leader…

"Woah…who's that bot?" Rime Walrus raised an eyebrow in not knowing who was before them.

"Can it be…" Leatherhide felt unable to speak, as if the answer…was staring them in the face.

"Me-Me-Megatron!" Waspinator muttered a bit in surprise to see Megatron, but…he seem different. "Wa-Wa-Wa-Wha Happened?" The wasp-bot stutter to say in niot knowing what happened that Megatron looks different compared to before.

"I have had a change?" Megatron spoke off calmly & coolly over the course of what he's undergone. "For the better….Ye-es-s-s-s…." He announced froth that he's become a whole new Predacon, better then ever. "All avalaible fliers to me, those of you grounded, repair the base & get me a working Warp Gate. I feel the winds of change…are blowing in my favor." He proclaimed this forth as many of the nearby Predacons simply watch on in awe…

Things went dark here, as another evil on the other side gets ready…to begin the Beast Wars under a new…threat that's coming.



The scene shows a door opening, & it was revealed to be Blackarachnia. She looked ahead to see that she entered the Axelon's Holding Cell room: & two active red laser grid bars were active. Looking to her left side, she saw the switch which the she-spider flipped down. Causing the laser grid bars to drop down of any captive prisoners. In one spot, it was Inferno with his head off his body, from what Blackarachnia did in blasting the fire ant bot. But when the she-spider approach the other holding cell next to Inferno, it should have been Tarantulas after the Maximals found & lock them up: but….the body was clutch together & has undergone a metallic change.

"Ugh, that's…Not You…Is It?" Blackarachnia pointed down below her to question if the body here, was really Tarantulas, it looks too different from last time she saw it.

"Trsissvhmm…/Interesting?" Tarantulas took over with the glowing green eyes to study what has happened to his body. "We must get it back to my lair!" He issued off that they must take the body to his lair for further study.

Reaching down, Blackarachnia began to pull the clutch body of Tarantulas away from the holding cell. But unknown to anyone, sparks occur in Inferno's eyes, as he was suddenly…coming back online.


A discussion was happening in what was to be done at this time; especially after those that experienced their newfound experiences in new bodies.

"Amazing…to think, the surge changed all of us?" Aelita exclaimed in seeing how Rattrap & Cheetor are different, & that even she & Odd, well, are more different then the Maximals.

"Hugh, you know while I admit, I dig the new suit & style to make me look cool…but why do I look more like a cat?" Odd commented to say before thinking that his appearance was too much…cat-like.

"Probably because your part animal." William rolled his eyes to make a light humor comment.

"So while we know the Quantum Surge hit us, it only affected a few of those here?" Jeremie pointed out in knowing what they basically know on the certain subject. "Maybe because Rattrap & Cheetor were apart of the Axelon & were not in Stasis Pods like everyone else was, they were more affected?" He explain what was likely the case of only few Maximals here that changed from the surge.

"If so, then how come Armordillo & K-9 were not affected? And what about Rhinox & Dinobot?" Sissi raised an eyebrow in knowing there were some bots that were or maybe not affected by the surge at all.

"They're in the CR Chambers, maybe the recovery function blocks the surge's effect to mutate their super-structures. Plus maybe because of K-9's shield protection & because Armordillo's harden armor-form defense made it hard for surge to affect them cause it couldn't phase in." Jeremie explained with a deep thought in how to understand what caused only those in general to be affected & those not affected.

"Okay genius, so then how does that explain Odd & Aelita's change appearance?" Ulrich spoke up to ponder the biggest question; how their friends were affected by the surge.

"It's possible, due to Aelita being the Key, some evidence of Cybertronian technology still lies inside of her. And because Odd was created through half the general clone of the Key, it makes sense he too, was affected." Artemis explained what they know about Aelita's true origin as being part Cybertronian, & it's the same for Odd. "As for the question if the surge caused any problems on humans, it may take more time to figure out seeing your cases aren't showing any change." She stated to see that everyone else in Jeremie's group didn't change, maybe they were not affected by the surge at all.

"So question remains, are we normal still, or not?" Yumi asked to wonder, if the Quantum Surge even affected them at all, or just got off lucky.

"I'm more worried about how everyone in Antigo, or the whole world, is doing right now?" Jeremie stated in fearing that the Quantum Surge may have done a lot more then wreck areas, what if…some folks did become affected & change.

"Cheer up, we'll worry about that stuff when we get to it." Jackrabbit patted Jeremie back to worry about such things later.

"So with that much out of the way, now what?" Airazor asked in what they do from here on out.

"Well, Cheetor & I will check on Rhinox, Longrack & ChopperFace. You & Tigatron look for Blackarachnia with a few others that Dive-Bomb gave them good checks." Rattrap gave out the issue of what one group will do & what the other will perform a search.

"Surely the She-Spider has escaped by now?" Tigatron shrug off in thinking that after much time had pass, Blackarachnia must have fled the base.

"Ehh, that Surge Decked Us, heh…I'm betting it did de same to her." Rattrap shrug off to lightly comment how they got knock out by the Quantum Surge, so it makes sense Blackarachnia also was in the same boot.

Understanding the matter, Airazor & Tigatron soon began to head off now. But they pass the CR Chamber in which Rhinox was still inside, still in a sleep state while mumbling a few words.


As Rhinox was still in a sub-conscious state, he was seeing things….images of things he didn't understand. Sparks from within the Planet Buster's center core, & Optimus' shock expression as he headed right for the alien weapon directly with no way of getting out.

"MEGATROOOOOOONnnnn….!" Optimus' voice was heard screaming out this curse name of his enemy before…

"KABOOMFruvhhmmm…." A Trans-Warp Explosion occurred that completely destroyed the alien's Planet Buster in a grand ray force that spread throughout the space & created the Quantum Surge. But something was seen, flashing blue light rays were seen before focusing on a center sphere. From that sphere was seen within a realm of stary skies, as an energy form of Optimus Primal was seen coming out of it, before it took off to fly forth towards something. Then the sphere began to change to look like an energy force with a moving atom molecule that was acting out like a pulse; as if it was…a Spark of a life-force?

Everything darkens at this moment, as the observer went into another deep sleep state….


Suddenly, a strange clank sound was heard along with steam release, as the scene came into view a bit blurry. Someone was slowly opening their eyes from within the CR Chamber. And the one who was waiting to greet the patient was…Rattrap.

"Ah, yo! Big Buddy! Ehhh….how you feeling?" Rattrap asked off while he was seen in Robot Mode to approach his crew member pal in checking to see if he was alright.

"Hugh!" Rhinox yelps awake to rush out of the CR Chamber & noticed the damages inside the Command Center. "What happened?" He asked off in noticing the base was a disaster, & wants information.

"Rhinox…" Rattrap replied off in seeing his big buddy was reacting as if not recalling much since the Quantum Surge hit. "Eh-eh, you okay?" Rattrap asked off in feeling that his big buddy was still coming together.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Rhinox finally noticed something…& it was on Rattrap.

"Rattrap…What the…?" Rhinox slowly was looking astounded, as he points in not knowing of what happened to…Rattrap's appearance.

Rattrap looked down a corridor if Rhinox was pointing that way, but saw nothing. Realizing of who Rhinox was really pointing towards, it all made sense to Rattrap.

"Oh, it's ah…heh…it's kind of a new look?" Rattrap shrug off his shoulder arms to show that he's gotten a new appearance here that was different from his previous image that Rhinox remembered.

While that question about Rattrap's sudden change appearance was answered, something else was still bothering Rhinox to look down with worry.

"Where's Optimus?" Rhinox spoke with heavy concerns in where their commander was; feeling that dream he had, was it…real?

"Hugh…gone." Rattrap sign to look down in feeling bad about telling Rhinox of what happen to Optimus Primal. "Trans-Warp Explosion…" He stated this off about what occurred that Optimus perished from performing such an act.

"Ohhh…." Rhinox lets off a deep sign of sounding in sorrow, now he remembers what his subconscious dream showed him; Optimus Primal…is gone. "Tell me what happened…" He silently spoke off to say before… "ALL OF IT!" He made a firm & bold sounding tone; as he wants to know everything that happened while he was offline.


The scene changes to the holding cell room, where we see Inferno lifting up his head. Then his arms soon lowered to attach the head back on the robotic body to turn & screw it in place.

"Nrraugh…Nrruagh…" Inferno groaned from having finally reattach his head that was blown off back on himself. "Oooohhh…" He moans from how much a painful headache he was feeling. "I must return to the Royalty at Once!" He proclaimed forth as a devoted soldier.

Soon he took out his missile launcher weapon, & began to move out….


The scene shows Professor Sumdac & some robotic drones fixing up parts of his busted lab. After waking up, he saw how much a mess there was, & outside all over Antigo, it was much messier then anyone could believe.

"Professor Sumdac!" Then appearing on a working screen was Agent Bishop.

"Yes, what is it Agent Bishop?" Professor Sumdac responded in knowing who was calling.

"The situation is dire. Much of the planet is without power, & we're force to rely on reserve backups while mobilizing in rescue & medical protocols." Agent Bishop explained how difficult things are looking with woring under such conditions. "And I've been given word, two of our alien captives have escape during the confusion when there was no power to contain them." He mentioned this which caused the professor to yelp in what he heard.

"What! Why didn't you inform me you had aliens under your keep?" Professor Sumdac asked in just being told this now.

"Classified for Sector Seven members. But now that the world knows aliens exist, we need HIGH-TECH to send us the plans to upgrade vehicles transports & protective armor in what's to come. Know this will be used by authority officals such as police, agencies, & not only the military personal." He issued forth in making this stated claim while also requesting much.

"What? More alien problems?" Professor Sumdac raised an eyebrow to ask, but…

"Not just them, even humanity might fear what the surge did will cause fear & chaos to roam our world unless they look to something that can protect them." Agent Bishop pointed out firmly about what's to come, not of aliens, but what humans are becoming from the surge it's self. "You best aid us without any protest professor, or the government will make things…very hard on your part. Bishop out." He issued this as a serious means that life can be very hard if one doesn't follow through; as he hangs up on the other end.

"Oh, I do believe I know what he's referring to?" Professor Sumdac signed as he looked at two pods that had his two daughters in that ran some scanning. "But don't worry my children, we'll figure someway out of this…I hope." He issued to say this in fearing what the future may bring to them & all of their world after surviving the surge.



Rhinox, Longrack & Dinobot were seen in the Command Center with Rattrap & Cheetor along with Jeremie's group. The formers have been offline during the whole Planet Buster event to when the Quantum Surge hit the planet, & caused a sudden change to those that were affected.

"And then when we woke up, Cheetor & I were these, ugh…" Rattrap was explaining the main topic before pausing to study their new metal bodies. "These…Transmetals? Geheh…Nice, hugh?" The rodent finished off in stating what those have undergone to obtain a new transcendence in new metal frame bodies, & it's a sweet new upgrade.

"I see… & what about Aelita & Odd's case?" Rhinox asked to notice how Odd & Aelita seem…more different then usual.

"Ehh, the same thing, only…we're not bots?" Odd shrug off to lightly state on the difference.

"It's strange, I feel a new sense of my abilities I never knew existed?" Aelita stated in feeling like, something about her has changed, like…rediscovering one's other abilities in themselves.

"I know, right? I feel like I'm way more energetic then usual, & my old Laser Arrow tech got a major upgrade?" Odd rubbed his back head to comment about how he feels himself to have changed as well.

"Well this is a fascinating new field?" Longrack exclaimed in studying the two children that received a major change. "If the surge mutated the Super-Structure in our bodies, then it's possible for those of a different origin to receive a different mutation as well? Even if they are more organic then tech." He was truly curious in how such a discovery had happened while they were being repaired.

"Wait, what kind of mutation?" Jackrabbit raised an eyebrow in thinking something else was involved now.

"Well, if I had to say anything, it would be of living organics with extranormal powers & abilities. Seeing Odd's case in relating to Aelita, part normal human & part Cybertronian. Perhaps a significant portion of this might be born with a genetic variant….a 'metagene', which might cause those to gain powers & abilities from maybe some freak accidents or times of intense psychological distress." Longrack explained the basic concept of just what it is that when the Quantum Surge hit Aelita & Odd, their genetic code was mutated, & may have given them extranormal abilities.

"Wow, so are we like…Metahumans or something?" Odd asked in thinking what he & Aelita might have become.

"Really Odd? You put the words 'Meta' & 'Human' together to make a new thing?" Ulrich raised an eyebrow in seeing once again, Odd has come up with another crazy name brand thing.

"But it seems for this to happen, a different source of energy is required, I wonder?" Longrack muttered to himself in thinking, the only energy source that would related to trigger such a change of mutation in organics…is the source that Transformers need.

"Heh, yeah, the kids outta be fine, & with me & Cheetor, we're basically digging these new bodies." Rattrap replied off to comment in seeing everyone that had a change, is now probably better then before.

"Grrrugh…" Dinobot snarled to huff a bit before he inspected the rotating wheel on Rattrap's back, as it was spinning around.

"Whack!/Hey!" Rattrap whacked Dinobot's left hand away from his wheel part, feeling an invasion of privacy.

"Hmmm…" Dinobot studied the difference of Rattrap's Transmetal form, clarifying it's uniqueness. "These Transmetals? A Definite…IMPROVEMENT…" He held his chin to exclaim that the Transmetals are something of improving the body to new heights in different areas. "Though in your case, it's not difficult?" Then he made a remote remark that for Rattrap, improving the rodent seems child's paly.

"Oh I Knew we should have left you offline Lizard-Butt!" Rattrap glared off to snap at seeing how Dinobot was giving him sass.

"NRrrrraaururrghh…." Dinobot growls under annoyance from the rodent getting on his nerves.

"I…" Rattrap clutch his fists to get into a fighter pose & wave a hand out to 'welcome' a challenge from his foe.

"Oh boy…" Yumi rolled her eyes at seeing the two argue.

"Here they go again?" Sissi shook her head, Dinobot got back online, & he & Rattrap are starting fights now.

"Nrruahmmm…?" Just as Dinobot was about to attack Rattrap, Rhinox stretch his right arm to block the Ex-Pred.

"Enough." Rhinox firmly spoke in ceasing this action. "Stand down Dinobot." He calmly was wanting Dinobot to not get suckered into Rattrap taunting him; it's no time to fight among themselves.

"Whack!" Dinobot instead whack Rhinox's arm away that blocked him. "By what right do you Command Me?" Dinobot remotely stated with a right grip fist, stating Rhinox is not his commander. "With Optimus gone, our troops are without a leader in this critical crisis. Therefore, I should be…/Grip!/AAaack!" Just as he was about to demand leadership for Optimus Primal's demise, he was cut off when Rhinox grip his neck to choke the Ex-Pred.

Rhinox held Dinobot by the neck & held him off the ground, as the Maximal Scientist gave a hard stare gaze.

"I'm in a Bad…Mood…Understand?" Rhinox lectured to say he is not in the mood for any trouble, & wants Dinobot to get it.

"Uh-Hugh…" Dinobot noidded his head off with a choked voice tone; getting the picture crystal clear.

"Clomp-powvh…" Then Rhinox lets go of Dinobot to drop on the floor after that.

And pretty much Cheetor & Rattrap looked to each other in silent stump surprise & back at Rhinox's direction. Even the children & Jackrabbit were left…stun by the action. Let it be known, when Rhinox is in a 'Bad Mood', best not to push one's luck. Especially after losing Optimus Primal, their commander that the whole crew was close to.


The scene changed to the outside portion of the Axelon's front area by the cliff edge over the waterfall. A vent shaft was opened, as something was thrown out which bounce a bit on the ground in a few bangs. Turns out it was Blackarachnia that managed to find a way outside the Maximal Base, & thrown out Tarantulas' fetal position body.

"TRusvhpmm…/Careful Widow!" Tarantulas took over to make the she-spider's eyes glowed in lecturing her to be careful on how to handle his body.

"Easy with the name calling, Ugly. Or I'll self-destruct & Slag us BOTH!" Blackarachnia remotely spoke off to say while warning Tarantulas in her head, that she'll destroy herself along with the twisted Pred Scientist if he doesn't can it.

Now yelping out of the shaft dock, Blackarachnia yelped in making contact with the ground. As she rest her pincer claw hands to her waist, she gazed out in what she was seeing ahead. The mountain canyon walls that once block anyone blocked anyone from seeing a crash alien ship was spotted was gone & exposed. Much of the lustful land has undergone much change from the Planet Buster igniting the Energon beneath the planet's crust. Not to mention the Quantum Surge that came afterwards that shook everything on impact. Everywhere for miles ahead was blacken rubble, black smoggy clouds, even thunder flashes within black storm clouds were orange; as if untold events has changed this planet's natural appearance.

"Hmph…Things have changed around here." Blackarachnia shrug off to state in seeing how much things have change from previous events: it's not the same as when the Maximals & Predacons arrived on this world.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same." Airazor's voice was heard making a sly comment about Blackarachnia's comment.

Hearing that voice made the she-spider realize, she wasn't alone, & turn around, but…

"SMACK!/UUuaugh-GYUUaaagh!" Blackarachnia was sucker punch by Airazor to skid on her backside on the ground.

Airazor wiggled her right hand from the impact of punching the Pred as Tigatron was near with his Quasar Cannon in hand. Along with them were Mach Kick Icthyo, Drifter & Leo as they were arm for combat.

"Looks like Rattrap was right?" Tigatron commented that Rattrap was right, Blackarachnia didn't get far after all.

"Indeed, looks like she didn't get far at all." Drifter proclaimed in seeing the she-spider, yet what kept her from leaving sooner.

The Maximals slowly approach the slowly sat up she-spider in noticing she was caught.

"UUuuurrrrraaggh…" Blackarachnia groans in annoyance, she was almost about to escape, but the delay in retrieving Tarantulas' body delay her to allow the Maximals to stop her.

"Go ahead Spider…Make a move." Airazor issued off to tease & taunt with her right mini-missile wrist launchers aim at the target. "Please…" She was just begging for an excuse to fire at Blackarachnia if she didn't cooperate.

"We have some questions for you." Mach Kick issued off in what they wanna know.

"Starting with the pod our commander was in." Icthyo issued off in what they recall the she-spider did.

"Talk…& maybe we'll be merciful." Leo exclaimed that they are in no mood for lies, not after losing Optimus who risk his Spark to save them all.

It would seem that Blackarachnia's plan to escape was all but for nothing, until….

"POwfruvhmm…." Suddenly, a plusma shot sound was heard fro the distance that caused many to look upwards, & the Maximals to yelp. "Sssiivh…BOOM!" For without warning, a purple energy oval shot impacted the ground to explode.

"GRAAAAugfhhh!/OOOHhhmmm…" Tigatron & Airazor yelled off while they were flung across a distance to land on their fronts on the ground; becoming unconscious.

"AAaahhhhh!?" Mach Kick, Icthyo, Drifter & Leo also yelled out as they were knock across & bang against nearby rocks, & fell into an unconscious state.


Those still inside the Command Center suddenly cease all activity when they heard…a loud explosion.

"What was that?" Rhinox turn in the loud noise direction; not liking the sound of it.

"Sounds like Airazor & Tigatron found Blackarachnia." Cheetor exclaimed off with a focus tone in guessing they found the Predcaon that was trying to slip away.

"Rattrap. You & Cheetor check it out." Rhinox look to Rattrap in instructing the bot to go & investigate the explosion just now.

"You got it Big Guy." Rattrap nodded his head in hearing that, & they will do so.

"Oh! Oh! Can I come along, please!" Jackrabbit jumped around in begging to tag along to help out.

"I'm going to be needed in making some repairs to the Warp Gate & our base's holograms which are both down. And ost of the other Maximals are taking up too much of Dive-Bomb's time. Perhaps she should go along." Longrack explained in what he'll need to work on, & it's gonna take a lot of time to do all of it.

"Oh joy…" Ratrap rolled his eyes in seeing the rabbit Maximal tagalong.

"Don't sweet it, we got this." Cheetor patted the rodent's back to look on the bright side.

Soon those that were gonna investigate the disturbance left, leaving only Rhinox & Dinobot behind along with the children.

"Dinobot." Rhinox spoke out to speak to the Ex-Pred that had his arms cross. "Let's try & get Sentinel back online." He issued that they must get their defense grid online, they may need it if the worse should occur. "Jeremie, can you kids help us out."

"Of course." Jeremie nodded off to say in agreement, they'll do whatever they can.


Blackarachnia stood up & seem to be staring up in confusion in who helped her out. But she also became surprised when she saw who was flying down. In Robot Modes, one was Waspinator, followed by Lazorbeak, Manterror, Buzz Saw, Jetstorm, Fractyl, Archadis, & Raid Jango. But the last Predacon to be seen was someone who wasn't a flier to Blackarachnia's mind, & it was…Megatron!

"STOMP!" Stomping down in making his landing, Megatron's appearance had drastically change in obtaining… a Transmetal figure. He appears more muscular, coloring of black, bronze armor, and purple features! Black body, bronze knees, shoulders and gauntlet hands, a purple chest print of a figure with red eyes, and his head had a purple face along with his own lightly-violent pink eyes. On his hand was a symbol of a bug kinda mark, red marks on the sides of his helmet, and he carried a long bronze spear that was shaped like a tail with a gray grappler end, it even moved around a bit. Truly, this new appearance gave Megatron a new look of fear & terror in a Predacon Leader.

"Megatron!" Blackarachnia exclaimed with a happy tone to see who was here. "Am I glad…/Whack!/Ugh!" But just as the she-spider was expression her gratitude, Megatron whack Blackarachnia aside without hesitation.

"Treacherous Spider." Megatron remotely remarked off to label Blackarachnia's character. "Do you think I don't know what you & Tarantulas planned?" He coldly stated in having learn what Blackarachnia & Tarantulas planned to do behind his back.

"Heheheheh….that's right, you both planned to steal a Stasis Pod to convert into an escape ship." Jetstorm let off a sneaky snicker that they know what the she-spider did.

"While leaving us here to be destroyed." Manterror glared in knowing Blackarachnia would leave them when the world was about to end.

"Trisisvhmm…" Now Megatron charges up his spear weapon & aims it directly at Blackarachnia kneeling with a grappler contacting a light purple sphere by the neck; awaiting to be shot.

"Not…a good…idea." Blackarachnia exclaimed off remotely that shooting her now, would be a terrible thing to do.

"And why is that?" Megatron raised an eyebrow in why he shouldn't terminate the she-spider.

"Well, Optimus' body parts maybe decorating space? But the rest of the Maximals are fully functional." Blackarachnia explained the situation of what she knows to have Megatron absorb all this information. "And since I don't see Terrorsaur or Scorponok with you along with the rest of our Predacon members…I'm betting you need troops?" She issued off to say in noticing that Megatron was short a few troops, so if more Maximals show up, what then.

"True, especially since we're spend from flying 3000 yards to get here & Terrorsaur & Scorponok are….unable to return from where they are." Buzz Saw rubbed his chin in recalling they are now short on troops as it were.

"Yes, I'll have to figure out how to get them out, but Megatron, we may need more assistance?" Fractyl pondered to think about trying to rescue those under the lava, it won't be easy.

Megatron tilt his head with a sly smile in seemingly, understanding Blackarchnia's fair point. They are short of troops, & if more Maximals show up, they'll need every arm loaded with a blaster to take care of them.

"Uuuagh!?" Then after removing the charge weapon from behind her, Blackarachnia yelped as Megatron used his other hand to clutch her neck & brought up to stare face to face.

"You are a clever one." Megatron darkly stated in seeing Blackarachnia is a Predacon in knowing how to be clever & elude herself in troubling situations. "But betray me again, & you'll wish you never come On-Line!" He threatened the she-spider with narrow eyes, anymore betrays, & Blackarachnia will pay.

"Ahhh….point…taken." Blackarachnia signed with some relief in getting Megatron's point of being more careful in the future.

Suddenly, a noise was heard that earn Megatron's attention. A hatch from the Axelon was opening up, which meant more Maximals are on the way out now to inspect what occur.

"Waspinator, Above!" Megatron pointed to the left direction in where he wanted the wasp bot, as Waspinator went off in that direction. "The rest of you, spread out!" He gave the next orders to the other fliers as they scatter to find hiding spots. "Blackarachnia. Fire On MY Signal!" Megatron turn to Blackarachnia in giving her the next order position to take as the she-spider went off to await the signal.

With his troops in place, Megatron soon took off into the air. And those on the hatch elevator were Rattrap & Cheetor, the rodent had his old blaster gun ready while the cadet didn't have anything.

"Look!" Cheetor exclaimed in noticing something to the distance.

Ahead of them, they spotted Tigatron & Ariazor's unconscious bodies lying on the ground while Mach Kick, Icthyo, Drifter & Leo were knock off by boulders. This uneasy scene could mean that just when Blackarachnia was cornered, she had…'help' from out of nowhere.

"Oh…Rattrap to Rhinox!" Rattrap yelped with worry to speak into the com-link.


Rhinox was trying to fix some loose cable wires with Dinobot helping him at a spot. They were all trying to get Sentinel back online, when Rattrap's call came in.

"We got Trouble here!" Rattrap's voice on the com-link alerted of a problem outside.

"What kind of trouble?" William asked for a more specific update.

"The kind where everyone is knock out kind!" Rattrap's voice remotely stated the problem for anyone to picture.

"Yeah, that's bad." Ulrich nodded off in knowing that can't be good.

"On our way." Rhinox proclaimed with grip fist, they will help out if trouble was near. "You kids stay here, alright." He instructed those to not leave while the bots handle the dangerous stuff.

"Understood." Yumi nodded in knowing what they gotta do.

Now Rhinox looked to Dinobot, knowing it was time they go out & lend a hand.

"GRUUOOOAARRRrrughhh!" Dinobot let off a loud battle cry roar while bringing forth his Rotating Tail Blade in the right hand. "At last!...Battle!" Dinobot was looking forward to engage in battle, after that ambush that knock him out, he wants some payback.

"Ha-Ha!" Suddenly, someone made a cocky laugh that broke the mood, as Dinobot turn & saw someone... "If it's Battle you want!" It was Inferno making a bold statement in overhearing the discussion. "Then let it begin!" Inferno proclaimed in starting a battle, here & now.

"POwwfruvhmmm…/CLUNK!/GWUUAAayghh!/CLUNK!/UUughh!?" Inferno's missile launcher fired which impacted Rhinxo in the chest which bang him against the wall & then fell on the ground aching.

"Rhinox!" Jeremie cried out to check the Maximal Scientist, the others were confused, worried, & very puzzled.

"Where'd HE Come from?" Sissi exclaimed out loud in seeing Inferno showed up out of nowhere.

"Somehow, he must have escape from the Holding Cells? But I don't know if the surge cause a malfunction or not?" Artemis stated in what was likely the answer, but it was hard to say.

"HIYAAAaaahhh!" Dinobot turn away from seeing Rhinox was down to hear Inferno's loud battle cheer. "For The Glory Of The Royalty!" He was boasting out while saluting in a soldier pose to give credit to his leader. "POWfruvhm…PoWfruvhmm…POWFruvhmmm…" Now Inferno was just blasting away with no holds bar.

"Watch out!" Odd yelled out as he & Aelita duck to the left & the rest to the right.

"BOOM!/WAaaughh!" Aelita yelped out as she & Aelita leaped too far from their newfound strengthen bodies to the hatch elevator to fall down while an explosion occurred…


Outside the hatch elevator, Cheetor & Rattrap got off to begin approach their fallen companions when…

"Boom…" A silent 'boom' noise was heard, which made those yelp in thinking that sounded awfully close.

"Jumping Gyros! What's That?" Cheetor yelped to ask Rattrap in what was that noise just now.

"Guuagh…/Uuugh?" Then dropping down on the hatch panel, was Odd & Aelita, as they rubbed their heads…

"Odd! Aelita! What's going on inside?" Jackrabbit asked in not knowing what was happening.

But while everyone was distracted, no one saw Megatron pop out from behind a large rock cover.

"Waspinator! Open Fire!" Megatron gave the order to commence the attack.

Suddenly from over the base & a distance over the hatch elevator to over the cliff edge of the waterfall, Waspinator came from above that surprised the others.

"Pop-Kovhm…" Then Waspinator fired his Sting Missile directly at the targets.

"Incoming!" Cheetor warned of what was heading their way.

"BOOM/Ehh-EEEhh-EEhhhh!" Rattrap yelped as the explosion knock him, Jackrabbit & Cheetor across distant parts. "GUuuaoogh…." The rodent yelped in hitting the ground, just inches away from falling off the cliff.

"AAaahhhh…Guuagh!?" Jackrabbit was shot across a distance before bumping against a rock.

"AAahhhh…." Cheetor yelped out as he was shot across, but… "AAAAAHHhhh-AAAaaaahhhhhhh…AAAaahhhhhh…." But he screamed even more when he was seen falling over the cliff & down the waterfall as his voice echoed out.

"Cheetor!" Aelita yelped with worry, Cheetor's falling off a waterfall height that might just finish the cadet off.

"Hang tight princess!" Odd issued off as he summoned his Over-Vehicle: The Overboard, & the two got on before blasting off the ledge to follow Cheetor downward.

This looked like it was gonna be the end for the cat bot when…

"Cheetor…remember…" Odd yelled out as he & Aelita appeared above Cheetor, as the odd kid yelled this out. "You Can Fly Now! I Repeat: YOU…CAN…FLLLLY!" He held his hands to his mouth to shout this message off for Cheetor to recall…his Vehicle Mode came with flight function.

"Ah-Hah…Right! Beast Mode!" Cheetor exhaled like crazy before trying to think fast about his new body's capabilities while giving his command code.

Soon Cheetor transformed from Robot Mode to his Beast Mode while still falling. He yelped until he brought out his jet-propulsions which ignited & he took off into the air before it hit the bottom.

"Yeh-Heeeeey! Woooooo!" Cheetor cheered in seeing that he managed to make it out of that out, by flying in style.

"Nice work!" Odd gave a thumbs up on Cheetor's mad skills in flying out on a close second while he put his hoverboard in park for a moment.

"Odd! Watch out!" Aelita yelled out in noticing something ahead.

Then appearing from hiding locations, were Lazorbeak, Manterror, Buzz Saw, & Jetstorm, flying after the boy with the pink haired girl on his hoverboard.

"Oh man, more Preds…really?" Odd moans to complain, seeing now they have tail-getters on them. "Hang tight Aelita, I'll try to give them the old slip." He issued to say before punching it on the Over-Board.

But while Odd & Aelita handled their own problems, Cheetor was flying through the air. The cadet did not notice that Blackarachnia was hidden behind cover with Tarantulas' body. And Megatron also watch the scene from afar to notice a Maximal with new Transmetal abilities.

"Blackarachnia! Take the Cat." Megatron gave a firm order for the she-spider to take out Cheetor.

Now Blackarachnia held her anchor launcher out, preparing to take aim & fire when…

"Trissvhmm…/Forget the Maximals! Get my Body out of here!" Tarantulas took over with the glowing eyes to mutter this to Blackarachnia never mind the Maximals & leave with his body in tow.

"Nuuaugh…No Way! You heard what Megatron said! Uuuugh!?" Blackarachnia took control to protest, if she betrays Megatron, it's over…but she yelp from another mind struggle.

"Trissvhmmm…/DO IT!" Tarantulas took control with the glowing eyes to snap this out loudly in not having time for argument.

"Blackarachnia, Fire." Megatron gave the order for the she-spider to fire, but… "Fire…!" He grit his teeth in being impatient, why doesn't Blackarachnia fire at the target.

Cheetor was flying over pass on the other side, it look like he would be shot until… Blackarachnia stood up to take aim & fire her anchor shot at the distance attach with Energon Web thread. Then the she-spider grabbed Tarantulas' body & leaped off the cliff to swing away…leaving the battle.

"HOW…DARE YOU!" Megatron snapped off angrily at seeing Blackarachnia abandon her post; there better be a good excuse, or the she-spider will not live long after this.


The situation with Inferno attacking in the Command Center, was not going so well.

"POWfruvhmm…POWFruvhmm…" Inferno fired more of his missile launcher's shots at Dinobot as he took cover behind the flip console table.

"AAahhhh!" Sissi screamed to cover her head from any blast shots.

"At this rate, we won't have any cover against his missile launcher's attack. It may become worse if he switches to flamethrower mode?" Artemis stated to mention the dangers if they do not stop Inferno's senseless rampage in the base.

"Nrrrugh…Enough of this!" Dinobot had enough of the fire ant's crazy wild fire attempts at his life. "PRususoohh…" Then Dinobot stood up from where he took cover, & fired his optic beams that hit the fire ant's weapon holding hand.

"Ooohh-oohhhh?" Inferno yelped from the attack as it knock his missile launcher across into the corridor hallway.

"You disarmed him!" William exclaimed to peak out, the Pred lost his weapon.

"Nice work Dinobot." Yumi cheered the Ex-Pred in handling this.

Now with the enemy disarm, Dinobot came out in preparing to fight this crazy fire ant bot.

"Hrugh-Hah! I Don't Need A Weapon To Destroy YOU, Traitor!" Inferno boasted off to grip his hand, declaring he'll take down Dinobot without a weapon. "wuuh-Hahah!" Then he lung himself without warning at Dinboot.

"WAAaugh…Uuuuuagh!?" Dinobot yelped from being tackled down on the ground by Inferno as they gaze off.

"And this got turn around pretty fast?" Ulrich remotely stated in seeing Inferno was a crazy bot without any means of his own safety.

"Come on, we have to give Dinobot some help." Jeremie issued off in seeing they have to help out Dinobot somehow while the enemy is disarm for the time being.


Back outside, the scene focuses on above the Maximal Base. Where Waspinator flies above at the moment, until spotting Cheetor flying across the distance…as the cadet charged straight at the target.

"Hugh…cat bot cannot fly?" Waspinator looked a bit puzzled in noticing Cheetor's change, how can a Land Base Animal suddenl gain the ability to fly. "Drruuaaaghhh!" During the distraction, Waspinator was suddenly rammed & slammed straight on a the Maximal Base's rooftop, as Cheetor was pinning Waspinator down.

"Give it up bug-boy, it'll only hurt for a nano-click." Cheetor issued in wanting this enemy to give in while the getting is good.

"Nrruagh….Wazzpinator…Never…Zzurrender!" Waspinator protest to struggle himself to get this Maximal off of him. "Nrrruaaghhh!" Then without warning, Waspinator used his leg strength to toss the heavy Beast Mode Cheetor off him a couple of feet.

"WAaaugh…Guuuagh!?" Cheetor yelped from being toss a distance before landing on the base's rooftop a few feet from his foe. "Your making this hard for yourselves?" Cheetor remarked off to say this in making a sarcastic statement.

"Pow-Kowh…Boom…." Suddenly, Waspinator aimed his weapon to fire at the target which caused Cheetor to yelp & find some cover before the explosive shot hit him.

Down on the ground, Rattrap was getting himself up from what knock him about. Jackrabbit wobbled a bit before meeting up with the rodent from what she ended up hitting against. During which, the sound of explosions from above made Rattrap & Jackrabbit realize, that Cheetor was still endanger.

"Hang on Pussy-Cat, I'm coming!" Rattrap was issuing off in seeing Cheetor needs some help. "Powfruvhm-Powfruvhjm, Powfruvhmm…/Hugh!?" But then Rattrap yelped from when light-purple sphere shots almost hit him to dodge away.

"Who's shooting?" Jackrabbit asked in not knowing what other trouble they got on hand to deal with.

"Powfruvhm-Powfruvhm-Powfruvhmm…" That's when Rattrap & Jackrabbit turned around to spot a figure on top of a boulder location, holding a glowing grappler tail weapon before firing it off from a few charges.

"Frusvhm-Fruvhm…./CLUNkvhm…." Rattrap was dodging the first two shots, then brought out his new big wheel shield off his backside for cover.

"Woah!" Rattrap yelps from blocking that attack, but that wasn't all he was surprised to avoid damage. "Skin this action?/Powfruvhmm…Clunkvvh…" Rattrap exclaimed in looking at what his eyes recognize, but can hardly believe it while still protecting himself from the attacks. "Mega-jerk's got himself some kind a nutty face lift?" He issue doff to state this in being completely surprised, Megatron's had a sudden new change from the Quantum Surge, & it's something to be concern about.

"Yeah, I thought he was ugly before….this really takes the cake." Jackrabbit exclaimed in agreement, Megatron has a new Transmetal body, which is something else.

Then Megatron leaps off from where he stood to gain the firing position, as his heavy body made the ground shake a little.

"You haven't seen anything yet, Vermin!" Megatron made a fiendish smile to say before glaring off that not even Rattrap or Jackrabbit will be prepared against what else he can do. "BEAST MODE!" He issued this forth in preparing…to transform.

Then at that time, Megatron transforms from Robot Mode, into his Beast Mode, displaying a bigger, meaner, & nastier form then his organic type. "GRURUAavhhmmm…." He makes a retro-mix T-Rex growl that from his very form, could make some tremble to face a Tyrannosaurus Rex in a Transmetal state. The new T-Rex body is now mostly the bronze, his feet are the same, his tail grappler is were it is, plus he has a medium-size longer T-Red metal-two ringers, & his T-Rex head is a shiny purple color with clear red optic eyes.

"O-O-O-Okay, THAT….is terrifying. What could be worse then a Metal T-Rex!?" Jackrabbit slightly felt worried, she's seen Megatron's T-Rex form before, but never in a metallic state.

"STOMPVhm…" At that motion, Megatron steps forth to get some attention, before he displays a new additional feature from his transformation; roller skates fold out of his feet. "Trusvhmm…POWFRUUVVHMMm…." Then from his sides of his legs, came turbine hover fans, as they ignition off like jet boosters of the same light-purple color. The loud noise from them & the cocky evil Metal T-Rex smile showed that Megatron, was challenging those to stand against a Beast Mode that was like a VTOL-enhanced Rollerblader type.

"I stand corrected, a Metal T-Rex with rollerblades & turbine hover fan function! What now?" Jackrabbit corrected herself on what happened, & wonders…how they are gonna get out of this one.

"Oh-ho! So ye wanna play 'Chicken' hugh Mega-jerk?" Rattrap comically replied off in figuring out what the Predacon Leader was up to; a game of chicken. "BEAST MODE!" That's when Rattrap also announced his code to transform. Now Rattrap transforms as well, as he was on his rodent paws in about to go toe-to-toe, or in this case; Beast Mode to Beast Mode.

"Are you NUTS! You wanna tangle with THAT!" Jackrabbit exclaimed in shock, Rattrap wants to go toe-to-toe with Megatron in a Beast Mode brawl match: that's crazy!

"Heh, it's either dat or get squash, so which do you prefer? Ride with the rat or get Dino-Flat?" Rattrap shrug off to simply state a matter of which the rabbit was gonna choose.

"Hmmm…take a chance with a metal rat or with a metal T-rex….yeah….no comment." Jackrabbit gave a quick review & decided, what do they have to lose. "Beast Mode!" After announcing her code to transform, Jackrabbit transform to her rabbit Beast Mode to hop onto Rattrap's body to grip around the head to hold on tight.

Megatron was suddenly at this moment done waiting, as he jet himself off at a fast speed to charge down his foes. Rattrap gave a rodent snarl, before transforming into his Vehicle Mode with the wheels & exhaust pipes coming out. Now Rattrap rev'd himself off; as now it was a metal rat facing up against a metal T-Rex. Jackrabbit held on tight, this was a ride she's never experience, & hopefully, won't be her last.

"Now Rodents…FEEL MY POWER!" Megatron declared off in about to demolition Rattrap who stands no chance against his might.

"Rattrap….I hope you know what your doing!" Jackrabbit stated with concern, cause to her…this was suicidal; a rat can't defeat a dinosaur in power & size difference alone.

"Heh, no worries, all according to plan." Rattrap shrug off to simply state, he's got this under control.

"Oh I can't look!?" Jackrabbit yelped to use her long ears to cover her eyes, but opened them enough for a peak.

Rattrap & Megatron were still charging to see who chicken out first. Megatron let off a growl with his teeth in about to shred the target, Rattrap glared with his eyes, seeing this will be close. Then without warning, Rattrap's tail suddenly became straighten. Then Rattrap was putting the breaks on his wheels before leaning his body on the left side to shift his weight, as the tail was in the path of…Megatron!?

"GRUUAAGh…!?" Megatron yells off from when he was tripped by the metal tail. "GUUUAAAauughhh!" Then he impacted on the ground at a fast paste before coming to a stop.

At this moment, Rattrap finally skid to a stop on the other side. Jackrabbit got off as she transform to Robot Mode. Then Rattrap undid his Vehicle Mode to be in his basic Beast Mode, & then transform into Robot Mode. Some couldn't believe it, but Rattrap's pulled through in the end. Even Jackrabbit was super stun, the metal rodent's plan actually came through.

"Power 'You' Got!" Rattrap looked at the enemy leader to comment that he's got power alright. "Brains?….Is another story?" He pointed to the noggin before shrugging off to sarcastically state; without having the smarts, Megatron's not too smart to realize what was pulled over.

"Heheehh, that was kinda fun. Both the ride, & seeing Mega-Jerk lose against a rat." Jackrabbit giggled a bit in how fun & silly that was.

"Eh, I'll take what I can get?" Rattrap shrug off lightly in taking the comment as he sees fit.

"Grrrrugh…Megatron - TERRORIZE!" Megatron was seen getting up from his fallen state to growl before announcing his activation code. "GROOUUARrughh!" Then with a loud metallic roar, Megatron transforms himself from Beast Mode to Robot Mode.

"Oh no..?" Rattrap yelps in seeing, Megatron is now about to engage…with weaponry firepower.

"Double Oh-No!" Jackrabbit also yelped in seeing now the battle's gone from Beast Mode…to Robot Mode with new artillery power.

"Trusvhmmm…Powfruvhm-Powfruvhm, Powfruvhmm…" Then Megatron charge his spear grappler to fire a few shots.

"DUCK!" Jackrabbit yelled out before hopping on out of there.

"Geeeugh!" Rattrap duck down in avoiding the first few shots. "Oh, give me a break!?" Rattrap complained off in seeing this was just getting bad here. "WOOAaahhh!/BOOMfruvhm…. " Then he ducks over with the two mares in avoiding the next shot that exploded near them.

Elsewhere, Odd & Aelita rode the Over-Board as they were still under pursuit by Lazorbeak, Manterror, Buzz Saw, & Jetstorm.

"Odd, you can't out maneuver them with me onboard. We have to do something?" Aelita suggested they do something, or the enemy will catch them.

"Man I know that, we gotta shake these guys." Odd exclaimed that the Preds aren't gonna let them go scott-free. "I'll flank them right, you flank them left." He explained the plan that they can use to help another out.

"What?" Aelita yelped at such a thought, they are on the same Over-Vehicle, how can they split up.

"Don't worry, you can fly now, remember?" Odd smiled off in commenting that Aelita can fly while he rides his Over-Board.

"Yes, but I barely know how?" Aelita exclaimed in not having had much practice with her sudden discovery.

"No problem, just…you know…wing it?" Odd shrug off to lightly comment with a smile.

Aelita was a bit hesitated about doing this, but then Odd whispered something in his cousin's ear which perk the elf girl. Then as the Predacon fliers were vastly approaching, Odd zip to the right & Aelita leaped off to dive to the left; as they split up & caught the enemy by surprise.

"What the….has the Key LOST it!?" Lazorbeak yelped in seeing this was a crazy stunt, even for him to believe.

"Hehehehe, well now this make it easier. She has nowhere to go but straight down without any means of flight." Jetstorm snickered in seeing the perfect chance to obtain the Key that can't run away now.

"Hey, what about him?" Buzz Saw pointed to Odd's direction.

"You & I will take care of the odd one, you two…go after the Key! Quickly before the boy comes around." Manterror explained the case as the Predacons will split up to divide & conquer.

Now Lazorbeak & Jetstorm went off after Aelita while Manterror & Buzz Saw pursue Odd. Aelita was falling fast, & saw the two fliers were trying to catch up to her.

"Surrender Key, you know this won't end well." Jetstorm ordered the pink haired girl to give up now, cause going splat isn't what anyone wants.

"Yeah! We know that Human beings CAN'T FLY without wings!" Lazorbeak issued off in seeing the child can't get out of this.

"Ohh…" Aelita looked away from her prusuers, & saw how close they were near the ground now. "Okay….I hope this idea works?" Aelita stated to herself, as she reaches her star wrist device.

"Tap…/FRsusvhmm…" Then the pink girl tap the wrist on the pink star, & then what hat happened next, her energy wings sprung up & flew her upwards & pass the diving Predacon Fliers.

"WAAAaugh! Since when did the Key grew WINGS!?" Lazorbeak yelped in seeing Aelita sprung wings, how & when did that happen.

"LOOKOUT BELOW!" Jetstorm yelled out in a panic tone, they were diving too close to the ground.

"ARRRruaghh!/AAAAughhhh!" Lazorbeak & Jetstorm screamed as they were not pulling up from approach the ground, and… "CRUSHFruvhmm…" They crashed down hard and left a dirt trail; they even were seeing pink energy wings flap around their heads.

"Hmhmhhmm….Odd was right, that was kinda fun to pull." Aelita contain her giggles at how funny she saw the Predacons crash while flapping overhead. "I better catch up!" She stated in looking upwards, & took off to find Odd.

At Odd's situation, Manterror & Buzz Saw fired their weapons at the boy, now that Aelita wasn't present, they could resort to more fatal measures. Odd couldn't fight much, he can still use his Shield for defense, but he couldn't aim with his back turn, & many of his fired Laser Arrows missed or the enemy dodged.

"You can't handle us kid, give it up!" Manterror remarked off that Odd has no chance against them if he can't do anything by flea.

"Yeah right! Like I'm gonna surrender." Odd remarked back to counterattack that comment. "Okay, I got two Preds on my tail, which is literally there by the way?" He was speaking to himself, & pretty much had to keepo in mind, of having a tail now.

"Hey, should it be normal for human creatures to have tails?" Buzz Saw raised an eyebrow in seeing the odd boy has…a tail?

"The surge must have mutated him as it did Megatron, but don't worry….he's still a Scrawny creature." Manterror remarked off to see that Odd was nothing to even consider a threat.

"Uuuuuagh! How many times I gotta say it….I'm SVELTE!" Odd clutch his head to shout out loud about anyone that calls him scrawny; sheesh. "Ugh, why don't you two just go & warp to another place. Take a Wormhole! A Portal Vortex! Heck, I wouldn't even mind if other alien beings beam down & Teleport you to…" The boy was clearly annoyed by the insult & wished these bots just leave him alone.

"Topvhmm…" Then Odd was enveloped in emerald light before vanishing from sight.

"HUGH!" Buzz Saw yelped in seeing Odd just, vanished.

"What The?" Manterror raised an eyebrow out in seeing the tailed feline boy just…disappeared.

"Topvhmmm…/Hugh?" Then the same emerald light appeared near a rocky canyon wall, & Odd yelped in realizing where he is; but the enemies spotted him in a tight corner.

"Wait, how'd he get over there?" Buzz Saw raised an eyebrow in how Odd appeared in that spot.

"I don't care, just get him! He's TRAPPED!" Manterror snapped off in seeing the boy can't escape from them now.

The Predacon Fliers soon were charging right at Odd, & the boy saw he couldn't fly left or right. Even going up or down, forwards had Preds & behind him a mountain of rock.

"Oh man, I'm cornered? I must have done something to appear here. Come on think…what did I do? I must have said something in my remark comments?" Odd was trying to think in what he can do to get out of this mess. "Ugh…Wormhole…No…Portal Vortex? No…" He was trying to say what he spoke, but nothing was happening.

"You're ours now BOY!" Manterror exclaimed as he had his buzz saws spinning.

"Um…Um, wait! I Got It!" Odd suddenly remembered the word he said, & hopes it's the one. "TELEPORT!" He yelled this out with all his will.

"TOpvhmm…" Then the same emerald enveloped light covered him, & Odd vanished when the enemy fliers were about to nab him…

"WAAAAAAAALL!" Buzz Saw screamed out this in shock, as they are gonna fly straight into a…

"CRASHPOWfruvhmmm/ARRUUAArughhh!" And soon Manterror & Buzz Saw crashed into a splat state right on the wall from not stopping.

"Topvhmm…." Then appearing out in a different emerald light in a different location, Odd appeared while noticing everything he just went through. "Heheh, well what do you know? I got myself a cool new power?" He looked at himself in realizing, he discovered that not only had his body changed, but he gain a new ability. "Teleportation….Wait till the others see this!...Hugh…" He was feeling so good, but then something occurred.

"Trsuvhmmm…." Odd's eyes flash brightly, as he saw something….

Imagines of Megatron aiming his tail spear at Cheetor, Rattrap & Jackrabbit before…he opened fire; & then everything flash out to return the boy to the present.

"Woah…what was that?" Odd was a bit spell-bound, unsure what even happened.

"Odd! Are you okay?" Aelita called out as she flew in with her energy wings to see Odd; but he looks like he saw something strange.

"Yeah, but the others won't be…come on…I'll explain on the way." Odd issued off in fearing something bad will happen if they are not there to stop it in time.

"Okay…" Aelita nodded before the two began to fly off…unaware of some hidden figures following behind them.

At this moment, Cheetor was behind cover while under heavy fire, before peaking out… "Pow-Kofvhm…BOomm…" But then duck back in when Waspinator continued to attack with the long-range weaponry.

At that time, Cheetor transform into Robot Mode before gripping his tail that became his extension lash hook weapon, readying himself now to try it out. Waspinator was soon heard flying near the spot of where Cheetor hid behind damage turrets, & looked to find the cat-bot was gone… But then Cheetor swung his weapon that disarm Waspinator's weapon off his hand.

"NRUuuarugh!?" Waspinator yelped from being disarmed like that.

But then without warning, Waspinator transformed to Beast Mode before flying off to flee from the scene.

"Nobody bugs out on this cat!" Cheetor issued off to say this in not about to let this enemy fly off free. "REOROowwww!" Soon Cheetor transform to Beast Mode with a cat-growl before getting his jet boosters ready when he leaps off the top roof.

But soon the eyes of chasing the fleeing target was pass, when looking down on the ground, saw Rattrap & Jackrabbit were being pinned down by Megatron.

"Uh oh! Rattrap's in trouble. And so is Jackrabbit." Cheetor exclaimed in seeing his pals were endanger. "Time to pounce!" Soon Cheetor flew off from chasing his fleeing target to head down where the other action was.

At the same time, Rattrap hid by a small cover to peak out & use his wheel shield on the left hand & fired his blaster in the right. But the rapid shots were only seemingly slowing down Megatron as he was firing his powerful weapon & his Transmetal body withstood such small blast firepower. Rattrap had to duck down to hid again as the enemy continues to fire & approach.

"Oh man…what does it take to STOP this 'Bucket of Bolts'?" Rattrap moans of in seeing that he's hardly making a dent in Megatron's heavy structured armor plating.

"How about your Demolition Charges?" Jackrabbit stated about something the rodent could use, explosives.

"The, yeah….if I BROUGHT Them!" Rattrap rolled his eyes in stating he didn't remember to bring those with him; but he could sure use them about now.

"Hang on Rattrap & Jackrabbit!" Cheetor called out to say this in preparing to dive on downwards.

Soon Rattrap & Jackrabbit looked up to show a sign of hope of someone coming to bail them out of danger.

"Air Cheetor is coming in!" Cheetor issued forth to say this in preparing himself as he was now mid-air off the ground to fly straight on.

Megatron turn to notice who was coming at him from behind after hearing some disturbance. Cheetor was getting his game face on, Megatron yelps in seeing this before…he instantly moved to the side.

"WOooahhh!" Cheetor yelps from having missed tackling the intended target.

"WHA! Woah-Hey!?" Rattrap yelps in dropping his gear & weaponry to yelp, as Cheetor was heading for a collision unintended: at the wrong target.

"EVADE! EVADE!" Jackrabbit aleerte to swing her arms towards another direction for Cheetor to turn & evade them, but….

"CRASHfruvhmm…/GWUUAAaughh!" Suddenly, Cheetor crashed right against Rattrap & Jackrabbit while they made a heavy impact across the ground. At this moment, Megatron smiled in seeing this, as he approached to see Cheetor on top of Rattrap & Jackrabbit from the heroic attempts to stop him. Then Megatron was charging his grappler tail in preparing to strike the weaken targets.

"New Packaging…Same Product…" Megatron addressed out in stating those like Rattrap & Cheetor have some new tricks, but they remain the same. "Losers!" Megatron glared off in labeling that even with two Maximals with new Transmetal features, they lack the quality to match him even with some additional help.

"Laser Arrow!/Pow-pow-powvhmm…." Then shots from above came down that blocked Megatron's view; as the dust cleared, he saw those in front of him. "Sorry, but wasting our friends, is off today's lsit." Odd stated as he floated on his Over-Board & Aelita flap her energy wings nearby behind her cousin.

"Hmmm…?" Megatron was focus on those here, but…he slowly recognize those here. "Ahhh, if it isn't the Key…& her half related family member. It seems you too…have undergone, a change. Why, I hardly almost didn't recognize you." He made a sly smile in recognizing those that he almost didn't recognize, the Quantum Surge change their appearance.

"Don't matter what changes you, you're still the same." Aelita glared in seeing Megatron for who he really is.

"Huhuhhuu, I'll take that as a compliment. Now, I have more then what I need." Megatron let off a slight chuckle, as he smiled at seeing this perfect opportunity.

"Ugh, case you missed it, we're here to stop you." Odd raised an eyebrow in stating, they can still resist.

"Are you now?" Drago Wing's voice was heard: as he zipped in to hold his axe-weapon against Aelita's neck.

"Hugh!?" Aelita gasped in seeing the Predacon show up when she wasn't paying attention.

"Do not move…I hate to be responsible for damaging such a beautiful face." Archadis spoke forth in seeing how he appeared next, claiming to damage Aelita's face, would be a real shame to witness.

"Aelita!" Odd looked away from aiming at Megatron in seeing the pink haired girl in trouble.

Then appearing was Raid Jango & Fractyl that hovered down to aim their weapons at Odd to prevent him from moving.

"NRRruaghh….you should have watch your rear child." Raid Jango snarled off in stating the mistake that was done.

Excellent work Predacons, keep them detain." Megatron smiled in seeing the targets were kept from interfering.

"And what of the other Maximals here?" Fractyl asked in what they do with the three Maximals that are slightly off their rockers.

"I will deal with them…" Megatron issued off to say, as he re-aims his weapon. "Now where were we…" He slyly smiled in about to finish what he started.

Odd & Aelita could only watch, seeing Megatron was about to terminate their friends unless something could be done to stop him.


We see Dinobot & Inferno in a struggle hold, with the Ex-Pred's hands on the enemy's shoulders while the ant-bot had the hands on the face & neck…

"GRRruagh…UUrraugh-HRuurgh-Hrruagh!" Dinobot was struggling to remove Inferno's hands from his face. "Nrrruaghh…" Dinobot was almost starting to feel himself losing here…

"Let him go for creep!" Sissi snapped off in wanting the guy to release their friend.

"Ugh…what's it take to pull him off?" Yumi struggled to get the fire ant bot off seem hard.

"His physical strength & endurance to pain makes him unable to register us as threats." Artemis exclaimed in seeing Inferno didn't care if he was endanger until he accomplish his own task.

"Baahhh….you children cannot overpower me!" Inferno remarked off in seeing the children can't harm him.

"NRRaugh…YUUUrraugh…Getaway!" Dinobot groans to say his words to get the children to leave him.

"No way Dinobot!" Ulrich protest to say this.

"We're not leaving you!" William issued that they will not abandon him.

"Don't worry, I'll deal with them once I'm done with the traitor! Hahahaha!" Inferno proclaimed forth in what he will do, as he continued to strangle Dinobot. "You're Mine Now!" Inferno proclaimed in finally about to end Dinobot here & now.

"GRruagh-Nrruagh…" Just when it seem over that the children's strength was useless, Dinobot's snares cease when…a large hand grab Inferno by the head to pull him up.

"Urrraugh!" And it was revealed to be Rhinox, with a black stain on his chest plate from where the missile shot impacted him earlier. "I don't think so?" Rhinox remotely lectured Inferno that his chance against Dinobot, came to an early conclusion.

"Rhinox!" The children exclaimed in seeing a familiar Maximal back on his feet.

"Your alright." Jeremie stated in being happy the big bot was alright.

"Been better. Now, as for you…" Rhinox responded off to say while focusing on the Predacon that hurt him earlier… "GRRraughh!" Then Rhinox tossed with all his might, threw Inferno over to the open hatch elevator.

"Heeeuuulp!" Inferno cried out as he fell down upside-down…

Back outside, Megatron looked ready to end the Maximals when…

"Cuuuogh!" When a yelp noise caught Megatron's attention…& saw Inferno splatter at the bottom hatch platform; damaged.

"Inferno!" Megatron called out in seeing his loyal Predacon in trouble & approach to inspect the fire ant bot.

"Royalty! You've COME For Me!" Inferno slowly rose up a bit in recognizing Megatron & sounded with joy that his leader came as he was in trouble.

Then the Predacons looked up the hatch elevator, & guess who they saw waiting inside…

"MEGATRON!" Rhinox yelled this off angrily with a shaking fist, & was preparing his Gatling Machine Gun to fire with rage at the one he's upset for what happen to Optimus.

Megatron grabbed to toss Inferno away from the hatch platform to avoid the blasting. Odd saw this as a chance, & then made his move to help Aelita out of a jam.

"Aelita! Duck!" Odd issued to alert the pink haired girl in what to do while drawing attention to himself.

"Ugh…right!?" Aelita nodded off as she dropped her energy wings & drop down.

"Wha?" Archadis looked as he & Drago Wing were stump, the Key's wings retracted to vanish before them.

"POWFRUVCM…BOOM!" Odd then suddenly put his claws together, & from the gauntlet set, fired a super-size arrow that impacted the two.

"GRRaaughhh!" Drago Wing was heard screaming as he & Archadis were knocked back.

"Why you…." Raid Jango was about to attack Odd when…

"Odd!/Pusfruvhmmm…" Aelita held out her right hand, which at that time created something: a pink sphere of energy which was fired off.

"PAvfruvhmmm…/GRRRAArrughh!" Raid Jango was hit by the sphere, as he was covered an energy field that shorted him out to drop down.

"Wha…what was that?" Fractyl yelped slightly, he was unaware the Key could perform some type of energy base sphere attack that could harm them.

"Awe sweet Aelita, now you got something to let you fight." Odd cheered in seeing the pink haired girl just got a new move.

At that moment, Megatron turn from where he was to noticed that Rattrap, Jackrabbit & Cheetor were coming around. And that Fractyl was outnumber with Raid Jango down & the others blasted faraway.

"I believe it's time for a tactical retreat." Megatron commented firmly in seeing the odds were rising against him, they must retreat…for now. "Fratcyl, get Raid Jango, we're leaving!" He turn to the only Predacon left active to give him aid to take their troops & leave.

"At once Lord Megatron!" Fractyl responded to fly down to swoop Raid Jango up & flew away from Odd & Aelita.

Soon Megatron transform to Beast Mode, then had his hover fans extended to ignite. Then with a leap, Megatron grabbed the unconscious Inferno under his claw feet, & then flew off across the distance. Everyone saw Megatron & Fractyl flying with their unconscious troops to vacate before more Maximals arrive to outnumber them.

"UUuugh!" Rhinox dropped down on the hatch platform in holding his weapon out, & saw no enemy around.

Rhinox looked over to spot Rattrap standing up & Cheetor slowly regaining himself to stand along with Jackrabbit. Odd & Aelita came around to check those that fought in battle after experiencing it with their new change in appearance. The Maximal Scientist then ran off followed by Dinobot dropping down, but appeared annoyed. The human children rode on the other hatch elevator to spot where everyone was going to follow. During the moment, Rattrap was bonking his left side head to knock a few loose bolts out, much to anyone's surprise he had a few screw looses from the fight.

"You know, ehh…" Rattrap was speaking off as the cat bot was listening here. "A few Flying Lessons…Wouldn't hurt?" The rodent wiggled his right hand to show a form of flying that Cheetor, needed to work out on how to fly; they appreciate it.

Cheetor looked down in knowing he tried the rescue attempt, & well…he needed to work on his flying routine.

"Cheer up Cheetor, heck if I could fly, well…" Jackrabbit smiled to pat the cat-bot's back to encourage him…

"You need a LOT more practice." Rattrap cuts in to make a smart remark on the youngest bot needing more practice to even fly a simple mode.

"HEY!" Jackrabbit snapped off in protest.

"Easy there Jackrabbit." Aelita patted Jackrabbit to have her not lose her temper.

"Still, these new bodies will need some getting use to?" Cheetor stated to re-examine himself, knowing the new bodies need more work for anyone to get a handle on them.

"Join the club, heck…I think our new change is pretty good too." Odd smiled off to comment about such a topic.

Looking to the other side, Rhinox & Dinobot approach the group followed by Jeremie's group.

"You five alright?" Rhinox asked with concern about the three Maximals that were finally able to come around & the two kids that fought hard too, if they were alright after what happened.

"Yeah-yeah, nothing a hot oil bath won't cure." Rattrap waved off to say this in saying they're fine & be okay in a bit.

"What about you two?" Yumi asked how Odd & Aelita are fairing.

"Peachy, & get this…Aelita & me got new abilities. I can Teleport…&…I think see visions of the future?" Odd exclaimed to say in what he & Aelita can do while mentioning his new abilities.

"Yeah, sure….teleporting & future sight, that's some power to fool anyone to think you have them." Ulrich rolled his eyes in thinking Odd was just full of hot air on what he thinks he can do.

"It's true, I'll prove it!" Odd was trying to focus to see something, but…no dice on seeing a glimpse of the future. "Ugh….okay, so…I guess seeing the future by my own will is out for now?" Odd signed in seeing he needs more work on controlling that ability. "But I can still prove this…Teleport!" He proclaimed in one way to show his new teleportation powers are the real deal.

"Powvfruvhmm…/Frushvm…" Then Odd vanished in a green light in one spot, but appeared in another spot behind his friends; making them yelp in surprise.

"What the?" Sissi yelped in seeing where Odd was, & now he's right next to them. "You really CAN Teleport?" She was astonished by what they saw.

"Amazing Odd, so then…if you can do that, what can Aelita do?" William asked in wondering what else even Aelita can do that's just as amazing as what Odd demonstrated.

"This…" Aelita held out her hand that produced an energy orb that everyone saw. "I think they're like electric energy with gelatinous form, Odd likes to describe them…as Energy Fields." She smiled in what to basically dub these things that she can create.

"Incredible…I mean, we all knew your main power was Creativity, but now you can form energy wings & energy sphere type attacks? There's so much I wanna know?" Jeremie examine the pink orb, fascinated that Aelita could do other things outside her Creativity power.

"Well…I can extend them like this…maybe for protection?" Aelita stated as she stretch the sphere to the point, it look like it keep attacks from hitting her. "While one seem to stun a Predacon, what happens if I used both together?" Then she created a second pink orb, merge them to become larger to double to triple the size, & then hurl them off that caused a miniature explosion on a nearby boulder: surprising everyone. "Um…oops?" Aelita sheepishly exclaimed in seeing that might have been too much. "Um, well…at least now I can fight more then before, right?" She shrug off in seeing that no, she can defend herself more then she use to be.

"Hmm….Intriguing as it might be for the Key to acquire such new feats." Dinobot hums a bit to himself in judging Aelita's new abilities when out in the battle field. "But…I can tell that she does not have an affinity for combat, the orbs are also quite slow for long-range weapons, they can be dodged rather easily. No, this new power seems to me, that it is more often useful…for defensive purposes." He became firmly serious in seeing that the power & Aelita's character, suggest the pink haired girl, was more suited for defense then offense at best.

"Hey come on Dinobot, give her a chance, it's only our first time." Odd smiled to pat Aeltia's shoulder in seeing his cousin was just getting started in how to fight better.

"True, it seems like changes have been made to many, &…maybe the planet too." Artemis pointed out it's not just those that became Transmetals or for some, become Metahumans, but the planet too has changed.

"Yeah, planet's different alright, & not just us, but the Predacons might have become Transmetals too." Jackrabbit pointed off that even their enemies have changed, & not for the better.

"We're gonna need a lot of help. Speaking of which, where are the others?" Cheetor asked in noticing no one else was coming, why was that.

"Grimlock heard explosions during Dive-Bomb's check ups & fixing anyone damage from the surge. And Grimlock tried to get out, & well…got stuck & everyone had to pull or push him free." Artemis sheepishly rubbed her back head in how no one else got out, because of such a thing that happened.

"Man, so much has changed, & while some for the better, others, not so much?" Rattrap signed in seeing how things just aren't looking up for them. "But if you ask me on one thing we can all agree on…is that the Beast Wars…just got a WHOLE Lot Weirder?" Rattrap looked off at the scenery in seeing Megatron & Fractyl at the farthest distance as they were flying off to a dark stormy cloud area: acknowledging that from what they experienced, the war became a lot more weirder then they expected.



Arund a deserted canyon area, dark clouds were form as rain began to pour. Flashes of orange lightning went off across the sky, no one would wanna be out in this unnatural weather. But then without warning, DNA Wave scan rays lit up, a Stasis Pod was near, but the major thing was….it was not just ONE!

"Scanning For...Lifeforms." The male computer voice proclaimed in performing the pod's active function.

"TRuspvhmm…." The DNA Scanner Waves were rotating around the entire area, locating any natural form of life in the area.

Course seeing the pods were crashed & performing within this terrible storm of flashing lightning, did not seem like a good time…

"All…Systems…Malfunction-n-n-Nnnn…" One of the nearby pods open control compartment was showing Cybertronian coding, animal images of different species, & a crack display spot, even the danger meter for the lifeform was dangerously close from the yellow to the red.

"BREAKFruvhmmm…" Then from the pod's glass hatch, a hand broke through as if trying to…cling to life.

More flashes of lightning occur, before everything went dark as a new problem was just about to rise up in a NEW Beast Wars…to Begin!

NOTES: While in the TV Series, Terrorsaur & Scorponok meant their end, but seem to have survived in the comic version. I will plan a future chapter of where they shall make their return, & as Transmetals.

Now while what we noticed, those in CR Chambers & Restoration Chamber Pools, were shielded from the affects of the Quantum Surge. However, a 'tiny' difference was done for Rhinox & Waspinator. Sometime after the Other Visits 2-parts episodes, I'll begin a chapter of where they are late bloomers & become Transmetals.

The Human population in this story, some that have been exposing themselves around some to large quantities of Energon & from the contact of the Quantum Surge, will be changed. Think of it, as if one became a Meta-Human (Like from the origin of Static Shock TV Series), & there are those that changed or those that will change later on as late-bloomers.

*Odd & Aelita's change appearance is base on their Code Lyoko Avatar forms & using the abilities from the show. Pretty much their Avatar forms are from Season 5 (AKA Code Lyoko Evolution) since they are a bit more evolve then from Season 4's batch.

Well there we go, the first new Beast Wars Season Two story is now about to begin. Hope many enjoyed the surprises that were seen, & can expect much more. Also, just like in the past, if anyone has any ideas for some OC Maximals & Predacons, know that while the detail information is the same, this time, the focus will be on bots of Transmetal design, plus the Fuzor types. Which can be found as 'Transmutation' for obvious reasons (mutated super-structure & malfunction of fusing two or more distinct kinds of beasts), so it'll easier to know while working around Beast & Robot Modes. And I myself have some good ideas on some new OCs to add in, but this way, my fellow fans, viewers, & more, can also partake. Here it is…

-Transformer OC Create Work-


Function: (Maximal Or Predacon)

Transmutation: (Transmetal OR Fuzor)

Beast Mode: (Appearance)

Robot Mode (Appearance)

Arsenal: (Weapons Of Use?)

Bio: (Info About The OC)

Okay then, now that we gone through all of that, you know what's next. Next chapter, strange actions take place, Dinobot sneaks into the Predacon Base to steal…the two Golden Discs. But why so, & what truths do they hold? Meanwhile, everyone is after where the Stasis Pods have fallen on the planet since the events of the Planet Buster caused them to drop from orbit. But something has happened during a malfunction on some pods near Predacon Territory, entering a new breed of Transformers which are to be called…FUZORS! And Megatron has aim to recruit the bots that do not know their prime function into the Predacons, & to turn the tide when the Maximals begin to snoop around. While that is occurring, Rhinox is performing a strange experiment, which may endanger his life. So what's gonna happen next here, well…just have to wait & see…Because the Beast Wars is about to enter it's second act in the age of Transmetals…