Wow, massive apologies to everyone who was following this story, I am so SO sorry it took this long to update. I know I left on a major cliffhanger, so I won't take up any more of your time, and just say, thanks for sticking with me...

Naruto: Card Captor

Chapter Nine: Ssshhh! People Are Training!

"What are you doing?"

"Please… you can't…."

"What were you thinking!"


With a gasp, Kakashi woke up, breathing heavily. Blinking he took in his surroundings while trying to piece together the strange nightmare he'd just had. Sadly, like most dreams, it was fading quickly. Now where was he…

"Oh, you're awake sensei! Thank goodness!" hearing the voice of his female student, Kakashi turned to see a mixture of joy and concern in her eyes. "After that fight with Zabuza, you just collapsed! Tazuna was able to carry you to his house, but you've been out for a while. Are you feeling better?" she asked.

That's when it started to come back to him. He'd been fighting Zabzua… then… then he'd exposed his Sharingan. There was a battle, though the details seemed murky at best. He'd won, but a hunter nin had spirited Zabuza away. Then he'd collapsed due to chakra exhaustion.

That is what happened. His memories told him it was so. Still, despite knowing that this must have been the case, something felt… off. Like there should have been more to it, like he was missing something…

As he pondered what he might have missed, Sakura called her teammates to the room. Both looked relieved to see him alright (though Sasuke hid it well). Naruto looked like he hadn't slept much, which was strange, but something to ponder later.

Apparently they were in Tazuna's home. The old bridge builder had been kind enough to provide him with a room and a bed. After his lovely daughter (who's name Kakashi didn't catch) brought in tea, he listened to Sakura tell him how they thought he was going to die, and asking why he hadn't woken up sooner. Sasuke was there to throw in the occasional grunt, while Naruto… continued to sit silently.

It was only when Sakura mentioned the Hunter Nin (commenting on how creepy and cold he'd felt) that something clicked in Kakashi's brain.

The Hunter Nin… the way he'd shown up just before he'd finished Zabuza off… The weapon he'd used… the way he'd spirited the corpse off…

Oh crap…

His students looked at him as he groaned and flopped his head back on the pillow provided for him. He cast them a baleful look, before he proceeded to explain that, despite evidence to the contrary, Zabuza was still alive.

The general response?

"Ah shit!"

-Naruto; Card Captor-

Meanwhile, back at the bad guys base….

Zabuza lay in bed, covered in bandages. The fight with those… things (for not all of them could have been human) had left him in bad shape. Thankfully he'd been saved from death (albeit in an annoyingly painful fashion) by Haku.

Speaking of Haku, the fake hunter was busy doting on Zabuza, making sure his wounds were clean, that he had plenty of medicine, and that he was comfortable. And she did this all while chatting amiably despite the fact that Zabuza never responded.

"I'm so glad you're okay now Zabuza-sama! When I saw that Kakashi about to kill you, my heart stopped cold!" Haku finally settled in a chair beside her masters bed. "Just the thought of you…" she shivered "I don't want to think about it. It gives me chills." Haku reached over and grabbed her masters hand to comfort herself.

Normally Zabuza would have been opposed by this, but recently he wasn't sure how to act around Haku. Even as he kept himself from shuddering at Haku's touch (the child had grown so very cold these last few weeks) he reflected on all the changes that she had gone through. She emoted more, she started talking more, and her powers… the bloodline powers had never been so strong. Even without training Haku practically created a permanent chill in the air. He was starting to think she didn't even need hand-signs any more.

And there was no explanation for it! Just one day Haku had awoken to discover her powers exponentially stronger.

Zabuza tried not to think about it. Why question a good thing? Haku was his weapon, and if his weapon was stronger, all the better for him. There hadn't been any negative effects yet…well, okay there was one: The Puns. For whatever reason, Haku now loved puns, and it was beginning to get really annoying!

Zabuza was broken from his thoughts as the door was flung open. Oh, speaking of really annoying…

"Oh, so you're finally awake eh? I didn't think I was paying good money for you to lay around!" the voice that called out belong to none other then Gato, business tycoon, mob affiliate, and all around asshole. Seriously, this guy was involved in crimes that ranged from extortion to murder to kidnapping to puppy kicking.

"You've got some nerve coming back here Momochi" Gato growled, walking into the room flanked by a pair of expendable henchmen. "After what I paid you, Tazuna should be nothing but a distant memory. Instead, I hear he's walking around the village without so much as a paper cut! What the hell happened!" he shouted, spittle flying in his rage.

Zabuza frowned beneath his bandages "He wasn't alone, he was with-"

Gato cut him off "Yeah yeah, some jounin punk and a couple of brats." Gato stalked closer "Thats what's really pathetic. You couldn't take out even one of those snot nosed kids?! You, the so called Demon of the Mist?!"

Zabuza just turned away. Kakashi was not some punk, and those were not 'snot nosed kids'.

Gato's frustration peaked "How dare you turn away from me when I'm talking to you you lazy bastard!" He reached out to give the ninja's head a smack… only that wasn't what happened.

"Freeze. Now" Gato found his arm in a vice-like grip courtesy of Haku, who was giving him a look that could freeze the fires of hell. "You will NOT touch Zabuza-sama! You are not worthy!

"Oi, let go bitch, you're hurting me!" he shouted, his two goons moving closer. That only encouraged Haku to squeeze tighter, and everyone could actually feel the room's temperature dropping rapidly. Gato could actually see his panicked breath on the air!

Deciding that his employer had had enough of his student, Zabuza reluctantly decided to call her off "Haku, that's enough. He can't pay us if he's dead."

Haku frowned but let the tiny man go. Gato brushed the frost off his arm and backed away. "Keep your bitch on a tighter leash Zabuza." he muttered. The temperature started to drop again and he quickly made for the exit "And I want that bridge builder dead, do you hear me! Dead, or no paycheck!"

With that, the little man stomped away and slammed the door behind him. Haku went back to tending her masters side, and the room very slowly started to go back to its normal temperature (though personally Haku was finding she enjoyed the cold more and more each day). As she sat by his side, Haku couldn't help but think how easy it would have been to kill that bastard for treating her master so coldly. When this was all over, if her master would let her, she'd be the first one to put Gato on Ice…

Zabuza noted the quiet giggling his student had broken into, and once again found himself more and more concerned for her state of mind…

-Naruto; Card Captor-

The next day saw Team Seven gathered in a clearing of trees. As was usual for them, they were waiting on their sensei. It was only because he was injured that they were willing to forgive him just this once.

Sakura was once again trying to chat up Sasuke, who was busy practicing sword routines. Naruto watched them, gently tapping the head of his staff in his hand.

Kero knew where the boys head was at, but couldn't think of anything to say. He had warned the boy that being the Card Captor was a great responsibility… but even he hadn't thought something like this would happen. The Clow girls were also feeling uneasy. Even Mist, who had known the boy the shortest time, felt a little bad. But the one who felt the worst was-

Naruto shook his head as his grip tightened. They had no idea. His teammates had no idea what he'd done to them. How was he supposed to stand here and act like nothing was wrong? How?!


Kakashi stared down at his student, taking in what had just happened, and what had just been said. After witnessing his student battle an unknown creature using what were most certainly NOT jutsu, he had demanded answers. Naruto, caught, had been forced to explain what had transpired with Mizuki (omitting the conversation about the Fox), the opening of the book of Clow, his meeting with Kero, and his subsequent hunt for the Clow Cards.

Kakashi rubbed his head, while behind him Sasuke, Sakura, and Tazuna looked stunned. Finally, Kakashi spoke "So you're telling me that you found a book filled with trapped spirits that could alter the fundamental forces of our world, then released them out into the world to go Kami knows where and do Kami knows what and you DIDN'T TELL ANYONE! What were you thinking?"

Naruto flinched back at the volume and tone. Kakashi had always been so calm, it was odd seeing him like this. He tried to explain "I couldn't tell anyone sensei! I couldn't risk what might happen if word of the Clow Cards existence got out!"

Kakashi frowned beneath his mask "Naruto, you've already admitted these spirits are powerful. From what little I've seen they're downright dangerous. Do you know what kind of danger you've put everyone in by not telling? There's no way of knowing what these spirits will do, and because of you theres been no one to keep them in check. Did you ever think there was a REASON they were sealed in the first place?"

Naruto had no answer for that. He knew what Kero had told him, but somehow he didn't think that would appease Kakashi-sensei. He knew in his heart that the Clow Cards were good though, and just needed someone to talk them down.

Sighing, Kakashi turned to the others. "We're heading back. Now." Ignoring the look of shock on their faces he continued "It was one thing when it was just a few ninjas, but factoring this in, I can no longer ignore that this mission is to dangerous. Tazuna" he turned to the protesting bridge builder "I know you have to get back, but things have changed. I promise you the mission will be done, but right now this mission is bigger then what we can handle. I'll report to Lord Hokage and see about getting you a more experienced team, and you can set up a way to pay us back later. If Gato is hiring ninjas of Zabuza's strength, it may be more then I can handle, and its certainly not something I want to put my team through."

Turning back to Naruto "As for you, you're going to explain yourself to the Hokage, and work this out. Personally, I'm very disappointed you would be this irresponsible."

Naruto looked up from his feet where his eyes had been locked "What do you think is going to happen sensei?" he asked softly.

Kakashi shrugged, not knowing "If I had to guess, I'd say they'll likely confiscate that staff and that book you were talking about. After that, its possibly that a team will be put together to hunt down the cards, but I honestly cant say."

Naruto went wide eyes "Ta-take the staff? But you can't its mine!" he held it close to him protectively. "Please… you can't!"

Kakashi leveled a glare at his student "Naruto, you TOOK the staff, the book, all of it, from the Forbidden Scroll, that doesn't make it yours, no matter what your flying friend has told you."

While Naruto stuttered and shouted protests, the staff was starting to grow warm. The Clow Spirits had heard everything, and they were not pleased with how this was going. They didn't want to be separated from Naruto, their new master. Many of them had grown fond of him and did not want to loose him. Being forced into the control of the government Naruto worked for was the sort of thing they were hoping to avoid, and the sort of thing Clow Reed had never wanted for his creations.

But one spirit was especially distraught. Erase, who considered herself closer to Naruto then any of the others was both furious and terrified. Furious at how this man was speaking to Naruto, and terrified at the very idea of being separated from him. She knew she had to do SOMETHING… and her desperation drove her to action.

The staff became so hot that Naruto could no longer ignore it and dropped it. Even as it fell the staff was glowing bright, the buttons on the back seeming to shift of their own accord. Then the staff hit the ground, and with a flash of light, Erase left from the staff to stand before Naruto.

Naruto blinked in surprise "What are you doing?"

Erase, as always, remained silent. She watched as the man called Kakashi tensed up, watched his eyes widen as she leveled her wand in his direction.

She briefly heard her master call out to her. Heard Kero yell something and felt her sisters frantic disjointed thoughts shouted at her in her mind. But for the moment she ignored it. This man wanted to remove them from Naruto's care. This she could not allow.

With a flash and a bang the whole area was consumed in nothingness as Erases power wiped the whole area away. Kakashi was unprepared, and could not summon a jutsu in time. The last thing his sharingan eye saw before he was consumed by light was Erase's furious glare.

With a wave of her wand, Erase brought Naruto and Kero back. With another, she focused her power onto the four people still under her power. She would not destroy them, for that was not her way, and she knew Master Naruto would already be unhappy. Instead she had something else in mind…"


In the end, Erase had been able to modify their memories of what had happened, editing out anything to do with magic or the Clow. The minds had filled in the empty spots, and ultimately it had been accepted. Erase had left Kakashi unconscious to allow for the memories to better stick (and because she really didn't like the man). Tazuna had carried the man back, everyone believing that he had passed out after a fight with Zabuza.

Kero had been frustrated that Erase had acted without thinking, but ultimately agreed it was for the best. Kakashi was going to turn them in, and that couldn't happen. While the man's intentions might have been good, it would interfere to much with the mission.

Naruto, of course, was taking it far worse. Not only had he blown the big secret, but it turns out that he had nearly lost his new friends. Of course, while he knew in his gut he had to take responsibility for the Clow, Kakashi's words and accusations still hurt. It hurt even worse when Erase had forced them all to forget. Was this what it came to? To keep one set of friends he would have to lie to the new ones? Granted he hadn't known his team as long as the spirits, but still… Maybe Kakashi had been right in one sense. When this was over, maybe he should talk to the Old Man?

Naruto and co. snapped to attention when their sensei hobbled into the clearing. He gave each of them an eye smile, before clearing his throat. "Alright kids. Today, I'm going to teach you something you'll find invaluable for your shinobi skills." That got everyone's attention. Kakashi, was a veteran ninja, and sure to know a lot of awesome techniques. So what was he going to…?

"I'm going to teach you how to climb trees!" he said, beaming at them from beneath his mask.

Team Seven could not face-plant any harder.

Sakura picked herself up "Um… Kakashi-sensei?" she started, as though speaking to someone a bit slow "We… um… we sorta already know how to climb trees." Maybe her teachers injuries had been more extensive then she thought.

Kakashi just chuckled "Without using your hands?" he asked. Now that statement got some curious looks. Climbing without their hands? What was he on about?

'Great' Sasuke thought 'He's snapped.' 'Yeah, he's even crazier then we are!' responded the multitude in his head. Sasuke decided it was better to just stop thinking for a while, lest his sanity unravel further.

Having gotten his fill of confused stares, Kakashi turned and hobbled his way towards the tree nearest him. Then, once he was close, he proceeded to place his foot on the tree, then hefted himself up and proceeded to walk up in complete defiance of gravity.

Sasuke and Sakura were suitably impressed. As for Naruto and the girls…

'Oh… yeah… that's really something.' Windy commented politely.

Rain snickered in his mind 'Yeah, cool trick. Real ninja worthy.'

What could you expect? They were magical spirits with powers over the very fundamental forces of nature. This barely qualified as a parlor trick to them. And having used most of their powers, Naruto couldn't find himself that impressed either. Hell, he could FLY if he wanted to.

Still, it wasn't like he could say anything, so Naruto forced himself to listen, trying to keep his mind off heavy deception weighing on his mind…

-Naruto; Card Captor-

Given that she was the only one to master the exercise right off the bat, Sakura was assigned to watch over Tazuna during the day while he worked on the bridge. Many of the workers were glad to have Tazuna back, and the atmosphere while they worked was generally very jolly. Tazuna was totally in his element. While he may not understand flashy ninja tricks, engineering was something he had long ago mastered. With skill earned from years of hard labor, they managed to get quite a bit of work done by the day's end.

After calling it quits for the day, the pair walked back through the village, Tazuna giving her the scenic tour. The village was certainly down on its luck, though Tazuna assured her that in its heyday it was a sight to behold ("And will be again" he had assured her).

As they passed the center of town, Sakura noted something interesting. Sitting in the square on a raised platform was a beautiful statue. The statue depicted a woman sitting cross-legged. The statue's eyes were closed, and Sakura detected a ghost of a smile on the statue's lips. One hand rested in her lap, while the other was raised to her lips in a 'shush' gesture.

Overall, it was a truly beautiful statue. She asked Tazuna who had made it, but to her surprise, he just seemed confused about it. According to him, he'd never seen it before, and that it hadn't been there when he left for the Leaf Village.

Tazuna turned to Koki the grocer. "Hey, whats that thing? Who put that up?"

Koki looked surprise, then realization lit up his face "Oh yes, you were gone when it first appeared. Isn't she beautiful?" he asked.

Sakura raised an eyebrow "Appeared?"

Koki just nodded "Yes, no one in the village has taken any credit for making it, or putting there. And I doubt Gato or his thugs would bother beautifying the community." Koki's smile dimmed at the tyrant's name but he pressed onward "Anyway, it showed up the day after you left. Just showed up in the middle of the town." his eyes took on a distant look as he recalled the memory "And ever since it's shown up, things have been… better? I mean, yeah Gato's still around, but it feels like the village got a bit safer. Gato's men haven't shown up in the market since it got here." he explained, Tazuan and Sakura going wide eyed as he told his tale.

Tazuna interrupted "How is that possible? I figured Gato would order someone to take the statue… "

Koki smiled "They tried to take it. I watched ten men try and haul it away, but they couldn't move it an inch. It was like it was bolted to the ground!" He took a moment to appreciate his captive auidence's stunned faces "As for crimes, well just the other day one of Gato's men came around for our 'protection insurance'. couldn't pay, and he started yelling at her. Saying if she knew what was good for her, she'd better get his money or he'd burn her store down with her in it.

"That's terrible!" Sakura gasped, wondering how anyone could be so cruel.

Koki nodded "I don't doubt he would have done it too. But then, he just… I really don't know how to describe it. One moment he was there, screaming at the top of his lungs, the next he was gone."

Tazuna raised an eyebrow "He just vanished?"

"One of the men said he saw that same thug in the ocean, sputtering like a drowning cat! And this was around the same time!" Koki laughed. "Of course, none of Gato's men believed him. They all thought he was just drunk. There aren't any ninja around here… well, until now. Still, some of the more superstitious have been avoiding this place. It's not much, but at least the market is safer now then it was before!"

"And you think this is all because of a statue?" Sakura asked.

"Maybe the statue is blessed, maybe it's a sign that some higher power is watching out for us. Maybe it's all coincidence; but I don't really believe that. This village was going straight to hell, but then that statue showed up, and life has gotten a little bit more bearable." Koki took a deep breath, nodded, and went back to work.

Tazuna and Sakura left soon afterwards, both with eyes on the statue as they made their way back to the house, a newfound appreciation for the strange work of art.

-Naruto; Card Captor-

Dinner at Tazuna's house that night was a peaceful affair for the most part. Tazuna's daughter was a wonderful cook, and even though his grandson Inari was quite, the old man was more then boisterous enough to fill in the silence.

He and Sakura had just finished telling them about the statue in town (it's description making Keros raise an eyebrow. Sounded like a certain Clow Spirit he knew…) and Sakura asked Kakashi if such blessings were real.

Kakashi nodded, and told them of several priests and exorcists he had encountered. They were similar to ninja in that they wielded incredible powers, but they often didn't work for hire like ninja, instead traveling and using their gifts to follow whatever religious teachings they held. It was entirely possible that a monk or priest had placed the blessed statue in town and left; not wanting any form of payment or thanks.

It was as dinner was winding down that Sakura finally noticed a picture frame hanging on the wall. Pointing it out, she asked Tazuna how the man in the picture was. As soon as the words left her lips, the good mood seemed to flow right out of their hosts. Inari's face seemed to darken, and his mother turned away, a lost look in her eyes.

Tazuna simply sighed, placing a sake bottle on the table. "That my dear, is the legendary hero of Wave Country…" he began, before telling them the tale of Kaiza, a traveling fishermen who had come to Wave Country and had slowly changed all their lives for the better. He was a brave man, a man of principals who brought joy wherever he went. He saved the village from a ravaging flood, and even stood up to the tyrant Gato. He wouldn't bow down to threats or bullying, and he encouraged the others to do the same.

Sadly, Gato didn't take kindly to this rebellion, and before the entire village, had Kaiza brutally murdered. It was this act that had broken the town's spirit for so long.

The room was quiet for a long time, the ninjas quietly morning the hero they had never met.

With the Clow, things were a bit less tranquil…

"That man was a fool." Mist said simply, getting shocked looks from the others.

Windy gaped at her younger sister's words "How… how can you say that? After all he did for the village…"

Mist shook her head "This family, Tazuna, Inari, Tsunami, they all loved him and needed him more then any of the other villagers. He was family to them. And instead of protecting them, he got himself killed."

Sword growled "Did you not here the story girl?! He was standing up for what he believed in! He was doing what he thought was best for the whole village!"

"The whole village wasn't as important as his FAMILY! If he really cared about these people as much as they thought, he would have kept his mouth shut and his head down. If he'd done that, he'd still be here."

"He was trying to move the villagers to action!"

"Well it didn't work did it? All it did was break them when he died. Now Tazuna's bridge is the best hope this village has!"

Windy couldn't believe what she was hearing "Are you actually saying these people should just surrender themselves to Gato's tyranny forever?"

Mist frowned "No, I'm suggesting that they not throw their lives away unnecessarily. Kaiza could have done so much more, and now all that good will never be done."

If Sword had arms he'd cross them "Well lass, if you've got a better idea for what Kaiza should have done, I'd love to hear it…"

Naruto looked at Tazuna finally and said "Kaiza… sounds like a good man."

The old bridge builder nodded "The best."

Naruto did his best to muster up a smile "Don't you worry old man, we're gonna help you finish that bridge, and your dream of a free Wave will come true!"

Tazuna smiled "Thank you, boy."

"You're all a bunch of idiots." A new voice called out. Everyone looked at Inari, who was now glaring at the ninja with fire in his eyes. "There's no way you can possibly beat Gato and his men. Why even bother!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow "Because we're ninja! And that's what we do! We'll kick this guys but from here to Wind Country and back again and-"

"SHUT UP!" Inari shouted, slamming his hands on the table "You don't know anything! You're just a bunch of idiot outsiders. Who are you to come in here and act all tough! You don't know what we've been through, what it's like to loose what we have! You, all of you, don't know a thing about suffering!"


Everyone jumped as Naruto's hand crashed down on the table, sending plates and cups jumping. Naruto was breathing heavily, his eyes shadowed by his long hair. Finally, he unclenched his fist and stood up. "I'm going out. I've got to keep training. I need to be as strong as possible. I need to be strong…because I actually want things to change. I can't just sit around like a crybaby sobbing on the time because things didn't go my way." and with that he turned and made his way back to the impromptu training grounds sensei had set up.

Before Sakura could call out to him, Sasuke stood up too. "I'm going to." He turned to Tazuna and Tsunami "Thank you for the meal" as he left, his eyes passed over Inari, and they were so cold you couldn't help but shiver.

Inari shook himself out of his stupor and immediately ran off in the opposite direction, slamming the door behind him. Tsunami made to follow, but Kakashi held up a hand. "I think maybe it'd be better if I talked to him, clear all this up…" the woman looked hesitant, but nodded her ascent.

Sakura watched as her her sensei got up to follow Inari. Naruto and Sasuke were big boys, they could cool off by themselves, but Inari was just a kid. An obnoxious kid, but given what she'd heard in the last half hour, she was willing to sympathize.

Excusing herself and walking up the stairs she thought about her two teammates and the effect Inari's words had had on them. It was clear they had cut deep. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Inari's words were so very very wrong.

Sasuke… He was the last of his family line. She had just been a little girl when the Uchiha clan was massacred, but even civilian families knew. Thinking back on it, what must that have done to Sasuke psychologically, to have his whole world destroyed in a single night. Everyone treated Sasuke like he was the greatest thing in the world, but how many of them really knew him? She and the other girls chased after Sasuke because he was cool, aloof, and awesome. But what did they actually know about him? Even as his teammate, Sakura couldn't claim to know him that well. It was highly likely he was carrying the pain of his loss to this day.

And Naruto… hell now that she thought about it, she knew less about him then she did about Sasuke. She knew he was an orphan, and she didn't think he had any friends (at least none she had noticed). Come to think of it, the few times she had seen him around the village the people weren't exactly acting friendly. She had always assumed Naruto had done something, but now that she was actually giving it some thought, she had to wonder what was so bad that he would be treated like that nearly every time she saw him. Was it like that all the time for him? If so, why?

Sasuke, Naruto… both knew more about suffering then Inari had thought. It was possible that Kakashi did too, but he wasn't forthcoming about himself (Sakura made it a point to write down a reminder to lean more about her comrades in the future). But neither Sasuke nor Naruto had let sadness consume them. If anything, it had galvanized them into action. Naruto often proclaimed he was going to be Hokage, and she knew that Sasuke planned to make the Uchiha clan great again. Both were training nuts and their dedication showed in the strength they had.

But as for her… she didn't know suffering, not like them. Her family was very much alive and happy. She hadn't wanted for anything in years. Yes, when she was small she was picked on, but she had made friends with Ino. And even though that friendship had ended, she'd built up confidence time to make other friends. And it wasn't like she and Ino weren't on speaking terms. They could be down right civil as long as the conversation didn't turn towards Sasuke. Overall her life had been downright pleasant. Obviously she wasn't suggesting that it was her teammates suffering that made them strong, but she did think it played a strong part in motivating them.

Sakura signed, before straightening her back and flipping open a notebook. She was the weakest member of the team, no doubt about it. She may have better control, but she had less chakra to work with. She was smart, yes, but only academically not in any strategic sense of the word. She could build traps… but those required time to set up, and even then they could be better.

Sakura frowned down at her list of skills. She needed to find something that she could use to build on and prove, at least to herself, that she was worthy of this team and being called a ninja. Looking over her list, Sakura bit her lip as her mind puzzled over what to do. High intellect and near perfect control… hmm… if she combined that with her rather… vivid imagination… yes, that could work!

When she saw Kakashi-sensei again, she was definitely going to have to ask him what he knew about Genjutsu…

-Naruto; Card Captor-

The next morning….

Haku walked through the morning mist, taking in the beauty of the forest, her kimono fluttering softly in the morning air. She had come here to find more herbs and plants that could be used to speed the recovery of her ailing master. He was nearly recovered, but she wanted him to be at his full strength before he went off into combat again.

He was quite stubborn though, insisting he was fine, that he could go back to combat now if he felt like it. Haku gave a frustrated huff, sometimes she wished she could make him see how worried for him she was. That she could get him to take it easy. That she could make him…

"Chill out…?"


"Cool his jets…?"

"Take a chill pill…?"

Relax. She shook her head as she felt a twin set of disappointed signs in the back of her mind. That was something else she needed to be concerned with; these voices that seemed to whisper from the back of her mind. She hadn't told Zabuza, because she didn't want him to reject her… she couldn't bare it if he suddenly thought she was insane. She wasn't! She didn't FEEL insane at any rate. Perhaps the voices were just brought on by stress due to her lifestyle… though that didn't explain the sudden and drastic increase in her power…

Her inner monologue came to an abrupt halt as she walked into a clearing devoid of mist. There, laying nestled in the roots of a large tree, was a boy. But not just any boy: The same boy that had wielded such strange powers against her master. He was unconscious, curled up with his staff, clutching it like a comforting toy.

A part of her considered grabbing the weapon and taking off, but looking at the eyes of the foxheaded top drove that from her mind as her body gave an involuntary shudder (definitely not from the cold, she was never cold anymore). Another part of her wanted to kill him, both to avenge the damage done to her master, and to prevent this boy from being a threat in the future. But even as her hand reached out for him throat, Haku knew she could not do it. She simply didn't have the heart to kill anyone, especially not a sleeping boy.

Still, something about this boy unsettled her. She could feel something deep in her soul cringing just looking at him. The part of her that she had come to associate with her powers made her feel like the best option was to flee…

Not understanding this but willing to trust her instincts, she turned to leave. The forest was a big place, and she could easily collect the herbs she needed elsewhere, far away from strange magical boys.

Thus, when Naruto awoke a few moments later, he would find himself alone in the clearing. Well, as alone as one could be with a magical plush toy and a bunch of powerful spirits with direct assess to your brain.

Once Naruto had stretched and brushed all the grass off his clothes, he started poking Kero. The plush toy had said something last night about how the statue might actually be a Clow Spirit in disguise and he wanted more info.

Once the lazy plush was finally up, they started to form their plan of attack…

-Naruto; Card Captor-

That night…

It was dark by the time Naruto reached the edge of the village square. All the shops were closed, and no one walked the streets. The strange phenomenon surrounding the statue meant even Gato's men weren't here at this hour.

Naruto didn't move, for once acting as a traditional Shinobi would. He stood in the shadows and started at his target. The Silent sat motionless, eyes closed in peaceful meditation, one hand in it's lap, the other raised to it's lips in the easily recognizable 'shush' motion. Naruto just stood… watching…. waiting…

Keros arched an eyebrow "What the heck are you waiting for?" he asked. The furball wanted to get this done quick so he could go to bed. He'd stuffed himself on the food Naruto had given him, and he got cranky when he missed his sleep.

Naruto fidgeted, his calm facade broken. He looked at Keros "I don't know, it's just… I've gotten used to them coming to me. Usually to cause me bodily harm. And… it's just sitting there! It has to know I'm here, why isn't it coming at me?" Naruto eyed the statue, as though expecting it to suddenly lunge at him.

Inside the staff, some of the cards giggled at their new master's antics. Rain though, wasn't having it "Oh suck it up you big baby! Get your ass moving!"

Naruto jumped at the shout in his head before grumbling "Fine, sheesh, you don't have to shout like Sakura…"

"What was that!"

"Nothing!" he decided it was best to keep his mouth shut and just jog the rest of the way. Soon he was standing directly in front of the mystical figure, and it had yet to make a move. Naruto blinked, gripped the wand in both hands and raised it up… huh, still nothing. Mentally shrugging, he figured he'd put it off long enough:

"I am the Card Cap-"

But the moment he started speaking, the statue made it's move. One eye cracked open and an eerie "Shush" echoed around them.

Naruto blinked… only to find he was back where he started. "Um… what just happened?" he looked down at Keros.

The little guardian rubbed his chin "I told you Silent's powers are sound based. If I had to guess, I'd say she's set up a parameter of silence, where any noise gets you booted out. At least this proves we're dealing with a Clow and not an ordinary statue."

"That's a strangely situational ability" Naruto grumbled. "So, can I seal her without using the chant?"

Keros just shrugged "Worth a shot. Just keep what you want to happen in mind when you use the wand."

And so once again Naruto made his way up to the statue. He raised it high above his head, spoke the proper words in his mind, then brought the wand down like a hammer…

Only, at the last second, for Silent to lash out and knock the wand aside with her free hand. With her shushing hand she reached out and flicked Naruto on the nose.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, but once he had he was treated to the ethereal shush, and found himself booted out of Silent's sphere of influence. "Oh come on!" he he shouted, only to wince and look around. The last thing he needed was to be caught messing with the town's sacred statue.

"This might be harder then I thought" Keros whispered. Silent had always been an odd one, and it was hard to figure out where her head was at. It was clear though, that she was not looking to be sealed up. Or she was pranking him and Naruto. Again, odd girl.

Naruto though, was wracking his brain. These trials with the Clow had taught him that not every problem had an easy solution.

Okay, so the town viewed the statue as holy, because it protected them from Gato's men. But why had Silent set up shop here in the first place. If she wanted quiet, she could have gone deep into the forest where she wouldn't be disturbed. But she hadn't. She'd CHOSEN to be with the people.

"That's it!" Naruto grinned as the answer came to him. He nearly jumped forward right then, but stopped. Right, no noise. He sat down, taking a scroll out of his back pocket, much to the confusion of Keros and the girls (and Sword, he was a bit disappointed there wasn't going to be a lot of action).

Taking the blank scroll, and a pen, Naruto quickly penned a message to the strange (and somewhat annoying) spirit. Keros read over his shoulder as he wrote, slapping his forehead when he realized what Naruto was going to do, and feeling rather foolish he hadn't thought of it first.

Naruto walked calmly towards Silent once his note was done, and placed it in her lap, then stepped back. Slowly, Silent opened her eyes, and looked down at the scroll in her lap. Tilting her head, she looked at Naruto then back down at the scroll.

The note read: "I realize you are probably doing this because you care about the villagers, and are only trying to protect them. I respect that. Me and my team are here to do that to. The old man we're staying with, Tazuna, is building a bridge he believes, and I agree, will save this place." Silent nodded along, having heard the whispers of such a bridge for a while since she'd been here. She continued "Hopefully, once his bridge is built, Gato won't be able to push them around anymore. Then, you won't have to spend all your time here." Technically true. "Once that happens, maybe you can come home with me and the other Clow Cards?" it would be nice to see her sisters again, even if they did chatter far to much.

Silent had to admit she was proud of the boy. While his first few attempts had been obvious and straightforward, he'd proven quickly that he could think outside the box and handle himself. SHE wasn't kidding when she sent Silent here saying she'd find a decent master. Then again, She was rarely wrong about most matters.

Silent had been giving Naruto a long appraising look, and it was starting to make him feel uncomfortable, especially because he knew he couldn't say anything about it. Finally, she gave him a small smile, and nodded. They had a deal.

Naruto gave a slight bow and turned to leave. He had a date with a bed for the first time in a few days, and he was going to keep it.

Movement behind him caught his attention. Turning he saw Silent getting off her pedestal. She stretched, and Naruto blushed and looked away so as not to get an eyeful of her bust (something that the predominately female Clow Cards noted and appreciated). Why was she getting up though? She tossed Naruto his note back. Opening it, he could see that the writing had changed:

"As a sign of good faith, why don't you seal me now, then just continue to allow me to come here each night? I get to maintain watch over the village, and you can make sure I don't run out on you." Naruto looked up to disavow the idea that he though she'd run off, but the look on her face showed that she was teasing him. Hmph, sarcasm didn't really translate when in writing.

Still, if that was what she wanted, he raised his wand one more time…

-Naruto; Card Captor-

Windy, Fly, Rain, Float, Erase, Sleep, Sword, Wave, Mist, Silent

It has been far to long, and for that I apologize.

For those wondering how Naruto was gonna get out of that pickle last chapter, now you have your answers. Erase acted with the best of intentions, but Naruto's certainly not sure how to take this. I considered having more of the chapter focus on Naruto resolving things with her and his feelings towards essentially lying to all of teammates (even more then usual) but I felt that it would be unnatural to have the problem solved so soon after it came up.

I did like the scene with Sakura, and it was a spontaneous decision. I figured we all know how the Kakashi/Inari conversation goes, so instead I'd use it to develop Sakura a bit more. I wanted her to work out for her own her thoughts on her teammates and where she fits in, and what she can do to be better. She's not all the way there, but she's taken some big steps.

Next time, the battle on the bridge! Things come to ahead as the Bridge Arc nears it's conclusion. Will the battle go any differently now that the Clow Cards are in play? Will Sasuke avoid getting knocked out? Will Sakura actually prove useful? Will Naruto still have his epic Kyubi-induced freakout? Only time will tell!

Next Time On Naruto Uzumaki: Card Captor:

Chapter 10 - Battle on the-Man it is Freezing Out Here!

Until Next Time…