Author has written 27 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Cartoon X-overs, Calvin & Hobbes, One Piece, Ed, Edd n Eddy, Gorillaz, Invader Zim, Earthbound, Homestar Runner, Zatch Bell, and Nightmare Before Christmas.
February 2010: Unfortunately, I have some sad news to give to you all. Basically...I am retiring from writing fanfiction. This was not an easy decision to come to, but I believe it is for the best. The thing is...I just wasn't getting any enjoyment out of it anymore. So...that means I will not be writing Kingdom of Earth: Chain of Memories or Kingdom of Earth II. I might consider letting someone else write those stories, but you probably won't be hearing much from me anymore, save for a little reviewing. Also, don't worry; for now, all my stories are staying up. So...thanks to all who have given me their support over the years, and happy reading. ;)
Name: AMX (To say it, add periods between each letter. A.M.X.)
Likes: Drawing, reading, writing, watching cartoons, playing video games, researching music, observing pop culture
Dislikes: Loud noises, arrogant people, being misunderstood
Favorite TV shows: Ed Edd n Eddy, SpongeBob Squarepants, Whose Line is it Anyway, Mythbusters, Rob & Big, Invader Zim, The Simpsons, Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory, Ghost Lab
Favorite Comics: Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes, Baby Blues, Zits, Get Fuzzy, For Better or for Worse, FoxTrot, Mayberry Melonpool, Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi, Sam & Max
Favorite Books: Chris Crutcher books
Favorite Anime/Manga: Sailor Moon, Zatch Bell, One Piece, Azumanga Daioh, Tokyo Mew Mew, Lucky Star, GetBackers, Shugo Chara, Ouran High School Host Club, Junjo Romantica, Beast Master, Cyborg 009, Pretty Cure
Favorite Music: Gorillaz, Jamiroquai, Britney Spears, Living Colour, Kanye West
Favorite Video Games: Super Smash Bros., Paper Mario series, Animal Crossing, Earthbound, Chibi-Robo, Kingdom Hearts series, The Neverhood, Grim Fandango, the Nicktoons series, Sam & Max
Favorite movies: Napoleon Dynamite, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Wallace and Gromit, Bananaz
Favorite Quotes:
Ed Edd n Eddy
"Don't have a bird, Double D."-Eddy
Double D: "Okay, that's it! I'M GONNA GIVE YOU SUCH A THRASHING!"
(Double D's hat pop's off)
Eddy: "Geez Louise."
Ed: "Cool."
Double D: (puts hat back on) "If you say one word to anyone, I'll never speak to you again!"
Ed: (wearing a skull on his head) "I am dead from the neck up."
Eddy: "I'll just save it and use it for ammo when I need it, Double D."
Ed: "Eddy's always a step ahead."
"What are ya, some kinda troll or something?"-Eddy
Ed: "Hello, my name is Ed!"
Eddy: "I'm running out of ideas, Double D. Think of something that will make me look good."
Double D: "Ed you be careful with that! Oh, what do I care? It's his camera."
Ed: "Man the helms! Dive, dive!" (Swallows the video camera)
Double D: "Ed, what have you done? Open it. Open it!"
Ed: "Aah..."
Double D: "You should know better than to eat the camera, Ed. Just think what it could do to your digestive tract."
Ed: "Oh, I can't wait to see that part, Double D."
Double D: "Yes, well, let's not and say we did, Ed."
Eddy: "Come on, come on! I've got an impression to make, remember?
Whose Line is it Anyway?
Ryan: (after eating a whole tin of Altoids) "My mouth's on fire. I put about thirty of 'em in."
Drew: "Yeah. (holding up the Altoids tin) You know, these mints can be curiously strong when you pop all of them in your mouth at once."
Wayne: "He's gonna have good breath for like, twenty years now."
Brad: "Finally!"
"Now normally, I'd give you guys a thousand points each, but for today, 999! 999! I'm givin' away the points at 999! I'm craaaaazy!"-Drew Carey
Drew: (Concerning Chip's poor performance in a game) "'The farmer's daughter's father'...?"
Chip Esten: "...Nephew's uncle!"
Drew: "In other words...the farmer."
Chip: "Do I even get one point?"
Drew: "No."
Drew: "Hey Wayne, what's with the zippers on your pants?"
Wayne: "It's my tribute to Michael!"
Drew: "Hey, we should all get zippers on our pants, if Wayne has them on his pants."
Ryan: "They don't let me around zippers. Long story."
Greg: "Here's my tribute to LaToya." (Makes a funny face)
(Wayne and Drew laugh)
Drew: "Uh, Africa's a big country, located near India..."
(Wayne starts laughing loudly)
Drew: "Madagascar's an island off the coast of..."
Greg: "It's also a big continent if you're a geographer."
(Audience laughs)
Wayne: "Why do I gotta do the African Chant?"
Drew: "Because Colin would just mess it up."
"Welcome back to "Whose Line is it Anyway." I'm Drew Carey, and just like the Muppets, I have somebody's hand up my butt."-Drew Carey
"NI-I-ICE PANTS!"-Colin Mochrie
Greg Proops: (Wearing a bunny mask, his voice is muffled) "I'm not into protection."
Drew: "Say it again? I don't think they heard you."
Greg: (Takes mask off) "Oh, could no one hear me? Maybe it's 'cause of this (bleep) mask I'm wearing."
Drew: (after a game of Weird Newscasters) "Man oh man, I haven't seen Colin run that fast since Free Liquor Day in Toronto. Almost made us forget about Wayne spitting up...Well, I didn't forget..."
Ryan: "And we've put together 40 songs on 30 CD's."
Colin: "Yeah, that's like C,C,C,C,C...in Roman numerals. There may be a D in there somewhere."
Ryan: "Of course, in Spanish, you're just saying 'Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.'"
"Your choices are A: AD, B: CD, C: CB, or D:...DDDDD."-Colin Mochrie
Ryan: (To Drew) "You know who you look like?"
Drew: (Wearing a red Afro wig) "No."
Ryan: "You look like Sideshow Bob."
Drew: "That's right, the points are just like...a congressman from Rhode Island."
(Audience boos)
Drew: "Wow. We seem to have the entire state of Rhode Island here tonight."
"Dude, put your shirt back on! This isn't 'Cops'!"-Vic Romano (MXC)
"To accept what's to come is to know that you're going to have to say goodbye."-Jonny Kennedy, AKA "The boy whose skin fell off"
"Splee!"-Waffle (Catscratch)
"SPEAK!"-Mark and Roger's answering machine (Rent)
"Idiot!"-Napoleon Dynamite
Mobile, Alabama Citizen: "To me, it look like a leprechaun to me. All you gotta do is look up in the tree. Who else seen the leprechaun, say YEAH!"
Crowd: "YEAH!"
Miami Ink
Ami James: (Showing Chris Nunez his old car) "And over here under the hood..." (bends over to reveal a plumber's crack)
Chris Nunez: "Oh, yeah. That is a strong selling point, right there."
Chris Nunez: "You know, for a bunch of dumb tattoo guys, we got five languages between the five of us aside from English. That ain't bad."
Adam: "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
Jamie: "Aren't tracer rounds illegal?"
Adam: "Am I missing...an eyebrow?"
Jamie: "It's almost like we knew what we were doing, isn't it?"
Crew Member: "Why don't you ever try to be like Adam?"
Jamie: "What, you mean, stupid?"
Adam: (pirate accent) "Let's pillage!"
Tory: "I don't know if that's legal in California."
Jamie: "Whoops."
Adam: "Killer quicksand. Is that why I'm standing here in this stupid pith helmet?"
Jamie: "No, you're standing there in that stupid pith helmet because you're an idiot."
Adam: (regarding a hairdryer that's been dropped in a tub of water) "What kind of ground fault interruption is this? It's pumping water! I would say that's bad!"
Adam: (pirate accent) "What are you doin' with my cannon?! What do you mean we ain't got no more cannonballs?! Listen up! I want you to grab anything you can and stuff it into that cannon on the double!"
Cannon owners: (Start laughing)
Adam: "Well, don't just stand there!"
Jamie: "Are we gonna have to listen to this all day?"
Adam: (normal voice) "Yes."
Adam: (while testing Cabin Fever) "Well, last night's sleep was pretty uneventful. But I do remember this dream I had...I'm flying this plane, and all of a sudden, the plane's engines fail, and we're going down. However, all I do is get on the intercom and say to the passengers, 'This is your pilot speaking. I know this looks bad, but I'm starting to think this is all a dream, because I've just noticed that I'm not wearing any pants.' (Laughs) 'And when I'm not wearing any pants, that usually means it's a dream.' (Laughs harder)"
Here are the stories I have written so far:
I'm Not Remolino, Right?
The first fanfic I ever wrote. This is a crossover between Ed Edd n Eddy and Sonic the Hedgehog. In the story, The Ed's are transported to Station Square thanks to Shadow, and even worse, all three are transported to different parts of the city: Ed to Angel Island, Double D to Night Babylon, and Eddy to the dark part of the city, where an accident involving a slippery patch of ice causes him to lose his memory. Can Eddy (temporarily called Remolino) and his new friend, Shadow, get his memory back?
This story is finished.
MXCC: Most Extreme Cartoon Elimination Challenge
This is a parody of MXC. It features Ami and Yumi as the hosts, Kaz as the announcer, and Jake Long as the captain. As expected, there are cartoon and video game characters galore competing in various wacky games!
This story is finished.
The Boy, The Tiger, and the Battle for Mamodo King
This is another crossover, this time with Calvin & Hobbes and Zatch Bell. Basically, Calvin and Hobbes take a trip in their cardboard box (dubbed "The All-Purpose Travel Pod") and crash-land in the same city where "Zatch Bell" takes place. With the Travel Pod useless, they end up taking refuge in Kiyo's front yard, and things get even crazier for the two friends when they start seeing all the wacky things that happen in the town involving puppet children called "Mamodos."
This story is COMPLETE!
Who Framed Monkey D. Luffy
This story came to me after watching the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The story is basically the same as the movie, just with a few twists and different characters. Monkey D. Luffy has everything a pirate working in Miami would want: a good crew, a terrific girlfriend, and a job as one of the biggest actors at Oda Studios. McKenzie Valiant is a pirate-hating detective who, at the same time, is fighting a losing battle with depression and trying to make ends meet as the bills pile up. After McKenzie takes a job that involves Luffy's girlfriend and his cook and it upsets the young pirate, Al Kahn, owner of 4kids Studios, is found dead, Luffy being the prime suspect. Now Luffy's on the run, and the only person he wants help from is the person who hates him the most. Can McKenzie swallow her pride and help Luffy, or is there something bigger behind this whole thing?
This story is COMPLETE!
Eddy's Holes
Well, I promised a parody on the book Holes, and here it is. Eddy Ydde is a boy who is cursed. This curse is the reason why his scams never work, why his father lost his job, and why he's been arrested for a crime he didn't do. Now, because of this crime that he didn't do, he is condemned to the Texas desert, to a correctional facility for boys known as Camp Green Lake. All the counselors say that Eddy and the other bad boys are digging to build character, but Eddy knows better: the Warden who owns Camp Green Lake is looking for something. And as Eddy digs deeper, he begins to uncover a forgotten past. But what does it have to do with the Warden? And could it have something to do with Eddy himself?
This story is, at long last, COMPLETE! Below is the cast of characters.
Stanley (Caveman): Eddy (Moneybags)-Ed Edd n Eddy (Ed and Double D will be used as Eddy's friends from back home)
Stanley's parents and grandpa: Eddy's parents and grandpa-Ed Edd n Eddy
Warden: Nami-One Piece
Mr. Sir: Sanji-One Piece
Mr. Pendanski: Saito-Rurouni Kenshin
Kate Barlow: Hinata-Naruto
Sam the onion man: Naruto-Naruto
Trout Walker: Smoker-One Piece
Linda Walker: Hina-One Piece
Zero: Shadow (Shade)-Sonic the Hedgehog
Squid: Calvin (Tiger)-Calvin & Hobbes
Armpit: Sanosuke (Brawler)-Rurouni Kenshin
Zigzag: Luffy (Rubberman)-One Piece
Magnet: Garfield (Beast Boy)-Teen Titans
X-ray: Jason (Hacker)-FoxTrot
Twitch: Sonic (Speedy)-Sonic the Hedgehog
Stanley's lawyer: Nathan Ro (OC)-One Piece
Clyde Livingston: Captain Falcon-F-Zero
Ed Edd n Eddy's Nightmare Before Christmas
Yeah, that's right. A crossover between Ed Edd n Eddy and The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's a year after the events of Ed Edd n Eddy's Boo Haw Haw, and Eddy has found another one of his brother's maps. Thinking it will lead them to the real Spook-E-Ville, the three Eds follow the map and find not Spook-E-Ville, but Halloween Town. Soon the Eds discover Christmas Town and a certain Pumpkin King's plan to run Christmas that year, and they all end up on their own little missions: Ed wants to protect Santa from kidnappers, Double D thinks the Pumpkin King's plan will be a total disaster, and Eddy also thinks the idea won't work, but pretends to go along with it just so he can get his presents. In this musical story, including a song about the three "Stouthearted" Eds, can the three friends stick together even though they all have different intentions?
This story is COMPLETE! And for future reference for all you fans, this story, along with the sequel, will now be in the Ed Edd n Eddy section.
Below is the list of songs.
This is Halloween-Citizens of Halloween Town
Jack's Lament-Jack Skellington, Ed
Stouthearted Eds-Ed Edd n Eddy (Based on the song "Stouthearted Men" from The New Moon)
What's This?-Jack, Ed Edd n Eddy
Town Meeting Song-Jack, Edd, Eddy, Citizens of Halloween Town
Jack's Obsession-Jack, Citizens of Halloween Town
Kidnap the Sandy Claws-Lock, Shock, Barrel, Ed
Making Christmas-Jack, Edd, Eddy, Citizens of Halloween Town
Oogie Boogie's Song-Oogie Boogie, Ed
Sally's Song-Sally, Edd
Eddy's Halloween-Eddy (Based on the song "Halloween" from Rent)
Poor Jack-Jack, Eddy
Finale-Jack, Sally, Ed Edd n Eddy, Citizens of Halloween Town
Stouthearted Eds Reprise-Ed Edd n Eddy
Ed Edd n Eddy: Oogie's Revenge
Based on the direct-to-video game sequel to the movie. It's a year after the first story and the Eds are back in Halloween Town! This time, Oogie's been brought back to life and kidnapped all the holiday leaders. Can the Stouthearted Eds and Jack Skellington, along with Jack's new weapon, the Soul Robber, stop this tyrant? Let's hope they can! Expect old friends, new songs (well, new lyrics anyway), and the Stouthearted Eds and Jack being...well, the Stouthearted Eds and Jack!
This story is COMPLETE! Below is the list of songs.
Shadow Oogie's Song-Jack Skellington, Oogie Boogie, Edd, Eddy
The Spider Song-Jack, Sally, Ed Edd n Eddy
Oogie Boogie's Way-Jack, Dr. Finkelstein, Ed, Eddy
Take Our Town Back-Jack, Ed Edd n Eddy, Citizens of Halloween Town
Hail to Mister Oogie-Jack, Lock Shock & Barrel, Ed Edd n Eddy
Casino Clash-Jack, Oogie, Ed, Edd
Spiral Hill-Jack, Sally
Stouthearted Eds-Ed Edd n Eddy (Based on the song "Stouthearted Men" from The New Moon)
Oh No!-Jack, Ed Edd n Eddy
A Filthy Finale-Jack, Oogie, Ed Edd n Eddy
Stouthearted Eds Reprise- Ed Edd n Eddy
Cartoon Paranormal Project
Based on the new VH1 show, Celebrity Paranormal Project. We've sent five cartoon characters each to some of the scariest and most haunted places in the U.S.A. And then...we left them there! Now the teams have to work together by themselves to investigate some of the paranormal happenings in these places. Can they make it through the night, or will somebody crack?
This story is complete.
Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Eddy (Ed Edd n Eddy)
Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Numbuh Five (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Starfire (Teen Titans)
Ed Edd n Eddy: Halloween of Hair
Sequel to Ed Edd n Eddy: Oogie's Revenge. It's almost Halloween, but the Stouthearted Eds and the other children of Peach Creek Jr. High are busy with putting together their school play: Hair (how the teachers allowed this, I'm not exactly sure...) Anyway, Oogie's back for one last round, and since he's hadn't had much luck taking over Halloween Town, he tries the next best thing: taking over Peach Creek! Jack Skellington arrives to recruit the Stouthearted Eds to help him defeat Oogie, but when the Eds tell of their adventures in Halloween Town, the other kids, of course, don't believe them...until Oogie's monsters begin terrorizing the town! Can Peach Creek be saved?
This will include some songs from the movie Hair, with possibly a few lyric changes on some songs. Either way, be prepared for a few...naughty lyrics.
This story is complete.
Some Hideous Story where the Guardian Dies
My first Gorillaz story, based on the book One of those Hideous Books where the Mother Dies. Noodle is a young Japanese girl who has just turned fifteen, and her life is ruined. An newly orphaned girl since the death of her guardian, Mr. Kyuzo, she is being forced to move to England from Osaka, leaving everything she knew before behind: Seiichi, her boyfriend, Yori, her best friend...and Mr. Kyuzo's grave. Once in England, Noodle is taken in by 2D, Murdoc, and Russel; three men who want her in their band because of her guitar skills. But the events over the past few weeks have made Noodle cold. And it is made even worse when something happens between Yori and Seiichi. Can something be done to melt Noodle's frozen heart?
This story is complete.
A Day with an Ed
An Ed Edd n Eddy/Gorillaz crossover that takes place when Noodle is ten. The Gorillaz are on their first American tour, and they happen to stop in a small town called Peach Creek. Well, somehow Noodle leaves the tour bus and ends up in the cul-de-sac of this small town, meeting three certain boys who all have the same name! Can the Eds handle having to spend the day with this little Axe Princess who doesn't speak English?
This fic isn't anything big. Just a short nonsense story. It is now complete.
Baron and the Pumpkin King
Prequel to Ed Edd n Eddy's Nightmare Before Christmas. We all know how Jack Skellington met the Stouthearted Eds, but how did he meet a certain Stouthearted Ed's big brother? This is the story of how Jack Skellington faced his arch-foe, Oogie Boogie, for the first time. Can Jack, Zero, and their new friend Baron save Halloween Town from being infested by bugs?
This story is, at long last, COMPLETE!
Spring Break with an Ed
Sequel to A Day with an Ed. It's been four years since the Eds first met Noodle that fateful day, and now Gorillaz are huge. But the four friends still keep in touch. The Eds are excited to hear that Noodle will be starring in the music video for the Gorillaz song "El Manana," but are shocked when they actually see it. The three boys think it's the end for their friend until she shows up on their doorstep, and they decide to take a road trip over Spring Break to catch up for old time's sake. However, an unexpected turn of events occurs while they're on the road. Something that could change the fates of the Eds, Noodle, and the rest of Gorillaz forever...
This story is COMPLETE! o_O
Cartoon Paranormal Project 2
A continuation to the original Cartoon Paranormal Project. It's been two years since the original project, and now, it's back on. Six new cartoon characters have been sent to the Hawthorne Mill to uncover the mystery of "Wooden Lucy," the resident ghost. Expect more thrills, chills, and all-out drama!
This story is complete.
Hawthorne Mill
Ed (Ed Edd n Eddy)
Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Shnitzel (Chowder)
Eustace Bagge (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Mr. Burns & Smithers (The Simpsons)
Kingdom of Earth
Parody of Kingdom Hearts. Abby was a young girl with psychic powers living a peaceful life with her two best friends, Galleria and Mick, on the lush and tropical Vega Island. However, that all changed when the Heartless struck. The next thing Abby knows, she's stranded in a new place called Traverse Town, and she finds out that she is the chosen holder of a powerful weapon known as the Keyblade. Now it's up to Abby and her new friends, Ed and Double D, to save all the different worlds and the "Seven Heroes of Heart" to keep the darkness from taking over. But can this trio save all the different worlds as well as find Mick, Galleria, and Ed and Double D's missing king?
Here's a list of the different worlds.
Vega Island
Peach Creek Castle
Traverse Town
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Jump City (Teen Titans)
Mobius (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Mochinoki City (Zatch Bell!)
The Sand Whale (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Deep Space (Atomic Betty)
Halloween Town (I'm keeping this world because I think it's important to the plot)
Chimera UFO (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Hollow Bastion
End of the World
Decemberween is Here Again!
Based on the movie Christmas is Here Again!, but not a musical story. Long ago, the Decemberween Thnikkaman spread the joy of Decemberween to people all over the world, thanks to a magic present sack that first belonged to the creator of the universe, Hoborg. But, everything changed when Klogg, a wicked being who provided coal for naughty children, stole the magic sack for himself. Without the magic sack, Decemberween could not happen, and over the years, the special holiday became nothing more than a legend. Many years pass, and a lonely little orphan girl named Rini, along with her Luna-P ball, hear about the legend of Decemberween. They decide to find the Decemberween Thnikkaman and get the magic sack back for him. Along the way, they make friends with an innocent worker robot named WALL-E, a kind boy who lives in the woods named Zidane, and two mountain dwellers named Strong Bad and Homestar Runner. Can this ragtag group of free spirits get the magic sack back from Klogg and save Decemberween?
Expect characters from Sailor Moon, WALL-E, Homestar Runner, The Neverhood, and Final Fantasy games...but not Ed Edd n Eddy. O_O
Discontinued stories:
Kingdom of Earth: Chain of Memories
Second story in the Kingdom of Earth trilogy. In their search for Galleria and King Eddy, Abby, Ed, and Double D come upon a castle known as Castle Oblivion. However, they soon come across a plot concocted by a mysterious organization, and it involves a boy named Nathan. But will they make it out with their memories intact...? Meanwhile, Galleria becomes involved in an adventure of her own...
Kingdom of Earth 2
The third story in the Kingdom of Earth trilogy. After a year of sleeping, Abby, Ed, and Double D are immediately thrown into another adventure in their search for Galleria and King Eddy. Expect old friends, new friends, and the ultimate showdown for the Kingdom of Earth!
Worlds featured in the story:
Twilight Town
Hollow Bastion
Shinjuku Forest (GetBackers) (?)
Feudal Japan (InuYasha)
Jump City (Teen Titans)
Mobius (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Deep Space (Atomic Betty)
Port Town (One Piece) (?)
Mochinoki City (Zatch Bell)
Halloween Town (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Kids Next Door Sector V (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Lyoko (Code Lyoko)
The World that Never Was