Warnings: Slash, Language, Dirty Talk, Sexual Content. So if that's all stuff you're not interested in, I suggest you hit that gorgeous back button and move along.

Disclaimer: I own nobody mentioned in this story unfortunately :(

A/N: Okay, so I've been working on this story for awhile now, and finally have it all done. I wish I could tell you that there is some kind of story to this, but there's not. Just a reason for me to make Jeff and Phil do the nasty. LOL. So let me tell you how it goes down, this is a two parter, two shot whatever you want to call it. The first part (which you are about to read shortly) is just the base meaning it leads to the good stuff (them doing it) which comes in chapter two. So sit back, and enjoy.

Happy Readings!

CM Punk - new World Heavyweight Champion. Damn, that sounded good. And the belt looked great on him too in Jeff's opinion. The way it fit snuggly around his waist, but somehow seemed to make his butt look that much more delectable. The man was already good looking enough, but adding the gold just made him look so much hotter. Gold looked good on him, made Jeff want him more than before. He knew it was wrong to feel the way that he did about his best friend who is another man, but he just couldn't help it. He was just so damn smart, and funny, and incredibly sexy.

"Stop it, Jeff!" He whispered aloud to himself angrily. He couldn't be having these type of thoughts right now, not here. It was only okay when he was alone in his hotel room, and he was free to let his mind wander to thoughts of him and Phil in some very steamy scenarios in places, and positions only he could imagine.

He was starting to sweat from the mental images. He needed to stop thinking about it before his imagination took over and he was going to have to go through the rest of the party with a boner.

"Yo, Jeff, why the hell you sitting over here?" John Cena asked, approaching the table Jeff was sitting at alone. "Phil's been looking for you all night."

Jeff smiled. He'd been looking for him? Really? Play it cool, Jeff, play it cool. "Oh, I didn't know." Was all he said.

"Alright, what's going on?" John said, sliding into the booth, sitting across from Jeff. "Why have you been avoiding him?"

Jeff's eyes grew wide as he said, defensively. "What? I haven't been avoiding him, he's my best friend."

"He feels like you're avoiding him. Now you might as well tell me what the hell is wrong."

Jeff sighed before beginning. "I like him…"

"Well I figured that since you two are best friends." John interrupted sarcastically.

"No, I mean I like him. A bit more than I probably should." He said, putting a hard emphasis on the word 'like'.

It took a minute for it to finally register, but John got it now. "Oh…oh!" He exclaimed. "Oh, well then you need to tell him."

"Fuck no, dude! Do you know how weird it'll make things between us!?" Jeff exclaimed, outraged, picking up his bottle of beer, and taking a few swigs from it.

John laughed. "Well avoiding him and these feelings won't make your feelings for him go away. It'll only make the attraction stronger and more unbearable." He said. "Now if you won't tell him then you know I will."

Jeff choked lightly. "No! Do that, and your ass is mine, Cena. I'm so serious." He threatened, glaring at him. "I'll tell him when I'm good, and damn ready."

John shook off the threat as he said with a smirk. "Good. And sorry, but my ass is already taken." He then got up from the booth, winking.

God, he and Randy had been together way too long. He was starting to inherit some of his annoying traits.

Jeff chugged the last of his beer, and planned on finally getting up to go look for Phil. Just as he was getting up from the booth, Phil came and pushed him back down roughly.

"Why the hell have you been ignoring me, Jeffrey?" He demanded, placing his newly earned championship belt on the table. He was leaning on Jeff a bit, and damn if he wasn't getting hard from the slight contact. "You've been avoiding me these past couple of weeks, but I thought you would at least come congratulate me tonight." Phil said, a slight pout pulling at his lips.

"Congratulations." Jeff gulped, wanting to do nothing more than to kiss away that look. "And I haven't been avoiding you dude. I've just been really busy."

"Don't give me that bullshit, we have the same damn schedule and I've been just as busy as you. So come up with another excuse my friend." He said, leaning closer. He was so close that Jeff could smell the faint scent of his cologne. It was a sweet smell, very inviting, and oh, so tempting.

"I've been sick."

"You seem pretty healthy to me."

Jeff thought for a moment, and got nothing. So he gave up. There was no point in lying. "I've been…busy?"

He laughed. "You already gave me that excuse. So why don't you just go ahead and tell me the truth already?"

"Wh---what are you talking about?" Jeff found himself stuttering.

Phil rolled his eyes. "I know you want me, Jeff."

"Dude, what!? Did Cena tell you that?" Jeff was going to kill him.

He shook his head. "No, it's pretty obvious. Especially the way you look at me."

"How do I look at you?" Jeff asked, curious and a bit frightened.

He replied simply, shrugging his shoulders. "Like you want to fuck my brains out."

Jeff's mouth dropped open in shock, face turning beet red from embarrassment. "I'm sorry if you're getting the wrong impression, but…" He began, but was silenced when Phil placed a finger on his lips.

"Don't you dare try to deny it. I know you want me. I knew from the very moment in our match a few months ago when you kept pushing up against me from behind, breathing on me. I gotta admit, it made me hot as hell, especially when I felt how hard you were against me."

Jeff had literally forgotten how to speak for a moment, his brain and all thought process turning into mush.

Phil took this opportunity to run his free hand through Jeff's multi-colored hair. "You know Jeffy, I've always wondered if you taste like skittles." He whispered, leaning a little closer to Jeff so that his breath was brushing against his cheek. He straddled over his lap, his jet black hair tickling Jeff's neck. He was in dangerous territory now. Jeff placed his hands on his hips to push him off, but before he knew it, Phil licked the outer shell of his ear, causing him to shiver, and gasp.

Phil hummed. "Mmm…you do taste good Jeff, but I know there's another part of you that would taste even better." He said, finally sitting down on Jeff.

Jeff bucked, his ass felt so good against his cock that with all the willpower he possessed, he had to fight the urge to bend him over the table and fuck him right here. He could do it though, they were in a pretty dark, isolated corner…

"I want you, Jeff. I want you so bad." He whispered huskily against his lips before kissing him roughly.

If Phil wasn't all for the "straight edge" lifestyle, Jeff would've sworn up and down that he was drunk out of his ass right now. There was no way in blue hell that he could be feeling the same way about him, wanting the same thing Jeff had been secretly wanting for over a year. It just didn't make sense.

But, Jeff damn sure wasn't about to start asking questions. The feel of his warm body on him was just too comforting, and the feel of his lips were so soft against his own that he didn't want to ruin the moment with his bickering questions.

Phil pulled back and bit down lightly on Jeff's bottom lip while rubbing his bottom against his crotch.

Yeah, questions could definitely wait.

Phil continued his ministrations, skillful tongue dueling with his own, then licking his cheek again, then his neck. Jeff was about to lose it, he almost did when Phil put a hand on his hard cock, giving it a hard squeeze through the jeans he was wearing. He growled, causing him to squeeze harder before gently massaging it.

He had to stop this before they got caught fucking in the back of a club. He was sure that wouldn't sit over well with the boss.

Jeff leaned forward and sucked on Phil's lip ring, causing a sexy moan from the younger man. Jeff finally found his voice as he said, breath brushing against Phil's moist lips. "We should stop right now before I'm not able to control myself."

Phil smirked, leaning his forehead against Jeff's. "I don't want you to control yourself. I want you to take me. Make me yours." The way he spoke those words seemed so dirty, and Jeff felt his cock twitch in his jeans from his voice.

Phil noticed too, and continued. "So you like a little dirty talk, huh? That's what gets you off? Or is it the thought of making me your little slut?"

Jeff didn't answer, couldn't answer. He was too turned on from the thoughts, mouth going incredibly dry.

"Well assuming from your silence, I take it that its all of the above."

Jeff swallowed hard, hands gripping Phil's hips tightly as he panted. "Fuck!"

Phil laughed. "You wanna bend me over this table, fuck me good and hard just to show everyone that I'm yours? Want me to get on my knees, and suck you until you come down my throat, making me swallow every single drop of your sweet taste?"

Damn, Phil had a mouth on him. He really knew how to get Jeff going. He started thrusting up against him uncontrollably. He squeezed Phil's hips. "Let's get out of here." Jeff said suddenly, voice low and rough.

Phil smiled, getting up, and grabbing his belt. He threw it over his shoulder as he started to say. "Sure, just let me go let everyone know I'm leaving…"

Jeff growled, shaking his head as he stood, taking Phil's hand in his. "No. We're leaving now."

Phil shivered at the tone of Jeff's voice. So dominant, and sexy. Something he didn't know the younger Hardy had in him. He nodded his head in agreement and let himself be pulled out of the back of the club by Jeff.

Please do let me know what you think so far. Reviews make me a very happy girl, and they get you the second and final chapter sooner since I'm already done with it.