Author's Note: Yes, it's the moment you've all been waiting for, folks! The last installment of the Ed Edd n Eddy/Nightmare Before Christmas Trilogy! And for those of you who are wondering, yes, I was going to do a prequel based on the GBA game, but I scrapped the idea because I couldn't make a very strong plot out of it. So instead, I give you the final story, Ed Edd n Eddy: Halloween of Hair!
For those of you who don't know, Hair is a movie based on a play of the same name. The movie version is about a guy from Oklahoma who's taking off for Vietnam from New York, and while in New York, he befriends a group of hippies. And since they're hippies, some of the songs they sing are about some very . . . suggestive topics, so I apologize in advance if any of the lyrics offend anyone.
One last thing: this isn't about the story, but I've picked up some very interesting information. I'm writing this on October 28, and tomorrow, on the 29th, The Nightmare Before Christmas premieres on Cartoon Network! And guess what airs after it? Ed Edd n Eddy's Boo Haw Haw! Coincidence? I think not!
So without further ado, I give you my newest story! Happy reading!-AMX

It was nearing the end of October in a small town called Peach Creek. Now, normally around this time, the children of this quiet little town were preparing for Halloween around this time of the month. But not for twelve certain students attending Peach Creek Junior High School. They were focusing on a different matter. They had to rehearse for their upcoming school play: Hair.

From what the kids could make of the script, the play was about a guy from Oklahoma who befriends a group of hippies in New York, where he's taking off for Vietnam. However, when they looked through the script, they were surprised at how many suggestive topics the play talked about. Because of this, the drama teacher was forced to make some very drastic changes. But the show would still go on.

On one certain day, a few days before opening night and Halloween, these twelve students rejoiced as the final bell rung. They quickly scrambled to their lockers and ran outside into the crisp autumn weather.

But now was not the time for leisure. Now was the time for practice. They needed to get this play down! So as they went outside into the proper atmosphere, the kids got into their costumes. They would be playing the hippies.

Out of these twelve kids, three in particular stood out. These three kids were Ed, Edd (or Double D, as everyone called him), and Eddy. They were best friends who were always looking for ways to get money for jawbreakers. They were actually very excited about the play. But in the back of their minds, they were also looking forward to something else.


Two years ago, on Halloween night, the three "Stouthearted Eds" had followed one of Eddy's brother's maps, and it led them to a magical place behind a jack o' lantern door in the woods. This place was called Halloween Town, and its leader was a friendly skeleton named Jack Skellington.

Jack immediately befriended the three Eds, and the boys were immediately flung into an adventure. That particular year, Jack discovered the holiday called Christmas, and became fascinated by it. He, along with Eddy, tried to take over Christmas, but the two ended up having to save Double D, Ed, Santa Claus, and Jack's friend Sally from Oogie Boogie, Jack's arch-foe.

The year after that was just as exciting. Oogie's henchmen, Lock, Shock, and Barrel, brought Oogie back to life, and he tried to take over Halloween Town and the other six holidays while Jack was away. Luckily, Jack and the Stouthearted Eds stopped him, and Christmas was saved again.


The Eds, especially Eddy, knew that after they did the play, they would have to visit Jack and tell him all about it. He loved plays. Eddy was especially excited to see Jack again. When he and Jack were busy delivering presents that first year, they inadvertently found out that Eddy's older brother had been one of Jack's close friends. Because of this, Jack was mostly fond of Eddy, since he reminded Jack so much of "Baron" (Jack's nickname for Eddy's brother).

But first thing's first. They had to work on the play. Eddy quickly put on the old clothes he had snagged from his brother's room. Then he slicked the three long hairs on his head back. As an added touch, he put on his brother's old Peace medallion, and he looked like an honorary hippie.

Double D had a long-sleeved white shirt with an orange vest over it, and black bell-bottom pants. Small sunglasses slightly hid his eyes. He was a hippie, but he was a clean hippie. His trademark sock hat stayed on his head.

Ed didn't have much trouble finding a costume, since his big baggy smelly jeans already looked like hippie clothes. For a coat, he was wearing one of his dad's old leather jackets. It even had fringe on it.

Around the Eds, the other kids got ready too. A few feet away, Sarah, Ed's little sister, put on a white leather jacket and yellow sunglasses. She then helped her best friend, Jimmy, put on his slightly stained white jeans and a baggy vest. Unlike Double D, Jimmy didn't wear a shirt underneath his vest. But he did have little sunglasses like Double D's. They took some of the attention off his giant orthodontia brace.

The school bullies, the Kanker Sisters, were busy putting on their hippie skirts and tops while putting flowers in their hair. They then began to argue on who was the prettiest hippie. May, the blond Kanker, had a white T-shirt and a long red skirt on. A single rose was in her hair. Marie, the blue-haired Kanker, wore a gray vest shirt and black shorts. Sunglasses covered her visible eye. Lee, the redhead Kanker, made her already fluffy red hair extra fluffy, and put on her white top with red polka dots, along with a jean skirt with numerous patches on it.

Nazz, the beauty of the school, also had flowers in her short blond hair. She also wore a daisy-print T-shirt with a matching skirt. Bangles covered her wrists.

Over by the bike racks, Kevin and Rolf were getting ready. Rolf was the foreign son of a shepherd, and his costume consisted of a pair of jeans with big patches ripped out of them, so you could see his skinny legs. He wore no shirt. He also held a shepherd's staff, as he would be tending to a few sheep that would also be in the play. Kevin, the school jock and semi-bully, was playing the leader of the hippies, Berger. He had a white T-shirt on, covered by a leather vest, and ripped jeans that went down to his knees. His part required him to wear a brown-haired curly wig.

For some reason, Kevin was the only one who didn't seem to be enjoying the play. "I hate hippies," he grumbled as he put his wig on.

"I love hippies!" said the last kid, running past Kevin and Rolf. Jonny 2x4 was perfectly cast as a hippie because he was practically one already. He wore a long-sleeved green shirt with yellow swirls all over it, with matching pants. On his head, he wore a giant Afro wig, and on his feet were his trademark sandals. As Jonny ran, he looked at the piece of wood with the face drawn on it in his hands. "This rocks, huh Plank?" Jonny asked the wood. "We get to wear our pajamas to school!" Plank, of course, didn't respond. He simply stared, as he always did.

Kevin looked at all the other kids. "Okay, people!" he called to the others. "Let's get this over with! I want to get home as fast as possible."

The other kids gathered around.

"What scene do you suggest we do, Kevin?" asked Double D.

Kevin sighed and looked at the script. "Uh . . . let's just start at the beginning and work our way through," he decided. "Let's start the first scene with the hippies. Nazz, get ready to sing."

Nazz nodded. She would be singing the first song in the play.

"Places, people!" Kevin called.

Kevin, Nazz, Jonny, and Eddy formed a circle in the middle of the front yard of the school, while everyone else acted like . . . well, hippies!

"And don't throw yourself in front of everyone again, dork!" Kevin said to Eddy. "You're not the only one on stage!"

"Yeah, yeah . . . " Eddy mumbled.

Kevin then took out a small piece of paper and looked at his first line. "Any person who alters . . . " He looked at Nazz. ". . .forges, knowingly destroys . . . " He looked at Jonny, still holding Plank. ". . .knowingly mutilates . . . " He looked at Eddy. ". . .or in any matter changes this certificate . . . may be fined not to exceed $10,000 . . . or imprisoned for not more than five years . . . or both."

Kevin then acted like he was setting the certificate on fire, and let it flutter to the ground. Then he, Eddy, and Jonny joined the others in the hippie crowd. This was Nazz's cue. She opened her mouth and began to sing.

Nazz: When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius
All: Aquarius!

Then, as part of the choreographed dance, everyone moved away from Nazz, except for Ed, who got down on his hands and knees and began to prance around like a horse.

Nazz: Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
All: Aquarius!

Now everyone began jumping and prancing around the front yard of the school. Some even began to roll around on the ground. They were that into it.

Nazz: When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius
All: Aquarius!

Nazz: Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation

All: And the mind's true liberation

For the final pose, everyone majestically pointed toward Nazz and waved their arms in the air. Nazz also brought her arms up and looked up at the sky, as a hippie would.

"Okay, cut!" Kevin called out.

Nazz brought her arms down and giggled. "That was fun!" she said.

"Rolf is humbled by the easy-going lives of these . . . how you say . . . hipsties?" said Rolf in his thick foreign accent.

"Hippies, Rolf," Double D corrected.

"Okay, let's start the next scene," said Kevin.

"Can we practice them in the park?" asked Jimmy.

"Yeah, I wanna play on the swings!" said Sarah.

"We can't goof around!" said Kevin. "Opening night's in a few days!"

"Actually Kevin," said Double D, "the park might be a better place to practice. This does take place in a park . . . "

"All right, all right!" said Kevin. "Sheesh . . . "

And so, the twelve kids began the short trek to the park. But, unbeknownst to any of them, an all-too-familiar skeletal character-at least to the Stouthearted Eds-was waiting for them . . .