A/N: I dunno how you peeps do it, but ya'll have inspired me to write a boat load of Gorillaz fanfics again XD So, In spirit of being awesome, enjoy this little ficlette thingy thing that I wrote for ya :D (Ignore the random country rambling crap, I'm talkin' weird today)
Disclaimers: I own nothing
2D was sitting in the kitchen, glass of water in hand, staring at the wall, "Mudz ain't gon' li'e this."
"Yo, 'D, wh-what in Holy Heaven is that?"
"Tha'...is a drawin'." The singer stated matter-of-factly.
"I can see that, 'D, but, who drew it?"
"I dunno."
"Wha' are you fuckahs lookin' a'- SWEET SATAN!" Murdoc dropped his bottle of beer, sending it crashing to the floor. A cigarette still hung from his mouth as he observed the drawing on the kitchen wall.
Drawn in sharpie was what looked to be three giant monkeys. Oh looked like it had a bowl on his head, the other looked like fire was shooting out of his skull while the last one was bald.
"Who the hell drew this?" Russel asked yet again.
"Well, clea'ly i' was none o' us..." 2D began.
"Then tha' means..." Murdoc began, all anger quickly leaving him. A small voice confirmed his suspicion.
"Hai! Like drawing?" The small squeak of their little axe princess was heard behind them.
"Noods, di' ewe draw this?" 2D spun on his heels to face the girl.
"Hai!" She exclaimed, throwing her fists in the air, still clinging tightly to a sharpie.
"Uh, luv, why'd ya draw baboons on the wall?" Murdoc lit up another cigarette while the child thought about his question. She looked up at him with a confused stare.
"Babe-os?"She questioned.
"Uh, no, luv, baboons."
"Baby balloons?"
"No, they're loike monkeys one-" Russel slapped the back of 2D's head before he could continue.
"Oh...No moneys." Noodle looked up at them with a look of pure disappointment, how could they not see the wonderful family portrait she drew?
"It Gorillaz." She point the end of her sharpie to the picture.
"Well sorry for getting the wrong species, luv." Murdoc rolled his eyes. Noodle pouted,
"No, it Gorillaz."
"No, baboons an' gorillas a'e totally different thin's. 2D tried to explained. This made Noodle pout even more. She went write up to the wall and pointed to each drawing,
"Murdoc-san, 2D-san, Russel-san, an' Noodle-ru." She pointed to each 'baboon' then crossed her arms.
"Oh...I get it now..." Russel took a closer look at the drawing, "Well...it's a lovely drawing of the band, Noodle, we'd put it on the refrigerator if it wasn't so big."
"Or drawn on my bloody wall!"
"O' if we 'ad a refridgerata."
"Faceache...shut it, will ya?"