![]() Author has written 5 stories for Ed, Edd n Eddy, Mario, A Certain Scientific Railgun/とある科学の超電磁砲, Touhou Project, Avengers, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and Undertale. Oh wow, you came to visit my l'il ole profile? I'm flattered! Anyways, here's a few things that I'm comfortable with letting the public know. 1. I'm a guy; a nerdy, photographing, video-gaming guy with a bad case of procrastination. 2. By this place's standards, I'm average. Not exactly noticeable unless you're specifically looking out for me. If you want to know the specifics, let's just say that I'm old enough to have Ed, Edd 'n Eddy in my childhood but not so old I've seen the advent of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. 3. I'm super double-jointed. Like, seriously, I could grip a cup backward with my hands and shake your right hand with my left. 4. I'm like a river of interest. You don't what I'm into until I wrote a story about it. Also, given how I slide into fandoms, if I move into a new fandom, don't expect me to linger in an old one for too long. Except if the old fandom is Ed, Edd 'n Eddy which segues neatly into my fifth thing: 5. I fucking love Ed, Edd 'n Eddy. I don't give a shit if that show is almost 20 years old, I fucking adore it. The humor, the characters, the design, the color, all of it. Danny Antonucci knew what he was doing when making a show that loosely chronicled his childhood. Personally, I believe the reason why so many people liked EEnE so much is that they can sympathize with the scenarios. I mean, let's be real here, you didn't take apart reality like what the Ed-boys did in One One = Ed, but because they act so much like what you did when you were a kid, you can't help but feel like them. And that's why, no matter the situation, I will fondly remember Ed, Edd 'n Eddy as the greatest childhood cartoon. How I Write Fanfictions Basically, I write with my heart and instinct. I'm not exactly a guy who goes, "Okay, so Character A will say this exact thing at this exact paragraph to Character B," but rather I'm someone who writes out with my knowledge of the fandom alone and then go over the draft and smooth out any wrinkles. In other words, I'm a go with the flow writer; never really settling onto a solid plotline until way later in the draft. Maybe every now and then, if there's a certain chapter that requires a more inflexible plot, then I'll establish a more consistent plan to write to but even then I'll give myself a lot of wiggle room and artistic license. But I am a bit of a grammatical perfectionist though. I strive to make sure every bit of dialogue and prose are as grammatically correct as possible and then consult my drafts with a human and machine to make sure I'm not accidentally screwing their with they're and there. And I am a stickler for proper characterization. If people say, "Um, Jack, this bit of dialogue doesn't feel like what they would say," then I will be more than happy to torture myself for hours on end, talking with seasoned fandom members while consulting Wikia articles to make sure each piece of dialogue and train of thought will feel as in character as possible. I'm also a sucker for expanding on universes. I really like expanding on ideas in the original fandom that either didn't really get a lot of exposure or just silly one-offs that are not meant to be taken seriously. So obvi, I fucking love the Old Country from Ed, Edd 'n Eddy simply because of how you can interpret it in so many ways. More About Myself! Well, I'm birthed out into the wonderful world on the thirtieth day of the first month (January 30th). I'm a fledgling artist who, um, makes reasonably acceptable pieces of art. Also, people say I'm relatively tolerant and tolerable, and frankly, I'm inclined to agree. If there are authors out there who would give me honest and constructive but blunt and straight to the point criticism, I'm not going to cry out, "Oh noes, you is being mean two me, I is reporting you," but rather accept your criticism then reflect on it to make myself a better writer. Of course, there's a fine line in being constructive to being a straight-up asshole, so if you give me cruel-sounding constructive criticism with intentions on helping me develop my writing style, then, by all means, go ahead! But if you just straight up call out every single flaw, no matter how negligible and small, without even providing a way to remedy it and then say I'm an idiot, then well, I'll still reflect on it, but I will ask you to be fairer in your response. If you keep being a son of a bitch...well, don't expect me keeping in contact for any longer or take your words at face value. Anyways, moving on from the semi-grim topic above, I am a fan of many fandoms. Ed, Edd 'n Eddy (well duh), to Touhou Project, to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Also, I have kind of a bad habit of making stories but never really continuing them, so if there are any stories I've made but haven't been updated within a one-month timeframe that's not Jawbreaker is Unbreakable, I wouldn't hold my breath for them if I were you. On that note, Ed's Anything-but-Ordinary Life is alive but really alive as in it's on life support and we're only minutes from pulling the plug. I'm a good guy to talk to! If you just need someone to talk to, I'm your guy! Meme to me, and I'll meme back to you. Story plot discuss with me and I'll give you some ideas back! What I Like to See in Fanfictions Silly and fluffy but genuine pairings. I don't think it's any surprise that I love cute pairings like Ed/May, Jimmy/Sarah and ships of the like. Pairings in my stories—if there's any at all—tend to be low priority, played for laughs and doesn't impact plot much, but I usually strive to dedicate at least one chapter to any pairings I have in my story. Comedy and humorous shenanigans. Given how I resonated with EEnE, is it really any surprise I love comedy? I don't really have a preference to comedy either, whether it's cynical, to slapstick, I'll enjoy it all the same. Though there's a difference in good, well-placed jokes and just having characters running around like headless chickens while screaming out puns every other sentence. Proper prose and average grammar and punctuation. Let's be real here, no one can enjoy a story where the grammar is so bad you have no idea what the author is going for or prose so damn flowery you have no idea what the author is even describing anymore. I enjoy descriptive writing, I do, but there is a thing called too much of a good thing. And besides, what differentiates a good story from a bad one is easily the punctuation. Knowing where a sentence ends and a paragraph starts is easily the saving grace of a story. Oh wow, that's shorter than what I'm expecting, now here's some of what I don't like in stories. What I Don't Like to See in Fanfiction OOC. Frankly, I think everyone doesn't want to see their favorite characters acting like complete assholes. Unless it's an AU, or is taking place in the future where the character has undergone some character development, try to, y'know, actually write the characters instead of writing somebody else. Pairings that aren't meant to exist. Pairings like Eddy/Lee are the exceptions because at least they have some common personality quirks that would at least make it feasible. Pairings like Eddy/Kevin is at best unlikely and at worst utterly out-of-character. Not only they absolutely hate each-others' guts, but even if they're now on good terms, their relationship would be too bro-like to be possible. Mpreg. Just the idea itself already raises so many questions. Like, where is the fetus gestated? How does conception even works? And just why in general? Unless the story is set in a universe where males can get pregnant, I just say, "Lol fuck no" Not only it's fucking weird and really questionable, said story, in general, is more than likely to be filled with sappy, cliched pregnancy stereotypes that can get tiring in a hurry. Wannabe edgy stories. While mature stories aren't really my cup of tea personally, I can respect how the writer can properly add dark themes into the universe while preserving most of the character's personality. But I really draw the line when the authors just outright destroyed the character's personality just to make them quote-unquote, "cool and grim and mature" Mary Sues. Oh boy oh boy, you do not know how much I hate Mary Sues. If there's one thing that could break a story with just their presence alone, it's Mary Sues. Wanna turn your story into an absolute cliche-fest? Just add a Mary Sue (or Gary Stu if your problem is male-inclined) and you're golden. Serious talk, I hate Mary Sues. They're flatter than a sheet of atoms, horrifyingly overpowered and not only that but their biggest sin is turning the Mary Sue creator's favorite characters into two-dimensional brick walls while automatically defaulting everyone else down to backup dancers. So yeah, they're horrible, turning the very universe they're in into hell just by being there and twisting the universe content creators took so long to create into unimaginable horrors. Favorite Characters! Ed (of Ed, Edd 'n Eddy) — The most lovable oaf you'll ever have the honor to meet. Ed is absolutely adorable (which is probably kinda weird coming from a straight guy lol), his personality, his charm, interaction, really the whole nine yards. I just love how nice Ed was no matter who he's talking to and just how approachable he is. And being a guy who obsesses over video games, comics and manga, I can relate to him really easily. You'd be hard press to find a guy who is simply intrinsically good and kind like Ed. But then again, his stupidity does grind on my nerves every now and then. I know that he's ambiguously mentally disordered, but allow a guy some slack, can ya? Sometimes, I wished Ed showed more of his intelligence often if just to make a few of the episodes more humorous (think Hand Me Down Ed) but then again, I think I might be asking for too much (lol). Okuyasu Nijimura (of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable)— Well, apparently I'm a sucker for stupid characters, who knew? I love Okuyasu, just how silly he was compared to the rest of the Duwang Gang and how stupidly funny he was (the moment where Okuyasu cried like there's no tomorrow when Koichi told him he and Yukako kissed still make me crack up). If that's not enough, I legit like The Hand's design and ability too. If only Okuyasu wasn't so dumb... Mikoto Misaka (of A Certain Magical Index) — Oh boy, here's a smart tsundere chick! Well, where to begin? First off, I love her design. Almost everything about her screamed, "Independent girl doesn't take shit from people" and I love me some smart and headstrong girls. And her powers! Jesus Christ, I never knew how versatile electrokinesis was until Mikoto kicked my house door down and Railgun'd my narrow mind down. Of course, why the fuck hasn't Kamachi Kazuma made Mikoto/Touma a thing yet?! Dude, it's been 14 years since the first ACMI volume! Why the fuck are you still beating around the bush?! I mean, I get it, Kuroko would flip but at least confirm the fact Touma and Mikoto is a thing! Whoops, sorry for that tirade. But still, c'mon Kamachi Kazuma, at least make it a thing! Yoshikage Kira (of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable) — Well, to say he's the only villain character I like would be kind of an understatement. Like, halfway through DiU's last stretch, part of me legit wished Kira would get a happy ending, but then he goes and kablooey a couple and Hayato caught it on camera and then Bites the Dust happened and oh well. I like his tie though and how smart and methodical he is. |