"We got a situation"

Tony and Steve perked slightly. Clint let out a small sigh and Natasha looked indifferent at the news. Bruce had his head against the table while Thor wasn't even paying attention to Nick Fury. Fury ignored the dullness and continued, raising his voice a little more.

"NYPD is getting non-stop calls from civilians about a robbery on 5th and 3rd-"

"A robbery?" Clint snorted, "That's it? I'm sure they could handle that"

"Let me finish" Fury growled back, "A fight broke out between what reports read 'a guy in a red and blue pajama suit swing around the place'. They are both causing havoc and destroying a good part of a busy street"

Steve raised a brow, "Is there an I.D at least?"

"He's wearing a mask" Fury replied.

"Sounds like fun" Tony got up with a small bounce and clapped his hands, "I'll go and investigate-"

"Wait just a damn minute" Fury shouted at Tony before the billionaire turned to leave, "I'm sending Steve and you together"

"Mr. America? Ughhh" Tony let out a frustrated groan while Steve had a neutral expression, "I'd rather take the sleeping giant" Tony complained and nodded towards where Bruce was silently sleeping.

"Don't argue" Fury snapped back, "Hurry it up, I don't want to hear another complaint from the mayor"



"Woah! Jesus, dude"

"Stand still!"

The vigilante clumsily dodged another attack from the robber who was now rampaging with anger. He couldn't blame him. He would be angry too if he wore blue tights three sizes small. Peter chuckled at his small tease in his head but was quickly thrown out one ear to focus on the situation. This guy was not going to slow down any time soon. The large and muscular villain was trying desperately to ripped his head off. He preferred his to stay on thank you. Peter raised his hand and shot a quick web just in time to lift himself off the ground away from the next attack. The guy was getting pissed now, he could tell.

"You look a little flushed" Spider-man teased, "Maybe you should sit down before you blow a vessel"

The robber roared so loud that Peter was sure he tore his throat raw, "I'll crush you, bug!"

"Bug? Uh.." Spider-man resisted the urge to correct the man. Spider-man landed gracefully, sideways on the apartment windows, still having a good view of the guy and what he was doing next. The robber was now just being reckless, picking up heavy and random things just to toss at him. Spider-man was too quick though.

"Okay, I have to get home to get started on my homework. Let's wrap this up" Spider-man jumped from his position landed on his feet a few steps away from the large guy. Shessh, he was tall. The guy tried grabbing Peter at every angle but he caught him first. He shot out his arm to do a quick aim and shoot a large web at the villain's face. It caught his entire head, making the guy scream in anger and probably confusion. Next, Peter spun the guy around to wrap the guy up when suddenly-


Peter got a quick glance of something light blue before it shot him in the chest. Peter went flying backwards into the apartment building, hitting his head against the glass. He winced and gave a small 'owie'.

"What the-"

Peter looked down at his suit to see a good portion of it scourged off and smoking. He let out a sigh, get another project to work on. Like he didn't have enough to do. Peter looked up to see the intruder. You couldn't see it but his eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Oh my god.."

"Do me a favor, pajama boy, and stand still before I roast your nightwear" Tony Stark's voice boomed from the Iron man suit.

"Pajama-" Peter should have felt offended and let loose a sarky remark when suddenly another figure appeared. Captain America. Peter felt his brain get all fuzz and his mouth hanging open from pure disbelieve. Iron man and Captain American.

"Stand down" Captain America ordered.

Peter instantly raised his hands up, "No no no no, wait-"

"Listen, punk!" Iron man raised his right hand, his palm glowing from a charging energy blast. Peter felt sweat drip down his spine and kept completely still.

"Who are you?" Captain American demanded. However, their conversation when the robber began to slowly get up from the ground. The web still stuck on his face, making him grip around in blind fury. Iron man directed his weapon at the man and fired. Peter winced as the guy was tossed into the air and slammed into a parked car just to his left. He swallowed loudly.

"Just your...friendly neighborhood Spider-man?" Peter tried coaxing in a ever so sweet tone.

The face plating on the Iron man helmet shifted to revel Tony Stark, oh my god it was really Tony Stark. Peter felt like having a fan boy panic attack.

"Spider-man?" Tony said with a small grin. Captain America didn't seem to understand when he look at Tony with a confused face.

"You never read the Daily Bugle?"

"Not..really" Captain American admitted. Peter wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Tony looked at Peter then back to his friend in red white and blue, "This guy is all over the paper" Tony cleared his throat a little before giving his best Jameson impression, "Spiderman is a menace and must be caught! Catch him in the cookie jar!" Captain America only gave him another confused look.

Tony sighed, "So you're the pajama wearing spider boy?"

"Man, Spider-man...hence the name"

"You sound like you're twelve"

Peter felt a vein pulsing angrily at his temple. Tony let out a small laugh and nudged Captain America in a mock tease.

"Okay okay" Tony walked up to Peter with an outstretched hand, "Tony Stark, I'm sure you knew that, who doesn't know me. Tell me, Spidy, where you trying to level New York or-"

"No! No I was trying to- uh..I was..you know-" Peter could feel his brain completely flattening.

Captain America looked unimpressed, "Tony, we should hand him over to the authorities"

"Hey, woah! I'm not like that. I'm a good guy"

"Misunderstood good guy who likes destroying half the city for fun, remind you of anybody?"


"Wait, please just listen" Peter pleaded.

"C'mon, kid you're coming with us" Tony made a move to grab Peter when Peter hastily moved away from his idol. Jesus and for a minute there he wanted to hug the guy.

"Can't we..just talk for a few seconds?"

"We'll bring him to Fury" Captain America said calmly to Tony who agreed silently as he moved closer and closer to Peter.

"Fury? Is that a codename for execution?" Peter questioned but neither of them were paying the slightest attention to him. Suddenly, Tony grabbed hold of Peter's waist and hugged him tightly till it was impossible to move. Before he could protest, Tony wield back the helmet closed to shield his face and shot up into the sky. Captain America watched with a grin as Spider-man, now clinging to Tony with all his strength and screamed, "I gotta do homework!"



Normally, Peter would be excited to go to Stark Tower. It was his dream to actually step inside and meet the Avengers but right now didn't feel so welcoming. Tony landed on top on the tower and dropped him gently on the platform. Peter didn't mind heights at all but the wind that blew over was getting him nervous. However, the thought was quickly pushed away when he saw Tony watch down the catwalk towards the building. A large golden circle formed from what seemed out of nowhere and rotated around Tony. One by one his suit was detaching itself and allowed the robotic arms and claws to slowly and carefully pick the suit apart from Tony's body. Soon enough there stood Tony in a regular jeans and black t-shirt.

"Could you..do that again" Peter muttered as he hurried to catch up with the billionaire, "Hm, not that I don't like being here- I mean I do but not like..wait..let me start again"

"I heard a lot about you" Tony began, "You've been on Fury's watch list for a while now. I never got around to look at your file more closely though"

Peter watched as Tony pulled a small device that looked a lot like a phone only with a single button. Tony pressed the small button and a blue screen popped up above the actual screen. Peter made a small 'woah', the device looked like something out of science fiction movie.

"Aren't you hot in that thing?" Tony asked Peter. Peter stopped walking along side Stark and backed away.

"No, why" Peter asked quickly.

Tony gave the kid a small humorous look before outstretching his arms in mock surrender, "Oh come on, I know when to close my mouth. I'm an awesome secret keeper"

"I don't think that would be a great idea" Peter said.

"Hey, listen, this place is completely secure. Trust me, we're all adults right?" Tony egged at Peter, "Come on, Parker"

"Hmm..I don't know-..wha..what"

"Like I didn't know!" Tony showed Peter the small hand held device, shaking it but Peter could see a clear picture of himself.

Peter let his shoulders drop, "How long have you known?"

"Just recently actually, 5 minutes" Tony smiled at Peter with high amusement, "You've been on Fury's record for a couple of years now though. Don't know why he never mentioned you"

"What? Wait! Is he going to blackmail me?"

"Blackmail? No, we aren't like that. Shessh, can you stop being so paranoid!" Tony raised his hands in a mock surrender, "Like I said we're all adults here"

Peter sighed but finally gave in. It wasn't any use was it now? He grabbed the back of the mask and pulled it forward reveling his face.

"Oh my god, you are twelve"

"What?" Peter felt his face turn hot and, no doubt, red from embarrassment. Tony let out a small bark of laughter and grabbed Peter to place his arm around the kid's shoulder.

"You're adorable. Alright let me introduce you to the rest of the group"

"Woah, really?" Peter felt his heart jump around excitedly in his chest.

"Yes, really" Tony replied, "Geez, am I less exciting to you? Well, I guess I couldn't see. You did have your mask on. Are those really pajamas?"



To say Nick Fury was pissed was an understatement. Peter took one look at Fury and felt like he should be in fear of his life. The guy was one scary looking dude and yet nobody even flinched at his high raised tone except Peter. However, he was still marveling over the rest of the team that Tony had just introduced him to. While Tony and Fury were at a shouting match, Tony seemingly having more fun in the situation, Peter took another look at the team. Tony Stark, of course the invincible Iron man, was more than a fan boy's dream to meet. God, he was being a nerd again. Captain America or Steve Rogers was still impressive and incredibly nice. Even though they started off on the wrong foot Steve was starting to warm up to him. It was hard to believe that the guy was frozen for years and looked like he was a few years older than he was. Clint Barton, Hawkeye, was a little quiet and anti-social unlike the rest. He gave Peter one look and nodded before leaving the room from the rest. There was something creepy about the guy and screamed to Peter not to piss him off. Natasha Romanova, Black Widow, was really beautiful and greeted him with uncertainty but was kind nonetheless. Thor was impressive. Peter thought the guy would crush him just by the handshake but he was welcoming. Peter couldn't help but chuckle when Thor had called him 'the man of spiders', not his actual name but he didn't want to correct the guy. Lastly was Bruce Banner. Boy, did Peter have the wrong impression of him. The guy was thin and small. He found it hard to believe that the guy was actually the Hulk.

And here he stood, in tights and ruined suit. Yeah, he looked awesome.

"Good news kid" Tony said, snapping him from his thoughts, "We won't torture and dissect you"

"That's...great" Peter admitted, grabbing his mask tightly in sudden nervousness.

"Aww don't scare him" Natasha said with a small grin, Steve hid his mouth from a lurking smile.

"First things first" Tony held out his hand to Peter, "Give me the suit"

"What? Why, no!" Peter quickly backed away from him.

"Relax! I'm just gonna fix it for ya, duh" Tony retorted, "Please tell me you're wearing something underneath cause it would be really awkward"


"I'll tell Natasha to turn her head" Tony gave a wink at Peter who had his eyes widen in fear.


"Weren't you listening?" Clint suddenly asked in a stern tone

"Fury wants to keep an eye out for you" Steve said,"You're an impressive kid"

Peter thought he was going to explode from astonishment, "I'm..impressive?"

"Don't get your head in the clouds, sheesh it's easy to lose you" Tony said, "Just make yourself at home and-"

"What do you mean?" Peter quickly interrupted.

"What you don't feel comfortable staying with a place full of men?" Tony joked lightly, "You're staying here, Spidy. Fury's orders"

"Wait, I can't do that. I-..Aunt May, I can't just leave her like this"

"He doesn't have to permanently stay" Bruce said, "I'm sure he has school and work, right?" Peter gave a small nod, glad that someone was helping him along. Tony seemed to ponder the counterargument.

"Separation anxiety? Totally understand" Tony poked Peter in the stomach playfully. Peter lighten up a little his heart still hammer against his chest in the thought of staying with the amazing team.

"This is awesome, really, I don't know what to say" Peter began.

"Well I know what you can do, kiddo" Tony tugged lightly at the large tear at his suit, "Let me fix this"

"Alright fine, yeah" Peter said enthusiastically, "Thanks"

"Anyone know how to sow?" Tony asked the team, "Just kidding, oh wait I think Doctor Banner knows"

Bruce rubbed the bridge of his nose with a small smile, "Really? I don't work well with pointy things"

"Let's avoid that" Steve said lightly.

Peter laughed at the small joke but then felt his brain suddenly slap him with the realization of his neglected homework.

"Damn, uh, I need to get started on my homework actually.." Peter said, "It's due tomorrow"

Suddenly, Thor placed his arm around Peter's shoulders. Peter thought his knees would buckle just from the weight of the man's arm.

"I shall assist you in your educational matters! I was the top of my class for slaying foul beasts and monsters"

"Actually, it's just mathematics" Peter said with a small smile to the god. Thor paused and looked at Peter with a confused expression.

"What kind of training are you bestowed upon?"

"It's really just numbers and...equations"


A/N: Should I continue this? Leave me a review. It was fun writing this really. I got the idea after watching Ultimate Spider-man.